Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

151K 7K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

1. Dangerous Line of Work
2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
13. Enemy Territory
14. What You Need
15. And Play She Does
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
28. Family Matters
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found
37. Happily Ever After

20. Happy Holidays

3.4K 171 27
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

Yoona had been a lot calmer the second time she had woken up, groaning at the pain coming from every inch of her body. Her eyes had stayed closed, unable to open them from the harsh light coming from what could only be a large window to her right. But the pain in her body, it was almost too much, everything felt heavy and nothing was numb anymore.

"Yoona, hey," Yoona knew that voice, it was familiar. "Don't hurt yourself, be careful."

"Jin..." Yoona croaked.

"Water, I'll get you water." Jin could easily be heard fumbling around the room.

Finally Yoona was able to open her eyes, even just cracking them open a little, she could finally see Jin. He stood to her right, occupying some of the light to allow Yoona to see a little through the crack in her eyes. His large shoulders helped her to see as he came back with a cup of water, leaning over her.

"Let me help you to sit up a little. Don't move too fast, I can help you up." Jin sat the cup next to bed, looking into Yoona's eyes as he grabbed the remote to lift the bed. "Stay still, I'll help you."

Yoona watched as Jin helped her to sit up a little, without moving her too much, stopping a little when Yoona groaned. Apologizing a few times before Jin finally had Yoona at an angle to be able to help her take a few sips from the straw in the cup.

"Slowly." Jin softly spoke as he helped Yoona, before sitting the cup back on the table next to them. "I'll go get the doctor; I'll be right back."

Yoona didn't have to nod or say anything, knowing Jin would be back soon, so instead she opted to look at herself. At least from what she could see, a battered and bruise body lay where her body would be, where her body is. The heaviness across her leg was the cast her own casted hand reached out to touch, her fingertips gazing across the rough feel.

It was impossible for anything but tiredness to be the only thing Yoona truly felt, she wanted to only get a few more hours of sleep. The warm sun that came through the window covered the length of what she could only imagine is a VIP suite in the hospital. It was empty, Yoona was quite confused that her room wasn't full with hybrids and humans alike, her family not around. What confused her most was that Jungkook wasn't here, by her side or even wrapped around her.

"Ah, Miss. Park." Yoona looked away from the window and up to the door where Jin walked in following a doctor. "You're awake."

"Mmm." Yoona tried to nod but only stopped when her head began to ache.

"Oh don't move to harshly, Miss. Park." The doctor rushed forward to stop Yoona from moving, his hands moving to hold Yoona's head steady. "Miss. Park, you've seemed to have been through quite a lot. You've acquired quite a few injuries to different parts of your body, and you will need be in a lot of pain for a while unfortunately."

Yoona watched as the doctor checked over her vitals and charts, making sure everything was in good shape. When he was finished writing on the charts, he finally pocketed his pen and turned back to Yoona, standing in front of her with a soft smile.

"You must be in quite a lot of pain, and I have added some morphine to hopefully help you relax a little." The doctor looked Yoona over one more time. "You're knee is the biggest concern, and it will be a while before it's fully healed. Majority of your cuts and bruises are superficial, but I do recommend that you do not move around too much."

Yoona nodded, swallowing quite hard as she listened to the doctor talking about her body which did hurt. She watched as Jin moved around quickly, pouring more water for her into the same cup on her right side. She could already see that Jin was going to wait on her hand and foot, no matter how much she was against it.

"I will give you some time now, I expect you to be quite tired." The doctor smiled and took his leave, allowing Jin to start to fuss.

"Did you need another blanket? Another pillow?" Jin's worrying only caused Yoona to smile at her best friend.

"Jin, I'm fine." She was lying, she was in pain, her knee hurt, the body ached, but she was just happy to be alive. "So..."

"You want to know about Jungkook?" Jin guessed rather easily, knowing Yoona completely. "He's good. Healthy. Happy. He's been staying with his grandparents."

"That's good." Yoona nodded before something came to her. "How long have I been... here?"

"Um..." Jin looked away for a moment, before sitting down on the chair next to the bed. "You've been asleep for around a week and a half."

"I have?" Yoona's eyes widened, in disbelief. "What's the date?"

"The date, my dear Yoona, is December 24th." Jin smile almost seemed pained, as if he was sad that Yoona seemed to be missing her first Christmas without Jungkook. "It's Christmas Eve."

"I had so much planned for Christmas." Yoona looked past Jin and towards the sun filled window.

"I know you did. But it's okay, he understands." Jin took Yoona's hand, or what he could, into his hand.

"I hate that he always seems to understand." Yoona looked at Jin with a sad smile. "For once I'd like for him to just, not understand."

"As if he could do that." Jin smiled knowing just how much they were in love, but how much Yoona needed this. "You'll just have to live with the fact that Jungkook loves you so much that he'll always understand."

"Uh huh." Yoona smiled at the thought of Jungkook.

"We didn't think it was good to have him, or any of the others here when you woke up again." Jin looked down at the cast on her right hand instead of focusing on Yoona. "The first time you woke up, you didn't have a good reaction to them. Also... after reading your file I figured hybrids around you right now wasn't a good idea."

"It wasn't there fault." Yoona tried to defend them.

"Always the saviour." Jin shook his head with a smile. "I'm guessing they had been forced to go feral?"

"That place... they... they didn't have a choice."

"I know, it's okay." Jin didn't like how upset Yoona was getting.

"You either fight or die in that place." Yoona couldn't help but think about the few hybrids she had encountered at the farm. "I'm sure none of them had a choice. I know I didn't."

"No one blames you for anything that happened." Jin looked up at Yoona, his hands covering Yoona's. "Like you said, you didn't have a choice."

"Jin... I..." Yoona couldn't help the watery damn she'd been holding out, her breath catching in the back of her throat. "I killed a man."

"Shh, it's okay." Jin stood, leaning over Yoona to try and hold her, his heart breaking as he had to watch his sister cry. "It's okay, you had to do what you had to do."

"I..." Yoona hiccupped, which caused her body to twitch in pain. "I felt... him..."

"Shhh" Jin held onto Yoona, sliding into the bed with her to be able to hold her without moving her body.

For a whole hour, as Yoona cried, Jin held her in his arms, sometimes softly whispering to her. Jin could tell that Yoona was constantly reliving the moment an actual life stopped, which had been caused by her own hands. The reality of Yoona's world right now was simple, her hands had spilled blood, and she didn't know how to make it right.

Finally Yoona calmed down enough that Jin thought maybe she had fallen asleep, the steady rise and fall of her chest had become even. Jin allowed himself to settle in next to Yoona, half of his body pushed under Yoona's body to allow his arms to wrap safely around her. He tried everything not to make her uncomfortable, Jin making sure he didn't disturb any of the needles and machines hooked up to making sure Yoona was in good health.

"Do you think..." Yoona's voice frightened Jin for a moment, but the hum in his chest let her know he was listening. "Do you think I can ever be forgiven?"

"There's nothing to be forgiven. You've done nothing wrong, you acted in self-defence." Jin already knew this would be a conversation they would constantly be having.

"Do you think Jungkook will look at me differently?" It was a loaded question that Yoona asked, but she needed to know.

"I don't think you could do anything that would make Jungkook look at you anyway other then completely in love with you." Jin softly spoke with a smile on his lips.

For a while they sat in silence, Jin feeling the exact moment Yoona finally went back to sleep, no doubt the morphine having finally taken the pain to a minimum. Jin laid where he was, too scared to move, he didn't want to cause Yoona any more pain then she already was in. So he stayed where he was, wrapped around Yoona and feeling every breath she took, knowing that she was alive and safe in his arms.

Before Jin drifted off to sleep himself, his phone rang, once, twice, before he answered without looking at the ID; "Hello?"

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Jungkook's voice came through.

"Nah, what's up?" Jin looked down at Yoona, who seemed to be drooling a little on him.

"She sent me a present, or maybe she had it lined up for a while... but..."

"You're allowed to open it." Jin smiled, thinking about the Christmas shopping he and Yoona did in November to set it up for Jungkook. "I know she'd love it if you opened it."

"Is she awake yet?" Jungkook asked the real question he wanted answered.

"She woke up a few hours ago and asked where you were." Jin heard a deep breath being released from Jungkook in relief. "She also knows that she can't handle any contact with other people right now."

"She's smart." Jungkook laughed a little at the thought of Yoona trying to be the patient now. "Is she sleeping now?"

"Yeah, I'll have her maybe call or text tomorrow so you can talk to her a little." Jin offered to Jungkook, who wouldn't say no.

"I'd love that. Thank you for everything, Hyung." Jungkook was interrupted for a moment by a woman calling for him that dinner was ready. "I have to go, my..." Jungkook paused, a foreign word about to leave his mouth. "My mum is calling for me."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Jungkook." Jin smiled into the phone. "Make sure to open your present tonight."

"Goodnight, Hyung." Jungkook allowed Jin to hang up first before he set his phone down on his bedside table that the Astor's, his grandparents, had given to him in his own room in their small house.

"Jungkook, come down please. Your grandparents say dinner is ready." Jungkook heard his mother call for him, no doubt from the bottom of the stairs where she had been calling from every day since she showed up the day, they found Yoona.

Jungkook didn't really know how he felt about his parents being here, he had lived almost 10 years without them and now they were back in his life. He was so happy they were alive and here with him, but he didn't really know to deal with the reality of his parents being here and Yoona not. His life was turned completely on it's head once again, this time returning home, to his family, to his parents.

Jungkook looked at the 3 rather large boxes in his rooms, one sat on his bed, the other two sat on the floor, being too large for the bed. Jungkook didn't really know what to do or say, Yoona had done so much for him in his life since he had met her. And she was still doing so much more for him, even when she had almost died because of him, because he was a Jeon.

"Jungkook," A knock on his door alerted him to his mother. "Are you coming down for dinner?"

"Can you just, give me a minute." Jungkook looked up to his mother who stood in the door, looking exactly as he remembered her.

"Are those from your mate?" She asked, still standing in the door, not wanting to invade his space in case she over stepped.

"Yeah." Jungkook still didn't know how to connect with his parents, how are you supposed to act with long lost parents?

"Did you want to eat first then open them?" His mother offered to Jungkook.

"I want to open them now. Yoona worked hard on these and I want to see what she did." Jungkook nodded towards his mother. "I'll be down after."

"Okay, Try not to take too long."

With a nod from Jungkook, his mother took one last look at her grown son before closing the door. Jungkook looked at the boxes, opting to open the smaller of the three that sat on his bed. Ripping the paper off of the first beautifully wrapped boxes, Jungkook's hands stopped before touching it, he couldn't believe Yoona had remembered. After everything that he had put her through, with all of his family drama and so much more, she still remembered.

The camera Jungkook had showed Yoona in passing one day as he was watching YouTube videos was sitting on his bed. The camera, tripods, and all the odds and ends Jungkook had been learning about when it came to making videos was sitting on his bed. Jungkook knew this stuff was expensive, having told Yoona he was going to figure out a way to earn money to afford these things and yet here they sat.

He could only image what everything else was in the second and third boxes.

Turning to the slightly smaller of the larger boxes, Jungkook didn't waist time in opening it. Another of Jungkook's hobbies sat in the large box, art supplies of all sorts sat in front of him and a small easel. A small note on top of the box in Yoona's handwriting had said there was a much bigger easel at the house in his own studio she had created for him across from her office.

Not truly believing what was happening Jungkook moved the third and final box, not hesitating in opening the box. An entire gaming system was in front of him, a computer of his own, and so many other things he could use to get lost in the gaming world. Yoona had paid so much attention, even getting him headphones that were purple with his name engraved into it, everything personally made and truly expensive. There was never going to be a way for Jungkook to ever pay Yoona back for these, but he planned to try, to love her for the rest of both of their lives. It was truly the only way he could really thank Yoona for everything in his life, for every moment he is able to breath.

Jungkook didn't really know what to do with himself, instead just sitting down on the end of his bed in disbelief. It was obvious Yoona had planned this before anything had happened in their lives before she was taken away. Each present had come with a small note, telling him he could set it up when he wanted, that she had cleared an entire room out for him across from her office. Everything she had said was to give him complete creative freedom on everything at home.


Every time Yoona had called it home, not just her home, but his home too, as in he would always have a place for him. Yoona kept telling Jungkook he would always give him a home; in every small letter she wrote with each present he kept reading that home is both of them. Yoona wanted to create a home with Jungkook, and Jungkook would always know where his home was.

Picking up his phone, Jungkook scrolled to the one name he wanted to call, opting instead to text a message.

Thank you for everything.
I can't wait for you to come home.

I love you.

Merry Christmas.


Hey guys, Happy Holidays!! I hope you all have a great Christmas and stay healthy and eat lots of delicious food! 

This was mostly supposed to be just a one shot or something on the side, but it ended up working and tying into the actual story so I've added it!! I really hope you all enjoy it!! 

Again guy, I hope you are all happy and healthy over the holidays!!

Happy Christmas,

Emmy Rose xx

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