Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

35.1K 1.1K 127

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
43 : Sudden Changes
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime

37 : Confuse

430 17 0
By goldenpup45

"Ugh! Can you please stop devouring each other's mouths for a minute?! And geez, I don't know, maybe help me carry these bags?!" Glaiza groaned, as she walk towards the couple sitting in front of a mini food store while balancing all four huge grocery bags. Looking at the person behind the food stall counter, the short-haired girl gave her an apologetic look as she saw her weird gaze planted on the kissing pair.

I couldn't blame her though, these two were making out for a while now. Can you believe that they couldn't spare a second away from each other's face since I was falling in line to pay up until I was done? Not to mention, there were 2 citizens before me in line! Tsk, I felt bad for the girl. She probably had no customers buying her food since these two are shamelessly sucking each other's face in front of her store.

Brian was the first one to pull away and glance at Glaiza, immediately coming to aid her in placing the heavy bags onto the table. "Sorry, you were taking so long to pay so we found a way to distract ourselves."

Katrina smiled and kiss the guy's cheek. "A very, very good distraction."

Glaiza roll her eyes before buying three huge popcorns as per Julie-Anne said. After that, they hop back onto Jason's very expensive car, which oddly enough, had been offered to them by the owner for their convenience. Soon enough, they reach the Ramos' residence and placed the groceries onto the kitchen counter. Chynna and Lovi began taking out things from the bags and putting them where they belong.

"Hey Julie-Anne, here are the popcorns you'd requested." Glaiza says handing out the Kettle Corn, seeing as though the girl was rummaging for it through the bags.

"Oh, goodie! Can you bring them to Rhian? We're actually gonna share it while we binge-watch Vampire Diaries again, just because we both highly admire Damon Salvatore." Julie-Anne sighed in a dreamy gaze. "Ian Somerhalder is such a hunk man in that series."

At the mention of the rich girl's name, Glaiza froze, contemplating on whether she should comply with what her friend said or just make a random excuse and let Julie-Anne herself bring the snack to Rhian. Thinking that there's nothing to loose, she decided to go with the latter.

Immediately seeing her comfortably sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, Glaiza hesitantly walk towards her.

"I was told to bring this to you." Glaiza announce. Instead of glancing at her like what the short-haired girl expected her to, Rhian eyed the snack and gently retrieve it from her hand before averting her eyes back to the television.

"Thanks." The rich girl replied. Glaiza internally wince at the blank and nonchalant tone in Rhian's voice.

"Do you... still need anything? I could grab you drinks if-"

"Here's the Pepsi you wanted, Rhian." Jason interrupted handing the bottle to the rich girl, who shot him a smile.

"We're good here, Glaiza. If you don't mind, I would like to get back to my show now." Rhian says, her voice void of emotion.

"Uhm... sure." Glaiza hesitantly replied, glancing at her and Jason. The latter merely gave her blank look, but Glaiza swear she saw a tiny smirk curled on the corner of Jason's mouth.

She walk away and went straight to her room, seeing that her service is not needed anymore in the kitchen. Plopping down on the bed, she let out a heavy sigh. She understands why Rhian was giving her the cold treatment. It was something the two of them discussed 2 nights ago.


It was already 7:30 pm by the time Benjamin left, leaving Glaiza to her thoughts. Nothing had shocked her more than Rhian's confession. She could see the fondness and sincerity in her eyes as the rich girl talk about her feelings to her. And she would be lying if she would say she hadn't felt anything for the girl. There's no denying that there's this 'something' between them, and Glaiza wanted to explore what the said 'something' is.

But before she could answer the girl, Benjamin appeared, shaking Glaiza back to reality that she was already taken. She didn't miss the hurt in Rhian's eyes when she walked away, and she badly wanted to follow her but her boyfriend immediately engulfed her again in a hug. They spent the whole afternoon talking, well, Benjamin is. Glaiza just nodded to what he's saying, her thoughts occupied with Rhian and her confession.

Glaiza's thoughts were interrupted when she heard their bedroom door closed. She look up to see the rich girl herself, her puffy eyes meeting Glaiza's orbs for a second before the former casted hers downward.

"I know you're mad and probably disgusted by me, so I'm just here to take a blanket and a pillow and sleep downst-" Rhian mumbled, and started rummaging through the closet, before Glaiza gently grab her hand, turning to face her.

"No, no, I'm not mad nor disgusted. I was just... surprised." Glaiza replied.

There was a silence after that, before Glaiza started talking again. "Look Rhi, what you said earlier-"

"Is the truth, and I just confessed it to someone who's already taken. I know, pretty stupid right?" Rhian chuckled humourlessly, her eyes still trained on the floor. "I've known from the start that there's zero chance of you having mutual feelings for me, and I guess I should've listened to my guts more."

"But Rhi, you're wrong. I have... this... there's... I... there's something, okay? I felt this something... for you... I-I don't know how to explain it... But I don't exactly have feelings for you... I-I mean like there's something... but its not-" Glaiza groaned, frustrated that she couldn't verbalize her thoughts very well.

"Its okay, you don't have to explain anything to me." Rhian says, her eyes conveying the pain she's feeling, which Glaiza realize that her words aren't exactly comforting the rich girl. "The important thing is you're not harboring any anger towards me after I... you know."

Rhian shot her a smile, and although Glaiza wasn't convince that she's okay, she decided to dismiss it, giving her back a hesitant smile. Preparing for her sleep, Glaiza changed into her pj's and tuck herself on the bed. She instantly was confuse when Rhian had a pillow and a blanket on her hand.

"W-What are you doing? Why are you holding that?" Glaiza questioned.

"I think its best for me to distance myself from you for a while. Besides the fact that I don't want to make you uncomfortable, its also to help me forget these feelings for you and get over you quicker." Rhian gave a nervous chuckle, before glancing back at Glaiza. "So, from now on, I'll be sleeping on the couch... Unless of course, you feel uncomfortable with me in the same room with you? 'Cause if that's the case then, I'll just switch rooms-"

"What? No! Rhi, its fine, I'm not uncomfortable. You can stay here." Glaiza cut her off.

Rhian gave her a slight nod before making herself comfortable on the couch. She whispered a short goodnight to the short-haired girl before closing her eyes to sleep, not giving Glaiza the chance to say that she could still sleep in the bed with her.

A minute passed before Glaiza hesitantly lie down on the queen-sized bed and close her eyes, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of not having the warmth of Rhian's sleeping figure by her side.

End of Flashback

And now, Rhian had indeed stick to what she said. She really had distanced herself from Glaiza, which the short-haired girl felt weirded about. She was not used to the short interaction between them. Their once sweet gestures to each other was replaced with awkwardness and the short and rather cold way of how the rich girl talk to her. It was like they were back to square one. The one where they were enemies.

But what really weirded her out is the sudden interaction of Rhian and Jason. Although the guy still kept finding ways to get to the rich girl closer, it seems like Rhian now is giving him the attention he wants. Which is unlikely of her because usually she would just ignore whatever Jason says or do.


After an hour of listening to music and playing her guitar, Glaiza went downstairs, feeling hungry all of a sudden, when she heard loud laughter from the living room. She glance there and slightly frown at the sight. Rhian and Jason are still sitting there, giggling at something from the television.

"Hey, Glaiza." Lovi entered the kitchen and open the refrigerator, geeting herswlf a bottled juice. "What's up?"

"Oh, just making myself a sandwich." Glaiza answered distractedly, her eyes still train on the two persons chuckling. "What are they watching? I thought they're watching Lucifer. And where the hell is Julie-Anne? She was with them earlier."

"They're now re-watching Friends and Julie-Anne went out with Sam and Dennis to skateboard." Lovi answered, before a smirk appeared on her face when she noticed Glaiza's look as she stared at Rhian and Jason.

When Rhian's head toss back again in laughter, she saw Jason not so subtly inching closer to the rich girl and draping an arm on her. Glaiza instantly drop her ready-made sandwich on her plate. "Excuse me for a second."

She walk towards them and stand in front of Rhian. "Hey love, I'm making a sandwich. You want one?"

"Uh, no thanks. I'm good." Rhian answers, cocking her head to the side, to watch her show. Her face now closer to Jason's, who just gave the rich girl's side profile a smile and smirk to Glaiza.

Not wanting to give up easily, Glaiza then sat on Rhian's lap, putting her arms on her shoulders, and purposely pushing away Jason's arm away from the rich girl. "How about chocolates? KitKat? Maltese? Perhaps, Ferrero?"

"Yeah, Rhian. Do you want any of the chocolates I bought for you?" Jasons asks, smirking at Glaiza in reminder that he was the one who bought the rich girl all of those sweets. The short-haired girl only roll her eyes in response.

"No, I'm good. We filled up on 3 large chips earlier, so I'm full." Rhian replied, giving a hesitating glance at her fake girlfriend's current position, before turning back at the television.

"Well then, can you come with me? There's actually something I want to show you." Glaiza pushed.

"Can you show it to me later? I'm still watching-"

"This will be quick, I promise." Glaiza interrupted, getting off her lap, and tugging Rhian's wrist.

The rich girl had no choice but to get up and shot Jason an apologetic look before she was dragged upstairs by her fake girlfriend.

In truth, Glaiza lied, there was nothing she want to show Rhian, instead, she wanted to confront her about something that has been bugging her these past 2 days.

"Alright, what is it you wanted to show-"

"What exactly are you doing, Rhi?" Glaiza says.

"Beg your pardon?" Rhian furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"With Jason. Ever since your confession, you're suddenly entertaining him and hanging out with him. Last time I check, he's your fiancè who you loathe so much."

"Well, he's not really that bad as I've thought him to be. Turns out we both have a lot in common. We love thriller movies, has same strong opinions on Euthanasia, and we both despises neon colors. Cool, right?" Rhian explains.

"Rhian..." Glaiza shook her head. "No, it most definitely is not cool. Its the last week of April and your wedding is on June. We only have a month to think of another plan to break off this marriage or maybe be able to at least convince your parents, especially your father, to side with you on calling off the marriage... Unless of course, you changed your mind and want to be wed to that dickhead?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course not!"

"Then why the hell are you mingling, or even talking to Jason?"

Rhian glance at the floor for a second, fumbling with her fingers, before gazing back at Glaiza. "I figured that if I could get close to him, I could capture his attention and trust. Then, I'll pull off a reverse psychology technique on him, and maybe then he'd pity me, enough to call off the marriage himself."

"Woah, woah, wait. Okay, let me get this straight, your plan is to act friendly with Jason so that when he's comfortable around you, you'll use reverse psychology on him to be able to convince him to forget about the marriage?" Rhian nodded in response to which Glaiza gave her an incredulous look. "That doesn't even make sense! You can never guarantee that reverse psychology will work. You know that technique does not work everytime and has a low chance of success. So this plan of yours is very risky, Rhian."

"It will work, okay? I'll make it work, I promise. Just... trust me on this, alright?" Rhian insisted. When Glaiza gave no reply but instead, gave her a still confuse look, the rich girl began walking towards the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have a show to watch."

Shaking back her confusion, she follow the rich girl outside, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw Rhian herself already seated beside her fiancè, shooting him a smile before the two continued on watching their show.

Glaiza scoffed at this, finding Rhian's plan preposterous. Somehow, she didn't know why she felt as if the rich girl's motive is not entirely because of cancelling the arranged marriage. She felt that there was something more, and she have an inkling as to what it is. She just hope that it was not the case, and that she's wrong.

She immediately shook her thoughts away before going back to the room. Lying down on her bed, she felt a mild throbbing of her head. Her hand came in contact with her right temple and began massaging it.

I should stop thinking about Rhian's plan. Its giving me headaches and confusing me more and more.

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