In Anthoer Life *Wicth Book 2*

By marvelgirlfan

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This is book two of bewitched. Like always I don't own anything in here. Must read Bewicthed first! Blossom c... More

chapter 1 : blossom, I love you
chapter 2 : kitty kitty
chapter 3 : wicth no more
chapter 4 : past Halloweens
chapter 5 : little red wonderland
chapter 6 : Sabrina
chapter 7 : sisters?
chapter 9 : mrioir cruse
chapter 8 : witch's giving
chapter 10 : not this time!
chapter 11 : girlfriend
chapter 13 : dreams are true!
chapter 14 : moving on
chapter 12 : my master
chapter 15: lies
chapter 17 : a blood white dress
chapter 18 : mommy?
chapter 19 : her love is the same
epilogue : burn the witch!
a wish is a dream the mind makes

chapter 16 : home coming!

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By marvelgirlfan

Told form sucy's point of view

" at happens if she didn't get an invtion to my wedding?" Mairette paced the floor, wondering where blossom was for all these years. We're eighteen now and blossom has been gone for like one or two years. I hope she's alive and alright. " she won't let anything stop her form seeing you on your lucky day" i resured her. " how do you know that?" She asked. " twin sister guts" I answred.

" girls, tea is done!" Yui called form the kciten. " coming, yui" we walked to the kciten.

I just got back form visiting Angela and now I'm going to wait for sucy, mairette, and yui on the couch *blossom p.o.v*. Sucy walked out with a teacup in her hands. Her jaw droped and she even droped the tea cup. " what isn't this my house?" I laughed. " girls! Guess who's back!" Sicy shouted.

" blossom!" Mairette and yui ran out of the kicten. They both jumped on me, making the couch tip over. " blossom, you crimped your hair!" Yui noticed. " well i need to change my style for one day. And mairette i notice that you cut your hiar" I saw mairete's hair was down. " actullay I never cutter it, it just looks this way when it's out of pigtails" she corccted. " well it looks good" I smiled. " thanks" she smiled.

" girls, get off my sister so I can hug her and fix the couch" sucy said. " how have things been since I lefted?" We both hugged. " just wonderful" she answred. " yeah when me and adiren got to our new house, we found ayato in adiren's blanket box" mairette said. " then he lived with them for all these years and I lived with sucy" yui said. " well i hope you have room for one more" I smiled. " you really mean it?" Yui asked.

" yes. My days of learning new spells are over" I answred. " awesome! You get to be here for my wedding!" Mairette smiled. " indeed i will" I said. " but why did it take four years to learn maigc?" Sucy asked. " well agter I found the dust wicth and passed a test, she sended me on my way aorund the other relam. I went to all the places that had something about maigc. But some people who wanted me dead found me and so I had to spend a week or longer in hiding" I explined. " so what was your faviotre place to vist?" She asked.

" I have to say the dream relam because I could see into people's dreams and I found out things funny about our enemies. Now what will we do?" I answred. " well, it's a good thing I have a list of things we can do when you come back" mairette pulled out a long list. " i thought my twin sis had a thing for list" sucy said. " let's see. Oh how about we go see a moive" sussgted mairete. " their closed" yui pointed out. " you know i haven't even tasted wine since i truned eighteen" i smriked.

" blossom, no" sucy said. " don't rain on my party, sucy!" Everyone laughed, but me.

" so there's a new wicth?" I asked * brick p.o.v*. I've spent four years living with lukca after blossom left. And he trained me to become a wicth destroyer again. " yes, the cherry wicth. Some think she's the most powerful one. So you kill her" lukca ordred me. " whatever" I rolled my eyes. " good. She's in new Townsville. So have fun getting your hands dirty" he smriked.

Maybe i shouod check if blosom is even back yet. Since i'm in new Townsville. I was waiting on the forunt door step for about five mintues, when someone opened the door. Blossom opned the door. I think so, i mean i think I would recognize those cotten candy pink eyes anywhere becuase they have been yelling at me for one whole year! " hey bloss, long time no see" I said. She just slammed the door in my face.

" yeah nothing has chaged".

" who was at the door?" Mairette asked *blossom p.o.v*. " just so person selling cheep beuaty products" I sighed. " is that your wedding dress?" I gasped. " yeah, it was my mother's" mairette smiled. " you know, i always wondered why mortal brides wore thier mother's wedding dress for thier wedding" sucy said.

" maybe they don't want to spend a bunch of money on a new dress when tradition is so much better" mairette said. " then, me and bloss can but ya like a fish?" Sucy smirked. " maybe some traditions are lame and unsafe" mairette laughed neroivlsy. " sucy was just joking, mair" I told her. " do you want me to do anything for the wedding?" I asked. " you can just sit down and relax after visiting all those places and meeting new peoppe" mairette said, in a baby vioce.

" but I'm fine" I said. " really?" Sucy asked. " yes, why wouldn't I be okay? I mean i am home and not dead" i asked. " oh we just thought, that you were tried of being on your feet and meeting new people" mairette sighed. " you think I don't like people other than my friends and family?" I snapped. " well, rember that day at the fair, you almost killed a guy" sucy sighed. " well he punched me!" I shouted. I got " really!?" looks form both mairette and sucy.

" I mean he still can pee, but not reproduce" I played with a stand of my hair.  " what about that time that you literary almost broke a girl's neck?" Mairette asked. " she needed to be thought a lesson" I defended myself. " you almost burned down a whole hotel just because boys kept asking you out" sucy rolled her eyes. " my evil side came out" I sighed.

Slince fell, then it toruned to laughter. " imagine what brick would say if he heard that!" Mairette laughed. " probably something dumb!" I giggled. " like?" Sucy asked. " you are always evil!" Mairette said in a dumb vioce. " I can totally see it!" Sucy and i laughed. Me, sucy, and mairette were laughing so hard, that we didn't hear the door bell ring.

" girls, looomwho it is. Brick's here" yui smiled. " now we mush" I told sucy and mair. We rushed up to my old room and locked the door. As soon ss we heard someone come up thr stairs, we hind in the closet. " wait, i have a big dress!" Mairette said. " change with magic" sucy said. Mairette chagned back int her nomal choltes, then we all hid in the closet. I tranformed into a cat and hid in the bag on the hanger.

As soon as brick opened the door, i hid down in the bag more. " found you two, now where is your evil leader?" Brick asked. " ahe got voted to be in the 100th hunger games" sucy lied. " I know the hunger games are over. I'm not that dumb" he snapped. " fine, but I think blossom went into the other relam" sucy said. " oh yeah, i think she wanted to get some more frosting for me and adrien's wedding cake" mairette smiled. " you two love birds are getting marirred, it's a same I never got an invitation" brick sighed.

" you didn't? Well adrien was going to ask someone" sucy said. " yeah, he was going to mail something out to blossom and then never did" mairette said. " that fool!" Sucy and mairette shouted. " he picked bloss to mail the inventions!". Sometimes I lose hope in some blondes. " well, am I even invited?" Brick asked.

Please say no. I beg you! " yes".


" great and tell, bloss that she's going to save a dance with me no madder what" brick said, before he went out. Mair was worng, so traditions aren't lame or unsafe! " I'll make sure she knows" mairette smiled. " and I'll make sure the carma is ready" sucy giggled. " nd I'll make sure she has no weapons!" Yui popped in just to say that. " there is no pritvice is this house" brick walked out.

" and I'll make sure she has a knife".

It was the day of mairette and adiren's happy day, but the bride and the third bride's maid could be more happy. " why do you have a kinfe?" Mairette yelled at me. " I can't tell you" was all i could say. " and why not?" She snapped. " I just don't want anyone to ruin your day or any witch's life" i sighed. " so you're going to kill brick?" Mairette shouted. " he wouldn't be dead today if he didn't come to this witch's life" I said. " just because you're hurting over him now, doesn't mean you'll be broken hearted forever" mairette said.

" I can't and will never love a witch distosryer who is trying to kill me!".             


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