The X in Skye

By MeganTaylor24

215K 4.6K 765

Skye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a... More

Not my type of job
Power over Chinos
You'll find out
Care to explain?
The invitation
Girls night out!
Girls night out II
Not a movie
Pat me down
Midnight Skye
It's complicated
Boot camp
A win to a lose
Five Bs
Hidden information
That's why I'm called X
The Lions den!
Strobes to strike
Gossip and gowns
The Red men
Waltz of rescue
You feel it too!
Say your goodbyes!
Smoking rage!
There is no WE!
Good to be back
So it begins...
He's the fix to her addiction
The walk in aftermath
Not a sweetheart
Splash of romance
You want in?
The Theatre
A Red Christmas
Slashes for Slashes
Bloody fury
Twisted psychology
The chase
Bright lights
Too soon?
Betrayal of the highest degree
His return
Make up
His letter
Black out
Tips and Tricks
The phone call
Gasoline to fire
Valuable lessons
Forever X
Thank you

Taste of normality

2.2K 57 9
By MeganTaylor24

Skye's POV

The last few days have definitely been odd but that was mainly due to the feud between Grayson and Baxter dissolving. Seems like the mutual hatred towards Tyler bonded them together, not what I imagined but I'm not going to complain. They claim they only 'dislike' him but I know they will only tolerate him until we stop the fire operation.

Miss. Valerie's studio was reported as a very quick gas leak that took a turn for the worse. Of course, we knew the truth but it's dangerous putting the actual cause to the public, especially with our involvement.

"What are our plans tonight?" Grayson asks sneaking up on me while I'm in my locker, jack ass.

I glare at his smug face "Nothing if you keep pulling that" he wears a pout and puppy dog eyes. "What do you want?"

"You, me. Date"

It goes against all my beliefs about romance being stupid but maybe it's because I've never been asked on an actual date, that probably explains the slight excitement in my stomach.

"Fine, but there better be food and keep the cringe to the minimum" his smile was a perfect sight.

He pulls me closer kissing me tenderly, so much for no public affection, it's not as bad as I thought it would be though. My phone starts buzzing, the last time I took a call like this it wasn't the finest hour.

I reach for it and dread hits me harder than before.

'Talk to me brother'

I could practically hear his eye roll over the phone.

'I need to speak to you after you leave the hell of education'

I smirk finding his hatred of normality funny 'No can do, I have a date' I wink at Grayson, I spot the slight blush he had

'Too bad it's not a choice'

I groan but agree.

'Oh, and by the way. If you're going to get Taylor to tap the security cameras at school at least make it subtle'

'Very observant but we had to make sure you weren't going to kill precious Tyler'

'I'm sure he'll appreciate the concern'

I hang up the phone after he told me he wasn't joking about it being an option. It can be such an ass and a mysterious one at that, it better be worth my time.

Grayson looked deflated "Is this the part where you blow me off?"

"Nope. He'll just have to wait. What is he going to do, kill me?" he laughs, glad his own secret plan was still going ahead.

"How'd you know Taylor was controlling the cameras?"

"Simple" I point towards the one looking at us "It's never that direct, they tried to be discreet and angle it slightly but I can notice it" I shifted slightly to the next one "It's aimed a bit too far to the right making it just above"

"Tyler's locker" Grayson finishes. They forget I notice fine details and I've seen this happen before.

"Want to mess with them?"

He smirks at my devious idea and nods. I pull him in to which he complies suddenly but smooth. Feeling his lips on mine is all I needed, the one thing nobody else has and just what I need, constantly if I could.

My phone buzzes again, I pull it out and open the text. I laugh showing it to Grayson

'Tell lover boy to get off my sister before I shoot him'

He chuckles "You'll get me killed one day Skye Red"

"All part of the fun"


Secretly catching glances of Grayson has become a pleasant habit of mine but when he catches me he wears a stupid smug grin. It's not as if he doesn't do it either.

I only gave Brooke vague description of the date since I didn't know a lot myself which was crushing me on the inside, I'm pretty sure he knew that too. I promised her details, she is heavily invested in our relationship, some may say sweet others say third wheel.

"My lady" Grayson says while opening the car door.

I narrowed my eyes "I have hands you know"

"I'm very much aware beautiful but if you wouldn't mind just get in the damn car" his smile didn't shift.

I roll my eyes but comply with his wishes. I spot Brooke leaving walking to her car, she sees me and puckers her lips, I quickly flip her off to which she giggles. These people really test my tolerance.

No matter how many times I asked and threatened to jump out the car Grayson wouldn't tell me where we were going, I'm not used to not being in control.

"A beach? You brought me to a beach?" confusion was luring over me

"Very observant" I smack him, his newly formed sarcasm is only funny when it's not at me. He parked the car and looks at me "Don't give me that look. Hardly anyone comes here, I thought since we never get time alone somewhere quiet would be a change"

In retrospect he's right.

The sound of the waves crashing and the quiet sound of the light wind made me relax more than I thought was possible.

"I always wonder what you think about" Grayson says breaking the comfortable silence we had created

I turn to look at him beside me "Trust me you really don't want to know" he chuckles but I can sense something is bothering him.

"How do you do it Skye?"

"I'm going to need more context handsome" he smiles at his name but I knew there was no way he was going to let me dodge his loaded question.

"Deal with all you deal with and still manage to act like life is so simple"

I take a deep breath and move my eyes to the water "Nobody's life is simple, everyone has a story, some worse than others but this world isn't a fairy tale. I knew what I was walking into when I was younger and I wouldn't change it. I have the power to protect the people I love. I don't have the time to sit and be sad about all the things that go wrong, I have to be strong it isn't a choice it's reality" I have never said those words out loud, probably because nobody has ever asked me, I'm used to being okay at this point.

He pulls me closer, I rest my head on his shoulder. I hadn't had this comfort in what feels like forever

"Even the strongest people break, you never need to hide your emotions from me"

I glare at him rolling my eyes "I said no cringy stuff"

"Let me have my moment. I know I've been far from mature with Baxter but I'm learning he's not so bad I think he's respecting me more since he knows we're together. We both agree Tyler is a massive tool but we may as well test his knowledge since you're giving him a shot"

"Believe me I wouldn't accept his help lightly but they took my favourite place in the world, they aren't going to do more damage. And that Grayson Riley is why I'm strong. Anger and determination beats my sadness"

"Plus looking into the eyes of a man who got his ass kicked by a girl makes my heart somewhat warm"

I felt the vibration of his laugh. He places a kiss on the top of my head and whispers "You're one of a kind"

After an hour I said it was time to go but Grayson insisted on one more stop, I couldn't say no to his guilt tripping eyes. Out of all the places he took me to an arcade. This is proof for every time I've called him a child.

I have to admit it was really fun. I haven't been to an arcade since I was six. Naturally the shooting and driving games attracted us, he beat me on a couple which he wouldn't let go but I'll let him have his glory since he doesn't get it very often.

A part of me didn't want to return to reality. This is what normal teenagers do, go on dates, play games and have ordinary fun. However, I wouldn't of met Grayson without doing what we do. I now realise he wanted to give me some sort of normality, that's why he was so excited.

We pulled up to the restaurant in the smaller side of town. Vanessa used to work here, she is considered family here which was passed down. Nick the owner is always delightful.

"What's up Ass?" I tutted quickly "My bad, I meant Axel"

He narrowed his eyes scowling me from his seat "Cute" I smirk "Now sit" I solute dramatically and slide into the booth.

Vanessa and Grayson found it entertaining. If Axel didn't want me to be the sarcastic human I am today he should of kept me away from him, Blake and Mia. That's his mistake.

"Why are we here exactly?"

He clears his voice and crossing his hands resting on the table "While you two were out being all romantic I was digging"

I roll my eyes but grin "I hope you didn't strain too hard, I know you're getting old"

"We're six years a part so that's just rude" I could sense his smile even though he didn't show it I know he found it funny "I meant metaphorically. You know Lorenzo better than any of us but I know Arthur Mace better than you"

Axel makes it clear about being the older sibling on a regular basis, it used to annoy me then I realised it was mainly to protect me. He always tries to protect me, he'd sacrifice himself before me. Sometimes it's annoying but he's right, he's had more experience with Tyler's Dad than me.

"You have a point but, nobody knows him better than Tyler. He could be the key to stop this as annoying as that it. I'll call Tyler tomorrow and we make a plan from there"

He nods in agreement. He knows better than anyone these things aren't simple.

"Nobody comes close to when the Red siblings plot together" Vanessa says to Grayson. She notices our silence "Now, I'm hungry so let's order" a chorus of chuckles came from our booth.

"Brooke is so going to kill me if she finds out we went on a kind of double date and it wasn't with her" I tell Grayson quietly while Vanessa orders

He brushes strands of my hair behind my ear "Call it bonding time, besides, what she doesn't know won't kill her or you" feeling his warm breath on my neck makes me shudder slightly, I really wish we weren't in public right now because this would have been the perfect time to make a move. I was starting to get inpatient when all I want is him, he's beginning to become a craving. He lightly leaves a kiss on my neck before turning to order his food. Like I said before, I was become inpatient. I just hope he is too.

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