The Prince of Egypt:The Long...

By Crazykat100

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What if Moses wasn't alone when he left egypt. what if the story you thought you knew was missing something... More

Prologue: Cry for Freedom
Chapter 1 : The Lullaby from long ago
Chapter 2 : Out There
Chapter 3 : Before The Festival
Chapter 4 : The King of Fools
Chapter 5: Torture and Torment
Chapter 6: God Help The Outcasts
Chapter 7:Frollo's Decent into Hellfire
Chapter :8 The search for Miriam
Chapter 10: Sanctuary
Chapter :11 What Makes Monster and What man
Chapter 12: The Truth About the Past
Chapter 13: The trip Into Egypt
Chapter 14: The Pharaoh
Chapter 15: Prisoner
Chapter 16: Moses
Chapter 17:Reunion
Chapter 18: Flight From Egypt
Chapter 19: Through Heaven Eyes
Chapter 20: God Speaks To Asher and Moses
Chapter 21: Rameses
Chapter 22: The Plagues
Chapter 23: Death Of the First Born
Chapter 24: When You Believe
Chapter 25:Many, Many Years Later

Chapter 9: Finding The Court of Miracles

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By Crazykat100

"Frollo's coming." "You must leave." He said startling the gypsies into fleeing. "Quick, follow me. Go down the south tower steps." Esmeralda stopped in front of him. "Be careful, my friend. Promise you won't let anything happen to him."

"I promise," He said with a smile. "Thank you." "Be carful little brother" Miriam said. I will now go. He motioned. She fled and he looked around for somewhere to hide the body.

He finally hid the captain underneath the table where his model of Paris stood. Just in time to as frollo entered the loft. " Oh, Master, I-I didn't think you'd be coming." He stuttered. "I am never too busy to share a meal with you, dear boy." "I brought a little treat."

Quasimodo sits across from him but frollo clears his throat and Quasimodo realizes he forgot to set the table. He rushes to grab the dishes from a nearby shelf accidently knocking over and breaking a few in the process. He returns with the two plates, a wooden one for him and one made of silver for his master.

"Is there something troubling you, Quasimodo?" Frollo says nonchalantly. No! Quasimodo says. Oh, but there is. "I know there is." He says winking at him as if he knew a secret that he was hiding. Surprised and nervous Quasimodo accidently drops a grape on the ground and slowly reached for it.

"I think you're hiding something," Frollo said raising an eyebrow at him. No, Master. I... There's nothing...You're not eating, boy. He quickly gobbles down a handful of grapes. "It's very good. Thank you." He hears the sound of Phoebus groaning under the table. To shut him up Quasimodo kicks him in the head knocking him out cold.

He pretends to cough to cover up the sound. "Seeds" He said motioning to the grapes, but Frollo doesn't buy it. "What's different in here?" Nothing. Sir. That's when Frollo notices the carving of Miriam and picks it up.

"Isn't this one new?" It's awfully good. "It looks very much like the gypsy girl." He says calmly then his voice grows louder. "I know you helped her ESCAPE!" "And now all Paris is burning because of you!" "She was kind to me, Master."

 She....She said- said what? That she cared about you! She said she was my sister, the boy muttered. YOU IDIOT! Frollo roared how could you believe anything that witch says, She's a gypsy! "Gypsies are not capable of real love!"

"Think boy!" "Think of your mother!" The judge regained his composure and slowly stood up releasing Quasimodo from his death like grip.

"But what chance could a poor, misshapen child like you have against her heathen treachery?" "Well, never you mind, Quasimodo." "She'll be out of our lives soon enough." Frollo said burning the carving of Miriam. "I will free you from her evil spell." 

"She will torment you no longer." "What do you mean?" "I know where her hideout is and tomorrow at dawn, I attack with 1 ,000 men." Frollo walked down the stair turning back to look at the boy a smug grin on his face. Quasimodo stared at the place where his master had stood in shock.

Suddenly Phoebus emerged from underneath the table. "We have to find the court of miracles before daybreak." "If Frollo gets there first...Are you coming with me?" Quasimodo turned away from him. I can't. He said sadly. I thought Miriam was your sister? Do you want her to die?! No of course not! But Frollo's my Master. "I can't disobey him again."

"She stood up for you. You've got a funny way of showing gratitude." Quasimodo said nothing keeping his back turned to him. "Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch Frollo massacre innocent people." "You do what you think is right."

Quasimodo thought about what Phoebus said. What am I thinking?! "I mean What am I supposed to do?" "Go out there and rescue my sister from the jaws of death, and the whole town will cheer like I'm some kind of a hero? He sighed thinking deeply about all he'd been taught growing up.

"Frollo was right." Frollo was right about everything and I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not. He thought about for a while mulled it over in his mind. Then he remembered the first time he met Miriam. Tears slid down his face. I can't let her die! I wont. He threw on a cloak and climbed down the side of the cathedral.

Meanwhile Phoebus was leaving the church when Quasimodo appeared in front of him. Phoebus! Phoebus gave a surprised and startled yell. "I'm coming with you!" "Glad you changed your mind." "I'm not doing it for you." "I'm doing it for my sister."

"You know where she is?" "No, but she said that this will help us find her." Good, good, good. Great. "What is it?" I'm not sure. Phoebus took the amulet from him. "It must be some sort of code." "Maybe it's Arabic. No, no. It's not Arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek."

Quasimodo rolled his eyes "Its neither of those things there's not even any writing!" He shook his head, disappointed. Then he remembered what his sister said. "When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand." He whispered. -What? Said Phoebus confused. It's the city.

"What are you talking about?" "It's a map." See, here's the cathedral and the river,and this little stone must be...I've never seen a map that looks like...Look I've lived in the bell tower for 20 years., and I think I know what the city looks like from above. This is it. This is not it. They both finished there argument at the same time.

"All right. Okay." "If you say it's a map, fine. It's a map, but if we're going to find the court of Miracles we have to work together. Truce? Well, okay, he said patting the captain hard on the back. Phoebus winced in pain. "Sorry," Quasimodo said. "No your not."

They walked for hours until they finally made it to the Cemetery. They where standing in front of an old crypt. "This looks like the symbol on the map." Said Phoebus. "But what does it mean?" Quasimodo asked.

"I'm not sure. I can make out an inscription, but it's going to take a few minutes to translate it." Quasimodo lifted the lid of the crypt revealing stairs that led down into the dark. Yes, well, or we could just go down those stairs.

They walked down the stairs and underground into a wide tunnel lined with bones. "Is this the court of miracles?" Quasimodo asked. "Offhand, I'd say it's the court of ankle-deep sewage." Said Phoebus making a joke. "Must be the old catacombs."

Quasimodo looked around nervously at the skeletons that lined the walls. "Cheerful place." Said Phoebus with a nervous laugh. "Kinda makes ya wish ya got out more often, eh, Quasi?" "Not me. I just want to warn Esmeralda and get back to the bell tower before I get in more trouble."

"Speaking of trouble, we should have run into some by now." He said nervously. "What do you mean?" "You know. A guard. A booby trap." Suddenly the torch went out. Or an ambush. Suddenly the cavern was lit up by the light of torches carried by men dressed as skeletons. The men grabbed them and forced them to the ground.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" Came the voice of a familiar gypsy king. Trespassers! One romani man said. Spies! Said another. "We're not spies," Said Phoebus. "You've got to listen..." But before quasi could finish that sentence he and Phoebus where gagged.

"Don't interrupt me." "You're very clever to have found our hideaway." "Unfortunately, you won't live to tell the tale." He said lighting some torches. Then he and the other roma began to sing.

"Maybe you've heard of a terrible place"

"Where the scoundrels of Paris collect in a lair"

"Maybe you've heard of that mythical place called the court of miracles"

"Hello, you're there."

"Where the lame can walk, and the blind can see"

"But the dead don't talk" Clopan said decapitating some skeletons

"So you won't be around to reveal what you found" He sang as Quasimodo and Phoebus were tied up and cared away.

"We have a method for spies and intruders"

"Rather like hornets protecting their hive"

"Here in the court of miracles where it's a miracle if you get out alive" The two men where led into an underground city filled with wagons and romani people. The walls covered in colorful tapestries.

"Gather around, everybody. There's "good noose" tonight." Clopan said making a joke. "It's a doubleheader," he said making another joke. "A couple of Frollo's spies." The roma booed. "Not just any spies." "His captain of the guard and his loyal, bell-ringing henchman." He said as he began to sing again.

"Justice is swift in the court of miracles"

"l am the lawyers and judge all in one"

"We like to get the trial over with quickly because it's the sentence that's really the fun"Any last words? He asked mockingly. The men tried to answer but their voices where muffled cause of the gags in their mouths. That's what they all say.

"Now that we've seen all the evidence"

"Wait, l object" Said his puppet popping out from nowhere. Overruled. I object. Quiet! He shouted at the puppet. Dang.

"We find you totally innocent"

"Which is the worst crime of all"

"So you're going to hang"

Stop! Coming out of the crowd was Miriam. "These men aren't spies.

They're our friends." Why didn't they say so? "We did say so." This is the soldier who saved the miller's family, and Quasimodo helped Miriam escape the cathedral." Miriam nodded. "Yes, plus he's my brother!" Clopan how could you! I... Phoebus interrupted him.

"We came to warn you. Frollo's coming!" "He says he knows where you're hiding, and he's attacking at dawn with 1 ,000 men." "Then let's waste no time." "We must leave immediately." Quasimodo climbed down the ladder Miriam helped him down.

"You took a terrible risk coming here." "It may not exactly show, but we're grateful." Phoebus turned to look at Quasimodo. "Don't thank me. Thank Quasimodo. Without his help, I would never have found my way here." "Nor would I" Came the voice of Frollo. With dread they realized that they had been followed.

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