Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

274K 5.5K 6.5K

Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
19. Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

18. The Argument

3.5K 68 121
By LaineWeasley

I walked up to a familiar door and knocked on it, "come in." It was McGonagall, I open the door and walk into her office.

"Morning, professor." I tell her as I close the door behind me.

"Good morning, y/n, you said had to speak to me urgently?" She asks as I sit down in front of her desk.

"Yes, so during the Christmas holidays my parents and I, well more my mother and I had a massive argument which then lead to us having a fight." I tell her and she looks at me in surprise.

"So I was kicked out by my family and disowned so I now live with the Weasleys, I spoke to Molly and she said it was fine if I change all details that have my parents names to theirs, so like emergency contact and things like that." I tell her she looks worried.

"Yes of course I can do that, are you okay do I need to speak to anyone about it?" She asks me.

"I'm fine," I told her I really wasn't, "and I don't think most people know the whole story apart from a few." I tell her.

"Well as your head of house, I need to make sure you are okay," she tells me and gives a sympathetic smile, "is there anything else I can help you with?" She asks.

"Not today" I say smilingly at her.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." She tells and I go to walk out of the office.

"Oh y/n wait, let me write a note for..." she says .

"Lupin." I tell her as I walk back into the room as she wrote the note then hands it to me.

"Thank you professor." I say walking out of her office.

I walk down the corridor to defence against the dark arts and walk into the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late professor," I tell him as I walk to the front of the class and hand him a note.

"Thank you" he says, as I take me seat next to Fred and his hand automatically goes straight to my thigh.

- - - -

We finish DADA and go to potions and I fill my friends in with what happened with McGonagall. Fred seems more worried about me than usual, more protective of me.

- - - -

The school day finished and we was chilling in the common room before we had to go to quidditch. I was reading a book and leaning on Fred. "Y/n?"

"Yes Fred?" I reply looking up at him.

"Are you sure you are okay, because ever since everything with your parents you seem, not like yourself." He says, he did look concerned.

"I'm fine Fred" I snap at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Fred I am." I snapped again hoping he would leave it before we get into an argument which I didn't want, but constantly being asked if you are okay is annoying.

"You aren't though y/n, I can tell." He says and I stand up and put my book down.

"I said I'm fine Fred now drop it!" I said a little bit louder making other students turn around and look at me.

"No you aren't!" He shouts back.

"I am Fred stop going on at me!" I shout back at him.

"You need to talk to someone y/n because if you keep bottling your feelings up it's not going to end well!" He then shouts at me.

Maybe he was right but was I going to admit it to him? No.

"No I won't stop thinking there is something wrong when there isn't and what do you mean talk to someone?" I ask him the whole common room was standing there staring at the two of us.

"I just mean that talking to someone might make you feel better." He says.

"Are you saying there is something wrong with?" I shout back at him

"I'm not saying that!"

"Then what are you saying Fred?" He goes to answer but I stop him.

"Do you know what, if you think it's that bad then maybe you should consider our relationship." I say as I walk out of the common room, seeing my friends on the way out feeling the hot tears start to stream down my face.

"Y/n!" Melody shouts after me and I carrying on walking to quidditch practice ignoring her as the tears fell down my face harder.

"Y/n Avery do not ignore me!" Melody shouted at me as I carried on walking faster.

"Can we talk after quidditch practice?" I ask her.

"Fine, I'm not going to argue with you" she tells me and walks the other way.

I walk into the changing rooms and start sobbing even more, no one else was there as quidditch practice didn't start for another 45 minutes. I start getting into my quidditch robes whilst I'm crying when I hear a voice behind me.

"Y/n are you okay?" Oliver asked me and I turned around.

"Yeah, dandy." I tell him as I tie my hair up still crying.

"No you aren't want to talk about it?" He asks and I nod my head.

I tell Oliver all the events that had happened in the last month and he seemed really shocked at it all. I eventually stop crying and Oliver and myself walk out onto the quidditch pitch.

"Look y/n I never say this to anyone but I can trust you enough to say you don't have to practice tonight." He tells me.

"I'll be fine." I tell him.

"If you say so, it's only a one time offer." He says laughing.

"It's fine it will keep me distracted." I tell him as I mount my broom and start flying round, as we waited for other team mates to arrive.

Once I see that they were all starting to arrive I landed gracefully on the floor, I was hoping that I wouldn't need to talk to Fred right now or any of my friends for that matter.

We were waiting for Fred and George to come out, they always took ages. They walked out and Fred looked as upset as I did.

"Right team our next game is against Slytherin we need to..." I zoned out for what felt like seconds but was clearly minutes.

"Y/n?" Oliver nudged me.

"Yeah" I  replied.

"You going to practice?" He asked me

"Yes." I mount my broom and start practicing, I could see Fred and George taking but I wasn't paying much attention to them.

Quidditch practice went quickly even if no one was really talking, which I think Oliver enjoyed. I walked to the changing rooms and got in there before everyone else so I could be quick and get to my dorm to have a shower. The room was sat in an always silence apart from Fred and George whispering to each other.

"Just talk to her" George whispered.

"No, she has made her feelings clear." As he said that, I slammed my locker shut and walked out of the room.

"Y/n!" George shouted for me.

I didn't turn back I just went to my dorm and had a shower, which was about 40 minutes long because I was crying so much.

Melody's POV:

I walked into the dorm I share with the other girls and hear the shower running with soft sobs coming from y/n, right I'm going to talk to Fred.

I walk down the stairs into the common room and see Fred.

"Weasley!" I shouted, and to my surprise I see Fred, George, Ron and Ginny all turn their head in my direction.

"What did you say to her? She is up there crying because of you!" Fred's face darkened.

"What have you done Fred?" Ron asked.

"None of your business" Fred said to his brother.

"I'm going to talk to her." Fred said standing up.

"You kind of can't." I tell him.

"Why not?" He asks looking angry at me.

"Because she's in the shower" I told him.

"I'll go and wait for her then." Fred says as he walks walks up to the dorm the girls and I share and I sit outside waiting.

Readers POV:

I got out of the shower, put my pyjamas on as I plan to go to sleep after having the shower I wasn't going for dinner tonight as I'm not hungry.

My face is red and blotchy from the crying my eyes are still puffy from all the tears, I love Fred I really do I just don't need him on my back all the time about everything.

I use a simple drying spell on my hair and put my quidditch stuff out to be washed I walked into my room and expected Melody in there but she wasn't, Fred was.

- - - -

A/n: sorry for not updating in the last few days been busy revising for a mock exam that I had today, but here's another chapter.

Hope you are all having a good day!

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