The Alpha's Daughter: The Bet...

By CherryBlossom2214

510K 18.2K 1.5K

Black series: Book 2 Issac Snyder's past is unknown to many who knows him. His cold facade scares everyone aw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 The End
News People!
Elliot's Alpha

Chapter 47

5.5K 247 18
By CherryBlossom2214

Catherine woke up, finding herself in the hospital ward. She groanded.
This really is a regular thing with her now, she really shouldn't be surprised at all.
She lost count on how many times she has been in the hospital, she is sure her father will have a fit if he knew.
"Cat are you oky?" Anika asked with concern, gripping her hand tightly.
"Mmmm, just my head."
"Yeah you fell pretty hard. Do you remember what happened?"
Catherine looked out the window, she did remember what happened.

Catherine was having tea with Anika in the royal garden, when she stood up she felt dizzy and tripped and fell on a rock.

"Yeah I fell and landed in a rock."
"Oky good, the doctor will be with you in a moment, I'm just going to check up on Ian. He got so frightened when he saw you falling." Catherine smiled to reassure Anika that she was fine.
"Go check on him, I'm fine." Anika left her room.
Moments later the doctor came in with his chart.
"Catherine, how are you feeling now?" Yes they are on first name basis.
"I'm good Charles, just my head that hurts at the moment."
"I see." He scribbled down my stats.
"You know you should really be more careful, especially with your condition." She was confused and frowned at the Charles.
"My condition?" The doctor paused what he was doing and looked at her.
"You, don't know, do you?"
What was wrong with her?
"Catherine, you're pregnant." Catherine's face paled, "I'm what?"
"Pregnant, about two months." Then she panicked.
"Is the baby oky?! I didn't hurt it by falling?"
Doctor Charles smiled, "No, the baby is perfectly fine."
She burst into tears, how could she not have known that she was pregnant.
"Don't feel bad about not noticing, it's usually the male who notice first, an instinct to protect his mate and pup."
It didn't make her feel any better and she cried more.

Charles felt bad for his beta and hoped to cheer her up.
"Do, you want me to do a sonar for you?"
"Please." She whispered and placed her hand on her stomach.
She was pregnant, this is the child she and Issac created together.
"My little bud, I'm sorry your daddy is not here to be with us now, but I promise you he will come back to us. He'll never abandon us."
Charles came in with the machine.
"Oky, ready to meet your baby?"
She held her breath, she wished she could hold Issac's hand.
Charles applied the gel and began.
He moved it around a bit and then we heard it, the babies hearbeat.
"There is your baby." He showed her the screen.
"My baby." She immediately teared up to which Charles gave her a tissue box.
"I'll give you a second." He stepped out, leaving her to look at the screen.

"Mommy promises too look after myself so that I can look after you. Mommy wasn't that good these past two months, but I will now."
She strokes her stomach, "And I know daddy will be here before you come into this world, I know he will."
She prayed hard to the moon goddess to lead Issac home, back in her arms.
Charles came in a few minutes later.
"Will you tell me what I need to do and all, please?"
Charles smiled, he very much liked their female beta, she is a perfect fit for their beta.
"Don't worry, I'll advise you every step of the way."
"Thank you Charles, and please keep this a secret for now. I just want to wrap my head around all this."

"Everything alright?" Anika braged in and paused, she looked between us and the screen.
"'re..." Catherine could literally feel Anika's excitement building up.
"Now is a good time to leave Charles." She whispered to Charles who slowly left while he stared at his stone frozen queen.
"Pregnant!!" Anika began to jump up and down, yelling and whooping like a maniac.
"Oh this is simple wonderful Catherine, congratulations."
She couldn't share the Queen's joy yet and she burst out in tears yet again.
"Issac was suppose to be here for this. He should've been pacing like a mad man when I woke up. I wanted to see his face when he got the news."
Anika held her tight.
"Ssshhh, I know Cat, I know."
She cried in the arms of Anika who kept holding her until she felt better.
"Issac will come home, until then, I'll support you as much as I can."

Issac fell to the ground as he felt his heart racing wildly, he felt this overwhelming sadness that paired with a hint on joy. He felt the need to get to someone at all cost, but who?

The sun was at its peak, the sweat was pricking down her neck.
She's was currently in the garden, taking out all the weeds.
She found that working in the garden was very therapeutic for her.
This was the place where Issac spend most of his time, she feels closer to him here.
It's been two months since Catherine found out that she was pregnant, her little bud was now four months.
Charles said that because she have alpha blood the baby will start to grow much faster now.
Little bud started to move and she laughed.
"Hey there little bud, are you hungry?" She stroked her stomach and carefully stood up.
"Let's get us some yummy lunch."

She walked back to the house to see someone she doesn't want to see waiting for her.
"Catherine, please!" Julian called after her when she turned around to walk away.
"Catherine, you can't just ignore me because of this, atleast tell me I'm forgiven."
Julian refused to help search for Issac in any way.
He told her about the blood pact, but she didn't care.
"Julian, until Issac is back, I won't. So please leave and don't give me any more stress than what I already have."
That shut his mouth closed.
"I understand, but, if by any chance you need me, please ask."
"I did, you didn't want to." She blatantly said and Julian was defeated.
"Anika will seing by later tonight." He quietly said to her and left
A tear escaped her eye and she quickly wiped it away.
She knew it was out of Julian's hands, but she couldn't help it.
Her anger was pointed towards Julian and it didn't want to go away.


When my top picks to read on my profile is one of my own books(this book) 🤭🤭🤭

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