The Alpha's Daughter: The Bet...

By CherryBlossom2214

510K 18.2K 1.5K

Black series: Book 2 Issac Snyder's past is unknown to many who knows him. His cold facade scares everyone aw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 The End
News People!
Elliot's Alpha

Chapter 46

5.6K 227 34
By CherryBlossom2214

Ramona watched the children sleep. After Xavier saved them, all the kids were admitted into the hospital and are being taken care of 24/7.
"Ramona." Xavier called her. She learned that he is the Alpha of the Blood Cresent pack and Issac was his sister's mate.
"Yes Alpha?" Xavier smiled, "Just Xavier is fine, mind if we talk?" She bit her lip, she had to tell them what happened,she knew that. Issac was still missing and every clue could lead them to him.
"No, not at all."
"Great, I'll see you at the pack office in a few minutes, I just need to check on a few things here." She had a pretty good idea what that was.
"Alright Xavier, I'll see you in a few."

Xavier walked to the room where Claude and Odette was. The doctor said that Claude was almost two and Odette no older than one. He couldn't explain why, but he felt attached to these two kids.
Claude had red hair and he has yet to see the boy's eyes. Odette seemed to have white baby hair, he didn't know her eye colour either.
All he knew, was that his wolf kept mumbling that these two are his pups.
Claude and Odette was definitely not werewolfs, yet his wolf claimed them.
"Oh Alpha, I was not aware that you were here?" The doctor said when he entered and saw Xavier standing by the cots.
"No worries doc, I wanted to ask you something anyway."
The doctor gave his full attention on him.
"Can..." He looked at his kids, "Can an Alpha, recognize kids as there own without having blood relation or even be the same species?"
The doctor looked at him then the kids and it was as if he clicked what the alpha meant.
"Alpha, that is possible but it is very rare for Alpha's to claim kids that are not their own. It's very rare but indeed possible, it would take a special alpha to claim his own kin."
"I see, thank you doc. How are they doing?" it was very difficult for him to even be away from them, he didn't even tell his family of them yet. He needed to know just what was happening to him to have claimed these kids as his own.
"They are healing remarkably well, better than the other, their healing capabilities is amazing."
He did assume that would be the case, Odette was a kitsune and Claude was a phoenix, very rare species.
"Good, I'll be back in a few minutes, do notify me if anything happens."
"Yes Alpha."
Now he needed to know just what happened to them and to Issac.

Ramona was already at the pack office when he got there. She was talking to his father about something, laughing. He was glad she smiled, she looked so worn out, a laugh will do her good. That's what his mother always say.
"Shall we begin?" He said and Ramona got all serious, but he could see that she was nervous.
He let her go in first and his father followed.
Ramona played with her fingers as she took a seat.
"Ramona, take your time please. Don't feel pressured and we can stop anytime oky? Just tell me when." He tried to reassure her, it helped because she relaxed into the chair.
"Good, now, what was that place called and what did they do there?"
"That place was called, Perfezione, the most twisted place and the closest thing to hell on earth." She spattered with hate.
"No one knew his real name, but they called him the Professor, he was a sick, twisted minded man. He believed that there is the ultimate supernatural weapon that would follow his every command. A fearsome killing machine. From what Issac told me, he was the son of the man who held Issac captive many years ago. He wanted to create an army of them."
She took a deep breath to calm herself.
"He got all the children at the underground black market, I myself was sold in the black market. He kept us locked up with no way to the outside world." Xavier handed her a tissue box when he saw her crying.
"Ramona we can take a break." She sniffed and wiped her tears.
"It won't be easier to talk about later, it won't make a difference."
So he waited for her to be a bit more composed.
"He even got several woman, special woman, he...he raped them, over and over to bare his child and then when the child was born, he killed the woman, giving me the child to look after."
She lifted up her shirt to see a deep scar by her abdomen.
"I saw one day what he did to the women. I tried to warn the other, but they falsely believed that when he would come and get them he would treat them like a queen. False promises. No one believed me. I could understand, because he gave us a place to sleep, good food and clothes. So I saved myself. Made sure that he knew I couldn't have children. I was prepared to die, but the bastard told me that I will be the nanny."
She closed her eyes and rested in the chair. Xavier gave her time to compose herself. He couldn't imagine everything that went on in her head. Having to relive the memories if such a hell.
"The Professor was a sick, sick man, as I said, he took the utmost joy in experimenting with the kids, injecting them with strange concoctions that will 'evolve' them into his beings, even when the women were pregnant her injected them. He didn't care if they died or not, or how old they were, they were experimented on."  Xavier's blood began to boil, his wolf wants to rip the person apart who harmed his pups. The thaught of children in a place like that is unthinkable.
He really struggled to get his wolf under controlled, he didn't need to frighten Ramona.

"I was assigned to look after the kids after my self inflicted incident." she whispered, still crying.
"Fifty kids." She whispered.
"Fifty kids died while I worked for him!" She yelled, her head fell into her hands.
"And I couldn't do a thing! I tried! I tried so hard so keep everyone alive!"
He, to a point, understood how she felt. As an alpha, when a war breaks out, you feel like a failure because you couldn't protect your pack members.
She must be in so much pain.
"Then one day, Issac showed up. They threw him in a room across from us, heavily guarded. The Professor called me and asked me to tend on Issac as well."
There was a soft smile that graced her lips.
"I've never seen such a savage gentle man. When he woke up, he called for your sister, Catherine, desperately asking me where she was."
If there was one thing Xavier knew about Issac, it was his love for his sister.

"For some reason, I knew would escape, I could see it in his eyes. He had a plan. He would have stopped at nothing to get to his Flower, that is what he told me. Even if he was playing a very dangerous game to escape."
She bit her lip and played with her fingers. "I begged him to help me get the kids out as well, even if I died, I just wanted to get the kids to safety."
She then chuckled.

"You know what he said to me when I said I couldn't care less if I died, as long as the children are safe?" Xavier and Ethan waited for her answer,having no clue. Issac was still a mystery to them.
"He said I had to survive, because I was the kids safe haven. That their world was full of pain, loss and so many bad emotions and that the world outside is different and scary at first, they would need me with them, the only thing that makes them feel safe, they would need guidance. I was their mother figure."

"So we made a plan."


It was very difficult for me to write this chapter for the simple reason of Ramona explaining what happened, the cruelty of it all just got to me you know. Just imagining it, it's just, no. No one should ever live like that.

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