The Alpha's Daughter: The Bet...

By CherryBlossom2214

510K 18.2K 1.5K

Black series: Book 2 Issac Snyder's past is unknown to many who knows him. His cold facade scares everyone aw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 The End
News People!
Elliot's Alpha

Chapter 43

5.7K 259 26
By CherryBlossom2214

Catherine stares at the mirror, the pendant Issac got her for her birthday when she was 16 was on her neck. She never took it off. She got dressed and went down to her mother's kitchen to brew her some tea.
Once she got her tea she sat on the patio and the rocking chair, it was another dull day even ifbthe birds were singing and the sun shining. She could not get herself to smile at all.
She thinks back to when she woke up in the hospital a month ago...

Slowly her eyes opened up, her body felt so weak and exhausted.
"Sweety I need you to stay calm." Her mother's voice asked her rather calmly.
She looked around, her mother and brothers were here, Issac was not. Tears escaped her eyes.
"They took him Mom." She whispered, Elliot was on her other side.
"Cat, who took Issac? Can you remember anything?"
She takes a ragged deep breath, "It was men dressed in white. I don't... I don't knoew anything else."
Issac saved her life and she can't even give more information than that.
Elliot softly kissed her cheek.
"We'll find him Sis, don't worry." He whispered in her ear and left the room.
"I can't loose him, mom." Her voice croaked out as tears start to fall.
Her mother immediately embraced her. "You won't sweety, your father will find him." Her mother tried to soothe her.
"But what if he doesn't?"
"Then I'm sure Issac will do everything he can tonget back to you, my sweet."

Since then, they haven't made any progress in finding Issac and Julian won't be of any help...

"Why!? Why won't you send someone to go look for him Ian!?" She yelled in fury as Ian couldn't look her even in the eyes.
"Even if I wanted to, I can't!"
"Why?" She falls to the floor and Ian was beside her.
"Before he was made a supreme beta, he made me do a bloodvow, that should anything ever happen to him, to not search for him, but to look after his mate."
A bloodvow? Why would he do such a thing?
"It was his fear that if he gets taken, no one would look after you, so I had no choice." Ian tried to explain but it didn't reach her as the tears flowed from her face.
She wanted her mate back.

Her father and Ian won't allow her to join the search to find Issac. Julian placed a guard with her and one of her family members are always with her.
"Sweet why don't you do lay down, you look a little pale." Her mother instructed and she nods and walks up to her room. The only thing keeping her remotely sane was that she didn't feel Issac die or that he was in serious pain.
She lies down, but the moment she did she immediately got up and rushes to the toilet.
Her lunch was down the drain, again. She sits there on the floor crying, missing her mate.
"Issac, where are you?"

Issac groaned, "Ah, I see that you are awake." He opens his eyes and see a young man who couldn't be older than himself. Strangely, he looked oddly familiar.
"It's nice to see the monster that my father created." Something about this man's smile set him off.
"Well, I'm Terrance, and I'm here to make your life hell!"
"Where is my woman!?" He growled and yanked on his chains.
"Oh I wouldn't do that, that chains is induced with that, oh so lovely, black liquid." He felt his body flow with horror as he stopped yanking immediately.
Terrance laughed," Your woman was badly damaged when we got to you. Naturally, she wasn't precious to us so we left her there." He growled and yanked on his chains and regretted it immediately as he feels the black liquid more clearly than a few moments ago.
Terrance laughed,"Oh this will be fun. I'll get you under my control and I'll make you destroy everything you hold dear, including your woman." He sneered at Terrance, ge dared not move. Terrance laughed as he walked away.
Issac carefully sat down on the cold floor and looked around to see he was in a cell very similar to when he was little. His own personal hell, but that did not matter to him.
The only thing running in his mind is Catherine, his Flower.
Was she oky?
Did he succeed to protect her from the worst blast of the crash?
Is she in the hospital?
Is her family with her?
His heart was aching, he longed to be with Catherine.
The day she told him she loves him, how he learned that she blushed at him and her not actually being sick but attracted to him. The time with her family where he promised he would work harder on their relationship. Her singing while picking flowers when she was little. Their wedding and their honeymoon. Where he made his peace with his past and finally opening up to Catherine.
He loved her with all his heart and so...
"I swear I'll find a way Flower, I promise.

He growls as he feels the effects of another injection. The black liquid can be seen as it travels in his blood stream. He hums and Terrance smirked.
"Once addicted, always will be." Terrance smirked and walked away.
This time, Issac had a plan. It's taken a whole month to set all in motion, to let Terrance's guard down. To let him think that his plan is working.
He looks up at the full moon, it made him feel calm.
"Hold on Catherine, I'm comming home."
Only two more weeks.


Poor lovebird have been without each other for a month.

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