Best Is Yet To Come

By ScarlettLeigh13

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Sequel to Doubt Stacey returns to America after six months back home in Ireland/UK things are definitely diff... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back
Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4 - They are Endgame
Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man
Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?
Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon
Chapter 8 - Blind
Chapter 9 - High school Teenagers
Chapter 10 - Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter 11 - Halloween
Chapter 12 - Different Circumstance
Chapter 13 - Hometown
Chapter 14 - Fuck You
Chapter 15 - In The Car
Chapter 16 - Surprise Visits and Girl Talk
Chapter 17 - TLC
Chapter 18 - NYE
Chapter 19 - The Party
Chapter 20 - Royal Rumble
Chapter 21 - Match Day
Chapter 22 - Red Light
Chapter 23 - Where is she?
Chapter 24 - Work
Chapter 25 - Panic
Chapter 26 - Scared
Chapter 27- Put on a Show
Chapter 28 - In My Head
Chapter 29 - Far From Over
Chapter 30 - Believe and Trust

Chapter 2 - The Dating Game

182 2 0
By ScarlettLeigh13

Saraya's party was amazing, I had a really good time and I actually managed to avoid Jon and Renee the rest of the night. I thoroughly enjoyed getting back in touch with the guys from WWE, granted they considered me a traitor for not returning and joining ROH instead, this made me laugh but I still felt right at home despite the teasing. It made me realise how much I missed every last person that worked for the WWE  and I found it crazy how I settled right back in with them, it was as if I hadn't disappeared for a year. Our time at the club had to come to an end but the party certainly didn't. We had an after party back at Saraya's apartment but only a few of us actually went, Jon and Renee were thankfully not among that list. Most of us had work the next evening so it wasn't suppose to be a late night but that didn't happen. We partied close to 5am before finally wrapping everything up. I personally had a flight to catch at 7am to New York for a ROH show and signing so I was running on no sleep due to the never ending party, but it was worth it.

"You stink of betrayal." The voice of AJ broke me from my thoughts, I lifted a hand to mouth covering my mouth as I yawned giving him bored eyes which just made him laugh. When I first came to ROH Maria introduced me to AJ Styles who in turn introduced me to Samoa Joe and over the last few months they have become like brothers to me. Much like WWE, I spoke to everyone on the ROH roster and behind the scenes but I was only close with AJ, Joel (Samoa Joe) and Maria. After being here a week I discovered that this was where Matthew Korklan went after being let go by the WWE, my one night stand himself. Our encounter was awkward to say the least but it wasn't terrible, I have had worse. Matthew and I have not spoke after our night together all those years ago so there was always going to be that elephant in the room until we addressed it but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon and I was okay with that as I didn't need him in my life. 

"You stink in general." I laugh shoving his shoulder lightly causing him to stumble. He had just returned from the ring after defeating Adam Page in singles competition. So he was shirtless and glistening with sweat. I on the other hand was fresh as a daisy after showering earlier tonight after my match against Deonna Purrazzo which I emerged victorious. 

"Ouch and there was me thinking we were friends." He sighed placing a hand over his chest dramatically causing me to roll my eyes as we walked through the narrow hallways of the arena. "How was your friend's party?" He asks changing the subject as we approached the men's locker room. 

"It was really good. I loved seeing everyone again, really felt like home." I sigh remembering how happy I was despite seeing Jon with Renee. I mean my night improved after seeing them as I no longer looked over my shoulder to see if they arrived or not, the element of surprised was no more. I knew where they were so the rest of the night I avoided it like the plague. 

"So you miss the big leagues." AJ sighed running a hand through his semi long brown hair and giving me sad eyes. He was almost as good as Colby with the puppy dog eyes, but Colby had the slight edge. "We are going to lose you to them aren't we?" He pouted as we came to a stop outside the male locker room. Everyone knew my contract here was short lived and it was coming to an end next month so it was only a matter of time before I left but it would be sad to go. 

"Loose who to who?" Joel (Samoa Joe) asks making me jump, I had my back to the locker room door so I didn't see him come out. He came over and gave me a one armed hug before clasping hands with AJ who then leaned back against the wall with a sigh. 

"This one, she is thinking of going back to WWE." AJ pointed towards me. Joel looked between AJ and I wide eyed before sighing and shaking his head almost as if he was disappointed. I knew he loved me and didn't want me to go but he would never hold me back either so he was probably feeling torn right about now. 

"I did not say I was going back to WWE. Besides they haven't been in contact to even offer my contract so I could be staying." I tell them with an eyeroll it was so typical of AJ to blow things way out of proportion. He was the drama king of our little group, he was so good at it he even put Maria to shame. 

"You'll get that call again." Joel nodded, resting a hand on my shoulder. A sad glint in his eye. "She is too good for ROH. She cleans the floor with those girls in the locker room she needs a challenge. Am I right?" He winks before raising his eyebrows at AJ who nodded his head in agreement. 

"You are definitely too good but I just don't wanna lose you." He spoke, his voice turning into a baby voice at the end of it as he wrapped his arms around my waist and twirled me around. "Did you see Ambrose at the party?" He asks putting me down, both him and Joel looking at me suggestively. They knew how I felt towards Jon and how we ended because on one of our many nights out they wanted to know more about me on a personal level and obviously they wanted to know what really happened between Jon and I as we were big news in the wrestling world when I was pregnant with Ayla.  

"I did." I sigh fixing my shirt over my stomach before looking at the pair, who had smiles of hope on their faces. They loved the idea of Jon and I together, whenever I got sentimental about him I would tell them stories of all the things Jon and I got up to and just how well we complimented each other so they were rooting for us to get back together now I was back on America soil. "He is back with Renee." 

"WHAT?" They yell at the same time, their faces dropping to disappointment and disgust. "Shut up?" AJ gaped, his face contorted as I nodded. "For real?" He asks again thinking I was taking him for a fool. Something both Joel and I liked to do, a lot. He was so easy to prank it was hilarious because every time he would fall for it but unfortunately this wasn't one of those times.

"Mmhm, I even saw them kissing." I shudder as the short video played in my head, once it started it would play on loop and live rent free in my head for a while unless I distracted myself with either sleep or wrestling. "He didn't know I was there when he kissed her though, then he saw me." 

"What did he do when he saw you?" Joel asked leaning his side on the wall while AJ had placed his back on it once again, his arms folded over his chest, his face in a scowl at the news. Before leaving to go to the party, AJ warned me to wear protection when I saw Jon and that he wanted to hear every detail but clearly whatever he thought would happen didn't and he wasn't happy about it. I looked down at my hands, pulling on my fingers as I shook my head. 

"Nothing." I shrug with a sigh. "But every last feeling I ever had from him, hit me like a ton of bricks." 

"What do you mean?" AJ asked his southern drawl really coming out as he pushed off the wall giving me an eyebrow, as he stood in front of me. The guys knew I would always have love for Jon and that I was still attracted to him but I always denied that I was in love with him, something they hated because they knew it wasn't true. 

"I don't know how to explain it. It was like he was in front of me and I wanted to run to him. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. Like there was no one else was in the club, the only thing that stopped me doing anything to him was Sara twirling me around, breaking my focus with him." I explained using my index finger to show a twirl. "By the time I found him again, he was being dragged away by Renee." 

"That could just be because you haven't seen him in a year, it might be different the next time you see him." Joel tried to reason with me, a slight shrug as he glanced up at AJ who nodded while biting his lip, hard. He looked like he was going to combust at any moment as he jiggled his weight between his feet. 

"Or you could still love him." AJ yelled with a huge grin on his face, this time it was Joel's turn to nod a grin on his face as he agreed with AJ. "Like we have always said. You fucking love that man with every fiber of your being." I was about to protest when AJ held a finger to my lips. "Ah Ah, you just said it yourself." 

"I don't not." I defended thinking over the last words I said. Joel just laughed shaking his head with an eyeroll. "I did not utter those words. I just said..." 

"That you wanted to run to him, that it was only you and him in the club, no one else existed. You love the man just admit it already." AJ groaned throwing his hands in the air in frustration. 

"I think it was just because I haven't seen him in a year. It was weird that's all like Joel said." I defend, AJ glaring at Joel for even bringing up that option before groaning and gritting his teeth.  

"Fine. If your going to go into denial again let's get you dating. Let's get you back out there into the dating game so you can see no man will ever compare to Jon and that Jon still has your heart." I glance at Joel for some help but he was nodding his head agreeing with everything AJ was saying. 

"I don't know." I immediately say raising my hands stopping the pair from agreeing and making any further plans for me. "I don't think that'll help. I don't think I am ready." 

"I think it'll help, if Jon is moving on. You need to move on as well unless you admit to us right now that you want him back." Joel grinned evilly while nodding his head and wiggling his eyebrows making AJ laugh and slap his back as if he were proud of him. My jaw dropped as I looked at the two evil men in front of me, they had me and they knew it. 

"Fine, let's get me dating then." I nod after thinking about it. I knew in my heart I would always have love for Jon but I felt like that chapter had to finish because there was nothing left for Jon and I. Once a relationship ended, it shouldn't be revisited, it ended for a reason. At least that's what I would tell myself. I went back to Ronan and the guy before him multiple times and it still ended up being as shit as it was before. It was a vicious cycle and I didn't want to go through that again.
Besides just because I was dating didn't mean I had to marry the guy, it was harmless fun and as long as I didn't lead anyone on unless I really liked them.  

"What about Sydal he has a boyish charm?" AJ suggested, rubbing at his growing facial hair.  Immediately my eyes went wide as I furiously shook my head causing the pair to hold their stomach while they laughed. "Something already happen with you two?" 

"Ugh don't even ask." I grunt continuing to shake my head as I remembered back to the time I told Jon about Matt and I and how he put me into a headlock after, the memory brought a smile to my face, something both Joel and AJ picked up on as they stopped laughing and tilted their heads to the side. "Don't start." I glare playfully at the pair with a finger raised as a warning. Joel was about to say something when my phone started ringing in my pocket, saved by the ring. "Unknown." I scrunched up my nose showing the guys who shrugged in response.

"Maybe it's Sydal asking for a second chance." AJ snorted. Rolling my eyes I turned my back to the pair and walked over to the other wall leaning against it and answering the call. 

"Stacey, how are you? I hope you don't mind the phone call but I just wanted to catch up with you sometime." The unmistakeable voice of Stephanie McMahon spoke into my ear. My heart sped up, it was weird. AJ and Joel were just saying I would get the call at some point and I didn't doubt that, I just didn't think it would be this quick. AJ and Joel gave me concerned looks as my face fell in shock. 

"Hello, Stephanie I don't mind the call at all." I breathed out, both AJ and Joel threw there hands into the air. AJ even started to mutter 'I told you' as he walked closer to me pointing his finger in my face which I immediately swatted away. "I would love to catch up with you sometime, um when suits you?" 

"That's great Stacey, I can't wait to catch up. I have availability next week August 24th before RAW which is in Brooklyn, New York and I am aware that ROH is in Philadelphia around that time correct?" 

"Uh yeah that is correct." I nodded knowing she was only asking to be polite as it was no secret WWE kept tabs on the likes of Impact and ROH after all that was how they scouted their talent. Stephanie and I arranged to meet up at before Monday Night Raw at the arena. I was excited because it meant I got to see everyone again but I also felt like it was her way of trying to draw me back into the WWE Universe. Word must have reached her that my contract with ROH was ending and at Saraya's party I was feeling a little emotional with seeing everyone again but let's be honest it wouldn't take much persuasion to get me back to WWE, my only issue would be having to see Jon everyday again. 

"You didn't tell us you could dance." Joel smirked circling his head on his shoulders. I put my phone back in my pocket after saying goodbye to Stephanie and noticed the pair were watching AJ's phone, smiles on their faces. 

"What?" I ask walking over, there was video on Nikki's Instagram of Saraya and I dancing on her kitchen table after we left the club with the caption. My girls got moves. "I'm going to kill her!" I growl taking my phone back out of my pocket and sending her a quick text asking her why she uploaded that and within seconds she responded telling me to look at who liked it. Rolling my eyes I took AJ's phone from his hand and clicked onto the likes, it was mostly fans and a few other superstars and divas before one in particular caught my eye; Dean Ambrose. 

"Ohhhhhhhh shit." AJ yelled in my ear causing me to jump. I didn't know he was looking, I stared at his phone a bit longer and it was Jon's official Instagram page, it had the blue check mark and everything. Jon never used social media, never so this was weird. "The plot thickens." AJ snorted holding his hands together and tapping his fingers like he was an evil villain plotting to kill the good guy. 

"It was probably Colby trying to prank Jon." I brush off handing the phone back to AJ who just looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Don't." I whine shaking my head but AJ continued to give me the look. "Joel do something." I moan grabbing onto the Samoan man's arm who just chuckled. 

"I don't care about that right now I want to know what Stephanie McMahon wanted." He asks turning to face me. I peek my head out from behind his arm, glaring at AJ who just looked at me with that annoying smirk.

"I've have a meeting with her next week in Brooklyn before RAW." 

"She's leaving us." AJ gasped gripping at his chest dramatically, he tried to get his face to resemble pain but he couldn't get rid of the smirk so it didn't work. "The end is near." 

"We are catching up that's all." I sigh releasing Joel's arm with a pat before making my way down the hallway to find Maria. I could stand there all days talking to those guys but I had things to do before returning to the hotel for a good night's sleep and I really didn't want to readdress the subject of Jon which I knew they would circle back to eventually so I decided to bow out and leave.

"Yeah a catch up asking when your signing their contract." AJ shouted, I look over my shoulder there was a smirk on both their faces. Shaking my head I raised my right hand, giving AJ the middle finger before continuing on my way. 

If Stephanie was going to offer me my old job back I don't know what I would do. I would love to be back at it again because I worked hard to get there and it'll be weird but amazing at the same time; seeing all my old friends again, performing in front of thousands a night and getting all the hype from the promotions it was heaven. The down side though having to see Jon and Renee acting all lovey backstage and thinking to myself, that should be me. Did I really want to put myself into that situation for a job? 

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