Accidentally On Purpose

By sadscorpio07

76K 1.1K 360

When Hollis moved to California, she had never expected to fall in love with the charming football player, O... More

a few words.
chapter one ~ Hollis
Chapter two~Owen
Chapter three~ Hollis
Chapter four~Owen
Chapter five~ Hollis
Chapter seven~Hollis
Chapter eight~Owen
Chapter nine~ Hollis
Chapter ten~ Owen
Chapter eleven~ Hollis
Chapter twelve~Owen
Chapter thirteen~ Hollis
Chapter fourteen~Owen
Chapter fifteen~Hollis
Chapter sixteen~ Owen
Chapter seventeen~ Hollis
Chapter eighteen~Owen
Chapter nineteen~Hollis
Chapter twenty~ Owen
Chapter twenty-one ~Hollis
Chapter twenty-two~ Owen
Chapter twenty-three~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-four~ Owen
Chapter twenty-five~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-six~ Owen
Chapter twenty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter twenty-eight~ Owen
Chapter twenty-nine~ Hollis
Chapter thirty~ Owen
Chapter thirty-one~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-two~ Owen
Chapter thirty-three~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-four~ Owen
Chapter thirty-five~ Hollis
Chapter thirty-six~ Owen
Chapter thirty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter thirty eight~Owen
Chapter thirty-nine~Hollis
Chapter forty~Hollis
Chapter forty-one~ Hollis
Chapter forty-two~Owen
Chapter forty-three~ Hollis
Chapter forty-four~ Hollis
Chapter forty-five~ Hollis
Chapter forty-six~ Hollis
Chapter forty-seven~ Hollis
Chapter forty-eight~Hollis
Chapter forty-nine ~ Hollis
Chapter fifty~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-one~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-two~ Owen
Chapter fifty-three~ Hollis
Chapter fifty-four~Hollis
Epilogue~ Owen
Epilogue~ Hollis

Chapter six~ Owen

2.4K 39 24
By sadscorpio07

A few weeks had past since the first day of school. We had our first two football games already and were preparing for our next one. Hollis and I had been getting closer lately too. After we had our little argument on the first day of school, it made us weirdly hang out more. 

I liked how I knew the little things about her now. Like her favorite color is yellow and she hates the cold but loves the windy breeze. Or her middle name was Farah.

We were currently working on our geography project at her new house.

"Can we take a break? I don't have the mental capacity to do this for so long." I said, taking a sip of my gatorade.

"Owen Windess, when are you not taking a break?" she laughed. "But yeah, for sure."

" Well anyway, question of the day." I said

She got up and walked to her dresser and grabbed a scrunchie. She started putting up her hair.

"Shoot." she replied, looking up at me.

"What are you being for the halloween party?"  I brought up.

"A hippie. The girls roped me in on that one." Hollis said laughing

"Hmm. Can't wait to see." I said with a goofy grin.

"Now you can't leave me hanging. What are you doing?" She asked.

"Not telling. It's a suprise." I smiled.

"Ugh no fair. You know I hate suprises." She groaned.

"I know." I smiled.

"Wow. Get a best friend they said." She said sarcastically.

I couldn't help but grin. Best friend. I, Owen August Windess, was Hollis's best friend. I didn't know how to react so I just started tickling her.

"Owen! Stoppp." She said in between giggles.

She fell over on the ground and was playfully trying to escape my arms. I toppled over on her, still tickling her.

"Owen." She laughed.

I stopped tickling and looked down at her. She was looking right at me. We were so close, our stomachs touching. I had never been this close to a girl before.

"Owen." She said quietly.

As if on cue, the bedroom door swung open. We shifted off of each other instinctively. I looked up and saw her mother standing in the doorway.

"Totally didn't expect to see that. Owen, do you want to stay for dinner?" Hollis's mom asked.

"Sure, thanks ms.g." I said with a smile. Although I could fell myself blushing.

"Please, call me Esme." She insisted with a gentle smile.

"Well then, I would love to stay for dinner Esme." I replied.

She started walking out of the room but turned.

"And guys, keep the door open if ya'll are going to be like that." 


I looked at Hollis, whose cheeks were a now pretty shade of pink.

I playfully punched her arm, "You heard her."

"Oh shut up." She said standing up.

"Lets get back to the project. Just so we can get it over with." She proposed.

I nodded and opened up my computer again, catching a glimpse at her smiling face.

God, this girl is gorgeous.


We finished around six. Which was convenient because her mom texted her saying dinner was ready about five minutes later.

" I made chicken piccata. I hope that's fine." Esme said, setting the pot on the table.

"This is great mom, thanks you." Hollis said smiling.

"Yeah, thank you. It smells amazing." I said, scooping up some pasta and putting some on my plate.

" Owen, pass the bread?" Brooklyn asked me.

I looked down and saw the bread next to me. I picked it up and passed it to her.

"Here ya go." I said

She didn't reply, just grabbed it and went back to her food. I looked over at Hollis and she just shrugged. I decided to let it go.

Lynleigh clearly noticed the awkward tension. 

"So Owen, how long have you lived down here." Lynleigh asked.

"Oh my whole life pretty much. My mom moved here from Washington as well and then met my dad. So here I am." I replied, taking another bite of my food.

"Nice." Lynleigh replied.

"We'll have to meet your mother sometime. Have a big dinner and bond over Washington." Esme said.

"Yeah, for sure. Sounds fun." Hollis replied before I could.

" This is really good m- esme." I said, breaking the silence.

"Thank you."

I finished my food quickly and so did Hollis.

"Mom can we be excused." Hollis asked getting up.

"Yeah, just put your plates in the sink."

Hollis nodded.

We got up and I picked up both our plates and followed Hollis in the kitchen.

"Sorry. That was hella awkward." Hollis said, taking the dishes out of my hand and placed them in the sink.

"Its fine, Hollis. Don't worry about it." I said leaning against the counter.

"And I don't know what Brooklyn's issue was, like she has literally never met you." She went on.

I grabbed Hollis' shoulder shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Hollis, dinner was perfect. Stop stressing yourself out."

She broke our eye contact and looked away. She stepped back and turned to the dishes again.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Your'e right. Never mind." She said.

All I could think was who hurt this girl so damn much. She over thought everything and blamed everything bad on herself. She really couldn't see how truly amazing she was. I decided to change the subject.

"Excited for the game on Friday?" 

"Mhm for sure. Excited to see the new cheer routine?" She asked

"Very. Also, I hereby dedicate my first touchdown to the one and only Hollis Farah Green." I said with a smile.

Hollis laughed, " What an honor."

"Hey, what can I call you? Like as a nickname. Hollis seems too formal, like all the teachers call you Hollis. And I for sure would hope we're closer than that." I asked her.

"Um, my family calls me Holli, Holls, Lis. You decide." She responded.

" I'll think about it. I need something original, ya know with a touch of Windess on it." I joked.

"Can't wait to hear what you pick." She smiled.

"Its getting late. I should probably get back home." I said looking at the time.

"Oh yeah. Let me get the keys." She said glancing up at the clock.

I nodded.

She walked over to the side table in the kitchen and grabbed her mom's car keys.

"I cannot wait til I get my own car." She exclaimed

"Why though? I'm already your personal chauffeur." I pointed out.

"True, true." 

We walked into the dining room.

"Bye Ms. Green. I'm going to head out and get home to the family." I said

"Esme. And thank you for staying a bit, it was lovely having you." She pointed out

I smiled. "Brooklyn, Lynleigh." I said while nodding and waving.

"Bye. Drive safe." Lynleigh said smiling.

Brooklyn didn't acknowledge me.

"We will." I replied

Hollis and I walked out of the house and toward her mom's gray SUV.

Hollis sat down in the drivers seat and I walked around the car and sat down in the passengers seat. Before she started driving, she plugged in her phone and started picking out a song to play.

She finally chose one and started the car.

"Somewhere only we know" started playing.

"Haven't heard this song in a long time." I said looking at her.

She kept looking forward, " I know. I've been really into this style music lately."

"I like it." I said.

I like you, I thought.

"So why don't we go, somewhere only we know." We both sung at the same time.

We both started laughing.

"This should be our song." I said.

"Our song? Thought that was a coupley thing" She said confused.

"Yeah but why the hell not as best friend thing." I replied.

"True true. This song works." Hollis smiled

The song ended and "You are my sunshine" came on. I really haven't heard these songs in years. It was so nostalgic and different. One of the things I loved about Hollis. 

Hollis started singing, "The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms, when I awoke dear, I was mistaken, so i hung my head and I cried."

She stopped and realized she was singing out loud. She seemed embarrassed because her cheecks turned red.

She shouldn't have been though, I loved to hear her sing.

I sung along, " You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you."

She smiled, " We both really suck at singing, huh?"

I laughed, "Who gives a shit though, its fun."

"This could be our song too." I laughed.

" It could be. We'll collaborate a playlist." She laughed.

In truth, this song was meant for a child but who cares to be honest. This moment was so special and we were so close that the words didn't matter.

"I got it." I said

"Huh?" She said confused.

"Your nickname." I said with a grin.

"And that is..." She trailed off



It had been a few days since Hollis and I were at her house. And I kept thinking about that moment we shared. But today I had to try to not think about that because today was game day. It was hard not to though because this week had been spirit week. Monday was twin day and Beck and I had attempted to coordinate outfits. Emphasis on the word attempted. Tuesday was pajama day which I didn't complain about. Wednesday was a preppy/fancy day and everyone basically dressed nice. Although it had kind of sucked to see all the guys flirting with Hollis. Thursday was decade day and that was pretty fun. And now today was school spirit day. Everyone would wear the school colors, which were maroon,white and black. It was also tradition for each guy who played on the football team to give their jersey to a girl. I was sort of nervous but I wanted to ask Hollis to wear mine.

I got to school extra early and went to into the cafeteria. This is where I knew Hollis hung out with Breya and Annika in the mornings.

I walked in and did indeed find them sitting at a table towards the back. Breya saw me and whispered something Hollis. Hollis turned around and met my gaze. I smiled and waved. She got up and walked toward me.

"Hey." She said smiling.

"Hi. I have something for you, which you don't at all have to except but like I have something for you." I rambled.

"Okay, what is it?" Hollis asked.

"Close your eyes, sunshine." i said with a smile.

She smiled back at me and closed  her eyes.

I pulled the jersey out my bag and held it out.

"Okay, you can open them." I said

"Owen, whats this?" She said confused.

"Its uh my jersey. And everyone on the team has a girl wear them and I figured since your the only girl i take to that-"

"Thank you." She hugged me.

I spread my arms around her and hugged her back.

"Try it on, sunshine." I said.

She slipped it on over her white dress and it looked perfect on her. I liked it way better on her rather than me.

"You look great Holls." I said with a big smile.

"aww really?" She said, unsure if I meant it.

"Yes really. It even goes great with your shoes and everything." I said looking down at her maroon vans.

"Thanks Owen. When do you need it back?" She asked looking up at me.

"Not til after school. So you're set for the day." I replied.

"Thank you."

"Its not problem. Your welcome sunshine." I smiled

I looked around and people starting looking at us. Probably thinking something along the lines of, "Why the hell does she get his jersey when he has never given it out?" 


Hollis seemed to have noticed everyone looking as well. 

"I should probably get back to the girls. See you in geography?" She said.

"Yeah, looking forward to it, sunshine." I said in a hushed tone.

She smiled and walked back to her table. And I probably had the biggest grin on my face at that moment.


I was standing around the bleachers waiting for Hollis. It was 3:45 and warm ups for the football team and cheerleaders started in fifteen minutes. 

I saw a small silhouette coming my way. I turned my head to see Hollis running over.

"Hey sunshine!" I yelled

"Hey!" she replied.

She sat down right next to me and handed me my jersey. It was folded all nice and neatly.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem. Thank you for giving me the honor to represent the teams captain." She said with a smirk.

"pshhh. No big deal. Only my favorite cheerleader wearing my jersey."

She laughed.

Suddenly I heard two hushed voices coming from the other side of the bleachers, Hollis must've heard it too because she turned her head in that direction.

"Beck." A girls voice said in between giggles.

"Mona right?" Hollis asked.

"Yeah, think so." I whispered.

"Yes darling?" He replied.

And then gentle moaning.

Hollis and I looked at each other and laughed. We looked over and they were making out under the bleachers. He groping her boob and kissing her neck.

"Charming." I commented.

"Very much so. I feel like that hurts her boob more than anything." Hollis laughed.

"You're probably right. Gonna have to have a talk with our beloved Beckham" I joked

"Oh for sure." Hollis said.

Then out of no where, coach and the team came out.

"Langford!" Coach yelled.

"Oh shit." Hollis whispered.

"Hey coach." Beckham said.

"Go run laps right now. The rest you do that as well." Coach yelled.

" Bulan. Go back to your team." Coach said to her.

"Yes sir." Mona said.

" Well I got to run. See you at the game." I told Hollis.

"Good luck." She smiled.

I smiled and got up. I ran with the rest of my team and when I looked back, Hollis had left.


The game was tied 44-44

We had been playing for a few hours now and this was the last quarter. The guys and I had been playing our asses off and I couldn't wait to beat the other team and go home and sleep.

I caught glimpses of Hollis during time outs and all that. She seriously stood out from all those other girls. Unlike them, she wasn't a slut and was actually real. I loved that about her.

Some guys had been trying to get in my head, which wasn't new. They probably saw me staring at Holli and made assumptions. They said nasty things about her and my family and made comments about what they would do. To be completely honest, this just fueled me more.

 Before I knew it, there were eleven seconds left. A kid on my team, number 31, had the ball.

He was close enough where he could throw me the ball. And I'm sure he notice that too. I was the only one open and to win we needed him to throw it to me. With now seven seconds on the clock her threw the ball in my direction. 



And I caught it, I turned to run a bit. It was really risky throwing it from where I now stood.



I took one giant run forward and arched my arm back as much as I could. With several guys on my rival team on my back, I threw it.



And the ball went through. TOUCHDOWN.


I heard cheering and screaming and all of the sounds above. 

I felt myself being lifted up by the other members of my team. We did it! I did it!

I looked toward the audience to find one specific brunette girl.

And when my eyes met hers, she had the biggest smile on her face.


While I was in bed later on that night, I checked instagram.  #81 >#46


@beckham.langford: wow ok. thanks cous

Hey guys. I hope you liked this update.  I attempted to make it way longer than my past updates. (this one has 27 hundred words)   

Sorry for my lack of knowledge for football too. I really had no idea what I was talking about lol. Anyway, the romance is coming up and I have big plans for the next chapter and am so excited to write it tomorrow. Keep reading to see!!

Comment down below any suggestions, predictions or even give me a name for a future character. Also don't forget to follow me and check out the playlist for this book (in my bio)

 Have an amazing day and don't be a silent reader!         xoxo sophie

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