hollow with a heart (re-write)

Par ZBX6779

370K 4.7K 6.6K

Rias loses her composure and tells Issei that she regrets reincarnating him all because he didn't confess lik... Plus

part 1: LIES
part 2: wild fire
part 3: no more.
part 4: angry Valkyrie.
part 5: what do I do?
part 6: back to square one
part 7: stray
part 8: I've become so numb.
part 9: it gets worse.
part 10: answers.
part 11. my other half.
part 12: wake up
part 13: who will end it?
part 14: first laugh.
part 15: the rating game.
part 16: hollowfication.
part 17: more answers
part 18: next step.
part 19: Kyoto.
part 20: repent
part 21: vacation & lights.
part 22: new home and rivalry.
part 23: information and graduation
part 24: not the one.
part 25: sides & AMF.
part 26: bound & free
part 27: fear or love.
part 28: cafe sweet Phoenix.
part 29: at last.
part 30: a note for a "hero"
part 31: not going to happen.
part 32: Romania
part 33: blood.
part 35: almost time.
part 36: it has begun.
part 37: is it finally over?
part 38: new home and rating game.
part 39: a true queen.
part 40: party party party.
part 41: hollow beast.
part 42: the life of a fox.
part 43: the life of a fox part 2
part 44: happiness
part 45: family and a friendly game.

part 34: preparations

3.3K 62 72
Par ZBX6779

Rossweisse didn't turn into a vampire or a hollow, she's now part asgardian and part dragon, she learned dragonic magic. Got used to her new found strength and practiced controlling her emotions more, dragon experience emotions more deeply than others. Her magic reserves increased considerably. The blade Issei made was examined and his theory was correct, they tried using blood samples from different species, those with weak magic had little to no effect but the higher magic in the blood, the more it would improve. Ajuka personally examined it.

The blade grew in size but eventually stopped yet it's durability and sharpness continue to increase, the test dummies were cut down, Kiba tried to swing it but it was too heavy, he needs to lift more weights, Ahri decided to swing it and she cut through a block of wood as if there was no resistance whatsoever. She asked Issei about a name for it but Issei said that he'll let her choose one. Ahri called it the executioner's blade. It was befitting. Issei would sometimes regret making that blade, sure it helped saved everyone from Crom and grendal but he used Gasper's father's ashes. Yes he was his father by blood but not in the way that truly mattered, he remembers how his parents treated him prior to them seeing him turn into a hollow infront of them. He talked to Gasper about it but he simply told him that Vladi had it coming. He was a terrorist and a psychopath, this way he'll be useful and save lives. Issei felt peace and so did Gasper knowing that his mother was avenged and he didn't become consumed by revenge. He and Issei felt like brothers again.

Serafall saw the sword too and was interested in making one herself, she used what little spar time she had to research on how to make a weapon. She went to Sirzechs if he had a book or two on it, Sirzechs was curious but decided to mess with her.

Sirzechs: sure, there's a book on the shelf over there, the one with the sky blue cover.

She walked over to it. Sirzechs cast a spell on it and she didn't notice the name change, as soon as she pulled it out and read the cover...

Weapon making
For dummies
(A.k.a Serafall)

She threw the book at him as he ran away while crying tears of laughter. Serafall manipulated the tears and created ice needles out of each year that fell. Sirzechs experienced acupuncture by ice. He was paralyzed for a few moments, Serafall tickled him till he almost pissed himself.

A couple of days went by and everyone was training, preparing for what was coming. Ahri went back to Kyoto, she became Issei's queen finally and felt even stronger, she tried to learn about chakra, she mastered her hollow powers completely except for the cero. Issei was worried that he have to use both hollow powers and boosted gear simultaneously. He wasn't training with Ahri because he always gave her space and to not distract each other. He was currently training with Sairorg, increasing his stamina, practicing power control, increasing his base strength etc.

Sairorg: you're taking this seriously.

Issei: of course I am, there's an evil dragon army out there being led by Rizevim Lucifer who also wants to unleash 666 on our asses.

Sairorg: then let's continue. You want to use both powers simultaneously, correct?

Issei: no, I need to. I don't want that kind of power. Ddraig helps me when I use his power and I barely use my hollow side for periods of time.....

Sairorg: you're still afraid of it.

Issei: ....yes... Even when I mastered it...I still feel angry or just empty at times..

Sairorg: Issei I know it's because you're still angry towards her, believe me that hate isn't going away any time soon. You moved on and found a real woman. I met her at the meeting in your Cafe and you two are perfect. Do this for her. She found a new home... don't let her lose this one. She's happy here.

Issei: you're right. I have to do this for her.

Sairorg: you should want to!

Boost boost

Issei: yeah... She needs me, I promised, I WANT TO PROTECT HER!!

The mask manifests and do does his armour, the two powers were merging on another level.

Ddraig: !!!!!!

Issei's armour began to change. Each plate of his armour has a white edge, his helmet was now a metal Vasto Lorde helmet. It had the makings, the sharp teeth and the horns, it's jaws opened whenever he opened his mouth wide enough. His chest plate jewel has the markings he did when he turned into a Vasto Lorde, his claws and talons were jet black. He let out a hollow and dragon roar that actually scared Sairorg, regulas came out of no where and stood between the two, he was shaking because he was scared of Issei but now he though he was about to die trying to protect Sairorg. His team arrive and surrounded Issei who's power was still increasing. Sairorg told them to back off but they didn't. 3 portals open around them. Ahri was training in Kyoto and sensed a great change in Issei, it felt like his hollow side took over and immediately teleported there, Kuroka was there too and followed her. Ravel sensed the power and teleported to him. They arrive and see Issei in his new form. He senses Ahri's presence and stops what he's doing. He ignores team Bael who were shaking like a nudist in winter.

The 3 ladies in Issei's team were scared at the sight, the hollow and boosted gear became one from their perspectives and feared that they might have to give their lives in order to stop Issei. Ahri hollowfied, Kuroka was enveloped in chakra and Ravel had promoted to queen. Issei walks over to Ahri.

Issei: Hello my queen.

He cheerfully picks her up in his arms. Everyone let out a breath that they were holding in due to the fear they felt. Ahri and everyone relaxed.

Ahri: you scared me you big dummy..

Issei: did I now?

Ahri: yeah! We felt the change and we though that you lost control.

Issei: hehe sorry everyone, I was just getting used to using both powers in unison.

They all look at his armour and they were amazed.
Kuroka was getting a little wet from the power he was showing but managed to control herself, she has a boyfriend who loves her and she loves him. Ravel's head caught fire and Ahri just felt the armour.

Kuisha: glad you're in control... I though I would have to get serious and kill you...

Issei put Ahri down and looked at her. Kuroka smirked and played a recording.

Issei: ...... none of your holes can save you, care to test that?

Everyone: ......

Kuroka: .......gonna need a sensu bean for that one.

He flared his power for a second and they all felt it, it'll take great red and Ophis to stop him.

Issei: I didn't even boost my power just now. If you think you can even scratch me then you're welcome to try.

Coriana: Kuisha don't do it.

Kuisha: I was challenged just now, as a member of the Abadon family, I must not back down. I accept.

Sairorg: this should be insightful. Issei I want to try as well.

Issei: so be it. Come at me.

Sairorg: regulas, balance break.

Sairorg and Kuisha attacked with full power, Kuisha stuck him with all her might but only proves that Issei was right, not one scratch. She backed away. Sairorg went in for a punch and Issei let him strike right in the face. His head didn't move an inch. Sairorg tried again and Issei caught it. He crushed the armour on Sairorg's hand and let go.

(Ravel: oh the parallels.)

Sairorg backed off, Issei won fair and square last time but this power is on a whole other level.

Kuisha: you're too strong now.

Sairorg: all the more reason for us to get stronger.

(Kuroka: huh...the new guy surpassed the ones who trained for years... Anime brought to life... I like it.)

She quickly snaps a pic of Issei in his new armour and sends it to Vali and his team, Rossweisse and her team and to Yasaka...... Vali threw his hands in the air and gave up trying to fight him, his promise could no longer be fulfilled as Issei is now too strong and can't stop him all alone should he lose control,

Ahri: so what do you call this new form?

Issei: why don't you pick one? You're more creative than I am.

Ahri: hmm... There are a few I have in mind.

Ravel: I have one. Balance breaker, Vasto Lorde.

Issei powered down and the armour disappeared.

Issei: I like that. Call this my "king" promotion.

Mesteeta: suits you.

Issei: thank you... *Sigh*.. I'll take some time to get used to using this. So how's everyone's training going?

His team smiled.

Ravel: the queen promotion allows me to do this.

She transformed into a literal phoenix.

Ahri and Kuroka looked at each other and smiled.

Kuroka: we can do this.

Both ladies created a blue sphere of chakra, it was spinning and there was a high pitch sound resonating.

Issei: whoa.. that would seriously do some damage.

Kuroka: we're still trying to perfect it. It's still unstable. Just a little bit.

Regulas: master... Your friends scare me.

They all giggle.

Issei: I apologize regulas. We are getting stronger because we have to. There is another war coming.

Regulas: I am aware red dragon emperor. Let's hope it's nothing like the last one. Now I must ask, lady Ravel how did you transform into a literal phoenix? I never knew the Phoenix clan was capable of this.

Ravel: I trained hard, my brothers rarely did because they were already very strong and I aimed to surpass them. Next thing I know I changed into this.

Ddraig: that's not all that's changed. Ahri and Kuroka, there's more to you than meets the eye. I can sense another power within you two. You created something.

Kuroka: you got us but it's not exactly new, lady Yasaka is the inspiration behind it.

Issei smiled as he knew what they were talking about. Ravel changes back.

Ravel: what do you two mean?

Issei: it's a surprise. Right ladies?

They nod. They all decided to take a small break and then go to the Cafe.

A few days go by and Issei is alone in the underworld training in his new king promotion, he was using a combination of cero and dragon shots, he could fire a continuous beam from between his horns and rapid fire from his gauntlets. All his abilities increased exponentially. He could punch a mountain into pieces that flew for miles, his speed was only calculable when used to cover long distances. His speed was close to that of light when going straight without any obstacles, he had to slow down when altering his momentum. He could still hide his presence but could be detected due to the dragonic signature he has but just barely. He would lose stamina quick though so he would train with Sairorg for that. One evening he was just taking a day off.

Ddraig: Issei.... We need to talk about another change that has occured.

Issei: yeah?

Ddraig: summon the boosted gear..

He does that and noticed that it looks like a red Vasto Lorde arm.

Issei: ..... Well that's unexpected.

Ddraig pulls him into the gear. He saw Ddraig but his face was different.

Issei: let me guess, you got hollow powers too?

Ddraig: precisely! This power is incredible. I feel like I could beat Albion with one hit.

Issei: no doubt you would. So are these changes permanent to you and the gear?

Ddraig: I'm not sure yet.

Issei: you'll find out in 7 years.

Ddraig: about that.... I was wondering. What if you use the power to consume life force on your enemies?

Issei: no Ddraig, if I did that then I'll end up having their memories added to mine, I'll forget who I am and would do more harm than good.

Ddraig: as expected that you would make that choice. Perhaps you should try sage magic once more.

Issei: maybe I should, I'm one with my inner hollow, I've found peace.

Ddraig: then you're not really hollow anymore haha.

Issei: not true, I did overcome my anger, the hate I felt towards Rias and those who hurt my loved ones, don't get me wrong, the anger is still there and it won't go away but I can still move on. The same goes for you my predecessors.

He looks towards the past hosts, they were also wearing hollow masks.

Elsha: you've changed so much in the past year Issei.

Ddraig: indeed he has Elsha.

Issei: it was inevitable I believe.

Elsha: so what do we do about the past hosts?

Issei: same goes for you, you're wearing a mask too. What's hurting all of you?

Elsha: we all have our regrets Issei. Mine is that I may never get to see my daughter again, it's been so long that she's probably grown old by now or maybe even passed away...*sniff*..

Ddraig: I regret letting my rivalry with Albion get all the past hosts involved in it. They could have lived good lives but my power corrupted them. They regret doing what they used it for, death, chaos etc....Sigh... Now they are bound to the gear as I am.

Issei looks at them.

Issei: my seniors..... Do you truly regret what you have done?

They all nodded. He saw their tears fall.

Issei: what if I told you that you have a chance to make things right?

1st host: that's impossible, what we did can't be undone.

Issei: I know but I'm talking about doing the right thing now. There is a threat of an evil dragon army and the beast being unleashed. Use that anger to stop them, unleash it when the time is right.

2nd host: how will that help?

Issei: unleash it upon those who have walked down the dark path, stop them from making that choice. All of you fell down the dark path but now see the light, Rizevim refuses to see it. He wants death and control over the beast.

5th host: control the beast? Impossible!

Issei: he has a way most likely since that's his plan.

Ddraig: that's what I want to know, if the grail can do that why did he let us take Valerie?

Issei: maybe because he used her as much as he could. She's still unconscious and can't do anything with her sacred gear.

Elsha: I hope you can save her sooner rather than later.

Issei: yeah.... Me too.

Elsha: Issei tell us something, how can we all help you when we're stuck in the gear, advice is the only thing we can give.

Issei:.... You're all part of the boosted gear, remember how I used the juggernaut drive? You were all channeling your anger, you can do that again.

Ddraig: you'll die for sure!!!

Issei: only as a last resort!

Elsha: what about Ahri? How will she feel about this?

Issei: if the beast and the dragon army win wreck havoc then she'll be dead just like everyone else. God gave his life in order to seal the beast, I'm going to try and kill it with everyone helping, I know I'll die if I fight it alone. I'll become a beast myself if it comes down to it!!

They all look at him. He's absolutely serious.

Issei: what's the point of having power if you can't use it to save those you love? I love Ahri, I love everyone else too including you guys. I trust those around me, I trust them to stop me.

???: You are quite the man, no wonder people look up to you.

They look at a figure wearing a white suit.

Issei: that power signature...

??: I am one of albion's hosts, you transfered me here when you merged the dividing gear with yours. I'm going to help you.

Issei: thank you, we'll need all the help we can get. How can you help?

??: Leave that to me but I request that you use the executioner blade. You'll know when you have to use it.

Issei looked at him for a few seconds.

Issei: very well.

Ddraig: the others are outside waiting for you. Go to them Issei... And spend as much time as you can.

Elsha: can you visit Kouno? She reminds me of my daughter.

Issei: as you wish. I'll see you all soon.

(Issei: hopefully...)

He opened his eyes and saw Kiba, Riser, Cao Cao and Ahri standing there.

Issei: hey everyone, need something?

Kiba: yeah a couple of customers want us to sing in a group due to our popularity in the cafe, Ravel got a new sound system and had a small stage built, the customers are waiting for us. She really needs us there.

Issei: *sigh*.. Sure let's go. I'm not going to let her do all the work.

Riser: or have all the fun.

They go there and the crowd cheered for them. They wanted this event to enjoy themselves as much as they can before the war, Issei's efforts truly left a mark. The guys were up first, they picked one song they all secretly knew, Kiba, Cao Cao and Riser made Issei the main vocalist for they knew that he wanted to sing this song for a special someone.

He looked at Ahri the whole time, not once he did look away, he loved seeing her smile. She then joined him for the next song.

This became a concert within minutes. After a brief intermission, Ahri pulled Issei to the side.

Ahri: hey babe I wrote a song and I brought a very special friend to sing with me, you know her.

Issei: congrats on your first song but whom did you bring? I need a name.

She kissed him because she wanted to and also to shut him up.

Ahri: you'll never see it coming.

Issei: well, I'm sure I'll have my mind blown.

Ahri: yup. Here's the music.

She hands him a USB drive.

Issei: I'll hook it up.

He ques the music and announces it.

Issei: ladies and devils, Ahri has written an original song and she wishes to sing it, put your hands together and make some noise for her and her surprise guest.

The crowd cheers, she gets up on stage and the music starts.

When Ahri finishes her part, a familiar voice starts rapping and comes on stage, Rossweisse and her team, Rias, Issei and Ravel nearly shit themselves, Koneko fainted. It was Aika who was rapping. They almost didn't recognize her after the make over, no more twin braids or glasses, her hair was wavy, long and looked really silky, wore a stylish outfit that's befitting a female rap artist, her bright green eyes was catching the attention of everyone who didn't and do know her. Ahri looked towards Issei as she was finishing her song. Her sexy whisper singing made Issei's wings sprout out they weren't the only things that were rigid. After the small concert, Aika came over the group who were back stage.

Aika: hey guys, miss me?

They were still flabbergasted but Rias managed to speak up.

Rias: Aika... You.... Here... How?

Aika: well hello to you too. Yeah this is a surprise isn't it? I'm a part Sona's peerage, I saw Saji getting a little close with one of the girls in his class after Sona didn't reciprocate his feelings, both of them had their devil wings out and I was so shocked that I gasped, they heard me and explained the situation. They were about to wipe my memory but I wanted to become a devil, I'm Sona's pawn now. So here I am.

She spreads her wings. They finally breath a sigh of relief.

Asia: welcome to the underworld.

Aika: thanks, I love it! Issei, so you and Ahri~~ well done. High five.

Issei and Ahri blushed. He looked at Ahri and at Aika.

Aika: don't leave me hanging.

Issei: oh fuck it.

He high fives her.

They all hangout, have fun and catch up. Issei and Ahri were out showing Aika around, the territories, the families etc.

Issei: so how long have you been one of us?

Aika: I've been a devil for a few months now and this is my first coming to the underworld. I asked Saji not to tell you cause I wanted to see the look in your faces and hahaha it was worth it.

Issei: say how did you meet Ahri?

Aika: well I was learning teleportation when I ended up in Kyoto, I still remember that trip. I appeared in the youkai territory and that's where I met your girlfriend.

Ahri: good thing you didn't show any aggressive intentions otherwise I would have torn you apart.

Aika: hehe...yeah..

Issei: you should have seen her when she tried to kill me. Haha

Aika: ...what?

Ahri: Issei!!

She pouted.

Issei: honey I'm kidding. Haha

Aika:... Anyway..Saji kept me up to date... Is it true? About you being a hollow and the beast being unleashed?

Issei: ....yeah, we're looking for the beast right now and trying to seal it away or hopefully kill it. If we're lucky then we'll live.

Aika: damn... One hell of a time I picked to become a devil.

Ahri: we're both new to it, I became a devil recently. I'm Issei's queen. Ravel is his pawn and Kuroka is his one and only bishop.

Aika: so Saji wasn't kidding, you really are a king. Congrats bro.

Issei: thanks.

Aika: so what's the story between you two? You guys are crazy in love and I must know.

Issei: you already know that I ended things with Rias, I met Ahri during a mission and we just connected.

Aika: ..... you're a terrible liar, you're telling the truth about the connection but that's not a story. Details dude. Saji refused to tell me and so did the others.

Ahri: Aika that's not a good idea, there were some incidents that you would not like to hear.

Issei: I'll just give you a crash course. Rias said something she shouldn't have, she meant it, it hurt like hell, I broke up with her, she regrets saying what she did, I was angry, drank, poured all my efforts into school and training, grew strong and was slowly getting over all of it until she would make it worse, I was even more pissed off and avoided her. We were sent out on a mission to kill what we though was a stray, I was the only one who was barely strong enough to fight it.

Ahri: yeah I nearly killed you.

Aika: ....nani?

Issei: oh right, Ahri is from another world, she was bitten by a hollow that ended up there, she turned, was sent here by a magic user to our dimension, she was our target. We fought, she nearly killed me, I broke her mask.

They both manifest their masks.

Issei: I broke it, she changed back to her true form which is the one you see before you. Hubba hubba.

She blushed.

Issei: we bonded by simply looking into each other's eyes and little by little... I fell for her. No other woman could compare once I did.

Aika: after all the heart break you went through... You fell for her. I would have taken my sweet time if I ever wanted to love again.

Ahri: he did.

Issei: I was overthinking constantly, I was scared. First Raynare played me and killed me, Rias saved me, used me then hurt me... So yeah I did take my time but once I no longer loved Rias... The bond between Ahri and I grew stronger as time went on, it was inevitable that I would fall for her.

Aika: oh man.... Sorry you went through that.

Issei: hehe hey I'm over it, I'm happy now. Not only did I grow up but I mastered my hollow powers because of her. She made me whole again.

Ahri: he did the same for me. He gave me not just one home but 2. One in Kyoto and one in Kuoh.

Aika: wait don't Rias and the others live there?

Issei: the others yes but not Rias, she attacked my bishop and nearly hurt her sister Koneko. Hurting me is one thing but not them.

He let out a low growl, the memory still fresh in his mind.

Issei: sigh.. I kicked her out and I'm not sorry.

Aika: what were you over thinking about?

Issei: I got hurt twice very quickly by supernatural women who came into my life without a warning, Ahri showed up without any sign at the worst time of my life. I was afraid that she was going to use me too, we could see each other's memories and the bond was confirmed by lord Michael and Irina.

Aika: the lord Michael?

Ahri: the one and only. Lady Yasaka confirmed it. We went from being enemies to lovers on the battlefield.

Issei: huh... Just like Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Aika: you're on a first name basis with the devil kind and his queen?

Issei: oh yeah, we're pretty close. They are the elder siblings I never had.

Aika: okay so let me get this straight. You're the red dragon emperor, beat a cadre level fallen, fought Loki!!! Wielded Mjolnir.

Ahri: twice.

Aika: twice?! Fought and killed terrorists, made some of them change sides, started a EXTREMELY successful cafe and a new sport that is trending in the underworld and human world still. Became a high class devil and defeated 2 legendary dragons, one of which was killed by a blade you made on the spot all within a year and a half. Am I missing anything?

Ahri: he mastered his hollow powers and is equal to devil king or above in terms of power without boosting it.

Aika slowly turned her head towards him.

Issei: honey you know I didn't do all of that by myself. I have you and the others to thank for that, everyone did their part.

Aika: bullshit bro! None of that would have happened according to eye witness accounts, you're all over the media, you're a celebrity. The grabbin dragon.

Issei: oh no no no. I'm not that perverted fool.

Ahri: not on screen at least~

She teased.

Ahri: we get VERY intimate when we are alone.

Issei nearly choked on his spit.

Issei: *cough cough* Ahri that's private...

Aika: you've already done it??!!

Issei nodded.

Ahri: oh so many times ~~

Her tails were swinging and she bit her lips.

Aika: fuck that's hot.

Issei: hey that's my soulmate you're fantasizing about.

Aika: can you blame me?

Issei:......nope. carry on.

Ahri starts to laugh and so do they. They spent some time together and grew closer as good friends. His old team kind of felt like he was leaving them little by little.

Continuer la Lecture

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