Love at First Sight: A Sophit...

By LiliaStory

34.3K 749 1.5K

Fitz Vacker is a student at a private boarding school, under the stress of classes, homework, and social stat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

902 26 66
By LiliaStory

Biana's P.O.V.

For me, gym... Wasn't my favorite class. Okay, that was totally sugarcoating it, gym was the absolute worst! But... At least all my friends were there too! I added in my mind positively. And Tam...

"As you all know, we have our fitness exam today, so please wait silently as I pair you up," Ms. Brianne, our gym teacher, told us. A few minutes later, she got to our section and paired me up with Marella. I was actually really excited because I wanted to get to know her better but hadn't a chance yet. "First section, sit-ups," Ms. Brianne announced. "Please decide who will be going first." 

"Can I go first?" Marella asked. "I'd rather get this over quickly." 

"Sure!" I agreed. Marella nodded her thanks and laid down on the mat. 

"You may begin... Now!" Ms. Brianne informed. Marella started doing sit-ups, but I couldn't concentrate with Tam and Keefe constantly arguing back and forth right next to us. Their conversation was going a little something like this:

"Come on! Go faster!" Keefe urged. I could see Tam rolling his eyes.

"You're not supposed to go fast! You're supposed to go the right speed," Tam replied. 

"Boring!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Can you stop?" 

"Stop what?" Keefe asked.


"Why? Is my talking annoying you?" Keefe annoyed. "Am I? Am I? Am I???" Eventually, Tam couldn't take it anymore.

"Ms. Brianne!" He called out. Our gym teacher walked over. 

"What seems to be the problem? Your form looks great and you're going the right speed..." Tam took a second here to glare at Keefe with an "I told you so" look. 

"Can I switch partners?" 

"Why is that?" 

"Keefe won't stop talking!" Tam complained. 

"Well... I can't really do that unless another pair wants to switch with you." Tam looked at me with a look of desperation. I looked at Marella who was also looking at Keefe and we were all just kind of... Looking at each other for a few seconds. 

"We'll switch!" Marella volunteered. "If that's okay with you?" 

"That's perfectly fine with me," I assured. 

"Are you sure you guys want to switch?" Ms. Brianne double-checked. 

"Yep!" We confirmed. 

"Okay then, Marella, do you want to be Keefe's partner?" Marella shrugged. 

"I hang out with him pretty much daily so it's nothing I can't handle." 

"Uh... Okay... Well, now that that's settled, please resume your sit-ups." I nodded and switched positions with Keefe, starting to count Tam's sit-ups. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... After an impressive amount of sit-ups, Tam finally stopped and we switched places. I sighed and started my sit-ups, not liking it one bit. 

"You okay?" Tam asked, probably hearing my sigh. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't really like gym class." 

"Really? But you always do so well in gym!" I smiled at the compliment and decided that maybe gym class wasn't so bad after all.

Sophie's P.O.V. 

Linh was going first with the sit-ups but was also attempting to talk while doing them, which resulted in a very confusing conversation with lots of broken up sentences. It went a kinda like this:

"Hi, Sophie!"

"We haven't"


"Talked too much"


"So I"

"Want to know"


"About you!" Linh finished. 

"Well... What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Stuff like"

"Your favorite color,"





"Stuff like that!"

"Um... Okay then, my favorite food is probably any kind. I just love food in general." 

"Cool! How about... Your favorite color?" 

"Uh... Well..." I had to think about this for a minute. My favorite color had changed the last few days, but I wasn't sure if I should tell Linh what it was. I didn't want to embarrass myself. Then again, she seemed really nice and sweet... "Okay, my favorite color is... Teal?" 

"Ooh, great choice!" 

"Well then,"

"It only seems"


"That you"

"Ask me a"

"Question too now!" 

"Sure. What is... Your favorite animal?" 

"CATS!" Linh immediately exclaimed, drawing some eyes to us. 

"Um... Alright then..." We continued to ask each other questions (Well, it was more like Linh asking me questions and me answering them) until Ms. Brianne told us to switch to the next station, push-ups. And since Linh was going first, I sat there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do. Then I heard someone talking to my left and turned my head to see who it was. 

"What do you think I should do?" Dex asked. But I wasn't too interested in the conversation, I was paying more attention to the guy Dex was talking to, Fitz. My first thought was about how we were going to meet up later today and my stomach filled with butterflies just thinking about it. But what if I said something wrong? Or did something wrong? Or embarrassed myself? Or... Or...

"Okay," Linh said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You can go now." I nodded and started doing push-ups, but my mind was still stuck on one sentence. 

What if I ruined everything?

Fitz's P.O.V. 

Gym class was over pretty quickly, and it wasn't too bad. I mean, I wish I was parternered with Sophie, but Dex was cool. Although he did talk a lot. Specifically about Linh and Tam. Apparently, he had asked Linh out on a date, but hadn't really told Tam yet so... Anyone could probably guess what might happen if Tam found out. But I couldn't focus on that right now because I was going to meet Sophie in just one hour. So I quickly took a shower, tried to avoid all of Keefe's questions and started walking towards the library. I was almost there when I saw a blonde figure run past me. She looked a lot like Sophie and when I focused on her, I realized it was Sophie. 

"Sophie!" I called out. She didn't respond so I figured she must've not heard me and jogged towards her. But then I stopped. Where was Sophie going when we were supposed to meet in just a few minutes? And why did she look so upset?

In the midst of my thinking, I lost track of Sophie who had ran outside. Darn it, I thought. How would I find Sophie, now? Our campus was huge! That's when it hit me and I realized that I did know where Sophie was. Now all I had to do was reach her before it was too late. 

A/N Dunn Dunn Dunnnn!! And on that note, thanks for reading!!! This book has 1.5k reads!!! I can't believe it! So, to all my readers, thank you so, so much for reading my book. And I would really appreciate it if you could vote for this story or comment down below if you liked it! Thanks again! And until next time!

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