Anonymous Dark Britain (A Wat...


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8 months after the events in Chicago, Anon and the others leave to London fora trip only for it to get cut of... More

Welcome to London (Ft Bagley the DedSec A.I.)
1. Wolfe
2. Party
3. Aftermath
4. Recruiting
5. Welcome to DedSec
6. Islington
7. Chase
8. Disruption
9. Additions
What the phones look like
10. Camden's defiance
11. Crystal Gems
12. Surprise guests
13. Heroes and hackers
Theme for this book
14. Training & Reuniting
15. Reporting For Duty
16. Digging up the past
Other hackers in this book and what they look like
17. Digging up the past part 2
18. Double Trouble...
19. Recruiting Eddie
Does anyone want to add their OCs
20. Anarchists
21. Lost in the process
22. Clan Kelley's New Export
23. Faqueed
For those who want to know what Eddie Green looks like
24. More surprise guests
26. Liberating Westminster
27. Big surprise
28. Wild, wild friends
29. Derek Monroe
A/N 1K READS!!!!
30. 1-B
31. Re-encounters
Last call to add your OCs into this book!
OC for a fan of my book!
32. Battle of Camden
33. Gap In The Armour
34. Inside Albion
35. Liberating Tower Hamlets & Protest of Trafalgar Square
36. Sly & Cheeky
New series joining the resistance coming soon!
37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found
38. Red & Blue
Red & Blue's appearance
39. Coming Home
40. Hot time
41. Zoisite
42. Into The Void
43. Stealing Schemes
44. In The Belly Of The Beast
45. Strange Visitors in London
46. Bakusquad & Crashing The Auction
47. Tea & biscuits
48. Market closing
49. Falling From Grace
50. Quite the rescue
51. The Whistleblower
52. Recruiting Sandhya Nair
53. Espionage 101
54. Eddie Green's day
55. Family
56. Honey trap
57. Hunting Zero-Day
58. Smoking Gun
59. Kill Box
60. Run
61. Malik dossier
62. Barbarians at the gate
63. Night together
This guy looks like Anon in Watch Dogs Legion
64. ???
65. Day off
66. Clan Kelley's Jewels
67. Arts Of Vandalism
68. Fight Violence With Violence
69. Green
70. Euphoria
71. Clan Kelley's Knuckle Sandwich
72. Eddie's reward
73. Angels & Demons
74. Fall On My Enemies
75. The jerk in the red
76. Control
Coming soon when this book is finished
77. Chocolates
78. Faith
80. Fists & Booze
81. Recruit Emmett Kehoe & Joe Papadopoulos
82. Punks & Pigs
83. Jessica's Rescue
84. Simon's Old Friend
85. DJs & Officers
86. The Fox
87. Kirishima's Suspicions
88. Jessica's Task
89. Fear
90. Truths
91. Payback Part I
92. Payback Part II
93. Lucia
94. Interrogation
95. Grey Onyx
96. Legends
On November...
97. Liberating The City Of London
98. Liberating Nine Elms
99. Liberating Lambeth
1 year
100. Another Task for Declan
I made a mistake, thankfully I fixed it.
101. Memories
102. Liberating Islington & Hackney
103. Liberating Southwark
104. Assassins
105. Declan's Good Night
106. Unite & Conquer
107. Restoking The Fire
108. Nigel's Close Shave
109. Defanging The Flock
110. #Justice4Claire
111. London's Protectors
112. Face Of The Enemy
113. Hard Reset
114. Finding Bagley & Epilogue
A rewrite is coming...

25. Bloody Mary Kelley

107 2 18

Meanwhile in the DedSec hideout...

After encountering the assassin, Faqueed, Anon is now walking into the DedSec hideout. When he walks in, Erin sees him and runs to him to hug him.

Erin: "Edwin!"

They stop hugging and look at each other and smile. Then they move to the couch and sit down together.

Erin: "So, Paudretteite and Grey Spinel, I knew them when I was on Titan. Just a hundred years ago, babe."

Anon: "Hm, and what about their uh... obsessions? They sounded like they've shagged more people since they have shackles and chains on the wall in a garage in Tower Hamlets."

Erin: "Hm, I'll have to ask them what they were planning on. Did they speak like uh... normally, like how most humans would?"

Anon: "Yeah, they were also being so flirty."

Erin: "Hm, so they must've been here for quite a while then."

Suddenly, Bagley interrupts them to inform them about a mission. 

Bagley: "Sorry to bother you 2, but we have a mission briefing in progress."

Sero and Kirishima just walk into the hideout along with everyone else. They walk in as Bagley starts the briefing.

Bagley: "Mary Kelley heads up the most powerful crime family in London, Clan Kelley which should at least be easy to remember."

Kaitlin Lau is on the screen joining the meeting too.

Kaitlin: "Under her old man, they were a bit-player. Then he died, and her rivals started disappearing. Her enemies. Her friends. Her family. They call her Bloody Mary for a reason."

Bagley: "Early on, Mary abandoned her cash in favor of cryptocurrency and brought the Kelley's criminal; business online."

Kaitlin: "It makes weapons smuggling, drug running, money laundering all a lot easier without a cash trail. The woman single-handedly modernized organized crime in London. She considers herself to be untouchable. Case in point, from my files you retrieved:

Then a video plays of Kaitlin Lau interrogating Mary Kelley herself while Kelley is smoking cigarettes.

(Picture of what Mary Kelley looks like in the game)

Kaitlin: "Darla Covington, 19. Sasha Hadad, 28. Radek Stopkewich, 24. All disappeared--

Mary: "It's difficult to find good help these days, isn't it, love? Most people... They ain't driven. Not like you. Cuz they feel worthless, don't they? The way that the world is. How it uses people. It's horrible. It's nice that you have a purpose."

Then a knock on the door in the video is heard and Mary Kelley gets up from the seat.

Mary: "Ah, that'll be me, love."

Kaitlin tries blocking Mary Kelley's way.

Kaitlin: "We aren't finished here."

Mary: "This..."

She then puffs smoke into Kaitlin's face.

Mary: "Was a courtesy. Oh, give my regards to their families. It's horrible losing someone you love. Nice meeting you... Kaitlin."

She then exits the room and Kaitlin slams her hand on the desk in frustration and the video ends. Kaitlin then speaks up again.

Kaitlin: "As you can see, she'll never respond to interrogation. But there is one place she feels comfortable talking. The Sandstone Residence."

Bagley: "Inspector Lau thinks a police bug in the Kelley's headquarters may have the evidence she needs to finally convict Bloody Mary."

Kaitlin: "Sandstone is their centre of operations. I know the data on that bug will take her down. Get it for me, and I swear I'll put her away forever."

Bagley: "Pushing the coordinates to your Optiks."

The briefing ends and everyone starts discussing the operation to infiltrate Mary Kelley's headquarters.

Bakugo: "This'll be fun."

Midoriya: "Uh, don't get too cocky, Bakugo."

Tokoyami: "Hm, if I was there, I must remain vigilant. The Kelley's may be waiting for a moment of surprise. We'll never know."

Then, Sabine starts talking to Kaitlin on the Optik.

Sabine: "Sabine here, Inspector Lau. I'm curious how you think you can bring Mary Kelley to 'justice' now, with no backing. Even before Albion took over the policing you couldn't lock her up. And she goes on treating humans like cattle."

Kaitlin: "I had to work within the system! Yes, it was corrupt. I knew it. I just didn't know how bad it was. I thought a strong enough case couldn't be buried."

Anon then talks to them on the line.

Anon: "That's uh, pretty idealistic of you, however from what Aventurine told me earlier, the police station, New Scotland Yard is corrupt to the core. So how do you know things would be different?"

Kaitlin: "Because I'm taking it to a contact in the Attorney General's office. An honest solicitor with a hard-on for organized crime. Specifically for Mary Kelley. Look, our methods may differ but I want to help those people as much as you do."

Sabine: "All right. But however this goes down, there's no way we're letting Mary slip the net again. That's not how DedSec does things. Let's get to Sandstone."

Anon: "Right, I need a break after taking a run. I also encountered someone new. Simon?"

Simon then answers back to Anon from the train in their hideout. He is drinking a glass of coke while reading a book.

Simon: "Yeah?"

Anon: "Are you ok with infiltrating Mary Kelley's HQ? Because I'm-

Althea: "I'll do it."

Anon turns to Althea who says that she'll do the mission.

Anon: "Wait, what?"

Althea steps forward.

Althea: "I'll do it, Anon. I got this, you can trust me right?"

Anon nods and Althea smiles at him.

Althea: "Good. Now keep still, I want you to meet a new friend of mine. I know you hate spiders but..."

Anon: "Althea you are not going to put a spider on me, don't you even- huh?"

He looks down to see a spiderbot with DedSec stickers on it, crawling up Anon's leg and onto his chest.


Everyone laughs and Althea looks at Sero who's definitely enjoying this. She then gets the spiderbot to jump off Anon's chest and land on Sero's crotch.

Sero: "Huh? AAHH!! It's on me! IT'S ON ME! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!"

It jumps onto Kaminari's face, causing him to panic and run around in circles.

Kaminari: "MMMMHHH!!! MMMHHH!!!!!"

Jiro: "PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You should look at yourself if you can see."

Althea: "Oho, wanna give it a try, Jiro? It won't bite!"

Then it lands on her lap and she jumps off the couch and runs around. Then the spiderbot jumps onto the ground and crawls up Venus's arm and she tries shaking it off.

Venus: "AH! ALTHEA, WHY ME?!"

Althea: "I pick anyone!"

The spiderbot jumps off before Althea controls it and gets it to land on Kirishina's head and jump onto Pearl's chest.


David: "There's no broom! Just relax and I think it will-

The spiderbot suddenly jumps onto David's head and crawls towards his back around his chest. David stays still and the spiderbot goes under David's shirt and onto his bare chest.


It jumps out of David's shirt collar and it land's on Mina's back and crawls all over it.

Mina: "AAHHH!!!"

Althea: "HAHAHHAHA! *Snort* HAHAHAHA! This is fun!"

She controls it and gets it to go back to her. She picks it up and puts it in her new backpack. Althea then walks out of the hideout to do her mission as everyone takes their breaths after screaming and laughing.

Anon: "I bloody hate spiders."

David: "Yeah me too...oh man..."


Althea arrives at the Sandstone Residence and she looks at the house in awe and surprise.

Althea: "The house is much, much bigger than I expected."

Bagley: "Security here is state-of-the-art. Quite impenetrable. Unless, of course, you flew a drone through the window one of Mary's mouthbreathers left open."

Althea laughs a bit before she looks around and spots a drone and hacks into it to enter the room through the window.

Kaitlin: "The recording device is in her security room."

Bagley: "Getting there should be a simple matter of navigating the vents."

Althea looks around the room to see people dressed in white tank tops and white pants while wearing slippers.

Althea: "What the hell?"

Then Sabine is on the line along with Kaitlin.

Sabine: "She's using these people as house servants! Against their will."

Kaitlin: "Horrible in itself. But a million times worse knowing they end up as unwilling organ donors."

Althea flies the drown through the house's vents and enters through a room and another vent. Then, Althea picks up communication from another room where a member of the Kelleys is beating a slave.

Female Kelley thug: "You have a real f*cking attitude problem, do you know that?"

Male slave: "Please... I need help..."

The Kelley thug laughs hysterically while the man seems to be whimpering.

Female Kelley thug: "F*cking idiot! Do you want to piss everyone off the way you're pissing me off, you wanker?"

The man starts crying.

Female Kelley thug: "Stupid git!"

Althea: "Oh goodness. These poor slaves..."

She resumes flying the small drone around the house and enters through a ventilation shaft and enters what appears to be the security room.

Kaitlin: "That's it. Let's see what kind of recording we've got on her."

Althea begins to use her 'magic' and hacks into the system. However, she must get through the bypass.

Althea: "Shit. Network bypass."

She hacks into it and Kaitlin is on the line while she does that.

Kaitlin: "Just look at this place. This is what comes of old crooked money. The Kelley Family has been profiting from people's misery for a long time. She's got this shit all over the manor."

Sabine: "So you've been in there before. Is that how you ended up in the basement of the Southwark Incinerator?"

Kaitlin: "We needed something incriminating, so we decided someone had to get in here and plant a bug. I wasn't going to assign someone else to that. You saw how Mary uses the people she grabs out of the EPC,  and the "staff's uniform's" not hard to mimic. So I went in. What I didn't know was that she had intel on our investigation. My team. I thought going off-book would stop the leaks, but she still knew we were coming. She tortured me for the names of my team. Tried to break me, but cops don't give up cops. Turned out she already knew the whole unit and out hits out on them. The woman is a mind-f*cker."

Althea then joins in on their conversation.

Althea: "Damn...well at least you don't have any of those lethal microchips in your nape. That bitch sure knows what she was dealing with. You didn't bend the knee to her."

Kaitlin: "That's how I ended up on that butcher's table. So many reasons to want to rid the world of her, but it wouldn't be enough to just put one in her brain. My mates died trying to bring her to justice. I have to honour that."

Althea sighs and she finishes up with her work of hacking through the bypass. She sighs in relief as it's been taken down. She then hacks into the computer, and live camera footage of a camera is shown. It shows that Mary Kelley is somewhere in the house resting by a fireplace, then a man in a black uniform walks in with a female slave who's got blood all over her neck and cheek.

Female slave: "Prosze! Nie!"

She then gets on her knees on the floor and Mary gets up from her seat and the man hands her a bloody kitchen knife. She then walks towards the slave.

Mary: "Look at what you done to yourself, after everything I've done for you."

(She actually talks like that. She has a deep Scottish Accent and her grammar is incorrect)

Female Slave: "You made me a slave! All of us! Please...let me go. Take this thing out!"

Mary: "Back to your old life? Back to nothing? Back to you...2.5 screaming blighters and your dead-end job and sucking off the dole?! You don't want that love. This microchip is scary, I know. But I got to keep tracks of my merchandise, don't I? And this kitchen knife?! That won't do it, love. Cutting yourself affects my bottom line."

Female Slave: "Nie moge. I can't live like this anymore."

Mary: "No. You are right there. It's...alright, sweetheart, because I have another use for you."

Mary walks back towards her seat and grabs her phone and taps something, causing the microchip to activate and the slave starts breathing heavily, most likely suffocating and she starts having a seizure. As Althea watches, she looks in horror and disgust.

Althea: "Oh my gosh..."

Back in the residence. Mary looks at the 2 slaves that were working and are now watching what was going on.

Mary: "Ooh! Paying attention are we? Good. Be sure and spread the word."

She then looks at the man that brought the slave in earlier.

Mary: "You know where this one goes. Get these 2 and the others over to the venue and ready for the sale!"

???: "Right away ma'am. Also, the foreign investors have already landed and the drones are programmed. Ready to deliver the invitation and the coordinates to all the guests."

Mary: "Mmmm... is that initiative I'm smelling, Peter?"

She then playfully points the knife at his chest towards his pelvis with Peter smiling.

Mary: "Initiative can be a dangerous thing. Can be misinterpreted."

She gives the knife to Peter and she heads back to her chair and sits down as Peter claps twice, getting the attention of the slaves.

Mary: "F*ck's sake."

The video then ends and Althea gulps nervously and Sabine is on the line.

Sabine: "This is insane. How did Mary get her hands on this kind of tech? It takes a sick mind to come up with killer microchips."

Bagley: "Perhaps a diseased mind, but definitely an ingenious one. Perfect psych profile for a group like Zero-Day, wouldn't you say?"

Then Kaitlin joins in.

Kaitlin: "Her affiliations aren't my priority, Bagley. She's keeping these people enslaved. And it sounds as if she's selling them... this is huge."

Althea: "Shit. This is a bloody dystopian nightmare, right? Either you toe the line as a slave or you're dead. Then you're just a pile of spare blood, guts, and limbs."

Kaitlin: "DedSec, we'll have to crash that slave auction. Get all the information we can out of there. The location will be on the invitations. She hasn't sent out the invitation yet, but when she does..."

Sabine: "Bagley, monitor the drone networks. Give us a heads up when Mary sends out her fleet. Until then, I reckon we're in a holding pattern."

Kaitlin: "I'll get in touch with anything else that might interest you. Cheers, DedSec."

Althea walks away from the area and she looks at her phone and checks her contacts. She then realises that on her contacts list, someone is perfect for crashing the auction.

Althea: "Hehe. I think I know who's perfect for it."

(Take a guess everyone!)

To be continued...

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