euphoria. (hs)

By CutestTwatOnTheBlock

308K 5.8K 282

"I've been fucked over so many times I don't even want turn to the opposite sex." Lacey Williams hasn't had t... More



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By CutestTwatOnTheBlock

The next couple of days dragged on. The last time I had talked to Harry was the night he had come over. After all my doings of being pissed off at him at the end of the day he made me realize I shouldn't even be mad.

That night wasn't any thing grand. After watching one film with me and sharing a few kisses from here to there he had left for the night. The thing is, I don't know when he will be back to see me.

I sighed sitting in the coffee shop waiting in the coffee shop for Emerald's arrival. She just insisted on that she had to come with me and tag along with finding furniture for my new apartment.

I mean, I have no problem with it but I just didn't want to spend my whole day in stores. No offsense to any of my friends but when I go shopping with them I tend to just look around and make jokes instead of getting the deed done.

"Hey you're here!" Emerald cheered. "That I am." I muttered back. "Wow you're looking awfully peachy this morning." She said sliding into the booth. "Now what in the hell does that mean?" I questioned. "You just look- comfortable. No care in the world." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like I am going out to some fashion show." "Yeah but you still could have put a little bit more effort in your apperence." I rolled my eyes.

Who gives a shit if I am or aren't wearing makeup? Who cares if I am in my one of my baggy T shirts.? Not me, obviously.

"Alright well let's get going I don't have all day." I said stadning up. She nodded her head and we both left walking around the shopping center.

For awhile we searched around Bed, Bath, & Beyond just looking at simple house decorations.

"So have you heard from Jade at all?" Emerald questioned. I looked up shaking my head.

"What even happened?" "We just had a disagreement on something." I stated. I didn't really want to talk about it. Emerald eyed me suspiciously.

"Huh, you know the funny thing is Jade told me that you guys got into a big fight. She also says you haven't spoken to her in a couple weeks now and you were the one who started it." "Oh did she?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Now Lace here me out, but I think you should just applogize." She stated. I looked at her dumbly. "Excuse me?" "Well I mean everybody would be happy... and we could move on and not dwell on the past."

I sat there trying to understand what was going on. Basically, she's on Jade's side, figures, and doesn't even know what went down between us.

"I'm moving on in life, and I'm pretty content with life right now as we speak. For Jade, who knows. She could have called me and appologized. Hell, I wasn't the one to call her a whore." I stated annoyed.

Emerald's eyes buldged out of her head. Her cheeks began to turn red while she kept frozen.

"Anyways let's just change the subject, shall we?" She immeidetly nodded her head. "So how's things going with you and Brandon." She smiled and began gushing. "It's so great. He's been such an angel to me this past month. And with the our anniversy coming up soon. I could just go on and on, but yeah we're doing great." I smiled fondly knowing I got her sidetracked.

"How are things with you and that one guy?" She questioned picking up towels. "Everything is alright, I guess. He helped me move in." I stated smiling. "Well that's good, are you guys dating yet?" I sighed sadly.

I fucking wish. I shook my head putting a fake smile on. "We're just friends for now, hopefully it'll change soon." "Oh babe I know it will. I mean just look and Jade and Alex they were just friends for three months. And Brandon and I, I'd say two moths for friendship."

I honeslty hope she is right. My feelings grow more and more for him everday. I kind of miss seeing his mop of curls sprawled across his face in the morning. And his grumpiness and the way he talks trash about a movie but by watching him you could tell he is enjoying it. And the complements, sexual or not. Harry may have a major temper problem and sometimes just likes to spurt out mean things to you to see wha type of reaction you'll get, but he cares. He really does.

"Thanks Em." "Anytime, hun." She said smirking.

After what felt like eternity we finally finished shopping. Later we will be picking up my couch set. With both of our cars filled with items for my apartment we both left for my house. I groaned parking my car. So much to unload, and we still have to go back and get the stupid couch. I got out and opened my back seat door and began unloading my things. I walked next to Em watching her struggle carring bag of things.

I walked up the small steps up to my door and unlocked it. I sighed walking over and setting them near the kitchen so we could still have room to get the couch in here. I looked over at Em and sighed.

"This isn't even all of it." I said sadly. "Yeah and you still have to get the place all set up." I moaned in aggony. "Don't remind me." I walked outside to my car getting more things out.


"Finally." I breathed out. I laid on my floor. Emerald helped me with getting the couch in here and then she left. Now the rest was just up to me. She said she was going ot help me but then Brandon kept complaining that he missed her. I looked up from laying on the floor and looked at all the bags cluttered in the corner of my little home. I looked to the next groaning again seeing I had furnitiure to put together, and a T.V.

I got up from the floor walking into my room throwing my clothes off my body. I'm so drained from just shopping and now I have to assemble them all together. Fucking fantastic. I groaned hearing someone knocking on my door. I slipped on a robe not even wanting to put real clothes on.

I swung open the door and my eyes widened. There in front of me was Jade looking pissed.

"It's been a month since you've talked to me." She stated. I kept quiet. "And then you move out without a good bye leaving me clueless. You know how I found out about your adress, because Em. The fact that you can talk to her but not me really hurts." She stated.

I could feel the rage pumping through my veins.

"First off, do you even remember why I moved out?" I questioned slowly. Jade glared at me, her intimadation is not working on me this time.

"Well with your quietness it's obvious you don't so let me enlighten you." I said sassily. "Let's see where did it start? Oh yeah it was when you accused me of being pregnant and practically called me a whore because I am foolish. Oh yeah and me moving out was you kicking me out." I stated.

Jade stared at me with sorrow in her face. "You still could have reached out and talked to me." She mumbbled looking down at the ground. I began to laugh rolling my eyes.

"If you haven't remebered with being my friend for eight years now that sometimes when people say hurtful things to me I do not just forget and move on in life. I'll be honest, I tend to hold a grudge." I said eyeing her. "Look can I just come in?" She questioned. I stepped aside letting her in.

"He's not here is he?" Jade questioned. "Oh for crying out loud! What if he is here? What if he isn't? It doesn't matter because you are here for me!" I yelled out in anger.

Jade sat down on the couch. "Well I mean you're in a robe and all." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not fucking naked under this and just to make you happy, no he is not here. I am alone and was about to change." I stated.

"You know I miss you right?" She questioned. "You act like I haven't missed you." I mumbled sadly. "Yeah but I was so mean.." I didn't say anything. "I said such harsh things, and their not true." She stated. I sat down on the couch looking over at her. "You know that right? They're far from true?" I shook my head.

"When you get told the same thing over and over you kind of have to believe it." I stuttered out. "Oh Lace!" She said grabbing onto me. "None of that I said was true and it isn't. And what I said about Harry.. I just made that stuff up." I began to laugh shaking my head. "I still haven't had sex with him." I stated. Jade stared at me like I was crazy.

"You mean to tell me he hasn't put his thing in you know.." I rolled my eyes. "That's exactly what it is like, but we have had four play." She eyed me smirking. I began describing all the juicy details of what has happened during the past month.

"Well I'd say you both have it bad for each other." "Oh not even." I said rolling my eyes. "Lace you're so dense! He obviously digs you!" "Yeah he digs my body." I said rolling my eyes. "And your personality, and your state of mind." She added in. I rolled my eyes laughing.

"He does not like me like that." I stated. "Gosh you're dense. Hey I'm going to stay the night, okay?" "No staying in with Alex?" I questioned shocked. She rolled her eyes. "Twenty four hours a day with him gets kind of tiring." I nodded my head understanding.

"Besides I'd rather be with my best friend." She said smirking. "So that means you want to help me with setting up all this shit." "If that's what you want to do then sure." She said smiling. I smiled back.

I had to admit, no matter how mad I was at her I'm glad she's back.

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