In Anthoer Life *Wicth Book 2*

By marvelgirlfan

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This is book two of bewitched. Like always I don't own anything in here. Must read Bewicthed first! Blossom c... More

chapter 1 : blossom, I love you
chapter 2 : kitty kitty
chapter 3 : wicth no more
chapter 4 : past Halloweens
chapter 5 : little red wonderland
chapter 6 : Sabrina
chapter 9 : mrioir cruse
chapter 8 : witch's giving
chapter 10 : not this time!
chapter 11 : girlfriend
chapter 13 : dreams are true!
chapter 14 : moving on
chapter 16 : home coming!
chapter 12 : my master
chapter 15: lies
chapter 17 : a blood white dress
chapter 18 : mommy?
chapter 19 : her love is the same
epilogue : burn the witch!
a wish is a dream the mind makes

chapter 7 : sisters?

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By marvelgirlfan

♀️A/N: found a new show/anime: little wicth academia! I'm adding the charters in here!🎤

Told form sucy's point of view

" so my twin sis lives here" I was at the house that the wicthana's lived. I'm sucy winford, sabrina's other duaghter. No one knows the part where Sabrina gave birth to twins. She changed my looks so no one would know who I am. My ahir went form a bright ornage to a dull purble. My eyes were a plae pink rose color. I finally wanted to see who my sister even was after sixteen whole years of no not knowing about her. I rang the doorbelle.

A teenage girl that looked like mpthe old me answred the door. " blososm wicthana?" I asked. " that's me" she smiled. " i'm sucy winford, your sister" I said. " very funny bubbles and buttercup. Now change back and scat" she said. " I'm really your sister.  I just don't look like you becuase of a glamor spell" I said. " then did my mom cheat on my father when I was bron?" She asked. " king josh devilson, our father, get sabrina winford, our real mother pergunt before he met your fake mom" I explined. " so I'm still related to that donkey!" She snapped.

" excuse me feelings towards him. I have daddy issues. Come in" she held open the door. " thank you" I walked in. She made some tea cups come out along with a tea pot. " tea?" She asked. " yes, please" I sat next to her on the couch. " tell me about your self" she poured some tea for me. " i was raised by our mother in the witch's ayslme" I begian. " I'm sorry you had to leave there" she said. " i didn't mind. I liked hearing stories of crazy old wicthes and worelocks. I leanred chemistry and position making" i said.

" are you staying for a while?" Blossom asked. " in fact I am looking for a new place" I said. " so live with me and my cat" her smile was so bright. " i would love to" i said. " then it's desisced. You can move your things any time you want" she said. " wonderful. I just want to know one thing. Is your cat normal or maigcaly?" I asked. " i wish he was normal and couldn't turn human" she sighed.

" why?" I asked. " so are you guys going to do sister things?" I truned around to see a boy with short ornage hair and bloody red eyes. " meet brick, my cat" blossom said. " hello, I'm sucy winford, her sister and your new roomate" I said. " winford. Baby any chance is your mother Sabrina winfrod?" He asked. " yes, she is" i answred. " can i talk blossom on the sidelines?" He asked. " of coruse" i answred.

Brick took me into the kicten *blososm p.o.v*. " i can't belive it" he said. " she looks differt becuase of a glamor spell" I said. " not that! I can't belive you letting the daughter of a murderous wicth live with us!" He snapped. " how do you know what sabrina winford was like?" I asked. " every wictg and worelock knows the story of sabrina winford" he answred. " just becuase her mom was a killer, I should torw her out on the street?" I asked.

" well would you rather of her suffer or one of us die?" He asked. " you can't Jude someone by who thier mom or dad is" i said. " but she lived with her mother for sixteen years, so she could have tought sucy a thing or two" he said. " i see" i sighed. " thank goodness" he said. " you hate me!" I shouted. " what!?" He asked.

" since you don't like sucy becuase sabrina is her mother, then you don't even care about me!" I answred. " no! I do care" he corrcted. " then why is she different form me. After all we came form the same mother" I pointed out. " she could be lying" he said. " oh i see" i looked down. " good, now I'll be up stairs if you need me" he was about to walk away. " going to cry to mairette over the phone?" He froze. " after all you did ask her if I was Sabrina's duaghter the other day!" I snapped.

" look, blossom" he begain. " no! You look, brick! I just couldn't belive you would be scared of me!" I yelled. " I'm sorry" was all he could say.                        
" you really think if I found out that my mom is really a killer, I would kill you?" I asked. " i mean if I found out that my mom was a killer, I would kill the people a dislike" he said. " whatever" I rolled my eyes. 

" I'm so sorry about this mess" he said. " me to. I'm sorry that I have to kick you out" I sighed. " why?!" He asked. " becuase if you don't like sucy for who her mother is, then you can't even care for me. Pack your bags and leave this house before sucy's bags get here" I ordred. " what will mairette and yui say about having the duaghter of a killer live with you?" He asked. " why should they care?" I asked. " becuase they live here" he answred.

" not any more" I walked out.

" bloss, you okay?" Sucy asked. " not really" I sat back down. " wanna talk about it?" She asked. " heack no" I answred. She giggled. " you knwo getting feelings out is good for the soul" she said.  " fine, if it'll appease you" i said. " i used to know who I was, then my mother and father weren't married. Then i found a new side of me when I found brick. But then my dead ex boyfriend came back and I was done having love problems, so I placed a hex on me. The hex broke. My two best firends are now attending collage in the netherworld and brick" I stoped.

" go on" she said. " brick, he dosen't approve of you becuase of who our mother is" I sighed. " i understand" she replied. " i wonder if my life will ever be fine" I said. " life is a very funny thing. It trows things at us when we've finally happy. But we'll lways find a way to be happy no madder what" she said. " but what about depressed people?" I asked. " that's a topic for anthoer day" she giggled. " so tell me who are you two best firends" she said.

" mairette and yui. They used to live with me. We always had some girl time" I said.

" well you have me as a sister and friend".                   


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