Taarey ff - A Modern Day Fair...

By Meera_corner

135K 5.1K 1K

Highest Ranks #1 in Taani #8 in cousins #2 in Taarey ... More

Singhania Mansion
Singhania Mansion - 2
Singhania Mansion - 3
Singhania Mansion - 4
Raichand House
Chapter - 10
Chapter- 14
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 53


2.1K 78 5
By Meera_corner

As I said I would be uploading both the prologues!! So here it is, enjoy yourselves!! Along with one more chapter of this story, chapter-1 after this........


Taani's POV

Mumbai (6:00 am)

I was wide awake early in the morning sitting in the balcony of my room sipping a cup of tea, trying to relax my mind from the anxiety of the interview scheduled some hours later. After completing my studies recently and having my degree I was now on a hunt for job. I completed my graduation in psychology, although I wanted to continue my studies further and gain a doctor's degree in psychology to be a successful counsellor in the future but I couldn't do it because of my parents. They didn't allow me to continue studying the subject, rather asked me to find a job till they can get me married.

I was apprehensive about finding a job as nowadays no one gives a nice earning post to graduate, rather they look for someone with a masters degree and lots of experience. I just wish that I could someday complete my studies and be a psychologist, helping people with their depression and weak mental conditions. After all I was myself a sufferer of depression, but my studies kept me strong and brought me out of my trauma.

The root of my depression and all the problems is me, myself (according to my parents at least) however I am unsure that why I am responsible for the way my life has been crafted out, as every single thing in my life is decided by my parents, from my clothes, to my food, then to my studies and even my future. I have no right to decide what I want because they control my life, rather they own me.

Confused right? let me just cut it a little short, now all my ordeals begin since I was born actually. My mother had severe complications during her pregnancy, she had a hard time giving birth to me hoping that I would be a boy and will lit up their lives and make them proud, and hopefully one day take over our business. But instead she was blessed, or rather in her words cursed with me. After my birth the doctors clearly told them that she won't be able to conceive me again. They would have happily disowned or killed me but they decided to keep me instead of living a childless life.

But I so wish they would have rather disowned me and thrown me away, being an orphan and not knowing about my parents would have been better than living this life. My parents hate me, my extended family hate me. They think that I will always put shame on their family, I would be their downfall. Though they never realised that they have become the reason of my downfall.

Since childhood, I never got the love of my parents. I was brought up by a nanny which my mother made sure was as cruel as her, beating me when I did some mistake, hitting me and even leaving me without food for days. The only thing they did was to give me my education, which I will be thankful for, but even this was for their selfish reasons as they hoped I would be their earning hand. They somehow even gave me the permission of completing my post graduation but then due to my amazing fate, note the sarcasm, my father's sister, my aunt told them that it will be good for them to get me married early before I miraculously fell in love with one of my co-worker or some friend and bring shame to their family.

And guess what, they agreed. So now the result is that they are searching grooms for me, in every nook and corner of the city. They have given my bio-data to so many priests and numerous matrimonial sites along with our relatives. Many have even come to meet me, but trust me they were totally just like my family. I was so happy when they rejected me, for one or other reason, but then my real ordeal began when my mother started calling me that I am not 'pretty enough' and no guy would ever want me as his wife.

They are hell bent on marrying me to the first family that agrees, not even caring about how is the family's background or even if they are nice people or not. They just want me, their burden, to get off their shoulders. Thus they have come upon various ways to teach me, how to 'catch' a guy.

Whenever a guy comes, my mother herself takes the pleasure of dressing me up in skimpiest and skin showing gowns, saying one thing I have been blessed with is the body to die for and I should show it off so that those boys get attracted. Even the thought disgusts me but I never have any option left. I do everything they say, not because I am weak, just because I want them to acknowledge me for once and say a few words of love and appreciation.

However, when I just go in font of those guys, they do get impressed, so much so they even try to touch me inappropriately or some were nice enough to say that they don't want a wife as such me, which literally leave me in tears because that's not the real ne. My real me would be hidden behind those sexy dresses and the loads of make up my mother puts on me.

I couldn't even say that the reason of their rejection is not me, but the way you ask me to meet them, to my mother . Thought so many rejections would have broken the confidence of any girl, and somewhat it broke mine too. But I get relieved thinking about those guys, happy that I did not get married to them. They just looked like hungry wolves, starved and ready to just pounce when they get an opportunity.

Still, after all this I am hopeful that one day I would get my due of happiness, love and care which I never had in childhood. There would be someone who would love the inner me and not just my outer beauty. He would swipe me away from this dark world of mine and take me somewhere I would be loved and cherished. I am just waiting for that day, however my patience might be running thin, I am still holding on to the last thread of hope that somewhere the man of my dreams is waiting for me. He would be like the princes who swept their princess off their feet in those fairytales. He would be my PRINCE CHARMING!


Same time in Singhania Mansion (Mumbai)

Rey's POV

I stopped after my 5th round of running across the garden area. Bending down slightly stretching and relaxing my tensed and pumped up muscles I sat down and gulped down the green healthy juice, which was a part of my fitness routine. The liquid drenched my dry throat but I grimaced at the taste of it, however I emptied the sipper half before again starting my another set of rounds.

It was early in the morning just as I like, running in the garden with my favourite playlist blasting through my earphones. This was my time, to think and to be alone before I again go back to the company of my whole family.

Huh family! The word which never fails to bring a smile on my face. My family is not a normal one, in many contexts whatsoever. Not in terms of status, class, business and of course not to forget size. I mean it can be called a small village for that matter. After all it contains.....wait lemme count. Two grandparents, three parents..............aah 22 people besides me. And yeah how can I forget to count the ones who are my friends and still a part of my big family. Yeah so 26 people to be exact, that's a lot for a family I now.

Shocked right? WellI haven't even started yet. My family is not just big in terms of size rather in terms of our economic structure too. Of course being a part of Singhania's, one of the most influential families, we all have acquired a nice amount of fortune from our ancestors but even then all of us are so successful in our respective careers that even if we split our incomes, even then every single member in the family would be considered a billionaire. And I am not boasting about it! In fact I feel proud that instead of being a spoilt and unjust family, we have always stood with what's right and have been honest with our crafts and careers.

That's what our grandparents and parents taught us. They are one of the biggest reason of our family being together still, in the times when even nuclear families have adjustment issues. My parents and grandparents always taught, not only me but all my sibling to love each other, respect family and to be together, to believe in the fact that ' Together we stand strong'.

One of the biggest reasons of us still following this is surely all the ladies of the house, after all many things changes after marriages, my brothers and in fact all my three parents would have been separated and we would not have been living like this if any of my sweet bhabhi's didn't put the efforts they did. Everytime one of us would get married we would always be fearful if the new member would be able to adjust with us, would be one of us as we are. And they did, all my bhabhi's have been so kind and loving, they just adapted to our family as if they were a part of it since forever. They love us and treat us like their own and I literally feel like bowing down in front of every single one.

But now it was my time, to be apprehensive and worried. I have recently turned 29 and according to my family, the age of my marriage is running away every passing year. I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought, I mean is it really necessary to be married before 30. It's not a crime to be unmarried after you pass that age right? Then why everyone make it sound like being single at this age is obnoxious.

Well, it's not their fault though because I never even had interest in any girl in my whole life. Which even left my little brother doubting my sexuality and preference saying I might be a gay. And guess what? My parents actually believed him and even discussed it with me in front of the whole family literally leaving me flushed. Now don't even ask me to tell you that whole conversation, it was embarrassing.

But that's how we were, we discuss everything and anything with each other. Share everything, though we have our privacies and boundaries, still it never feels like we are over stepping them. It is no compulsion, rather we chose to say and share everything and not just us brothers, rather my bhabhi's too. Everyone has a past and when we say that some of the family members too did, but this is true too that there is nothing hidden from everyone of us. We never feel like we are not a part of someone's life, because we are given that place and that importance that really makes us feel lucky.

And that's why when I told my parents that I need time, they agreed for my sake. But now I can't avoid the topic further, my parents have started searching girls for me long ago but if they like her I don't feel that connection with her, and they don't force me which I am grateful for, and other times the girl would be just behind my money and would have no respect for my family.

I know I can't ask someone to be adjusting and make my family her priority as well, but id o expect her to be like all my bhabhi's. A girl who would love us, care for us and accept my family like they did. Who won't be just an outsider rather would be with us like a part of our family. Would treat all my sibling, my nephew and my niece with love and respect. Would treat all the elders with respect and be a dotting daughter-in-law and wife. I do want someone who is kind at heart, whose heart is pure just like the morning dews or the shining light of the sun, who would be warm and caring and righteous of course. I want someone who would love me and support me, who would be strong enough to stand by my side because honestly being Reyansh Singhania, my life isn't a bed of roses. I have problems, loads of them and enemies, I have cameras behind me having an eye on my every move. We have media behind us and I want someone who would be strong enough to pass through all this holding my hand by my side.

I just hope that I find a girl like that soon, because honestly even I crave love. Although I am loved by my whole family, in fact I am the most pampered one but still I want the love of my life partner. Just like my elder brothers who have the love of their lives beside them. I want a world like them too, a wife to return home too. I too want someone who would cook specially for me, would run her fingers through my head when I would be tensed. Would shy away when I would try to be cosy to her, who I could kiss and make love to. Whose ever wish will be my command. Whose every inch would be owned by me, her every moment, be it day or night would be mine.

She would be mine, just MINE, my wife, my beloved, my beautiful PRINCESS.

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