Night Walkers [Editing]

By KidrauhlsNinjas

165K 5.5K 3.1K

BoyXBoy {COMPLETE} Justin Bieber was in the middle of a concert when he saw something horrific happening to h... More

Night walkers trailer
Day Before
The fuck
Close call
Adorably Tiny
Cheering up
Want? No, Need.
We're twins
Pitch black
You'll what?
Hazel Green
He is my world now
Love him
Hold tight
My Beliebers
Do you feel guilty now?
I give no fucks
Hold you down
Night Walkers

Life and death

3.1K 162 103
By KidrauhlsNinjas

Justin Bieber

I bit down on my bottom lip as I took the flannel and dipped it back into the bowl I was using full of cold water before wringing it out and dabbing it across Jason's sweaty forehead, it has been like this for the past three weeks now and he still hasn't woken up.

After everything that happened, Ryan and Chaz got rid of the bodies somewhere and Luke had stitched Jason up and stopped the bleeding, Jason died four times in the space of two weeks and I don't know how Luke did it, but he brought him back to life and I am forever grateful for that because I wouldn't survive if he died and left me here as selfish as it sounds. 

Also about four days after everything happened the place was almost surrounded in walkers, so we obviously had to move and with Jason not being awake yet it was really difficult. I carried him on my back been though he was really heavy and that was mostly because it was dead weight I was carrying and the boys had grabbed all of our belongings as well as some camp beds that they had found in the train station which were apparently used for when people were stuck there or something.

Anyway we went through the back doors and straight in to the trees and while running we saw the pile of dead walkers that Jason must have killed surrounding the trees and it created an awful smell. 

Chaz saw a building up ahead as we got chased by zombies and it turned out to be a car park, but it was surprisingly empty besides a few walkers that were easily killed, so the boys killed them and then sealed all the doors, we set up camp on the top floor and Ryan, Chaz and Luke secured the placed while Hazel looked after the twins and I looked after Jason.  

I removed the cloth from Jason's forehead and placed it back in the water before wringing it out again then started wiping over his chest, Luke also went out with Chaz to find an IV and things we could use to feed Jason and keep him alive. 

They're together now, Chaz and Luke, after everything happened they both decided that they were in love and that they couldn't waste anymore time together than they already have because they never knew what was going to happen and they didn't want to regret not telling each other how they felt. 

I let out a quiet sigh as I wiped over Jason's sweaty body as he breathed softly, "I know I say this every single day and that I am probably getting in your nerves, but I think it is about time you woke up now, I miss you and I know if it were me in this situation you would be telling me to hurry up as well, you would be as impatient as me maybe even worse and you would tell my lazy ass to wake the fuck up," I sniffled wiping over the part of Jason's chest where my tears were falling. 

"There's nothing new to tell you, the same thing is always happening every single day, I wipe you over and watch you, Chaz and Luke are being all lovey dovey as well as Ryan and Hazel, but they try not to do it too much in front of me because they know I get upset when I see it, I want to be able to hug and kiss you tight, I want to be able to tell you how much I love you and you would say it back to me with that look in your eyes that always has me weak at the knees." I spoke as I placed the towel back in the water and left it there as I got up and adjusted myself so I was laying next to Jason. 

I draped my arm over his chest and moved my leg so it was in between his, this was the closest to cuddling I could get and I didn't like it, but then I was grateful for it because at least he was alive and where he was stabbed has healed, but it's left him another scar, I don't care about that though because he's still beautiful to me. 

"I know you wouldn't like me saying this and I know you don't think I'm a killer, but I am so glad that Alfredo and Nick are dead, it sounds weird, but things have been much calmer around here, it's like a weight has been lifted off everyone's shoulders and we can finally laugh and joke without being watched or thrown dirty looks and nasty comments, but then again I haven't laughed since this has happened, how can I laugh when the man I love has been in some type of coma for three weeks?" I asked knowing that he wasn't going to answer me back.

"It's really random and maybe even a little inappropriate, but I miss our sexy time," I chuckled burying my face into his cold neck.

"I miss the feeling of us making love, I miss how we could either take it slow or go at it like wild dogs, I miss how you would become this whole of dominant personality when you take me, but I love it and I just want you back, I need you to come back to me now because I'm getting really tired of waiting." I cried quietly tightening my arm around his chest as if he was going to squeeze me back, but he never did and deep down I knew he wasn't going to, but there is always that bit of hope that I have and that is all I had left at the moment.


Luke Brooks

I was sat down on the ground with my back against the wall and Chaz was cuddled into my chest as we looked over at a crying Justin, "Do you think he is going to wake up?" Chaz whispered and he ran his fingers through my dirty and tangled hair. 

Being in a car park doesn't give you many supplies and all that we have to was ourselves are a few bottles of water that we found in the train station but we also need them to drink, "He will wake up babe." I whispered running my hands up his sides, I couldn't believe that he was finally mine after I watched him from afar for so long, I was scared to tell him how I felt because I knew that he wasn't gay or at least he didn't think he was gay. 

It was quite funny really, Chaz and I went together to look for some supplies around the train station when we were there, but previous to that we were kind of cuddling together but I didn't think it meant anything to him. 

Anyway we were in one of the offices at the back of the station and it was pitch black, well almost because I had a torch, but it wasn't giving off much light because the batteries were running out, I had turned around at the same time that Chaz did and just like that our lips had landed on each others. 

We both stood shocked for a minute and I pulled away quickly not wanting to freak him out, it was all silent in the room and all you could hear was my laboured breathing, even though it wasn't a proper kiss it still sent tingles through my body and straight to my heart, I was shocked when he grabbed a fistful of my torn shirt and tugged me forward until our lips slammed together again with so much force it winded me, but if course I kissed him back and that's when it happened. 

Chaz told me how he felt and I blurted out what I had been feeling for a while and there we have it, I looked down at my boyfriend with a soft smile on my face as he looked over at his best friend with a worried frown, I placed a soft kiss on the top of his head making him look up at me with tired eyes and a lazy smile before puckering his lips, chuckling I leaned down and pecked his lips a few times before frowning.

"I better check on Jason." I whispered and he nodded in understanding kissing my lips once more before I stood up and made my way over to where Justin was laying with Jason. 

"Hey bro, how are you feeling?" I asked as I crouched down on the other side to where Justin was, He looked up at me with red and puffy eyes making my heart strings pull on sympathy for him.

"Not too good really, but it's whatever." He shrugged brushing off his feelings like he always did when I asked him if he was ok, I just nodded and picked up the stethoscope placing it in my ears before taking the metal bit and placing it against Jason's chest to check his heart and lungs, I nodded as I heard they were fine then I placed it against his stomach where his intestines were, all of this was done so I could hear the blood flow in his arteries and veins, I checked his pupils and his pulse as well and they were normal. 

Letting out a sigh, I turned to Justin who was looking at me expectantly making me cringe, he did this every time and I knew he was hoping that I could say he was going to wake up, but I couldn't say that and I always ended up saying the same thing, "Everything is normal." I mumbled with a sad smile wanting to look away from his disappointed eyes.

"I would love to say to you that he was going to wake up or tell you exactly when he was going to, but I can't Justin, it's all down to him and I am so sorry that I can't give you an exact time." I whispered grabbing his hand in mine and giving it what I thought would be a comforting squeeze, but I knew it wasn't.

"I know, thank you." He murmured before resting his face against Jason's arm and closing his eyes, I frowned in worry, but stood up and made my way back over to Chaz.

"The horde outside the door is getting bigger." He mumbled looking through the bars of the car park with a fear written in his eyes.

"I know and we need to move soon, I was hoping that Jason would have woken up by now so we could, but it doesn't look like he will be any time soon." I groaned as Chaz started to massage my shoulders, I looked out of the bars and saw a load of walkers hanging around outside and crowding the doors.

It's been getting worse the longer we stay here and I know that we can't stay here for much longer otherwise we are all dead and this time there will be no escape for us because no matter where we go whether it be to another floor or on a lift, we will be trapped.  

Hazel Green

I hate seeing him like this, I rant to him all the time about different things and try to make him laugh, but it doesn't work and I am running out of things to say and now I have realised that I just need to leave him to it because the only thing that is going to make him smile and laugh again, is if Jason wakes his sexy ass up. 

I just fed the boys a packet of crisps and a drink because we need to ration our food and we don't have that much left, I don't know what we are going to do when we run out though, since Jason has been in his coma thing we have been falling apart, he was the one that led us to where we needed to go, he kept us alive and well, he kept us fighting, but I know that as each day passes we are all giving up the fight. 

I know that we don't want to be running away from these things for the rest of our lives, but then we also know that there is nothing that we can do about it and that we have to live with it because we don't have a choice, I sighed as the twins curled up together on one of the camp beds we had gotten and closed their eyes to take their afternoon nap, they always did that and I found it cute. 

"You ok honey?" I heard Ryan's voice in my ear making me jump and squeal slightly as he grabbed my hips.

"You idiot," I shrieked slapping his arm, but smiling when he batted his baby blues at me, "I'm ok." I sighed leaning into his chest.  

Ryan grabbed my hand and walked me over to our camp bed before laying down and pulling me so that I was laying on his chest, "I miss Jason." I sighed resting my chin on his chest. 

"To be honest I do as well, we didn't talk much, but he was always nice to me and he always made my brother smile and just that alone is enough to make me miss him." Ryan spoke honestly making me pout as tears welled up in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked him softly wiping underneath his tired eyes. 

"I just hate seeing him like this you know, never in all my years of being Justin's best friend have I seen him so low, he was always happy and cracking jokes, he was always pulling pranks on people and now to see him always crying and not talking is heartbreaking," He murmured looking over at a silently crying Justin. 

"I have tried to comfort him, he just pushes me away and of course it hurts, but I understand that he needs his space and that he doesn't want to be around any of us that much." He smiled sadly and I nodded.

"I know Ry." I spoke before kissing him and resting my head on his shoulder.

"I miss sexy beast a lot though, the way he would lick his lips and that, you know it was really hot and when he would strip of his shirt when he was doing something that made him sweaty, my god, I wish he would have been straight so he could take me right there and then." I rambled as Ryan gave me a bored look used to my rambling on how sexy Justin and Jason were.  

"I would fuck him real good, I would ride him like he was a fucking mechanical bull, I would let him do what he wanted to me as well as Justin, would you have minded if I had a threesome with them?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well of course I fucking would have minded." He spoke in a duh tone as if I was the one being stupid, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Well if you would have gotten jealous Ryan, I may have let you join us, even though you aren't as sexy as them." I grinned tapping his face lightly.

"Oh well thank you very much, I appreciate it." He chuckled sarcastically making me pout. 

"You should appreciate it, although I think you would be more of a spectator, I don't think that I would have let you join in." I muttered thoughtfully.

"I wouldn't want to sleep with my bestfriend anyway." He shrugged making me look at him in disbelief.

"Why wouldn't you want to sleep with that fine piece of ass?" I shrieked making him wince and shrug.

"I'm not gay," Ryan spoke slowly as if once again I was dopey?

"So? If I was a man and I wasn't gay I would still sleep with that sexy man." I moaned. 

"Whatever." He huffed making me nod knowing I won this little discussion, even though it may come across as I don't, I really do love Ryan, he understands me and he makes me feel special even with what is going on and even though I talk about Justin and Jason the way I do, I wouldn't do half of the things that I say, it's just my personality to ramble about anything and everything and I appreciate beautiful looks when I see them and those two men are stunning, I just wish Jason would wake up and make Justin happy again.

Justin Bieber

"Daddy?" I heard one of the twins voices say making my head shoot up out of it's hiding place in Jason's arm to see Jacob stood there looking at me with expectant eyes.

"Yes chipmunk?" I asked hoarsely, my throat felt dry and unused as I sat up and rubbed at my sore eyes.

"Can I have a cuddle?" He asked cutely and this must be the first time I smiled since they both started calling me daddy and Jason dad. 

It was really unexpected, but I felt pride soar through me when they did call me that, they explained to us in their own cute little way that they loved us and that they would be honoured if Jason and I would accept them as our sons and let them call us daddy because they wanted us to look after them and keep the monsters away and of course we accepted. 

"Of course you can, come here." I rasped patting my lap and he wasted no time launching himself into my awaiting lap, I wrapped my arms around his small frame and pulled him against my chest as I look over at Jason. 

"Daddy?" Jacob questioned looking up at me with his innocent green eyes, I hummed and kissed his forehead.

"When is dad going to wake up? I miss him loads and loads and I miss when he would tuck me into his big arms in the nights when I got scared to go to sleep because of the monsters." Jacob spoke matter of factly making my eyes water, but I tried to hold them back because I needed to be strong not only for the twins, but for Jason.  

"I don't know buddy, it could be today, tomorrow, a week, a month, I just don't know and I wish I did, I wish that this had never happened, but it has so we need to move forward and be strong for your dad ok?" I asked looking at him as he nodded up at me.

"Ok daddy." He whispered then placed his head under the crook of my neck making my clear my throat to keep the tears at bay. 

Just then Joshua walked over and without a word he got into the bed next to Jason and cuddled into him wrapping his little arms around Jason's arm, "You need to wake up now dad, daddy is really sad without you." He whispered before closing his eyes and nuzzling Jason's side. 

Those words are all it took for me to burst out into tears, heartbreaking sobs that echoed off of the car parks concrete walls, I knew everyone was looking at me worried, but I also knew that they wouldn't approach me and that is all my fault because I pushed them away. 

"Don't cry daddy, please." Jacob whispered wrapping his small arms around my neck and pulling my head down until it hit his tiny chest and he let me cry as he patted my head. 

It's a funny thing when you're upset because more than anything you want to be held and your emotions can be controlled up to that point, but then as soon as someone wraps their arms around you, You lose control of your emotions and you cry like a little baby.  

I don't know how long we sat in that exact position and I don't know when I stopped crying, all I know that right now my heart was bursting in joy, my body was trembling in want and my eyes were welling up with freshly made tears of pure relief as Jason's hands started to clench and unclench, his eyeballs moved quickly beneath his eyelids and small groans were escaping his lips. 

"Jason? Baby." I whispered as Jacob hopped out of my lap and ran over to the side his brother was now standing.

"Dad, please wake up." The begged as he started to twitch, I grabbed his hand in mine and looked over my shoulder quickly.

"Luke, he's waking up." I shouted interrupting his and Chaz's make out session. 

Luke pulled away from Chaz and stood up quickly making his way over to us as well as the others as soon as they heard me shout, "J-Justin?" Jason rasped as I looked back down and into his ice blue eyes that I never new I missed so much until I stared into them at this moment.

"I'm here." I cried as I gripped onto his hand tightly. 

"W-Wh-" He tried to speak, but I knew he was having trouble. 

"Get him a bottle of water." Luke ordered no one in particular as he started checking Jason over. 

Hazel ran over with a bottle of water and handed it to me and I quickly unscrewed the lid and lifted Jason's head up holding the bottle to his lips watching as he drained the bottle in seconds after he took a few tester sips.  

"W-What happened?" He rasped looking over at me with tired eyes and I couldn't stop the grin that was spread across my face enough to break it in half as I looked at the love of my life.

"Nick stabbed you." Luke murmured making Jason's eyes shoot over to him before he looked confused for a few seconds and then his eyes widen in realization. 

"Help me sit up, please?" He practically begged and I wasted no time in getting him sat up straight, "Why doesn't my chest hurt?" He asked rubbing the spot where he was stabbed, I bit my lip and looked down at my lap.

"Kitten?" He asked and I could have danced around in joy as I heard the familiar, but at the same time foreign nickname.

"You've been out for 3 weeks." I whispered sadly as he lifted my chin up with his fingers. 

If I thought Jason's eyes went wide before then I don't know what his eyes went like this time, "W-What?" He stuttered in shock and then started to look around with a confused gaze. 

"Where is Nick? Where are we? What happened?" He shot out with frantic eyes and I grabbed his hand trying to calm him down a bit.

"I killed Nick." I stated strongly as he looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"How?" He asked and from there I started explaining everything to him, from the night everything had happened and to how we ended up here and how I felt when he was out for the three weeks, I poured my heart out and cried some more, but I couldn't be more thankful than for right now.

Jason McCann

Apart from all the little aches and pains in my body from not moving in three weeks I felt completely fine, there was no pain in my chest and I felt as good as new so I guess that's a good thing, I stood up from the bed with Joshua clinging to my back like a baby monkey and Jacob wrapped around my leg as I walked around the car park inspecting everything carefully. 

Justin was taking a nap because I knew as soon as I saw his face when I woke up that he hadn't had much sleep since the whole ordeal so I practically ordered him to sleep and he couldn't say no, I frowned as I heard loud growling noises coming from one of the doors so I made my way over there slower than usual as I have two children clinging to me. 

"Dad?" Joshua asked in my ear making me smile, I love being called dad, I can't really explain it in a way that someone without their own children or someone who knows what it feels like could understand but it is such an amazing feeling. 

"Yes?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side so I could see him better. 

"I'm so glad you woke up, daddy wasn't happy when you were asleep and all he did was cry and sip water sometimes until he was forced to eat something, he never left your side and brother and I were worried about him, we wanted you to wake up really badly dad." He spoke innocently in my ear as his little fingers played with the skin of my cheeks, I frowned as the thought of Justin feeling and looking so broken and helpless invaded my mind. 

"I know you did buddy and I'm sorry I didn't wake up sooner, but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere so you don't need to worry about that, daddy will be ok now and we can move on from this like big boys ok?" I questioned looking over at him to see him nodding his head rapidly.

"I'm a big boy dad." He grinned and I felt his little chest puffing out against my back in pride making me chuckle and shake my head.

"I know you are." I agreed before walking up to the barred windows only to step back in shock, man I forgot how ugly those things were. 

Looking back through the bars my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why there were so many walkers surrounding the place if we aren't making any noise, well from what I know there hasn't been much noise. 

It was worrying me on the amount of zombies there were out there, with the amount there is they could easily break through the doors and attack us all when we least expect it. 

We could be asleep when it happens and I don't really want to take that chance, I have been hurt once already by Nick and I don't want to be hurt again to the point where I don't come around for three weeks. 

Turning back around, I headed over to Luke simply because I knew he would be the one to take over since he is the only gang member of mine left, thinking of that is pretty sad, but honestly it could have been for the best because they are in a better place now and they don't have to deal with the constant worry of being torn apart every second by these things.

I smiled once I saw him cuddled with Chaz but was a little confused, "Hey Luke." I greeted once I was stood in front of them.

"Hey Jason, you feeling ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I just wanted to thank you for saving my ass once again." I chuckled. 

It isn't the first time that he has had to fix me up from a stab wound or something like that, "Oh it was nothing." He waved off as Chaz nuzzled into his chest. 

"Are you two together?" I smirked making Chaz blush.

"Yeah, I forgot you didn't know because you were out of it, but we are." Chaz spoke shakily making me grin.

"Finally." I huffed making Luke laugh and Chaz buried his face into Luke's neck making me miss Justin even more than I already was even though he was in the same room. 

"Ok well I just wanted to say that we need to move as soon as possible because those things are going to bust that door down." I motioned to where I was just looking.

"I know, I was holding out for as long as I could until you would wake up and you finally did so we can move tomorrow, it's way too late to move now." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

"Ok, So first thing tomorrow morning, keep it down you two." I smirked wiggling my eyebrows before walking over to my baby. 

Aww he looks so fucking adorable.

"It's getting late you boys go to bed." I ordered them softly.

"But dad-" They whined making me smile.

"No buts, now go." I laughed pointing to their bed as they pouted at me and made their bottom lip tremble, I did the same thing back to them and we just stared at each other.

"Puppy dog faces don't work on me, now get to bed you little boogers." I grinned and pointed to their bed once again making them huff, they grabbed my hands and tugged on them making me bend down and they placed a kiss on each of my cheeks.

"We love you dad." They said before running over to the camp bed and climbing in before cuddling together, I smiled softly and carefully got in behind Justin wrapping my arms around his slimmer than I remember waist and nuzzled my face into the back of his head. 

"I missed you so much." He suddenly spoke making me jump as he turned around in my arms and buried his face into my neck.

"I know you did baby, I love you." I spoke honestly feeling him smile against my neck placing a kiss there.

"I love you more." He whimpered, but I knew he wasn't going to cry, he's all cried out by the sounds of it. 

My stomach was turning with something unpleasant, but I couldn't put my finger on it so I pushed the feeling away for a second as Justin looked up at me with his beautiful hazel eyes, "Kiss me?" I asked as he brushed his lips against the skin of my cheek.

"You don't even have to ask." He whispered pressing his lips against mine. 

I kissed him back with a small smile on my face as I felt the pure fear, passion, love and worry for me through the kiss, I felt how much he missed me and it was nice knowing that he missed me so much but horrible knowing he went through hell because of me, I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for me letting our minty breaths clash together as I explored his mouth.

Yes I have brushed my teeth I wouldn't kiss him like this if I hadn't. 

Our tongues battled fiercely and I pulled him so he was hovering over me with his legs on either side of my thighs, "Don't leave me." He begged through kisses as I placed my hands on his hips.

"Never." I breathed before pulling away and trailing kisses down his neck and started to suck on the skin that connected his shoulder and neck making him moan quietly.

"I missed this, I missed you." He groaned as I squeezed his ass and nodded with my lips still attached to his skin, I pulled away from him and pulled him down until he was completely on top of me before cuddling him into my large frame and throwing the think throw over the top of both of us. 

"Go back to sleep baby, you need it, I will still be here in the morning." I whispered placing a kiss on his temple and he nodded with a yawn.

"Ok, but you sleep as well, I love you." He spoke before he was out like a light. 

I just lay here with my eyes closed and that feeling still in my stomach and I couldn't say how much or why that last sentence I said bothered me so much and that was when I felt a sharp pain shoot through the calf of my leg.

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