The Little and the Giant (Ush...

By Jo-chan

942K 38.6K 9.1K

It was the absolute rule of the court that he plays on The canon, Ushijima Wakatoshi only needed to be give... More

The Little and The Giant
I: First Meeting
II: Varsity
III: Goliath
IV: Training
V: Rumours
VI: Venting
VII: Gossip
VIII: Preparations (1)
IX: Preparations (2)
X: Demo
XI: Value
XII: Lara Wan
XIII: Chat messages
XIV: Intramurals Date? (1)
XV: Intramurals Date? (2)
XVI: Pros
XVII: Hayashi Rice
XVIII: Photoshoot
XIX: Girlfriends and Boyfriends
XX: Barbeque
XXI: Hanging Tree
XXII: "Normal" Friends
XXIII: New Girlfriend
XXIV: Drinks and Games(1)
XXV: Drinks and Games (2)
XXVI: Drinks and Games (3)
XXVII: Spill
XXIX: Check
XXX: Misunderstandings
XXXI: Lawrence
XXXII: Tipsy (1)
XXXIII: Tipsy (2)
XXXIV: Tipsy (3)
XXXV: Tipsy (4)
XXXVI: Concrete (1)
XXXVII: Concrete (2)
πŸ¦…XXXVIII: Manager (1)
πŸ¦…XXXIX: Manager (2)
πŸ¦…XL: Manager (3)
πŸ¦…XLI: Boy Talk
πŸ¦…XLII: Crows (1)
πŸ¦…XLIII: Crows (2)
πŸ¦…XLIV: Crows (3)
πŸ¦…XLV: Girls' Volleyball Club (1)
πŸ¦…XLVI: Girls' Volleyball Club (2)
πŸ¦… XLVII: Girls' Volleyball Club (3)
πŸ¦… XLVIII: Sleepover (1)
πŸ¦… XLIX: Sleepover (2)
πŸ¦… L: Sleepover (3)
πŸ¦… LI: Ballgirl (1)
πŸ¦… LII: Ballgirl (2)
πŸ¦… LIII: Ballgirl (3)
πŸ¦… LV: (Wet) Dreams (2)
πŸ¦… LVI: (Wet) Dreams (3)
πŸ¦… LVII: Recon (1)
πŸ¦… LVIII: Recon (2)
πŸ¦… LIX: Recon (3)
πŸ¦… LX: Marked
HOLIDAY AU SPECIAL: The Giant's Little Mate
HOLIDAY AU SPECIAL: The Giant's Little Mate (2)
HOLIDAY AU SPECIAL: The Giant's Little Mate (3)
HOLIDAY AU SPECIAL: The Giant's Little Mate (4)
πŸ¦… LXI: Sub (1)
πŸ¦… LXII: Sub (2)
πŸ¦… LXIII: Sub (3)
πŸ¦… LXIV: A Starting Point
πŸ¦… LXV: Wall
πŸ¦… LXVI: Ruler
πŸ¦… LXVII: Search (1)
πŸ¦… LXVIII: Search (2)
πŸ¦… LXIX: Hidden Boss (1)
πŸ¦… LXX: Hidden Boss (2)
πŸ¦… LXXI: Hidden Boss (3)
πŸ¦… LXXII: Hidden Boss (4)
πŸ¦… LXXIII: Hidden Boss (5)
πŸ¦… LXXIV: Hidden Boss (6)
πŸ¦… LXXV: Boss Reveal (1)
πŸ¦… LXXVI: Boss Reveal (2)
πŸ¦… LXXVII: Trainer (1)
πŸ¦… LXXVIII: Trainer (2)
πŸ¦… LXXIX: Fly (1)
πŸ¦… LXXX: Fly (2)
πŸ¦… LXXXI: Fly (3)
πŸ¦… LXXXII: Change
πŸ¦… LXXXIII: Prelude
πŸŽ† LXXXIV: Memories (1)
πŸŽ† LXXXV: Memories (2)
πŸŽ† LXXXVI: Dead Stars
πŸŽ† LXXXVII: Inability
πŸŽ† LXXXIX: Shackles
πŸŽ† XC: Date ✿
πŸŽ† XCI: Date (2) ✿
πŸŽ† XCII: Moon Lady
πŸŽ† XCIII: Bloom
πŸŽ† XCIV: Spring blossoms
πŸŽ† XCV: Gratitude

πŸ¦… LIV: Dreams (1)

9.7K 400 274
By Jo-chan

Ushijima Wakatoshi had expected it.

The astonished faces of the highschool boys were apparent as they realized some things about you and they had been talking about it ever since the meetings.

He expected it.

Whether you were doing it willfully or not, your skills were bound to show anyway.

And it really did.

Although only the surface level ones. 

Your performance wasn't even showing half of the extent of what you could do. And he had been used to it and he internally reminded himself not to align his standards with yours.

"So she's like a ball of athletic skills?" He remembered how Tendo asked a while ago and the former ace hesitated to nod, since he didn't know if those alone could be categorized as merely athletic skills anyway.

If Tendo described the Karasuno duo as monster children, you were a purebred monster— who has all the agility, speed, balance, stability, endurance and even the competitive power to back you all up.

You were practically a hidden boss.

A little monster who didn't want to play despite being extremely capable and a boss who was trying to be lowkey though that's most likely to fail.

But more importantly, you were rather more formidable now.

Especially when you were making dinner.

"Are you thinking of stupid things again?" You pout as you give him an early serving.

It was the time before dinner and when he heard you were cooking, he had immediately followed after. He was seated comfortably on the same seat and he doesn't say anything but only eats. 

You only handed him some things to eat from time to time as you cook since he wasn't budging.

He was pretty good at keeping watch too. There were a lot of people who had been curious with who was cooking and he was perfect for warding crowds off the kitchen.

It's like having a watchdog. You nod as you subconsciously patted his head.

A watchdog who you'll probably be sleeping with for the rest of the camp.

But it was either you end up sleeping beside him and his volleyball or in that ominous empty room.

"I'm taking a bath after this and sleeping." You say and he looks at you.

You didn't need to hear him say it. You know what he was asking about with that questioning look. "Yes, I'm sleeping early." You say.

"And in your room." You look at him, adamant with the declaration.

He looks surprised to hear it. But he expected it. You were more stubborn than he is and he knows.

He sighs as he gives up. He looks like he wants to say something but he was hesitant to say it.

"Ahh. But won't I be caught by your roommate if I sleep early?" You whispered and he remembers.

He shakes his head. "I heard Tendo's up to something tonight so Reon will be sleeping in late. I'll just cover you up with a blanket." 

"Won't that be weird? It's like you're hiding a corpse." You glanced at him, suspicious. "You can just cover me." You waved the suggestion on his face.

"Cover you?"

"Yeah. With your body." You say casually.


Ushijima Wakatoshi blinked.

For the first time, he actually thought of something else— something he had probably done before too.

"If you sleep sideways, I won't be seen since I'm small." You smiled innocently.


That was true. Since he had done it before too.

And the thought made his mouth form a thin line.

To think you gave out such an unsuspecting but practical answer too.

And it could work.

Since you're small.

"Have you finally accepted it?" he says with a straight face.

Your brows furrowed as you look at him with a pout. You suddenly kicked his leg.

"Clara-san is pretty agile." The boys comment as they sat down on their beds.

It was the occasional talk before sleeping and the highschool boys were huddled up in the big room they were sleeping in, talking about what happened today.

"Did you see the girls' faces? They were fuming."

"Ah! I saw. I saw."

"I've never seen them so shocked before either."

"Well, we're also the same though."

"Their captain's face was all red too."

"I know! I've never seen her look like that."

"They look like they were really planning something earlier too."

"That would be hard though since the coaches were all interested."

"Tell me about it."

"But I do want to see her actually receive a ball though."

"I know what you mean."

The kids were noisy. Tendo scrambled for some things in his bag as he listens in.

He couldn't blame the kids for being that excited too.

But as much as he liked to add some of his more notable observations, he had other plans scheduled for that night.

"Flashlight?" Tendo asks his fellow alumni who nodded.

They look at each other momentarily before nodding then stood up like prepared men ready for battle.

"Where are you going, senpai?" Goshiki suddenly asked them, realizing their odd behavior.

Tendo looks at the boy sharply before grinning.

"Ghost hunting." The red head says with a sharp gaze.

The current ace looks at them with an eyebrow raised before speaking loudly in protest.

"But it's past bed time."

"Thank you for reminding us, Tsutomu-kun." Tendo says with closed eyes.

"But that's exactly the point!" They grinned.

The captain only looks at the older men, who were adults now heading off to their respective career paths in life.

"Isn't that... A little childish for all of you though?" He says bluntly.


Goshiki only looks at them, his mouth forming a thin line, clearly speechless.

He watches the former volleyball players walk out of the room excitedly like some giddy, highschool boys before inwardly grimacing.

'Whaaa. Did they really graduate a few years back?'

He watches them walk away quietly before he noticed it.

"Why are you going the opposite way?" He asks and they looked at him with a smug expression.

"We're fetching Miracle boy Wakatoshi."

Goshiki Tsutomu suddenly stopped short.

He had initially thought of this idea as childish since the energy needed for this could might as well be used in volleyball. To add, he was a responsible captain too.

But since Ushijima-san was going too...

No, no. That's not the reason.

Since he's the captain now, these adults were clearly his responsibility too since they were guests in the camp.

Goshiki nods in agreement with his thoughts.

Since they were his responsibility, he had no choice but to go along too.

It can't be helped then!" He says, eyes closed as he follows after. 

"But wouldn't he be asleep?" He asks them as he follows suit.

"That's okay. Tendo says he'll wake him up."

"Tendo-san, could do that???" The highschool boy asked curiously, finding it hard to believe.

They waved his suspicion off easily.

"Of course. Of course. It's not like Wakatoshi is busy in his room after all."

Ushijima Wakatoshi was busy in his room.

He looks at you then to the clock, still wondering how easily you've fallen asleep the moment you laid down on the bed a few hours ago.

He was getting ready for bed as he removed his shirt to change and he momentarily looks at you to check again.

The trusty pillow you've put in between was long gone just like yesterday night.

And he internally sighed, remembering how he wanted to talk about some things before you sleep.

But to think you've beaten him into it since you've instantly fallen asleep.

Though he was kind of thankful too in a sense since he didn't know how to raise the topic.

He had woken up earlier to this dilemma after all and he wanted to ask a couple of things.

He didn't realize with his shirt on you yesterday. But he wanted to ask why you were only wearing his shirt and your underwear when you sneaked in last night.

Though that wasn't the entire details.

But it surprised him the very morning.

Seeing you in lingerie at the very first light of morning wasn't a very good thing to see although it was very beautiful. But still.

And even more so when you woke up, still half asleep and gave him an unsuspecting innocent smile. It was a contrast to your not-innocent overall appearance and he was temporarily rendered speechless.

He had goosebumps.

Waking up to this when you're a healthy athletic male was like torture.

But to think this would happen for the rest of the camp.

Your trusty pillow did nothing. And as much as he wanted to tell you, he didn't want your trust with your pillow gone.

And right now, you were practically turning in your sleep once again as you had the bed all to yourself for now. Your shirt slightly lifted up as you keep moving in your sleep, the lace panties you were wearing in full view.

The athlete could only put his palm over his face, as a frustrated blush makes itself apparent.

Sometimes it baffles him how you think he was immune to these things.

He covered his eyes again before he carefully thugged your shirt and tried to pull it down.

Then he heard footsteps stop exactly before the door. And he recognized that incoming loud entrance anywhere.

The door knob was turning.

His eyes widened. His athletic reflexes were put to the test and he immediately got a blanket to cover you all up.

And along with it, he hears a familiar loud voice.

"Wakatoshi-kun! Let's go ghost-hunting!"

And when they looked at it, they were rendered speechless.



"Oh my." The former Shiratorizawa team looked at the site they thought they'd  never see in their lifetimes.

There was a momentary silence that settled in the air as the teammates of the former ace tried to burn the view in their memory.

A topless Ushijima Wakatoshi was in bed with a girl, and he was trying to cover her more with the blanket.

They stood there, frozen as they took in what was happening.

And as if to confirm, the girl nuzzled his chest with a slight hum, peacefully asleep.

Tendo covered his mouth with his hand as he gasps.

Reon and Hayato only blinks before grinning.

Goshiki was practically frozen.

And Semi suddenly put out his phone, taking a photo.

He sent it to the volleyball alumni group chat right after.

And while his notifs exploded, there was a momentary silence that filled the air as they stood there, frozen from the development.

"What are you doing?" The stoic athlete was the first to speak.

They stood there momentarily until they realized he was looking at them with a slight glare.

"Oh my Wakatoshi-kun."

"I'm sorry we didn't know you were busy." Tendo says with a smug smile.

"We wanted to invite you."

"I have things to do." The athlete says seriously.

They looked at him then to you. Then back to him again.

Ah. It's her.

They instantly thought.

And as their thoughts were all in unison, they nod in agreement to what was happening

You = What Wakatoshi has to do.

The older men were practically crying tears of joy.


"I'm sure you do Wakatoshi-kun." Tendo says with a wide grin.

"She's asleep quite early though." He adds as he glances at the sleeping girl again.

"She was really tired."

There was a momentary silence before Tendo dramatically posed.


"We'll be going now." Semi drags the red head out of the room.

"WAIT-" But before the red head leaves, he took out something from his pocket.

Tendo Satori suddenly threw something to the athlete's face.

The others practically blinked when they recognized what it was.

The condom landed on Ushijima's hands with a plop and the athlete blinks as he looks at it then back to his teammate.

The alumni gaped at the blocker.


"It's for protection." The blocker says with a grin.

Ushijima looks at him, an eyebrow raised.

But the two of you aren't fighting anyone though.

The athlete sighs as he got off the bed, his shirtless glory in full view and puts a towel over his shoulders as he puts the condom on the table.

"We don't need it."





(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄👍


"I expected nothing less from you Wakatoshi-kun."

"Goshiki take notes." Tendo suddenly pats his head as they walk back to the room.

"BUT-" the third year stuttered as he remembers the whole thing.

"What are you saying to him???" Semi skeptically asks.

"He's still in highschool." Reon sends a chop to Tendo's head.

"But to be like Ushijima-san..." Goshiki's voice trailed off quietly.


Ushijima sighs as he hears the door closes.

This... feels like a misunderstanding.

But when he removed the blanket to check on you, your shirt up all the way to your chest.

Aren't a child she says.

Yet so oblivious.

Ahh. he internally groans.

What is he going to do with you?

And as the words fill his head, he was rendered surprise when he heard you slightly whimper.

You suddenly groaned uncomfortably. 

He stopped short. He was curious. 

What were you even dreaming about to make you this noisy?

You rarely turn noisy in your sleep.

He raises an eyebrow as he leans to listen.

He was ready to wake you up even if he'll earn a slap from you from the way you were turning noisy and uncomfortable. 

To be fair, it even reminded him of a memory he was all too familiar with since he had always dreamt of it occasionally.

But he shakes that off.

You could be having a nightmare at the moment and it was inappropriate. Since it was a memory you wouldn't probably remember too.

But his eyes widened when he hears.

"Waka... Toshi, stop... bitin-"


He takes that back.

He doesn't want to wake you up after all.

A/N: Will be busy with schoolwork again so we'll return with the weekly updates. :((( 

I'm still debating if whether I'll publish the explicit content for the next chapter. Please tell me if you like to see it published since it is pretty spicy, so I was having doubts since we're pretty fluffy on the story. Just comment it down . 

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