Catching Feelings

By TheArtToFiction

202K 5.5K 1K

Catching Feelings: An Aubrey Drake Graham Fan Fiction Raven Perry is an ambitious choreographer / actress set... More

Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Thank You
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The Finale!
Chapter 74
The Ex Factor

Chapter 59

1.7K 48 21
By TheArtToFiction

Nothing was the same after Drake's little revelation. It was the day before the tour and Raven was still sleeping in the guestroom. After finding it to be too difficult keeping up her silent treatment with the two of them living together, she eventually gave in and started talking to him, and that was only when she absolutely had to. There was so much going on that they barely saw each other. Drake was spending most of his time doing the final run through and going over the music setlist with Future. Raven on the other hand did any and everything she could to keep busy and away from Drake. Just thinking about what he did filled her heart with so much anger. Drake didn't know how to deal with it all. He's had Raven mad at him before, but usually, they would make up before either of the two went to sleep at night. This time was different, when she wasn't being hostile towards him, she was crying her eyes out in the bedroom. It hurt him to know that he was the cause of her pain. Each time they tried to talk things through it only ended in yelling and one of them storming out of the room. Drake did everything he could think of. He gave her flowers, but they ended up in the trash, brought jewelry, but she wouldn't accept it; nothing worked.

Since he was headed out on the road in the morning he decided to make it an early day and head home with the guys. When he and the crew walked through the door he saw Raven sitting on the floor playing with Sir. The only time he sees her smile anymore is when she's playing with the puppy. He stood there watching her as she laughed while playing tug a war with the dog's chew toy. Drake walked over to Raven, joining her on the floor. She looked at him and went back to playing with the dog. When Sir saw Drake, he climbed off of Raven's lap and onto his.

Drake held the puppy on his chest rubbing his head as Sir tried to lick his face. "It's nice to know somebody loves me." He said to the dog, but it was obviously meant for Raven's ears.

"I still love you, but I don't trust you," said Raven. She got up from the floor, stepping over Drake's stretched out legs as she left the living room. Sir followed behind her with his little tail wagging all the way.

Chubbs stood way back watching the whole thing. The last couple of days were tense in the house and he wasn't trying to be thrown in the middle. Once Raven was out of the room he walked over to Drake. "Damn, Raven's still mad at you?" He asked while leaning over to the couch.

"What do you think?" he asked rhetorically. Drake turned his head looking up at Chubbs from the floor. "Did Tiana say anything to you?" He asked, knowing that Chubbs was still talking to Raven's best friend. He was hoping he could get some inside information.

"Nah, she hasn't mentioned it," Chubbs replied and Drake just hung his head. "Look man, we about to go on the court, you comin'?" he asked, hoping to take his friend's mind off his problems, even if only for a moment.

Drake thought about it for a second. "Fuck it, might as well." He got up from the floor and followed Chubbs outside.

When Raven got upstairs she put Sir down on the carpet so he could run around the floor. Just that quick Drake had gotten on her nerves. She hated it when he tried to use her feelings against her. Just because she loved him, it didn't mean she was going to put up with his foolishness. Raven flopped down on the bed and looked around the room. She didn't want to be in there. She missed being surrounded by their pictures and having his scent on the pillows. Sleeping alone was the hardest part. Every time she reached out to cuddle with him she found nothing but cold sheets. In punishing him she was also punishing herself. Being away from Drake wasn't what she really wanted or needed right now, but he took her there and she wasn't going to give in to him just because he was going on tour. Raven's phone began to ring. She scooped Sir up from the floor to silence his squeaky barks. Every time her phone made a noise he would bark at it.

"Hello," Raven answered.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" A suave voice came through the line making Raven smile.

"I'm good Mr. Neverson, what's going on?" She asked. Raven managed to maintain a friendly relationship with Trey even though the two of them being close irked Drake at times.

"Nothing much, you were running across my mind today so I figured I'd give you a call to see how you were." His words sounded too enticing, she knew it was something behind them.

Raven juggled her phone in one hand and the squirming dog in the other as she left the room to head to the kitchen. "Yeah right, you never call, you always text me. What's going on, Trey?"

Trey just laughed knowing it was true. "Damn, I can't call and hear your voice."

"No, not you." She replied laughing herself. Raven feed Sir and then washed her hand to make a sandwich as she talked to Trey.

"I need a favor. Are you gonna be in LA next month, or are you going on the road with Drake?"

Raven rolled her eyes at that question thankful he couldn't see her. "Nope, I'll definitely be here," was her quick reply, "but I heard you're performing at the VA show."

"Yeah, he reached out so I gotta show love. Are you alright though?" There was something in her voice that sounded off to him.

"I'm fine." She lied. She knew Drake would be livid if she told Trey that they were having problems. As a matter of fact, she didn't tell anyone, not even her best friend. "So why is my presence needed in LA?" Raven asked to change the subject.

"I need your help with something, but I want to ask you in person."

"Why'd you tell me if you were going to leave me in suspense? Now I'll be thinking about it until I see you."

"It's okay to think about me. I won't tell." Trey's smooth voice responded causing her to blush.

She shook her head in disbelief, this man never ceases to amaze her. "I said it, not you."

"You ain't got to lie, Raven, I know you think about me." he joked slightly, putting a smile on Raven's face.

"Keep playing and you're going on the block list." She warned. Trey's a natural flirt, but sometimes that line between harmless joking around and actual flirting can get blurred, and out of respect for Aubrey she nipped it in the bud every time. Speaking of Aubrey, Raven was caught off guard by his sudden presence in the kitchen. "I have to go, Trey, but call me when you're in town." After he said his goodbyes she hung up the phone.

"You didn't have to end your conversation on my account," said Drake with a slight attitude. He leaned against the fridge watching as Raven made herself comfortable to eat her sandwich.

"Good, because I wasn't," she said before taking a bite out of her stacked turkey sandwich.

"Why are you making plans with Trey?" He asked having caught the end of her phone call, but Raven just let out a small chuckle. "So what is this, you trying to get back at me by making me jealous?"

"Please, Aubrey I don't need to stoop to childish games. If you're jealous that sounds like a personal problem to me." Raven got up to get something to drink but found herself being backed into the refrigerator. "Can you give me some space?" She asked, but Drake wouldn't move. Raven tried to push him away, but he grabbed her wrists holding them at the sides of her head.

"Can you stop with this attitude; I'm trying to talk to you like an adult." His deep eyes pierced down on hers as he held her captive.

"You don't have to hold my hands to talk." Raven's eyes trailed over his bare chest down to his sweatpants that were showing a slight bulge. She needed to drive a wedge between them. He was all sweaty from just having come from playing basketball and the way his body pressed against hers, demanding her attention made her feel a sudden aching want for him.

"Actually I do. See, I don't like getting slapped in my face; just so you know that shit doesn't tickle." Said Drake, and she turned her head so he wouldn't see her grinning, but he followed her eyes forcing her to look at him. "I do like it when you smile though, especially when I'm the one responsible." Suddenly her smile faded leaving only a tiny trace of it behind.

"What about when you make me cry? Do you like that as well?" asked Raven.

"You know I hate seeing you cry. When we first started dating I told you that all I wanted was a chance to make you happy. I know I haven't been doing the best job at that lately, but you're still here so that means that you still want us and I do too, but that's not gonna happen if we don't work this out."

Her eyes drifted down to the floor and then back up to his pleading ones. "It's not that simple Aubrey. I don't even know where to start."

"You can start by trying to let me back in." His thumbs caressed the inside of her wrists feeling her body relax against his. Drake leaned down, resting his lips against the crook of her neck, "baby, I need you." He spoke into her flesh before clamping down on it. When Raven let out a low moan that was all it took. Drake released her hands and cupped her face in his as he tasted her lips. Raven's arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer as her leg rubbed up and down his, feeling his very noticeable bulge rub against her jeans. There were so many conflicting emotions running through her that she couldn't think straight when suddenly his phone began to ring. That was the wakeup call Raven needed.

Having her hands free, she pushed against his chest getting some space between them. "You should get that." She said as backed out of his reach.

"Raven!" Drake called out to her, but she just kept walking away.

Raven was thankful his phone rang because she would have given into him right then and there. Since they've been living together they've been having sex on a regular basis, sometimes twice a day. The doctor told Raven that her libido would be heightened in her second trimester, boosting her sex drive and she certainly wasn't lying. It was like Raven couldn't look at Drake without feeling the urge to rip his clothes off, but ever since he told her about the condom she's had no physical contact with him whatsoever, well except for what happened in the kitchen. Her body was going through withdrawal and it wasn't fun at all. She wanted Drake to satisfy her sexual cravings, but that would be giving in to him... or would it?

Deciding to call it an early night Raven climbed into the cold empty bed and snuggled up with a pillow. Once sleep found Raven, it tortured her. As she lay in bed, she couldn't stop tossing and turning. Soft moans escaped her lips as pleasing visions invaded her mind. Hands caressed her body in ways she'd never imagined as lips grazed her flesh causing her to moan louder in excitement. It was truly a feeling of pleasure, but it was pure agony because she knew the person who was bringing her to such heights, the touch was so familiar. She couldn't escape her wants even in her dreams. Giving in to the fact that sleep would disregard her for yet another night, she forced herself to wake up and sat up in bed. Raven ran her fingers through her hair, clutching at her scalp. She threw the comforter off and climbed out of bed. Grabbing her robe and some other personals she headed to the shower. A cold one was definitely needed.

The chilled streams did nothing to escape Raven from her wet dream. It was playing over and over again in her mind. She had half the desire to bring herself to that pleasurable peak, but it wouldn't be the same. She wanted the real thing and in mere hours it would be gone. This was her last chance because, after tonight, she was going cold turkey for three months. Cutting off the shower, Raven opened the sliding glass door and wrapped a towel around her before stepping out. After drying off and throwing on her bra and panties, Raven gave her hair a quick towel dry and left the bathroom. Her bare feet padded the cold floor as her indecisive mind moved her closer to the master bedroom. Her hand twisted the doorknob, quietly opening the door. When she saw Drake's laying on his back, in a t-shirt that clung to his abdomen, there was no more uncertainty, she knew what she wanted.

Raven climbed up on the high bed and hiked her robe a bit as she threw one leg over his thighs. Feeling the sudden contact, Drake's eyes slowly opened and confusion hit when saw Raven on top of him. He slowly sat up as his eyes darted around the room making sure that he was in the right place and sure enough he was.

"Raven, what are you doing?" Drake asked as he felt her tentative kisses on his jawline.

"I don't know, but just go with it." She replied, and go with it, he did.

Wrapping his arms around Raven, Drake drew her closer to him. His large hands cupped her face, fingers tangled in her damped curls as he tenderly brought his lips to hers. A kiss so gentle and soft it was barely a kiss at all. Drake wanted Raven to set the pace, to show him how hard or how soft she wanted him to be.

Raven responded, pressing her lips harder against his and letting him kiss her, their tongues darted out at the same time and snaked around each other, tasting and exploring. Running her hands up his arms from his elbows to his shoulders, she felt an internal tremor at the hardness of the muscles beneath his shirt.

Feeling suddenly emboldened, she pushed him back against the mattress. Drake smiled softly, his hands gently resting around her waist and relaxing as she kissed along his jaw from one side to the other, nipping lightly at his chin before moving down his neck and sucking his Adam's apple. All the time, her hands were gently exploring his torso over his shirt, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the contours of his form.

Her hands skirted over the hem of his shirt before slipping them underneath. She felt his stomach contract as her fingertips brushed his skin.

Taking his hands away from her waist, Drake pulled his shirt over his head grinning as she bit down on her lips.

Raven reached out to touch the hard softness, brushing her fingertips over his nipples. They both shivered with anticipation. As she moved up to his shoulders, she danced her fingers along his collarbones to his shoulders.

Drake leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, hard against soft, heat against heat. He buried his face into her cleavage using the tip of his tongue to taste her sweet, succulent breasts. Raven's hands clasped his scalp, fingers grazing the soft silky curls on his head.

A small groan escaped his lips as she wriggled on his lap, her softness grinding against his hardness. Drake moved his hands lower to untie her robe, pushing it down her shoulders to caress her bare skin. The sight of her lace bra made him groan again, her dark nipples clearly visible, and hard, under the sheer fabric.

Raven quivered as his thumbs ran over them, making them even harder. She could feel Drake's manhood as hard as a rock under her, signaling his growing passion. She continued to stroke his soft head as he leaned forward, leaving kisses all over her chest, and inhaling the scent that was uniquely hers.

Drake slipped the bra straps off her shoulders and reached behind her to unhook it. It slid easily down her arms and she dropped it on the floor behind her. He let out the breath he'd inadvertently been holding and cupped her soft breasts, sending spirals of pleasure coursing through her body.

Drake heard a soft moan and Raven arched her back, thrusting her breasts harder against him. Another soft moan as he wrapped his lips around one dark, pert nipple and sucked while his fingers toyed and tweaked with the other, pulling it into a stiff little peak, and sending shivers down her spine.

"Are you sure about this baby?" Drake looked deep into her eyes as she nodded.

He tangled his hands in her hair as he brought her down for another slow, lingering kiss, running his tongue over her teeth, dipping into her mouth with his tongue. Raven pushed him back down. He felt her fingers drag down his chest and glide along the waistband of his basketball shorts.

Raven's hand slipped into his shorts and to the throbbing hardness underneath causing Drake to suck in his breath as she firmly rubbed his swollen tip. She loved hearing him curse her name whenever she touched him, but that soon stopped when Raven suddenly found herself on her back. Drake roughly gripped her thighs opening them wide enough to that his body could fit in between them. His tongue left a wet trail from her breasts to her protruding belly, stopping when he reached a revealing a triangle of black lace. Once he reached his destination he ran his hands along the waistband of her panties, watching goosebumps appear all over her body.

"Tonight is about you baby." He said as he began placing kisses as soft as butterfly wings along the edge of her panties, his fingers rubbing her hot, moist center through the thin lace.

She could barely think at the moment, not like she wanted to anyway. She wanted to lay there and have him do any and everything to her, and he did. When it was all said and done, they both were completely spent and panting for all they were worth. Normally they would lay in bed like this and she would fall asleep with her head on his chest, but not tonight. As soon as she got her breathing together, Raven rolled over, turning her back to him. "You okay?" Drake asked, with genuine concern in his voice.

"I'm good, just tired," Raven replied. That was only half the truth. The high was gone, the craving was satisfied and now she was just left with unresolved issues to deal with.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed the dip between her neck and collarbone before drifting off to sleep. Meanwhile Raven laid there letting silent tears fall down her cheeks. She knew what she came into this room for, she wanted to use him the same way he used her and be able to walk away, but as always she couldn't. Raven could never stick to her guns when in Drake's arms. He was weakness, but that had to stop.

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