Just Some Johnlock Oneshots

By justagaygirl18

42.4K 1.2K 741

Just some cute and fluffy Johnlock oneshots written years after the show came out (cuz I'm obsessed with it)... More

When Boredom Strikes
Night In
Victorian London
Irene x Molly
Hoodie (Pt. 2)
It's For a Case
Fluffy John
Falling In Love
I'm Busy
Take My Coat
I'll Always Fight Back
Rosie's First Words
I Can't
Baby Sherlock
Rainy Night in London
Baby John
Opposites Attract
Opposites Attract Part 2
Double Chin
The Question

Laser Tag

3.5K 72 137
By justagaygirl18

A/N: This is based off a prompt I saw and thought it would cute to do with John and Sherlock. This is my first time writing any Johnlock, so bear with me :)

"Greg, dear, I really don't see the benefit of this besides getting to shoot my little brother," Mycroft said with a look of disdain as the group entered the smallish building with neon lights advertising laser tag.

"Aw, come on babe, it'll be fun!" Greg jokingly whined which caused Mycroft to glare at him. "Please, Myc. For me," Greg pouted, taking his fiancés hand in his and placing a kiss on Mycroft's cheek. The corners of Mycroft's mouth turned up before he let out a fake sigh.

"I suppose, dear." His consent provoked a deep kiss from Greg, making a flush settle on Mycroft's cheeks.

"Seriously brother dear? You two are already going at it. At least go where I don't have to see it. Just knowing that you're doing it is repulsive enough," Sherlock complained with a sigh as he trailed behind John who was pushing open the door to the building.

"Oh, come on Sherlock. It's their bachelor party, what did you expect?" John said with a laugh.

The four men entered the shooting range for their unconventional bachelor party, after Greg and Mycroft thoroughly snogged. They were greeted at the front desk by a chipper, brunette woman.

"Hello! Do you folks have a time slot reserved?" The employee smiled wide with twinkling blue eyes.

"Yeah it should be under the name Lestrade," Greg confirmed, leaning against the counter. Mycroft refused to let go of his hand and John was occupied glaring at Sherlock, trying to send a silent message to the detective to not deduce the woman.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and huffed, "But I'm bored." He began analyzing Emily, as her employee tag stated, regardless of John's disapproval. However, he did mange to bite his tongue and not spill all the comprising details of her life out loud to the other men. Instead he whispered to John, "She's clearly interested in you. Her smile gets even larger when looking at you (even though it should be impossible for the mouth to stretch that far), she repeated blinks while making unnecessarily long eye contact with you (I do believe most people say she's fluttering her eye lashes *gag*), and she is currently writing her number of the back of the receipt." He finished with an internal sigh at the thought of another woman seeking John's affections. 

John let out a chuckle, "So should I say something to her?"

"Isn't she your 'type'?" Sherlock questioned with air quotes.

"What do you mean?"

"I've noticed you have more of an attraction to dark haired, pale, women with light eyes," Sherlock stated dryly. "Isn't that obvious regarding the fact that your past two - no three - girlfriends have all matched that description?"

"Oh. I guess I didn't notice," John stated as Sherlock scoffed and followed Mycroft and Greg to the equipment racks. John paused for a moment to flash a smile at the blushing employee, and then joined his friends.

"So," Mycroft started after the four had slipped the vests over their heads and grabbed a laser gun, "what shall our teams be?"

"I'm taking my best man, it is a bachelor party," Greg said while patting John's shoulder.

"I refuse to be on a team with him," Sherlock spat. Greg and John chuckled at the disgusted faces the brothers pulled.

"Too bad, I made up my mind," Greg laughed and pulled his fiancé to their reserved game room.

"Why did I agree to this," Mycroft muttered under his breath. "I thought I was going to at least have the pleasure of shooting my brother."

"Well Sherlock," John smirked, "I'm looking forward to kicking your ass."

Sherlock scoffed once again. "You seem to be forgetting that I am quite a good shot, John."

"Hmm, not as good as me," John winked and went into their private room. Sherlock felt his face grow warm, shook his head at the feeling, and joined the men talking. 

"So," Greg chuckled with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Should we place bets to make it more interesting?" 

"The shame of losing isn't enough for you, dear?" Mycroft quipped. Greg smirked and pinched Mycroft's ass, causing a gasp and flush to come out of the normally dignified man. 

"If John and I win, Sherlock has to be nice to everyone at the Yard for a day and kiss John for 10 seconds." John gasped as the words left Greg's mouth. "And Myc," Greg winked, "has to top." Mycroft's blush deepened, spreading across his ears and face. 

Sherlock cleared his throat to steady his voice. "I hardly see how it's fair that my brother simply gets to have sex while I'm forced to coddle imbeciles." He couldn't bring himself to say anything about the kiss without losing his already fading composure. 

"A-and," John stuttered, "who says I want Sherlock to kiss me? How is that a reward for me?"

 "Mycroft is too intimidated to top," Greg chuckled as his fiancé scoffed, "and I'm tired of dealing with everyone complaining at the Yard, just like I know you are too John. And I just want to see you two kiss." 

"Fine," Mycroft interjected, ignoring the stuttering refusals of the other men. "If brother and I win, then you don't get to watch the next two football matches, but instead spend time with me. And John gets to let Sherlock keep whatever body parts in the refrigerator for a week."

"Deal," Greg and Mycroft shook on it, acting very serious. Sherlock rolled his eyes with a sigh as he got into position at the end of the game room. John was left behind sputtering. 

 Sherlock took a moment to asses the area, noting the many hiding places in the corners of the dividers placed sporadically in the center of the room. However, the lighting of the neon paint splattered along them glowed in the backlights, causing some places to be too visible. There were some shorter barricades that could serve well for the defense.

The men stood on opposite ends of the room, waiting for the call to go. They heard the buzz of their vests activate and got prepared to start. Once the signal sounded, Greg and John ran to offensive locations and began shooting lasers at the brothers. Mycroft was locked in his spot for a moment before scurrying behind a divider. Greg laughed at this and sped after him, looking forward to beating his fiancé at the game. John took that as his signal to take care of Sherlock. The two men locked eyes across the room for a few seconds, before Sherlock ran to the cover of a wall. John quickly crouched behind a shorter barrier and took shots at Sherlock as the taller man took occasional shots around the wall. While they both had good aim, Sherlock was moving too fast for John to hit his vest and Sherlock was too distracted by the sight of John with the laser gun in his hand and the look of sheer determination on his face.

Damn, that's hot, Sherlock found himself thinking without hesitation. He rolled his eyes at the thought and tried to get his head back in the game. However, his mind kept returning to what happened a few nights ago. 


After returning from a rather vigorous case, John was exhausted and Sherlock was still high off of adrenaline. After removing his coat with flourish, Sherlock turned to John with an excited grin. "I can't believe you really said that to him," the detective giggled.

John gave a weak chuckle. "Well he was being an arse and I had enough of chasing the damn man."

"You were tired enough to tell him he 'ran like his panties were twisted in his pussy'?" Sherlock laughed.

"Yeah. Now I'm going to bed." John paused as he glared at the stairs and sighed. Ugh, I just want to go to bed! 

"If you're really that tired just sleep on the couch," Sherlock interrupted John's internal complaining. 

"But I wanna sleep in my bed."

"Well if you want a bed so bad, take mine. I'm not going to sleep tonight anyways," Sherlock blurted out. He regretted the words once they fell out of his mouth. 

John groaned, not appeased with the options, but shuffled into Sherlock's room and collapsed on his bed. Hmm it smells like him, John smiled and buried his face into the sheets. 

"I offered you my bed you could at least be considerate enough to take your shoes off," Sherlock teased while rolling his eyes from his bedroom doorway. John chuckled and complied, removing his shoes as well as his jeans. "Wh-what are you doing?" Sherlock panicked, trying not to look too closely at John's bright red boxers. 

"Well I'm not gonna sleep in my jeans." John tucked himself under the covers and sighed contently. "Your bed is comfier than mine," he said, right as Sherlock had begun to move from the door. 

Sherlock rolled his eyes again and smirked. "No its not, you're just tired. I just have to grab my lounge clothes and I'll leave you be." 

"Or you could stay," John froze as he said it. Shit didn't mean to say that out loud. 

"That's quite forward of you, John," Sherlock joked to distract himself from his pounding heart beat. Its just the adrenaline. He cleared his throat before grabbing his clothes and darting out of the room, into the bathroom to change. 

John spent the night in Sherlock's bed, sleeping very well while Sherlock dug through his mind palace, looking for all the details he stored of John. I have to stop this. He is very straight and wouldn't be interested in a freak like me even if he wasn't.  Sherlock spent the night trying to delete the interactions between the two that made his stomach twist, but found he couldn't. He finally gave up the effort and picked up his violin to play while thinking of his flatmate. 

Neither of the men mentioned John sleeping in Sherlock's room the next morning, instead ignoring the tension between them and continuing on with their week. They both knew it was a small incident that meant practically nothing, but neither could get the occurrence off their mind. 


Sherlock shook his head of the memory, grounding himself back into the game. He was determined to beat John; while having John kiss him would be incredible, he couldn't deal with the consequences. And he had been planning some very interesting experiments that required limbs. 

While Sherlock and John were taking shots at each other, Mycroft and Greg were scrambling the room after each other. Mycroft finally found a position he felt comfortable shooting in and took a quick shot at his lover. Greg chuckled as the laser pointed at least a yard away from his chest and took a shot at Mycroft. He narrowly avoided it by ducking behind the barricade. He took a deep breath, took aim, and pointed the laser just shy of the sensor of Greg's vest. Mycroft let out a chuckle at Greg's stunned expression. 

"What? Didn't think I could shoot?" Mycroft teased flirtatiously. 

"You're full of surprises," Greg winked before taking after his fiancé once again. Mycroft let out an undignified yelp and ran, but steeled himself enough to throw a few well aimed shots behind him. 

Sherlock began to feel a little bit out of breath from the exertion of running (and, although he would never admit it, John in action was literally taking his breath away). John noticed his friend struggling and smirked. 

"So you can chase after murders but can't keep up with me," He mocked teasingly. Sherlock internally scoffed at his brain that had somehow determined that was a suggestive statement. Believe me John, Sherlock thought, I could most definitely keep up with you

"I-its just hot in here," Sherlock lamely excused. Damn I can't even think properly. 

John laughed. "Ok, sure. Whatever you say Sherlock." John noticed an opportunity arise. He's backed into a corner, I could get him for sure! Wait- if Greg and I win, Sherlock will kiss me. Oh my God, Sherlock will kiss me. I'm gonna win this damn game if it kills me! Pushing his excitement away, John silenced himself and stalked along the dividers. 

"J-John! Where are you?" Sherlock gasped, suddenly feeling the breath leave his lungs as he felt a warm but firm hand on his shoulder. It pushed him down with his back coming in contact with the solid barrier. John smirked at his prey before pressing a hard kiss on Sherlock's lips. Sherlock's heart spasmed in his chest and he let out a sound of surprise into the other man's mouth. He quickly moved his lips against John's as his eyes closed and a moan escaped his throat. 

As the sound left him, so did John's lips. Sherlock gasped at the sudden loss of contact and felt his face flush as an enormous laugh came from the other side of the room. Greg was beyond happy while Mycroft was smirking. Damn that know it all. Sherlock was thrown from his thoughts as a buzz sounded from his vest. 

John had shot him, not even five seconds (although it felt like longer) after they stopped kissing. Sherlock gaped open mouthed up at John who had risen to his full height. The blond flashed a cheeky wink and smirk at the stunned man on the floor before striding confidently out of the room. 

Sherlock finally managed to get his breathing under control and realized his hands were shaking. He brushed his dress pants off as he stood and cleared his throat. 

"Well I guess you guys finished your side of the bargain," Greg chuckled as he clasped a hand on Sherlock's shoulder. 

"U-uh yeah. Yes I guess we did," He stuttered. The detective had failed to notice that Greg had taken Mycroft down after his foot got caught on a divider and fell. 

"So Myc and I are going to go home and he's going to carry out his end of the deal," Greg winked at a flushed Mycroft who simply wrapped his arm around the DI's waist. 

"Yeah, sure. You do that." Why isn't my brain working? It completely shut down! Is this how much control one man has over me?

"Goodbye, Brother Dear," Mycroft said with a condescending smirk as the couple left the room. 

Sherlock removed his vest and exited the room as well. He heard Greg shout to John from across the business, "Hey, John! Take care of Sherlock tonight, will ya?" 

John laughed, "I was planning on it." Mycroft rolled his eyes in disgust before puling his fiancé out of the establishment. 

Sherlock returned his equipment to the racks and made his way over to John, trying to force the heat away from his face (and rid another area of the sudden rush of blood). This is going to be one hell of an awkward cab ride. "You set to go?" John asked. The taller man simply nodded, not trusting his voice. 

John chuckled, stepped out onto the side walk, and they hailed a cab. They sat in an uncomfortable silence until the cab pulled up to Baker Street. 

It wasn't until John hung up his coat that he finally spoke. "So, uh, the bet was that if Greg and I won, you would kiss me."

Sherlock flushed and nodded. 

"Well, it seems to me that you didn't pay up." 

"Hmm, I think you're right," Sherlock whispered as he grinned and finally came to his senses. He walked across the room to meet John. The detective ducked down and pressed a soft but firm kiss on the lips of his blogger that lasted much longer than the mandated 10 seconds. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you at least kinda enjoyed it! I want to write some more but school is a bitch and I'm pretty busy. If you have any suggestions or notice any errors, let me know! 

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