You Make Me Strong || DEKU X...

By BookLoverCoco

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At age 4 you developed your quirk but your best friend on the other hand....never developed a quirk but that... More

Chapter 1- UA
Chapter 2- Old Friends
Chapter 3- Phone Number
Chapter 4- Suit up
Chapter 5- Always Smiling
Chapter 6- Heros Vs. Villains
Chapter 7- Warm Touch
Chapter 8- One for All
Chapter 10- Adore you
Chapter 11- Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 12- I AM HERE
Chapter 13- Promise
Chapter 14- Crash
Chapter 15- Asahi
Chapter 16- Training
Chapter 17- Proud
Chapter 18- Inko Midoriya
Chapter 19- Stood Up
Chapter 20- Slut
Chapter 21- Messed Up
Chapter 22- Ramen
Chapter 24- Shock
Chapter 25- Old 'friend'
Chapter 26- Welcome Back
Chapter 27- Back To Reality
Chapter 28- Choosing A Hero
29- Gran Torino
30- It Begins
31- He's a Pastry
32- Hosu
33- Hosu Pt.2
34- After Hosu
Important Please Read
35- Recovery
36- Back In Motion
37- Shoto
38- Is it tho?
38- Study
39- Oops
40- Late
41- Exam training
44- I Trusted You
45- Her
47- No Drama
48- A or B

Chapter 9- Notes

3.2K 128 40
By BookLoverCoco

It's been a few days since All Might and Izuku told me about One for All and it still was a bit overwhelming. But it made sense now thinking back to when Izuku broke both of his arms and how nervous he got when Kacchan would question his sudden strength. But now all that mattered was helping him get stronger and become the new symbol of peace.

As I enter the classroom, my eyes land on Kacchan who's talking with the red haired boy named Kirishima and the blonde with a black streak. I think his name was Kaminari? Kacchan's eyes lock on mine, causing my cheeks to heat up from embarrassment. I give him a small smile and a wave before I make my way over to my desk.

He may hate me, but I wasn't going to give up on him. Not now, not ever. I placed my bag down and take a seat at my desk, pulling my phone out. I begin to scroll through my phone, looking at social media to occupy my time.
"Hey sunshine." Izuku says from above, causing my eyes to wander up at him.
"Hey Broccoli head." I smile up at him before noticing he was carrying a little notebook. "What you got there?"
"Oh well ever since middle school I've taken notes on pretty much every pro hero or someone with a quirk that was willing to answer my questions....and I was wondering....could I ask you a few questions about yours?" He asks me, his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink as he holds onto his notebook tightly.
"Of course! Ask away." I chuckle. He smiles brightly and takes seat in his desk behind me as I turn around to face him.
"Okay, you can blind your opponents with your strobe light. How long does that usually last?" He asks, opening his notebook and pulling out his pencil before he begins writing stuff down.
"Usually about 5 minutes. But I guess it could last longer if I caused a larger strobe but then I risk injuring myself." I respond, placing my finger on my chin.
"Wow that's awesome! And your light beams, what exactly can you use them for?" He asks, his eyes wide with excitement.
"Well, I can use them to heat most surfaces, if I use a high enough temp I can even burn through things but that uses up a lot of energy." I inform him.
"What happens when you use a lot of energy?" He asks me.
"My body goes through kind of like a withdraw since all of the sun I've consumed is being taken away while using my quirk. If it's something small, I just get tired. If it's a little over, I'm tired, my body begins to shake a bit, and I get super duper hungry. I also get a bit sore. Then if I reaaaalllyyy over do it, I go into shock. Heat leaves my body completely, my heart slows down, and I can possibly die." I inform him with a shrug.
"Oh wow....that's really bad y/n, so sunlight is like a major necessity huh?"
"Yeah. Say if for some reason I was held in a dark place without no sunlight for 48 hours, I'll die." I inform him. He frowns a bit as he stops writing to look up at me with sad eyes.
"Wow...." He breathes. I can't help but let out a nervous chuckle as I rub the back of my neck.
"Don't worry about that though! Anymore questions?" I smile, trying to change the subject.
"Uh yeah, is there anything else that's super cool about your quirk?" He asks.
"Oh yeah! I can radiate heat from any part of my body, making me a personal heater. But if I release heat from my palm with enough focus I can alter someone's emotions from mad or sad to calm and happy." I inform him.
"That's so cool y/n!!! I'm glad I got to ask you these questions. Do you mind if I ask you some more later or another time?" He asks, putting his notebook in his bag.
"Sure, how about you come over to my place after school today? My brother has been dying to see you!" I suggest.
"Sure, I'd like that." He smiles at me, a small blush tinting his cheeks once again.

      Mr. Aizawa eventually enters the classroom causing us all to focus up front.
"Goodmorning class, today I would like you guys to change into your costumes and then feet out front to get on the bus. We will be going to the USJ for some hand to hand combat and search and rescue practice." Mr. Aizawa instructs us.

We all pile out of the classroom towards the lockers and change into our hero costumes. Being one of the first girls ready, I leave the locker rooms and head down the hall to the bus out front. I adjusted my sunglasses before turning a corner towards the entrance.

       Before I can reach the entrance, footsteps approached me as a hot head calls out my name. I slowly turn my head, stopping in my tracks as my eyes locks onto his crimson ones.
         "Come here." He demands. I let out a small huff before shuffling over to him. I was scared, nervous, and a little....hopeful.
       "What's up?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest.
        "Why are you pretending as if you never left." He asks me suddenly, causing my eyes to widen a bit.
       "W-What do you mean?" I ask him in shock and confusion. Was he talking about when I moved? Is this what this is all about?
        "You left idiot. You left Deku and I behind to go somewhere better. You didn't write or visit and then you show up here as if you never left, getting all comfortable with Deku. Well that isn't going to work on me!" He growls at me. His eyes were full of hate and they were directed straight towards me. "I won't be disappointed by you again!!"

     He was write, after moving I never got the chance to write or visit. I got so caught up with my new school and friends, I didn't stop to think of my first ever friends.


          "Your leaving?!" Izuku asks in disbelief. I give him a small nod as tears stream down my face. I try to rapidly wipe them away only for more to replace them.
        "Yeah....we're leaving once school ends so I can start at a new school when it first begins." I sob. Izuku gave me words of encouragement while I continued to cry. Kacchan just stood behind Izuku in silence. His eyes were wide, full of emotions he didn't even realize he could feel. Tears began to prick at the corner of his eyes before he harshly wiped them away and shoved his hands in his pockets.
          "Good riddance. Than I don't have to deal with two nerds anymore." Kacchan comments finally causing my eyes to snap up to his. I knew that's just how he was, but still his words hurt.....

      End of Flashback~

         I was beginning to realize how I hurt Kacchan that day....How it affected him when I left. And now, his sadness towards me was replaced with hate.
             "I'm sorry Kacchan.....I really am. I cannot go back in time and somehow fix things so I could've stayed with you and Izuku but...." I clench my fist, my eyes taring away from his, "I'm here now and I want to make up for lost time. I may have left but I'm still the same me and I don't care if you like it or not your still one of my best friends Kacchan." I announce him. I reach over and place my hand on his toned arm, causing his eyes to widen slightly as he tensed up. "I'm sorry I left you Kacchan...please. Forgive me."

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