Love at First Sight: A Sophit...

By LiliaStory

34.3K 749 1.5K

Fitz Vacker is a student at a private boarding school, under the stress of classes, homework, and social stat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 18

971 24 88
By LiliaStory

Fitz's P.O.V.

"Fitzy?" I sighed and put my science notes down on my bed. 

"What is it, Keefe?" 

"We're... Best friends... Right?" Keefe asked suspiciously. 

"Keefe. What did you do?" 

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Keefe assured.

"Okay then," I replied, picking up my notes again. But not even 10 seconds later, Keefe interrupted me again. 

"But... You didn't really... Answer the question..." 

"Seriously Keefe, what did you do?" 

"I didn't do anything! I just wanted to know if we were best friends!" 

"Um, okay. Yeah, we're best friends I guess. But you're kinda making it hard for me to believe that with all your suspicious questions..." 

"I'm not being suspicious, YOU'RE being suspicious," Keefe insisted. I rolled my eyes and picked up my science textbook this time. But I was out of luck because apparently, Keefe wasn't done interrupting me. 

"And best friends tell each other things?" Keefe asked. 


"Nothing! I just want to know!" He claimed. 

"Fine, yes, best friends tell each other things," I said in frustration. "Now can I please go back to studying?" 

"No way! Now you tell me where you're taking Sophie tomorrow," Keefe decided.

"Well, we were- Wait. Were all those questions just to try and figure out where Sophie and I were meeting?"

"No! ...Maybe. Okay, fine, it was! Just tell me!" 

"Uh, yeah... No thanks. This is kinda getting creepy. Why do you want to know where we're meeting so badly anyways?"

"Um... Because... I'm a caring friend who's interested in your life, of course!" 

"Yeah... Sure... I'm just gonna go back to studying," I was two sentences into my textbook when Keefe spoke again. A new record! I thought sarcastically. 




"Fitzy, Fitzy, Fitzy!!!" 


"What is it now, Keefe!" I snapped. 

"Well, as your best friend, I'm supposed to annoy you, right?" 

"No! That's not what a best friend is for!" 

"But it IS someone you can trust with your secrets... Right?" I was getting tired at this point.

"Fine, Keefe! If you want to know SOOO badly, Sophie and I are meeting up at the library! Happy now?" 

"Yep! See ya!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Wait, where are you going now?" I asked. 

"Um... To that library!" He called out before shutting the door. Any other day, I would've been suspicious enough to follow him, but I had to study for this science exam right now. Especially since Keefe had already distracted me for too long. But I had a feeling that I wasn't going to get much actual studying done. Not when I knew that I was going to meet Sophie tomorrow. 

Biana's P.O.V.

"Biana, I'm just gonna go to the cafeteria for a quick snack. Do you want anything?" Linh asked. She really was the best dormmate in the world. 

"Could you just get me some water?" 


"Thanks!" I exclaimed. 

"No problem, I'll be back soon!" Then Linh left for the cafeteria. I sighed, knowing that I had to get back to studying now. Science was definitely not my best subject. But as I picked up my science book, I heard a small knock on the door. I already knew it was Keefe since he had texted me that he was coming over with "Vital intel". I didn't know why he insisted on coming over instead of just texting me, but I was REALLY dreading studying so I agreed.  

"Come in Keefe!" I called out. The door opened, but Keefe didn't come in. Instead, I saw Tam standing there and immediately tried to fix my hair a little. I hadn't expected him to come over again. "Sorry, I thought you were Keefe," I apologized. 

"Well, that's a sentence I never want to hear again," Tam replied, sitting down next to me. And I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as Tam returned it with a smile.

"So what are you doing back here?" I asked. "Did you need something?" Tam's grin disappeared. 

"Not exactly..." Tam mumbled, looking at his shoes. 

"Then what is it?" I asked. When Tam didn't respond, I slightly tilted his head so my eyes met his silvery-blue ones. "You can tell me." 

"I know... But you might not want to hear it," Tam sighed. My heart stopped, my mind thinking of all the horrible things Tam might be referring to. 

"I... I can handle it," I promised. Tam took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.  

"Biana... I-I like you. As more than a friend. And I'm really sorry." So many things were racing in my head. Mainly, Did Tam really like me? But I went with the safer option. 

"Why are you sorry?" Tam opened his eyes and I could see more emotion that I had ever seen before in them. 

"Because I know you don't like me. And now it's going to be too awkward for us to even be friends. And it's all my fault."

"Unless... We become more than friends," I quietly whispered. After a moment passed, I quickly added more before I had a chance to think about it. "I... Like you too." 

"You do?" 

"Yeah... Since the first time I talked to you actually," I told him. Tam smiled.

"Me too." We sat there in silence for awhile before Tam spoke again. "Why is this so awkward?" 

"Probably because we just admitted we'd liked each other for years?" I suggested. Tam laughed and I smiled along with him. 

"That seems like a valid reason. But I mean, we were such good friends before, right?" 

"Definitely. And I would never want to stop being your friend. But maybe we could try being a little more than just friends?" 

"I'd really like that. So how about on Friday... I take you out on a date?" Tam asked hesitantly. I was internally squealing inside and had to calm myself down before answering. 

"I would love that!" 

"Great," Tam responded, looking relieved. "Is 6 pm okay?" 

"Perfect." Tam stood up at that and I stood up as well to lead him to the door. 

"I better start getting ready," Tam said. "I want everything to be just right and make sure you have the best time of your life ." 

"I will, as long as you're there." Tam grinned at that and waved good bye before closing the door behind him. I sighed happily, feeling lighter than a feather. I mean, I had just gotten a date with the boy I had liked for years! It just couldn't possibly get any better. I bounced onto my bed and started getting ready to study for real, when Linh came bursting through the door. 

"Biana!" She squealed. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Something happened, right???" Linh exclaimed. I looked at her, confused. "Okay, let me start from the beginning. So you see, I was coming to our dorm from the cafeteria. Oh! By the way, here's your water." Linh quickly handed me my water before continuing on with her story. "Where was I... Right! I was coming to our dorm. But when I turned the corner, I saw Tam standing right outside our door! And so I rushed to say hi, and do you know what he did?" 

"Um... No, what did he do?" I asked. 

"He smiled. SMILED. Then he said hi back to me and started walking towards his dorm," Linh explained. 

"Okay... This all seems pretty normal..." 

"Biana! You're missing the most important part. HE SMILED! AT ME! Which he only does after he's spend some time with you. And he even said hi BACK! Which means something SUPER great must've happened. So what is it? What happened?" I wondered how Linh's skill on finding secrets had gotten so good. Then again, I DID spend all of my free time teaching her on how to dig out even the most well-hidden secrets. I should've told her to never use that skill on me though... Oh well, she knew I was hiding something and I was sure she wouldn't stop asking me about it, so why not just tell her? Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

"Okay, fine, you got me. Something did happened..." I admitted. 

"OOH! WHAT WAS IT???" Link exclaimed. I started getting excited again about the thought of Tam. 

"So basically... Tam MIGHT'VE came in here to tell me that... He liked me?" 

"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!!! TAMMY FINALLY TOLD YOU!!!" Linh exclaimed. VERY loudly. Was this how I sounded when I got excited? Probably. 

"Yes, he did tell me," I confirmed. 

"And what did you say? Do you like him back?" 

"Uh... Maybe?" I lied. Linh looked at me with her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised. "Okay, fine, I do like him. A lot!" 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS FINALLY HAPPENING!!! THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!" Linh exclaimed. I sighed, relieved she didn't ask any more questions. Untill a few minutes later. 

"So... Are you guys a couple?" She asked. Darn it, I thought. I had taught her too well.

"Um... No..." I answered. 

"But there's more, right?" Linh questioned. 

"Possibly...?" I replied. The room was quiet for a whole 10 seconds before I gave in, knowing Linh would never stop until she got all potential details on her brother and his love life. But I didn't blame her, having a brother myself. And blackmail material was definitely needed if you wanted to do things your way. "Fine. He asked me out on a date." 


"Wow, that was loud. I wouldn't be surprised if EVERYONE IN SCHOOL STARTED GOSSIPING ABOUT THIS," I said. 

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just really excited. My brother's had a crush on you since forever ago. And now, you guys are going on a date!" 

"Don't worry. Besides, I'm sure I'll be just as excited when Dex finally asks you out," I teased. Linh blushed. 

"I don't know..." 

"It'll happen!" I insisted. "I just know it will." 


"Yep, and also, can we keep this Tam thing between us? I don't want to tell anyone that we're going out on a date just yet. I can't even imagine what kind of chaos that could create..."

"Of course! I would never tell anyone about any of this without your permission," Linh assured. I smiled and picked up my science book, once again, intent on actually studying this time. But not even a minute later, Keefe burst into the room. 

"I know where Sophie and Fitz are meeting!" 

A/N Wow. This was quite a long chapter, and super fun to write by the way. Anyways, thank you so much for reading! We're almost at 1k reads!!!! This is so exciting! I really appreciate all your support and it would mean the world to me if you guys could vote for this chapter or comment down below. (If you need ideas, comment down below whether you've read Unlocked yet!!!! I just finished it, but I won't say any more for spoiler purposes!)Bye and until the next chapter!

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