Melt My Iced Heart // Drarry

By kayleighvdeinden

15.6K 562 302

Harry has been abused for years and when he finally attends Hogwarts he got himself a personal bully....Draco... More

1. Where it all began
2. It won't stop
3. Depression is a dementor
4. Triwizard Tournament
5. Main target
6. Deepest secret
7. Counting ribs
8. Tell me the truth
9. Riddle unraveled
10. Dragon slayer
11. Dance elegance
13. Tux shopping
14. Yule Ball
15. A very Drarry Christmas
16. The golden egg
17. Team Draco or team Cedric?
18. Broken trust
19. Black Lake secrets
20. The unwanted kiss
21. Friends with my enemies
22. Getting cozy with Malfoy
23. Leave him alone
24. Not so blissful ignorance
25. Real witch move

12. Amortentia

582 20 6
By kayleighvdeinden

It's 2021 bitches! Hope this year will be better. How much love can this chapter get? I really want to reach the 1000 reads as soon as possible I'm so excited. Don't forget to vote!❤️

''It's Potter'' I say. Since when did I become so confident? Normally I would make them shut up about it with my intimidating presence but I just blurted it out like it was somebody I studied with. Her eyes widened ''But I thought you hated Potter?'' yeah I thought so too until he came to school wearing an oversized robe and his hair all messy. I don't know how I got feelings for the boy I've bullied the last 4 years it was like somebody put a spell on me or somebody threw Amortentia in my drink....wait that could be it! Maybe somebody used a love potion on me. 

''What is it?'' she asks as soon as she sees my eyes widening. ''I think somebody used Amortentia on me'' I say making her eyes widening this time. ''How do you know?'' I look around to see if anyone was near so they could hear us but there was no one that could really hear us so I talked ''I've bullied Potter for 4 years and I hated everything about him and now I'm suddenly taking a liking in him it doesn't make sense'' she scratched her chin while thinking ''Yeah you're right it doesn't make any sense at all maybe we should pay a visit to professor Slughorn after class he knows all about love potions'' I agreed and we danced further and paying attention to professor McGonagall who explained every dance move. 

When we finished the last dance of the day I heard Diggory and Potter talking to each other ''Hey I was wondering if you maybe euhhh......if you maybe wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?'' I heard Diggory asking. From the corner of my eye I could see Potter's eyes widen and blushing ''Y-yeah of course I would like that'' I felt my heart sting. I knew this was going to happen but actually hearing it happen just hurts I guess. 

When class was dismissed Daphne and I walked in the hallway together on our way to professor Slughorn's office but before we could take a turn I was suddenly stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist I turned around to look who it was but when I saw her face, my face fell immediately ''Where are you going?'' it was Pansy of course she needed to follow me. ''That is none of your bloody business'' I spat and pushed her hand off of mine. ''Why are you with Greengrass?'' she almost shouted making my fist clench I really hated this bitch and I don't know why I ever dated her. What did I ever see in her?

''For the last time Parkinson that's none of your bloody business and now get out of my fucking face!'' I shouted this time making her flinch. ''Okay okay I will leave you alone but I was just gonna ask you a question that's all'' I rolled my eyes signaling for her to ask her bloody question so I could move on with Daphne because we were in a hurry. ''I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Yule Ball?'' I knew she would ask me. She is so goddamn predictable. 

''I'm sorry Pansy but I already have a date to the Yule Ball'' I wanted to turn around again but she suddenly stood in front of us, she is so annoying. ''Who?!'' she shouted making her voice echo through the corridors. ''Miss Greengrass here would love to join me during the Yule Ball'' her face became red from anger and she pushed Daphne to the side walking away but not after saying ''You will be mine again Draco Malfoy, you wait!'' pfft as if. 

Daphne chuckled ''I can't believe you ever dated her'' she says while laughing really hard now. ''Yeah I know it keeps me awake at night'' we both were laughing now and we moved on going on our way to Slughorn's office. I never knew I could be having such a great time with Daphne, I mean we never really talked so I didn't really know her. All I know was that she was the older sister of Astoria but Daphne is so different from her younger sister.

Astoria is kinda slutty, she's wearing clothes that were too short so every guy looks her way. I mean her skirt was barely covering her pussy and she seems to never wear her robe even though it's obligated to wear a robe. She's always standing so close to you when you talk to her and twirling her locks around her finger while biting her lip. She's practically begging to hook up with you when you talk to her and it's so bloody annoying. I bet she fucked the whole school but left with feelings for me and I can't help it because yeah it was a good fuck but I don't have feelings for her.

Daphne is the complete opposite she's barely showing her body because of the robe that's closed around her frame and she doesn't talk much because well she doesn't like a lot of people. I'm glad she likes me as a friend because she's nice and fun hanging out with. Daphne gives me the feeling that she's honest, sometimes a little too honest I guess and she's not fake. 

''We're here'' she suddenly says making me realize I was to caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice we were standing in front of the door to Slughorn's office. We knocked waiting a few seconds but Daphne was impatient ''Hello? Professor Slughorn?'' she knocked harder this time until we heard glass breaking from inside ''Yeah one moment please'' he says making Daphne stop knocking. 

We waited a few more seconds until we heard the sound of a key unlocking the door and we were met with the face of professor Slughorn ''What brings you kids here on this time of the day don't you have classes?'' he asks. We both shook our head ''No we're here because Draco here thinks he's under influence of Amortentia'' professor Slughorn's face immediately fell ''Alright come on in'' he opens the door for us letting us in. 

His office was really messy like there was just an earthquake here. A lot of bookshelves and stuff and especially a lot of potions. There was a fireplace with seats in front of it and a big cauldron  in the corner to brew potions. Professor Slughorn is trying to get Snape's job for years but unfortunately whatever he tries to coax Dumbledore, it doesn't work. He's a very friendly professor and I bet he would be a great Potions professor but Snape isn't just gonna pack his stuff and leave. Snape wants to be the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor but Dumbledore likes to get a new candidate for that job every year. 

''So why does mister Malfoy thinks he's under influence of Amortentia?'' and now comes the part where I tell him why. I'm obviously not gonna tell him it's Potter or a boy at all so I have to beat him around the bush. ''I'm suddenly in love with someone who I've been hating for the last 4 years'' he raises his eyebrows. It looks like he's unconvinced by my story but it's the truth and nothing but the truth. 

''Well there's only one way to figure out if you're under influence of Amortentia and that's to brew the potion and smell it. After smelling the love potion while you're under influence your eyes will color a light shade of pink if you're not under influence your eyes will stay the color they are'' I looked at Daphne and she looked back with the same expression. We both didn't know this but yeah Snape just tells us the half of what we need to know to graduate. 

''I will brew the potion while you can take a seat at the fireplace I will be done in a few minutes'' professor Slughorn walked up to his cauldron to brew the potion while Daphne and I took a seat in front of the fireplace. ''You really think you're under the influence of that potion?'' Daphne asked to be sure. I shrugged ''I really don't know, why you asking?'' I saw she looked at the portraits on the wall and then she looked back at me ''I just.....I knew someone who was under the influence of it and he became really clingy and obsessed with a friend of mine. It was like he had no shame and the only thing in life he wanted was her and it was kinda creepy but you don't seem the same as how he was after he drank it'' well I don't feel myself getting clingy or obsessed with Potter so maybe it could be a different love potion? 

But that would be weird because we only learned how to brew Amortentia and nothing else. We never studied about a different love potion other than the said potion. ''I'm not obsessed with Potter but I do have feelings for him'' she nodded in understanding and we both were looking at the moving flames in the fireplace to caught up in our thoughts to say something until professor Slughorn came back with a small heart shaped bottle with a pearly pink substance in it. The label says 'Amortentia' but my gut says 'dangerous'. 

''Now open the bottle and smell it'' he says and I did what he said. I opened the bottle, closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I smelled the substance. ''What does it smell like?'' Daphne asked and while I still had my eyes closed I could feel her smirking. I smelled the substance again ''I smell butterscotch and.......freshly baked cookies and.........leather'' I opened my eyes again and both professor Slughorn and Daphne looked in my eyes ''And? it pink?'' I ask. 

''No it's silver'' professor Slughorn replies. 

I immediately walked up to the big mirror on the wall to see the color of my eyes is indeed silver with a mixture of blue like it's supposed to be ''This can't be true I'm not in love with Po-......I mean I'm not in love with this person at all why do I have feelings for this person when I hate this person?!'' I screamed making Slughorn shrug and Daphne to take a step back. ''Love can sometimes twist in mysterious and both magical ways mister Malfoy'' I can't do shit with his words I need to know why I have feelings for him. 

''This was useless I'm going'' I made my way out of the office, Daphne following me close behind as I ran through the corridors and on my way to the Slytherin dungeons. I needed some alone time in my dorm to think. What happened with my hatred and jealousy towards Potter? We're never meant to be so why am I feeling this way? 

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