Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

151K 6.9K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

1. Dangerous Line of Work
2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
13. Enemy Territory
14. What You Need
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
20. Happy Holidays
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
28. Family Matters
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found
37. Happily Ever After

15. And Play She Does

3.2K 143 31
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

"Ah, Lee." Mrs. Jeon looked over Yoona's shoulder to the new comer in the dining room, for once a real motherly smile on her face, but Yoona's eyes drifted towards Jung-Hoon, who looked away as if he was ashamed. "I'm so glad you were able to join us."

"It's always a pleasure, Mrs. Jeon." Lee bowed before dragging Yoona out of her seat, causing her to stumble into him. "Miss Park, it's good to see you again."

Yoona tried to move away from the man who pushed his head into her neck, nuzzling her, biting her neck. She didn't think much about it, jerking her knee up and hitting Lee in a place that caused him to double over with a groan. Yoona ripped her arms away from him as she heard Mrs. Jeon gasp as Lee fell to his knees, her chair scrapping backwards.

"Why you insolate little wrench." Mrs. Jeon moved forwards, slapping Yoona across the face, causing her to stumble away from her. 

"He shouldn't have touched me." Yoona rubbed her palm against her now reddened cheek,  holding herself up by the back of the chair. "He should learn when he can and can't touch a woman."

"You are not a real woman and you know it. Allowing yourself to lie with an animal?" Mrs. Jeon helped Lee to stand, turning back to Yoona. "You are barely any better then them. You will be treated as such."

"My studio is already set up." Jung-Hoon finally spoke up, pushing his plate away from him and standing, fixing the jacket he wore as he looked at Yoona. "Let's play."

"Take Lee with you. He will know what to do." Mrs. Jeon spoke, leaving no room for argument.

"I know how to cleanse." Jung-Hoon barely listened, taking Yoona by the arm and pulling her along with him. "Walk and don't speak."

Yoona could hear her shoes clicking against the marble floors, hear Jung-Hoon's breathing get deeper, hear Lee stumble behind them. Yoona could see as the light of the house started to hide behind her, getting further and further away from the light. She could see the door back down to the tunnels before she couldn't see anything at all anymore, something wrapping around her eyes as she was stopped just before the door.

"Now Miss Park," Lee's voice drifted to Yoona. "Screaming is encouraged."


"What did you do to her?" Jungkook stalked towards the man in handcuffs, grabbing his own blood relative by the collar of his shirt. "Did he touch her?"

"Jungkook, let him go." Jin tried to pull Jungkook back from Mr. Jeon, failing as he watched the bunny growl at the man.

"DID HE TOUCH HER?" Jungkook screamed as his grandfather laughed, only stopping his laughter as Jungkook's fist hit his jaw, again and again and again.

"Jungkook, no." Namjoon's voice cut through the panic to get the bunny hybrid off the man who only manically laughed, blood covering him.

Namjoon was the closest, the quickest, the strongest, to tackled Jungkook off of Jeon Yeong-Su and into a garden bed. Namjoon's arms wrapped tightly around the large bunny, even as Jungkook continued to squirm, screaming at the bloody man. Anyone who tried to get close to them Namjoon would only growl in warning, to let the wolf deal with the pup of his pack, to allow Namjoon to calm him down. 

Jungkook calmed down as Yeong-Su was finally driven away down the driveway, and Namjoon's soft words finally hit his ears. Namjoon could feel that Jungkook was trying not to cry as all the emotions of the day finally caught up to him, finally allow Jungkook to break down in the older wolf's arms. Namjoon's grip soon turned fatherly, his arms holding Jungkook to allow him to cry into his chest, hearing him mumble a few times about Yoona and needing to find her sooner rather then later.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon softly asked, eyes focused solely on Jungkook who had curled up next to him, like a scared child. "Did you want to get up now?"

"I can't do it..." Jungkook whimpered, his fingers gripping Namjoon's shirt harder. "I can't save her."

"You'd have to be the bravest bunny I know." Namjoon's soothing voice did wonders on Jungkook, seeing everyone else moving around, doing what they need to be except his two sons, obviously concerned for the bunny who had no doubt become their brother. "And your brother's are worried about you, so how about we get up and we go rescue your mate?"

"My brother's?" Jungkook couldn't help asking, looking up at Namjoon.

"A tiger and a fox who care about you so much." Namjoon sat up, helping Jungkook to sit up with him. "You have so much family here, Jungkook. Even if we're not blood, you have family here who want to protect you... to help you."

"Do you think she will be okay?" Jungkook finally asked, looking up to Namjoon.

Namjoon didn't really know what to say, he didn't want to lie and cause him to have hope and then be disappointed, but what else could he say; "Yoona is a lot stronger then anyone of us, if anyone's going to survive, it's her."


Jungkook looked up, Jimin and Taehyung having moved closer to them, looking over Namjoon and Jungkook as they both seemed to now sit in someone's flower bed. Both of the predator hybrids made themselves smaller and smaller, as not to suddenly scare the prey hybrid, both of them getting down to fall into a huddle with them both. Jungkook allowed them to scent him, hearing soft whimpers falling from both of them, Namjoon scenting Jungkook heavily like he normally would to his pack before getting up with the other boys. 

"And this is why we need a wolf..." Hoseok stood in front of the boys, holding what looked like a gun, handing it to Yoongi standing next to him. "Only a wolf knows how to truly protect his pack."

"He is such a father isn't he." Yoongi smiled at the younger wolf, checking to see if they had everything they'd need for this mission. "Looks like you've got 3 sons now."

"And his youngest is already in love." Jin stood, a smile on his face as he hands bulletproof vests to each boy around him. "But it's time to move boys." Jin handed the last vest to Yoongi before pulling a piece of folded paper out of his pocket. "I've pinpointed the exact location of the farm. Let's go get that mate of yours, Jungkook."


Yoona didn't scream, she wouldn't allow herself, she wouldn't allow Lee nor Jung-Hoon the satisfaction of hearing her scream.

Lee was another breed of twisted.

Jung-Hoon was more traditional in how twisted he was.

When Jung-Hoon took a blade to Yoona's skin, carving into her skin as a river of blood trailed down her ribs, Lee would follow by breaking a bone. Six of Yoona's fingers were broken in 3 different places, Lee had even taken a hammer to Yoona's knee, and the only proud she had felt is when she didn't give them the satisfaction of screaming. Even when Jung-Hoon barely let Yoona breath through the break, burning her flesh, tearing jagged cuts with razor blades or a rusty knife that Jung-Hoon seemed to worship.

It was even worse after they had cut Yoona out of her clothes, the phone she had hidden under her bra falling onto her bare skin. At first they hadn't noticed, both of them working on strapping Yoona to the cold slab, but when Jung-Hoon finished his work, he moved back to her and saw the phone, sitting on her exposed skin. He had picked it up, Lee's eyes lighting up as he saw what was now in Jung-Hoon's hands, like a kid in a candy store.

"What do we have here?" Lee asked, watching as Jung-Hoon opened the phone and seeing the messages still up. "'The Caribbean is good this time of year for mojito's'... What does that mean?"

Yoona stayed quiet, not bothering to give them the satisfaction of an answer back, she would never sell her people out, she'd rather die. Yoona was just thankful that the message was out, the location of her whereabouts was known by someone who needed it most, someone who could help her, even if she was going to be near death by that time. 

"How about we send them another little message?" Lee took the phone from Jung-Hoon, opening the camera and leaning down next to Yoona's bloody and broken body, smiling and snapping a picture. "What should I say? 'Missing you. Wish you were here. Don't I look pretty? Sending love, Lee and Jung-Hoon.'"

Yoona couldn't say or do anything, it hurt her to move, every inch of her body was aching, completely fried to no peace. Yet here she was, allowing these two to completely take advantage of a situation they had dragged her into, kicking and screaming as much as she could. 

"So... where did you get this from?" Jung-Hoon asked, watching as Lee tapped a few more things on the phone and they both realized he was filming. "Let me ask again..." Jung-Hoon took his blade and ran it from Yoona's sternum to her belly button. "Where did you get the phone?"

Lee laughed loudly as Yoona gritted her teeth, held her whole body tightly in on itself without screaming. She wouldn't scream, she couldn't scream, especially seeing Lee filming this, no doubt he would send it straight to them. Yoona couldn't afford to let anyone see her like this, she couldn't have Jin or Yoongi or god forbid Jungkook to see her like this, in a situation that he had been in once upon a time.

Finally putting the phone down, more throwing it onto a table behind him, Lee moved towards her legs, appreciating the work he'd done. Yoona already knew, everything that they had done to her body was going to be permanent, what worried her the most was how Lee had carved a word into her ribs. How Jung-Hoon had branded something onto her right ankle, how every time something pierced her skin, water was thrown over it and Lee would mutter as if possessed. 

It was all so worrying, but nothing like how worrying it would be for Jungkook to see her like this.

Lee bent over Yoona's withering body, pressing his fingers into a particularly nasty cut on her thigh, smiling at how Yoona trembled; "Come on, let me hear you scream."

"Why?" Yoona gritted past her teeth as Lee looked up to her, his dirty fingers lightly touching her skin. "Can't get off... unless I..." Yoona sucked in a deep breath, moving against the straps holding her down against the cold, silver slab. "Unless I scream?"

Cold didn't even begin to describe how much Yoona wanted to curl in on herself, numb was a good way to say that she felt as the ice cold slab touched her bare skin. Her clammy, skin was covered in sweat, blood and water they kept dosing on her skin with every cut, break and burn they delivered to Yoona, over and over again. Lee would whisper, almost chant something every time water drenched parts of Yoona's naked body, Yoona noticed how Jung-Hoon would roll his eyes at the ridiculousness of him. 

"Your boy toy..." Lee's fingertips trailed up Yoona's leg, skirting over her waist and pressed firmly into a gash below her breast. "Your pretty little bunny... he's been through worse, hasn't he Jung-Hoon."

Jung-Hoon merely grunted his response, his back to Yoona and Lee, she couldn't see what he was doing but she could hear it. His hands constantly moved, only the sound of tools hitting against each other, Yoona could only imagine that he was sharpening something, causing only more pain. From the response, or lack there of, from Jung-Hoon, Yoona didn't know if she would make this out alive, she knew she'd be scarred, but the main thing she knew, if Jungkook survived this, so would she.

"Well," Yoona choked of air as Jung-Hoon pierced his blade into her right hip, dragging it down to her right thigh as Yoona bit down on her lip as not to scream. She'd rather completely rip into her own lip then scram for either of these sick bastards. "Jungkook is..." The water Jung-Hoon poured over the cut burned Yoona, her nails digging into her palm, the broken bones curling in and causing tears to slip over the edge. "He is so much stronger."

"You shouldn't do that." Lee took Yoona's left hand, laying it out flat before leaning over to do the same thing to her right hand. "They won't be able to set properly if you keep resisting."

"Permanent damage would be..." Jung-Hoon spoke for the first time, causing Yoona to involuntarily flinch. "Unfavorable." Yoona watched as he wiped the bloody blade with a blood and water soaked rag, finally making eye contact with Yoona. "Scars are okay if you can't see them," Jung-Hoon smirked as he scratched across his left cheek, a knowing look in his eyes. "but you are a pretty little thing and we can't have you too hurt by the end of this cleanse."

"Jungkook?" Yoona breathed through her nose, harshly jerking against the straps that held her down. "That's your doing?"

"I needed batting practice." Jung-Hoon actually laughed, like that was something sane to joke about with friends. "I think it's time for the next phase of your cleanse, Miss Park."

Yoona didn't have any sense of what the time was, nor did she know how long she had been strapped to the now wet slab. Her skin was covered in equal parts water, equal parts sweat and equal parts blood, but she could feel it. She could feel the small stream of blood trail down her ribs, pooling under her slightly arched back, water and blood mixing beneath her slightly quivering body. She could feel Lee's rough fingertips trace from her ankle up to the jagged cut in her skin, she could feel Jung-Hoon's softer hands rest of her thigh, drawing circles into the inner of her thigh. 

"Miss Park... We would like to take a moment if you would allow us."

Yoona watched Lee's movements, seeing as he stood to Yoona's left, Jung-Hoon around on her right now, Lee's eyes were the scariest she had ever seen, full of life, full of wonder, full of something she couldn't quite place. Jung-Hoon's however were anything but, cold, dead, staring like a void into Yoona's skin that his hands danced across. Whatever it was, in either of their eyes, it kept Yoona the quietest she had ever been since that strapped her to that frozen slab. Whatever it was, it kept Yoona still as their fingers worked easily against the straps, seeming to untie them.

Whatever it was... it made Lee remorseful. And it didn't seem like Lee being remorseful was the way for Lee to ever be, not from how devoid of anything Jung-Hoon was.

"I like you Miss Park." Lee admitted, his hands slowing down as he loosened the strap buckles. "You have a sense of spirit, a drive that allows you to keep to your code. To keep to your morals." Lee's smile seemed far off what she usually knows him for, it was almost... kind. "I didn't ever want to cleanse you. You are the only one in this entire situation that never deserved this."

Yoona had to fight to restrain any reaction in her face, not waiting to let them know that she felt anything but the pain of her body. She couldn't believe what she was hearing Lee say, after everything, after ever day she had chosen to protect Jungkook, now he realized they should have just been left alone.

Was Lee high?

"You look very beautiful like this..." Lee's fingers ran over Yoona's soaked skin of her arm, Jung-Hoon having finished untying all the buckles moving away from Yoona to sit back and watch the interaction between them. "All tied up, my knife having taken to your soft skin, your breath coming out uneven, I mean I think I broke a few ribs. Don't you think so, Jung-Hoon?"

Okay, maybe Lee really was high. 

From how red his eyes were, how lazy his smile was, how his eyes never really focused on Jung-Hoon even though he tried to look up towards him. That's what the other thing she couldn't recognize in Lee's eyes, it wasn't just a mask he wore; he was truly hidden behind everything in this moment.

Lee must have thought Yoona was completely docile, he must truly believe that Yoona was a mere fragile, weak human girl. That she ran from scary things, that she hid from danger, that she let others fight her battles.

Oh boy was he wrong.

"What I am most sorry about, is that you fell in love with the wrong person." Lee sounded almost sincere... almost.

The straps around her broken body had finally fallen, clinking against the floors, echoing through the room, Lee hooked a hand underneath Yoona's naked, bloody body and flipped her off the slab. He simply laughed as Yoona's heavy body slumped against the even colder cement floor at Jung-Hoon's feet, her shattered body trying desperately to curl in on itself. Yoona wanted to hide in on herself, she didn't want to allow either Jung-Hoon or Lee to see her so exposed, so wrecked because of them.

"Here." Jung-Hoon dropped something in front of her that clanged against the cement floor. "You'll need this."

Yoona's sweaty hands wrapped around something cold and heavy as she tried to haul her body up, pushing her fallen, matted hair away from her eyes with the back of her hand. Looking up, Yoona watched Lee move the table she once lied on out of the only door in the room, along with the two tables of toys they had used on her. They were clearing the area for... well Yoona didn't know, phase two as they had called it must be something that needed more room then what they had. Yoona's grip on the dagger Jung-Hoon had dropped for her tightened, only causing pain to shoot through her body, but she stood strong, never letting them see just how much pain she was truly in.

"Miss Park, how sure are you that hybrids aren't just some... animals?" Lee taunted from the door, Jung-Hoon never moving from his chair, only lifting his eyes up to look at them.

Yoona heard it first, the growls that echoed through her whole body, the door opening to see what looked like animals. But they were hybrids, the human bodied figures standing at the door, with a mix of what could only be predator ears and claws and teeth, all trying to break apart from the chains around their necks. Yoona could name each hybrid as she tried to drag her body away from the open center of the room, her back finally against a wall as she tried to protect herself from anything that came near her.

"Come on, now Miss Park." Lee let go of the chains with a laugh, now having to yell over the growling hybrids. "Let me here those screams."

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