Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

151K 6.9K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

1. Dangerous Line of Work
2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
14. What You Need
15. And Play She Does
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
20. Happy Holidays
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
28. Family Matters
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found
37. Happily Ever After

13. Enemy Territory

4.1K 170 23
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

It's easy to lose track of time, to be completely removed from the outside world especially being in a room with no windows, a door and an uncomfortable green light that only made Yoona feel queasy. Yet time couldn't move quicker with the sobbing and babbling of Mrs. Bonavich across from her, now staring at the wall as her nails scrap against the cement call she lay against.

Yoona hadn't made out nearly half of what she had been crying about, although Yoona would admit she wasn't really trying to catch what she talked about. She heard Jungkook's name a few times and then everything else was incoherent, though with Jungkook's name spoke, Yoona was a little more inclined to try and listen. Mrs. Bonavich even seemed to be pulling at her thinning hair, Yoona would have believed she was shedding with how much hair she had pulled, blood seemed to seep into the matted mess. Her once perfect nails had become anything but perfect, the constant clawing at the cold cement walls picking up all sorts of dirt and blood, surprisingly most of it not hers.

At this point, having been sitting against the wall for a few hours now, Yoona was too scared to ask about Mr. Bonavich's whereabouts. However, from the completely dead look in Mrs. Bonavich's sunken dark eyes, the way her fingers would sometimes linger on the ring around her scrawny finger, Yoona obviously didn't want to know. The state of the cell was enough to make anyone stop asking questions, enough to make even the bravest of those keep their mouth shut from questions that could end them in the same position.

Yoona had dosed off a few times, always jumping awake at the slightest movement of Mrs. Bonavich, at the slightest sound of another's breath. She couldn't rest, not like she'd allow herself the chance to fully rest in a place like this, her own fight or fight instincts having kicked in. Hope being the only thing that truly didn't have Yoona doing anything too crazy, like calling attention to herself from whoever was watching them stuck in the metal cage.

Yoona had noticed a few times, making sure no one else realized she had, the camera that was hidden within the green light. It moved slightly, twitching as if someone was controlling it, if one of them moved, the camera too would. Yoona had noticed a slight buzzing whenever it would move, at first she thought maybe it was the green light, but her eyes finally locating the camera that watched them, monitored them.

"We..." The voice frightened Yoona to sit up straight, eyes wide open and staring around her. "We... moved against her..."

Yoona blinked, her entire body on full alert as she looked towards Mrs. Bonavich's body; "What?"

"Jeon." Mrs. Bonavich spoke only that word as the air seemed to become more dense around them. "We didn't follow her rules. So she... punished us."

Yoona didn't speak, hoping Mrs. Bonavich would just talk more, give her something more to go on. Mrs. Bonavich sat up for the first time in however many hours Yoona and her had been sitting together in that cell. Her back wasn't straight, instead her shoulders completely slumped over herself, her hands wrapping around her own waist, her eyes still never quite meeting Yoona's.

"We thought we could hide him... but she..." Mrs. Bonavich finally looked towards Yoona, her empty eyes catching Yoona's. "You don't move against her. She's too powerful."

"No one should have to live through this." Yoona finally answered Mrs. Bonavich. "No one."

"They're not even human." Mrs. Bonavich stopped talking under Yoona's gaze. "Even you have to admit, they are more animal then human."

"Their instincts?" Yoona all but snarled the words. "Their instincts keep them alive, as our human ones do."

"It's not the same." Mrs. Bonavich argued weakly.

"If their life is in danger, they either fight or flight... What is it you've been doing the past however long you've been here?"

The question hung in the cell, Yoona noticing how the camera in the corner of her vision shifted between them now. Even they seemed to be interested in the conversation the two prisoners were having, maybe they were testing Mrs. Bonavich's loyalty, maybe trying to see just where Yoona's loyalty lied. And it was easy to see, Yoona would always stand up for those who did not have a voice thanks to people like them.

"Your fighting the wrong fight." Mrs. Bonavich was now frantic. "Jeon isn't just here... the government, the CEO's, the power of this country. She's everywhere."

Mrs. Bonavich was now right up in Yoona's face, frantically digging her nails into Yoona's skin as she talked to her. Both of them could hear it now, more then one heavy set of footsteps moving towards them, but Mrs. Bonavich wasn't stopping.

"No one ever has a choice. Not with her having so much power. You have to protect him. Protect the boy."

5 men, all dressed in black came bounding down a hidden staircase, the cell door slamming open just as one of Mrs. Bonavich's hands move to a pocket of hers and them to Yoona's hand. Something heavy was placed into her hand, but small enough that Yoona could hide it in the shirt she wore, tucking it as fast as she could under her bra before Mrs. Bonavich was ripped from her. Deep cuts were now in Yoona's arms, blood slowly moving from the four long marks as she watched Mrs. Bonavich being dragged from the room, two of the men holding Yoona up against the wall.


"Time for your medication." The one that seemed like the leader helped to hold down Mrs. Bonavich. "Take her out."

Mrs. Bonavich screamed as they finally dragged her out of Yoona's line of vision, Yoona knowing better then to fight against the two men in front of her. She raised her hands in surrender, eyeing the two men who kept their hands on Yoona, before she shook them off and backed as far away from them as the cell would let her. Both men just smirked at her, evilly eyeing Yoona, giving her some appreciative nods towards her as they confidently checked her out.

As they took a step towards her, Yoona's hands not going down, she spoke; "Get any closer and you'll be dead."

Both men faulted in their steps, surprised that a woman who had seen that both men towered over them just threatened them. They were surprised that she was so calm as she stood in front of them, defenseless and in their mind, weak.

"What can you possibly do to us?" One of them laughed, trying to ease the tension back to them being on top.

"Are you gonna tell on us?" The other moved again.

"I can show you," Yoona now smirked, seeming to unnerve them. "How they taught me to kill a man with my bare hands." The laugh Yoona gave was short and chilling in such an environment. "You'd be surprised what you can learn from them."

"HEY!" A voice yelled from the top of the staircase. "LEAVE THE CRAZY BITCH ALONE. NO ONE IS TO TOUCH HER. MISTRESSES ORDERS."

"Off you go." Yoona finally put her hands down, sliding down the cold wall. "Your master calls for you."

Yoona could tell they were human, so to have her tell them to run to their master is like putting them into the same league as the ones they hate. Both growled in warning to Yoona as she got comfortable on the ground again, eyes never leaving them.

"Oh was that a warning?" Yoona was mocking them, showing everyone who watched just how much their instincts were exactly like those they wished never existed. "You should never growl at a guest, didn't your master teach you that?"


"Run along. Or you'll be punished." Yoona winked towards both men who seemed to be vibrating with anger.


It was too late, too late for anyone to stop one of the men who seemed to rush Yoona where she sat. Yoona saw it but moved to late, a large fist connecting with her face, her head moving back and hitting the wall behind her. The ringing in her ears didn't help as the man picked her up by the collar of her shirt and smacked her across the face as she screamed profanities at her. Something about how he wasn't like those filthy animals she would lie with, hitting her jaw and causing her to spit blood on his face before another group of guys came to pull him off of her.

As he was finally pulled off Yoona, she slumped against the wall, holding herself up with her hands before she spat in the direction of the men. Blood now splattered against their shoes as she coughed a few times, her hand going to her head. Only when she pulled her hand back did she see the blood that was now seeping into her own hair, but she didn't think of it for too long, turning back to the men who tried to control the angry man.

"What a shame..." Yoona's voice drifted towards the men. "You couldn't control your instincts, even when your master called."

"Get him out of here." The leader spoke again, before Yoona was finally left alone in the darkened cell again.

Spitting again at the mounting blood in her mouth, Yoona sat back up against the cement wall, feeling the object press against her ribs. Yoona was quick, turning over and away from the camera on all fours to throw up in the corner of the cell, her hand quickly reaching for it. Her hand now held a phone, it almost dropping into the now empty content of her stomach in front of her. The screen not too bright as she opened it, quickly seeing there was cell service

There was only one number her jumbled mind could think of, her fingers quick to type in the number and a code red that only very few will know. Once it was sent she quickly placed it back under her bra and went back to looking like she threw up again, before wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. It was a horrible aftertaste that lingered, and somehow it wasn't the worse taste that stuck to her tongue, it made her want to throw up more.

She just hoped that the phone that stuck against her skin wouldn't get caught by the camera that followed her. She was now alone in the cell, cold and alone, and there was only one thing that drifted through her hazy mind; "Is this what Jungkook had to live through?"


Jungkook sat on the couch by himself, it was the same couch Yoona had sat with him when he first meet Jin, his leg bouncing quickly, his hands bunching up around the sweatpants he'd changed into. Jin had, happily, become a regular around the house after the first meeting, making sure Jungkook was adjusting, even becoming a constant in video game tournaments between the two. Jungkook really appreciated that, Jin having become a good friend to him, Jin even happily calling Jungkook his brother.

Jungkook thought he should call Jin, he needed to be apart of this as much as anyone.

Standing from the couch, Jungkook felt the stares of Yoongi, Hoseok and Mr. and Mrs. Astor follow him, they had been keeping an eye on him as if he were to just lose it at any minute. He moved into the kitchen and saw that Yoona had left her phone on the counter, right next to a cutting board with vegetables set out. It was like Yoona to leave it in random places, having picked up her phone from different and more weird places every time, Jungkook thinking of the one time he found her phone sitting in the fridge.

He could hear everyone around him, hear them moving and planning, even if they were secretly keeping an eye on Jungkook. But right now, he just needed to hear someone help him, needed to hear that he hadn't lost Yoona, someone like Jin.

After pressing the call button, Jungkook held the phone to his ear and waited, listening to the familiar ring before being answered by an even more familiar voice.

"Hello? Yoona?" Jin asked, happily through the phone.

"It's Jungkook."

"Oh, Jungkook? It's good to hear from you." Jin sounded so relaxed, so at ease. "Where's Yoona?"

"Jin... Yoona..."

"It's okay, Jungkook. Say it in your own time."

Jungkook realized, Jin was prepared for the worst, he seemed to be always preparing for the worst when it came to trouble with Yoona. But the worst is... for Jungkook... is she's not here.

"Someone took her." Jungkook barely spoke above a whisper, one of his hands tapping against the counter in rhythm to his leg bouncing.

"Yoongi and Hoseok?" Jin asked, knowing they would already be in savior mode, Jin himself going into protective mode.

"Here. They just told me."

"Put Yoongi on the phone. I'm coming right now."

Jungkook nodded, even knowing Jin wouldn't be able to see him nod, before handing the phone over to Yoongi, everyone's eyes still on Jungkook. After letting Yoongi know it was Jin before sitting back on the couch, Jungkook looked up only to meet Mr. and Mrs. Astor's sad gaze. Sitting on the couch Yoona had cuddled with him as they watched a Marvel marathon, Jungkook realized that he couldn't do anything.

Yoona could really use an Avenger right now.

"Okay, I'll get them. See you soon." Yoongi ended the call, handing the phone back to Jungkook to hold, who seemed to tuck the phone back against him. "Hyung will be here soon. He's calling in the HPA."

HPA. Hybrid Protect Agency.

Yoona had told Jungkook about the HPA before, how she worked for them, in what was considered the most dangerous section, even seemed to run it now that her grandfather gave the sanctuary over to her. Though anyone who willingly put their life at risk to protect those hybrids who couldn't protect themselves, like Jungkook once was, was a true savior. Dangerous or not, Yoona's job was necessary.

"Good. But there's a problem. We need a tracker." Hoseok sat across from Jungkook, all of them seeming to know to sit anywhere except next to Jungkook. "Our last wolf moved away with his family."

Jungkook watched as the 4 hybrids in front of him tried to think of anyone who could help, a tracker, and a wolf was one of the best for the job. Jungkook knew enough to know that Yoongi and Hoseok needed help, and Jungkook was thankful for who Yoona had allowed him to know. A wolf they needed. Jungkook knew a wolf.

"I have a wolf." Jungkook's quiet voice catching them all off guard. "A wolf with a tiger and a fox sons."

"Would they help in trying to find Yoona?" Hoseok's eyes lit up with hope, standing just behind Yoongi as he grabbed onto his sleeve.

With Jungkook's quick nod, he had his orders to call Namjoon, hoping and praying they would help as he searched through Yoona's phone for Reyna's number. Jungkook knew she had their number; they had given each other their numbers so Jimin and Taehyung could come out to the sanctuary, they had only talked earlier that day to allow both of them to come see him tomorrow. She was always thinking about Jungkook, always making sure he was comfortable in the life she had given him, and now he had let her slip through his fingers.


Jungkook heard Namjoon's voice, trying to avoid the watchful eyes of everyone in the room; "Hyung, I need your help."

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt? Where's Yoona? Let me get Reyna and the boys." Namjoon spoke each question quickly before Jungkook stood, moving to Yoona's office, away from the stares. "Jungkook?"

"Hyung, I'm fine. It's just..." Namjoon seemed to pause, listening carefully to Jungkook's frightened voice, he sounded so much like a child it almost broke Namjoon. "Yoona's gone missing."

"We'll be there within the hour." Jungkook could hear Namjoon yelling out for his family to get ready, they sounded ready to help Jungkook no matter what. "Jungkook," Namjoon called through the phone as Jungkook took his seat next to the one Yoona normally sat in. "Hang in there, we'll be there within the hour."

"Okay Hyung." Jungkook nodded as if Namjoon could see him, finally hanging up.

Jungkook barely explained the situation to Namjoon, and yet he didn't actually have to say anything for Namjoon to come help. Namjoon and his family were immediately in their car and driving out to Jungkook, they would gladly help to find Yoona, they would do anything to help.

Jungkook looked around Yoona's office, his hand subconsciously reaching for the art supplies Yoona keep on her desk for him. Jungkook got comfortable in the chair, remembering how Yoona had taken him into an office store and given him the choice of which chair he wanted, Jungkook had chosen one that looked identical to Yoona's. Jungkook had felt embarrassed in the beginning about choosing a chair identical to Yoona's, but Yoona had just smiled at him and paid for the chair, happily moving it into her office.

Jungkook could hear that the house was filling up, hearing Yoongi and Hoseok give orders to people, the door opening and closing a lot of times. After one time the door opened, everything seemed to go deathly quiet and then a single pair of light footsteps walking down the hall and towards the office. From what Jungkook knew of the sound of the footsteps, Jin would soon knock on the door, and most likely ask question Jungkook wouldn't know how to answer.

Soft knocks came from the door as Jungkook opened the art book, Jin's head popping his head in as he spoke; "Hey, how are you?"

Jungkook just nodded, his large hears moving forward, and blocking his view momentarily before he pushed them back. His eyes stayed on the art book, running over the multiple pages that Jungkook had sketched Yoona, remembering every moment. Even as Jin moved into the room, closing the door and sitting in front of Jungkook on one of the chairs in front of him, Jungkook's eyes never moved from the pages of Yoona. Jin sitting quietly long enough for Jungkook to become comfortable in his territory, waiting for Jungkook to sit back and look Jin in the eye.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked softly.

"Mmm." Jungkook leaned back comfortably, his hands still lightly tracing over the pages.

"Did you want to talk about it?" Jin put the offer on the table, a willing ear to listen.

"What's..." Jungkook's eyes flickered from Jin sitting in front of him and the page under his fingers, Yoona's smile. "What food does she like?"

Jin knew it wasn't the question Jungkook wanted to ask, but it was enough for now; "She'd tell you her favorite food was pasta. But that's a lie." Jin smiled fondly, looking at his own hands as they played with the zipper to his jacket. "She likes soups. Always order seafood noodle soup."

Jin noticed how the hint of a smile almost cracked through on Jungkook's lips, noticing how his fingers kept on tracing Yoona's picture subconsciously. Anyone could see that Jungkook truly loved Yoona, and from what Jin knew about the woman who was as much his little sister as any blood relative, he knew Yoona loved him too. Jin would tell the young hybrid sitting behind the desk where Yoona would normally be, anything about the woman they both cared very deeply for.

"I've noticed that." Jungkook gave a small laugh that would have been unnoticeable if Jin wasn't watching him like a hawk. "She always makes extra soup, even in the summer." Jungkook's eyes flicker up again, then back away to anything but Jin. "What about seasons? What does she like?"

"Any season." Jin nodded, thinking about the one thing every season had in common when it came to Yoona. "Even if it's raining, or the middle of a heatwave..." Jin finally caught Jungkook's eyes as she spoke. "She loves the ocean. She'll always spend so much time at the beach if you let her, no matter the weather or season."

"Do you think-"

Jungkook cut himself off, his ears standing straight up, his back even straighter as he sat up and looked around him. Jin was so caught off guard by Jungkook's sudden change that he stood up, knocking over the chair he once sat on. Jin himself looking around as if something was around them that only Jungkook could see.

"What is it?" Jin asked in a rushed whisper.

"Do you hear that?" Jungkook moved around the desk to a large bookcase to his left. "It sounds like a phone vibrating."

Jin stopped, standing still and blinked a few times before noticing where Jungkook was walking towards on the bookcase. There were only two people who knew what was there, him and Yoona, so the fact that Jungkook could hear something coming from the bookcase...


Jin's whispering of her name caused Jungkook to stop dead in his tracks, staring wide eyed at Jin rushing towards the bookcase. Jungkook watched as Jin ripped a shelf of books out of they're places frantically, his hands coming to a locked door, well more of a safe. Jin was quick to open it, no doubt knowing the combination easily and pulling the door open and searching through a pile of things. Jin's hands finally making contact with what it was he needed, pulling it out and turning to look at Jungkook.

"What's that?"

Jin turned the phone back to him and watched as it lit up, and seeing one message from an unknown number. Opening it, Jin didn't know how to feel as he read the single sentence that only Jin would know about.

The Caribbean is good this time of year for mojito's

"She's alive." Jin looked up at Jungkook, for the first time since he'd seen him with a smile on his face. "She can communicate with us. Jungkook..."

Jungkook couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him, here he was, Kim Seokjin, a man who had only been seen as strong, crying. It was obviously tears of joy, but Jungkook didn't know what to feel in a moment like this, she was okay?

"Jungkook, we'll be able to find her. Everything will be okay."

Jungkook followed Jin as he practically ran out of the door and back down the hall to where everyone was gathering in the living room. Jungkook saw that Namjoon and his family had just arrived, not being able to really say anything as Jin held up the phone to everyone.

"She'd okay." Jin announced to the room. "She's using her grandfathers old plays. I'll be able to find her." Jin turned to look Jungkook in the eye, a promise he could keep. "I'll be able to find her."

Jungkook didn't really know how to trust anyone, he especially didn't know how he could trust after everything the Bonavich's had put him through. And yet, right here right now, staring at Jin, Jungkook knew he could trust him, just like he knew he could trust Yoona. Look around the room, he could see just how many people trusted Yoona, how many people wanted Jungkook to trust them.

He realized quickly she wasn't just a friend nor a savior to everyone in the room. She was family.

And Jungkook was learning the value of family was something to fight for.


Yoona curled in on herself against the corner of the cell, having dozed off for who knows how long before shooting up straight. Heavy boots stomped down the stairs, before a large man stood in front of the cell, holding a box. The man crouched down pushing the box through the small gap at the bottom, meant for a tray of food no doubt. It made Yoona try to think back to the last time she ate anything, something, even drank a glass of water, but without knowing how long she'd been in the cell, she couldn't have told anyone.

"Mistress wants you to put this on." The man stood back to his full height, folding his arms as if he had no where else to go. "She wants you ready in 5 minutes."

"Can you give me some privacy?" Yoona didn't move, her eyes trained on him.

"Why?" The man's shoulders shook as if he were trying to silently laugh. "Do you only undress for mongrels?"

The man barked a few times, only causing himself to laugh harder at his own antics afterwards, stepping closer to the cell bars. Leaning against it, as comfortably as he could be in a place like they were in, Yoona could finally see his face, and if anything, she wish she couldn't. The sickly green illuminated a stocky man who had the face of what could only be described as a hell hound.

His round face was scruffy and covered in scars, probably claw marks from hybrids he'd no doubt attacked and paid the price for. The biggest scar were three claw marks that dragged from his left temple to his right cheek, causing his left eye to be half closed, as if it still hurt him, no doubt a decade past from the injury. Somehow, that wasn't the scariest thing about the man who stood in front of her, staring her down like some hungry animal.

No, the scariest thing was the smile he had on his face. It was a smile she knew, a smile she fell in love with.


"Oh, so you recognize me?" The man's eyes lit up. "Well, you recognize my half-breed younger brother..." The man looked disgusted at the words he'd just spoken. "My half brother."

Yoona finally showed some type of reaction as she raised her eyebrow; "Half brother?"

"Mmm..." The man kicked the box further into the cell, sliding to hit Yoona's feet. "Get dressed. I'll give you 2 minutes... a curtesy as family."

Yoona watched as the man... Jungkook's brother of all people, lazily jogged back up the steps before she quickly opened the box. A simple baby pink dress sat comfortably, a white collar and bow tie sat on top, a thick belt also sat in it to wrap around her waist. On any other day, Yoona would have been so happy to try on a new dress, especially one as beautiful as the one in the box, but Yoona could still feel the pain of her face, even if it had numbed a little. But she knew, she was in no condition to wear something so delicate and beautiful, no matter how much time he'd given her.

"I told you 2 minutes." A voice drifted down to where Yoona sat. "I don't hear you moving. And if your worried about the blood, don't. We'll get you cleaned up before you meet the Mistress."

Yoona didn't think, quickly moving as safely as she could around the dirty cell she was bound too. Undressing and dressing so quickly that as the man's heavy footsteps came back down the stairs, she was tightening the belt around her waist, making sure the phone didn't escape or was able to be seen. Yoona had tried her hardest to keep her dirty hands from ruining the pink fabric, even if she was going to be 'cleaned up', she didn't want to ruin it. She had a feeling, one that didn't come from the nauseating green light, that if she ruined the dressed, she'd be punished.

"Come on," He opened the cell door, waiting for Yoona to stand in front of him. "If you try anything, I have full permission to keep you in line."

Yoona just allowed him to grip her arm and pull her along with him, up the stairs through a series of tunnels Yoona could barely keep up with. Finally finding the door he wanted, the man pushed Yoona into it where 3 small female hybrids all waited, head bowed, eyes respectfully to the floor. The 3 hybrids were all prey hybrids, from what Yoona could make out there was a hamster hybrid, a mouse hybrid and a rabbit hybrid all waiting for their orders.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes. Make the human look presentable." The man's voice was loud, too loud in the too white room.

The man was turned, door opened when Yoona turned to him; "Wait... what should I call you?"

He was surprised, as if no one really asked him his name, and from what Yoona had seen, what she had heard, she wouldn't doubt she was one of the only people to ask him.

"Jung-Hoon." He spoke softly before closing the door, leaving Yoona with the 3 hybrids.

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