The Grey Patch (BWWM)

By vannessadibor

24.5K 4.6K 2.5K

Twenty-nine year old gynaecologist and heir to the REGAL Corp. gold mining conglomerate, Fai Regan, had just... More

Introduction & Dedication
Part 1- Hello Doctor!
Part 2- FERGE
Part 3- Chasing Dreams
Part 4- Closing A Chapter.
Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.
Part 6- The Dawning.
Part 7- Staring At Reality.
Part 8- Attracted or Repulsed?
Part 9- Where Were we?
Part 10- Sand Castles
Part 11- Cycles.
Part 12- What's Cooking?
Part 13- Flicks and Twists.
Part 14- Cold Shoulders.
Part 15- South Africa!
Part 16- Getting Together.
Part 17- Desires.
Part 18- What Really Happened?
Part 19- Regrets.
Part 20- Curbing Shadows.
Part 21- No Filters
Part 22- Steam Blow.
Part 23- Steam Release.
Part 24- Coming to Truth.
Part 25- Life Is Beautiful.
Part 26- Meet The Clique.
Part 27- Revelations.
Part 28- In The Face.
Part 29- Meeting Nico.
Part 30- Making Plans.
Part 31- A Happy Crew.
Part 32- The Aid.
Part 33- The Bridge.
Part 34- Hailey.
Part 35- Then and Now.
Part 36- Without You.
Part 37- Tides & Turns.
Part 38- At World's Ends.
Part 39- Blown Candles.
Part 40- Remedy.
Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.
Part 43-Pathways.
Part 44- Forward.
Part 45- Regal Regans.
Part 46- Bedroom Talks.
Part 47- Shots & Roses.
Part 48- Mamma Mia!
Part 49- Jollof & Momma.
Part 50- The Milestone.
Part 51- Discussions.
Part 52- Pasts & Future.

Part 42- Sieving The Dirt.

239 23 76
By vannessadibor

Guyssss!!! At long last, we're gonna find out the truth... 😁😁😁
Explore!!! 👇🏾

"Mhm-I think you are, in fact-I think you know exactly what I mean..." he finished behind her, scooting and muttering the last parts behind her ears.

She ghosted-felt numb. How the fuck did this nigga figure all that out??? She wondered.

"Oh don't worry queen, I don't care about your sexual expenditures with him"

"They weren't 'sexual expenditures'!" she shot back through clenched teeth, the irritation slowly growing inside her, with each passing second he spent close to her neck.

He chuckled cockily, his breath sending ripples of disgust down her skin. "Like I said honey, I don't care...I only hope that you're willing to serve me-as well as you did him" he trails off but isn't given the chance to complete his words as Maldives slides off the chair.

Doing her best to keep her cool, she feigned ignorance to his words, whilst purposefully averting his gaze. "I-I don't know what you're talking about...but I will do my very best to do the job you pay me for" she finishes off and clears her throat.

Malcolm chuckles inwardly, then cocks his head to the side. "I sure hope you will" he shrugs, his face wearing the now infamous grin Maldives wished for nothing but to smack off with a witch's broom stick.

She nods her head curtly, and reaches for the door knob-but not before Malcolm called for her attention-again!

"...remember Honey, your loyalty lies with me"he concluded, but this time, Maldives was too pissed to even offer a response or gesture.

She cajoled out, pouring all her frustrations in the banging of the door behind her. "Christ! How dare he?! How fucking dare him?!"

What does he fucking take me for? Some office whore?! She screamed, then paused suddenly.

Somehow her own words reminded of a certain someone.

Hailey...something smells fishy here...

How the hell did that MF know about 'he' and I??? I mean-yeah, he did give his weird 'theory', but still...

Seems highly unlikely that he was able to arrive at his conclusions that way...

She felt frightened, immensely uneasy at the feel of things. Of course, she could have just handed in her resignation now while things were still early, but what would happen to her bills? The bastard had been nice enough to grant her enough flexibility to enable her adequately undergo her Masters-a gesture that still surprised and confused her, and she wasn't sure she was willing to go down that road.

There aren't a lot of companies willing to hire a first class graduate with impending fraud charges you know...

*Sighs* God help me...she prayed and huffed in frustration before returning back to her office.


"Fai, why did you summon us all here? Is something wrong?" Regina asked as she approached the gathering of the entirety of Regal Corp., whom Fai had called for minutes before for a brief meeting.

"...tell them it's a matter of huge urgency..." he had explained when he had ordered one of the company's interns to pass his message.

Fai glanced about, his blue agile orbs peering through every last bit of theirs.

He had waited, three long weeks, to drop this missile, and cross this bridge.

Each time he had sat to contemplate the issue at hand, he found it insanely unbelievable. How they had toiled with him-with his emotions, mental capability and well-being, but above all, they had almost ruined her, everything she had worked so hard for, and everything she tried so hard to avoid.

But now, they were here, and he had managed to pull together the necessary evidence, to seek her justice, and put the perpetrator in jail.

"Say something Fai, you're scaring us all with this ominous silence of yours" Hailey whispered from beside him, while Regina stared at him worriedly from his other corner. He ignored them, then returned to screening the large building crowd.

Nico walked in, and nodded suggestively at his best friend.

Fai returned his gesture, and took it as his cue to begin.

"Now, I'm gonna make this simple and keep it short. I believe we're all aware of the incredibly outrageous event that took place in this company some three weeks ago-the very one that saw Miss Coleman-who until very recently you all found out I was in a relationship with, out of this company..." he paused, and shot death stares at his aunt and ex-girlfriend who were currently mumbling incoherent words beneath their breath. Pffft...whatever!

"Like I was saying, Miss Coleman was temporarily laid-off, to grant me the time and space needed to get the answers-which I now have" he stated, earning gasps from different corners of the room.


"What are you saying Fai-"

"Amy, you're fired" he announced plainly, sparking a loud gasp from his assistant-or ex-assistant, who had all the while been standing quietly at the far left of the crowd.

"S-sir???" she stuttered.

"You heard me right. You-along with Joseph McCoughney from IT, will both exit this building immediately" he reiterated.

"W-what??? Sir-" The tall slender geeky-looking blonde, mumbled in utter shock.

"Fai, what is going on???" Regina asked.

"Please Boss...I don't understand-what did I do to-"

"Argh-Amy!" he growled, seething in piled up anger. "I've had enough! Enough of your stupid games and schemes! I thought I could put up with them but this time *hisses*-this time, you crossed the line, and you took it too far!"

"W-what do you mean Sir?" She asked, her face wearing a confused solemn expression. Crocodile innocence, humph! he muttered mentally, before stretching forth his hands, and signaling to Nico to hand him the pieces of documents he had ticked beneath his arms.

"These-they contain everything you need to you framed Maldives Coleman for the company's misplaced funds-funds you stole and spent on God knows what!" he threw at her.

" dare you?! How fucking dare you-both of you! She did absolutely nothing to deserve that!" Fai roared as he watched the culprits go through the pieces of paper. Horror creased their faces, with tears flowing down Amy's eyes, while the tech boy became too embarrassed to even utter a sound.

"I'm s-sorry sir...I can't-I don't know what came over me..."she fell to her knees as she sobbed.

"Fai, are you certain she's the one? I mean how did you even arrive at such conclusions? Cause I know Amy, and so far, all I can say is she's been a really efficient assistant" Hailey defended, sparking a raised brow from him. "Of course, you would like her, you both share a common enemy"

"What? I don't understand, what do I have to do with any of this?"

"You don't, thankfully, but she does. Amy framed Maldives, along with him" he illustrated, gesturing to Amy and Joseph.

"But I don't understand, why would she even do that? What reasons could she possibly have to want to hurt the girl?" Regina queried confusedly.

"Because...I'm in love with him ma'am...with you" Amy responded in between sobs, directing the last parts to Fai as she earned another round of gasps from the crowd.

Fai nodded. "Well, there you have it... You see aunt, I always had a feeling she fancied me in some sort of way, but I guess I never really knew just how dangerous her feelings were. I guess I should have figured this a long while ago, fuck it!

You obviously had the motive-and you were the one person close enough to her and I to figure there was something going on. You liked me, couldn't have me, and probably figured you'd take her out of the equation. It was only a matter of time before we picked up a hint.

You often mediate back and forth between our offices, which probably awarded you with the chance to study her schedules, her environment, and plot your schemes...but I guess you're foolishness didn't remind you to clean up every trail you left behind"

"Trail? What did you find Fai?"

"Amy has this one hair pin she often wears, especially on Fridays I think.." Fai squinted in thought.

"Huh???" Regina mouthed, looking to Amy's direction for some explanation. None of it seemed to make any sense to her.

"I-it was given to me by my grandmother...she died on a good Friday" Amy explained with sniffs.

"Wow...this is all just-wait a minute, but where does the IT boy fit into all of this?" Regina inquired, and this time, it was Nico who answered her question.

"We recently found out via a source that Joseph has for a while now, had feelings for Amy, Fai also confirmed to have witnessed on a couple occasions, advances from him on her. So our guess was she probably offered something to him, and he in return, helped her frame everything-the documents, bank accounts...only he could have done that" he shrugged.

"Which also explains why when we went through the footage, we couldn't find anything on the cams. He had probably helped her wipe away every necessary footage, which was why nothing was found during surveillance" Fai added as he handed his aunt the photocopies of the documents which contained the evidence.

"Wow...just-wow..." Regina breathed, finding it difficult to absorb it all.

" Sources also confirmed that they had both become closer recently, which was why I had his computer screened by a top professional. They found traces of activites linked to Maldives, which was more than enough evidence that he was involved in it" Nico added.

"She probably offered him a night of pleasure. Love is is lust" Fai chipped in suggestively.

"No...she didn't promise me a one-night stand..."Joseph, finally spoke. Amy whilst still on her knees, stared at him wearily, while he snorted at her pleading eyes.

"...she told me if I helped her frame Miss Coleman, that she'd accept my proposal-she said all she wanted was to quench her anger and irritation, after which she would forget about you, and try to build a relationship with me instead" he sobbed.

"Oh God, how stupid were you?! Obviously she was never gonna forget him for you! Idiot! "Hailey hissed dismissively, as she shook her head in disbelief. Can't believe that bitch is innocent after all! Malcolm better keep to his word now!

"Well, I believe that sums it all... security will escort you both, the cops are on their way here. Stealing company's funds, possession of illegal bank accounts, conspiracy to frame an innocent woman-now I'm not a lawyer, but my advice: get yourselves good ones, cause you'll be needing them"

"Sir, please!!! Don't do this-"

"We promise won't happen again..."

*Sighs* "I believe my work here is done-oh and one more thing: this will be the first and last time something of this nature occurs in this establishment.

Now, I know not all of you will approve of my relationship with Miss Coleman, but that's okay-that's your problem. If you do not like the way things are here, you can always hand in you resignation, I'll be more than happy to take it. You see the street's filled with lots of aching unemployed youths, and if you even for once think that you're indespensible, think again...

Case closed." He concluded, and waved them off dismissively. Ignoring the pleads and cries for mercy from the cuprits, while he handed matters over to security, before turning his back to shake hands with his best friend.

"Thanks so much man, you don't know how much this means to me"

"Of course, anytime" he shrugged and smiled. "I think you and I know what you need to do now"

"Yeah, you don't even need to remind me" he scoffed as the two proceeded to make their way out of the hall.

"Wait-where are you going???" Regina questioned suddenly, halting them in their steps.

"Where else do you think I'm going? To go right the wrong we caused" he stated as a matter of fact.

"Does she really have to return, Fai? I mean-you can always employ someone-"

"Hailey, that's not even up for discussion" he cut her off.

"Fine! I mean-she was rather efficient at her job, so whatever...but first, you should know you have a meeting in less than forty-five-Joel&sons, you need to head there first" Regina explained, and he sighed.

"J-Joel&Sons?" Hailey stuttered in fear.

"Seriously? Do I really need to?" Fai asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. I know you're not so fond of-"

"No-no, do not say his name, please..." he halted with a grunt.


"Shit! Well alright,I guess a little delay wouldn't hurt" he shrugged disappointedly, before sighing and offering Nico a friendly tap on the arm. "thanks again buddy-"

"Err-does Fai really have to go? I-I mean I can go for him" Hailey questioned suggestively.

"No Hailey. I appreciate the gesture, but thanks, I can handle this. Bye guys!" he concluded and strode out the room.

Oh my he's gonna know the bitch works there! Fuck!


"Oh come on Mal!"

"Please tell us!!!"

" he really as handsome as they say in the papers?!" another one of her new co-workers probed.

Clustered around Maldives were a group of unbelievably enthusiastic 'gossip investigators'-her cubicle mates, and apparently, Fai's fan girl club members. Maldives furrowed.

Here I thought Justin Bieber and that Korean nigg*-what's he called again??? Lee wen hoek? Lee win ho? Arghh-whatever! Em' dudes sure got nothing on him...

"...would you please give us something? Pleeeaase???" Trisha, the full-liped doe-eyed brunette cried with pleading eyes.

Sighing in defeat, Maldives rolled her eyes at her as she conceded to her pleas. "Alright alright! Fine I'll tell you...but what exactly do you girls wanna know? Is Fai Regan handsome? Yes he is, what else?" she shrugged plainly.

"No-no, is he hot?!?! You know cause the media once dubbed him the 'hottest geek-jocky of our time', and that my friend, is one hell of a title..." the dreamy lady sighed and smiled wishfully, making her look like one of those Disney princesses.

Maldives cringed.

"0Well, seems you have it all figured out, what else do you guys need me for???" Maldives protested as she struggled to free herself from their confines-all to no avail.

"Spill more juices!!! Pleaeease???" the desperate lover girl beamed.

"Does he smell as good as they say-" another asked.

"Heard he's got the bluest of eyes..." One chipped in.

"Most importantly, do you know if he has a girlfriend?!?!"

"And if he doesnt, do you know what his type is?!!"

"Honey, stop dreaming! The last I heard of his love life was that he had broken up with his long-time girlfriend, Hailey Henderson" the one before stated, telling her off before she could even complete her statement.

"Wait-Hailey Henderson??? As in the Hailey Henderson??!! Daughter of business mogul Henderson firm-the steel company???" she gasped.

Oh here we go again...Maldives found herself mumbling as she watched the girl who had asked the question budge her eyes so wide she was sure her veins struggled to keep them in place. The other girl nodded in response. 'Mmhm, that's the one"

"Oh my God, she's so beautiful, and so-"

"Alright! Alright, I am literally done with this conversation, for reals y'all!" Maldives huffed. The last thing she needed was the world reminding her of how 'incredibly beautiful, and magnificent, and glorious' Fai's infamous ex-heartthrob was. Shit! Can't a girl live around here?!

"Oh, bless the eyes who've seen him..." the brunette sighed whimsically.

Girl, bless them indeed....Maldives smiled as she recalled the beautiful hue of his unique orbs. She loved them, loved every bit of them. Especially how they small they dilated when he was in a state of sexual ambience.

The way they curled, how concentrated they became each time he was about to 'prey on her'. His mere stare was orgasmic!

If only they knew-the height and length of his beauty-his entire beauty *chuckles* for sure their mouths would be hanging lower than an eighty year old's tits! hahaha...

But no-there was no way in hell she was gonna tell them. Truth be told, she wasn't even sure how she felt about other women having imaginations and sexual fantasies of her man-or ex-man, shit-whatever!

Anyways, bottom line; I don't like sharing! Yes, I'm greedy like that!

"Okay guys, I need to get going now, I've got tons of stuff to do and-" Maldives paused. Oh my God...

""one of the girls said, echoing her thoughts out loud.

"Oh my God-is that..."

"Fai Regan?!" The bunch blurted out rhythmically, while Maldives simply ghosted in utter shock as she watched the man in question saunter mindlessly about the four walls of their workplace.

His face wore his signature stoic business look-he was on full 'Dr. Stiff Dave's mode. One glance at him in the moment, and one would think his face made of brick incapable of stretching into a smile.

What in heaven's name is he doing here???

You know what-screw this! She huffed and made her way to catch up with him.

Slowly, their distance began to close up, and with every curious step Maldives took, she felt her heart pound even faster.

She became hesitant.

Did she really want him to see her? They hadn't spoken since that day, and she wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to say to him if and when she finally caught up with him.

She had still been in the perilous process of contemplating her next point of action, when suddenly-he paused in his steps.

She in turn, also found herself frozen in hers, as she wondered what was going through his head. He probably thought her to be some weird psycho stalking him from behind...

Fai furrowed. Can't be... he thought to himself.

He currently felt it-the familiar sweet chills and goose bumps creasing the surface of his skin. His senses had become double-alerted, his heart beating faster than usual, the way it usually did only when she was within some close feet of his.

No, definitely can't be...he contemplated, as he struggled hard to wonder who else could elicit such reactions from him, if not her.

Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me...after all, 'absence does make the heart grow fonder' they say, so yeah, probably just all in my head he conceded, then proceeded to resume his walking-but perhaps his breaking point had been when he felt the sweet smell her signature 'lemon mist with lavender' interfere with the plain air he had been inhaling.

He couldn't ignore it further, except some witch or wizard was casting some weird imagination spell on him, there was no way it was all just a mere coincidence.

He anxiously gritted his teeth, as he suddenly turned to peek at who it was.

Maldives, not expecting that a change in the course of his direction, crashed into him in her steps, with her face bashing onto his chest.

"Shit-" she cursed out loud, as she almost tripped on him, and struggled to keep balance, if not for the gracious fact that he steadied her in place with his hands.

"Fai..." she began.

Their eyes locked with each others, while Fai squinted to come to terms with the reality of the sight in front of him.

He couldn't believe it...he thought the universe had been playing tricks on him, but no...

it really was her...had always been her, and always will be... He smiled.

Oh well, I guess I'm eating my virtual Jollof rice alone now 🤷🏽‍♀, seeing as none of you guessed the right answer about who framed Maldives 😏😋

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