Anonymous Dark Britain (A Wat...


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8 months after the events in Chicago, Anon and the others leave to London fora trip only for it to get cut of... More

Welcome to London (Ft Bagley the DedSec A.I.)
1. Wolfe
2. Party
3. Aftermath
4. Recruiting
5. Welcome to DedSec
6. Islington
7. Chase
8. Disruption
9. Additions
What the phones look like
10. Camden's defiance
11. Crystal Gems
12. Surprise guests
13. Heroes and hackers
Theme for this book
14. Training & Reuniting
15. Reporting For Duty
16. Digging up the past
Other hackers in this book and what they look like
17. Digging up the past part 2
19. Recruiting Eddie
Does anyone want to add their OCs
20. Anarchists
21. Lost in the process
22. Clan Kelley's New Export
23. Faqueed
For those who want to know what Eddie Green looks like
24. More surprise guests
25. Bloody Mary Kelley
26. Liberating Westminster
27. Big surprise
28. Wild, wild friends
29. Derek Monroe
A/N 1K READS!!!!
30. 1-B
31. Re-encounters
Last call to add your OCs into this book!
OC for a fan of my book!
32. Battle of Camden
33. Gap In The Armour
34. Inside Albion
35. Liberating Tower Hamlets & Protest of Trafalgar Square
36. Sly & Cheeky
New series joining the resistance coming soon!
37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found
38. Red & Blue
Red & Blue's appearance
39. Coming Home
40. Hot time
41. Zoisite
42. Into The Void
43. Stealing Schemes
44. In The Belly Of The Beast
45. Strange Visitors in London
46. Bakusquad & Crashing The Auction
47. Tea & biscuits
48. Market closing
49. Falling From Grace
50. Quite the rescue
51. The Whistleblower
52. Recruiting Sandhya Nair
53. Espionage 101
54. Eddie Green's day
55. Family
56. Honey trap
57. Hunting Zero-Day
58. Smoking Gun
59. Kill Box
60. Run
61. Malik dossier
62. Barbarians at the gate
63. Night together
This guy looks like Anon in Watch Dogs Legion
64. ???
65. Day off
66. Clan Kelley's Jewels
67. Arts Of Vandalism
68. Fight Violence With Violence
69. Green
70. Euphoria
71. Clan Kelley's Knuckle Sandwich
72. Eddie's reward
73. Angels & Demons
74. Fall On My Enemies
75. The jerk in the red
76. Control
Coming soon when this book is finished
77. Chocolates
78. Faith
80. Fists & Booze
81. Recruit Emmett Kehoe & Joe Papadopoulos
82. Punks & Pigs
83. Jessica's Rescue
84. Simon's Old Friend
85. DJs & Officers
86. The Fox
87. Kirishima's Suspicions
88. Jessica's Task
89. Fear
90. Truths
91. Payback Part I
92. Payback Part II
93. Lucia
94. Interrogation
95. Grey Onyx
96. Legends
On November...
97. Liberating The City Of London
98. Liberating Nine Elms
99. Liberating Lambeth
1 year
100. Another Task for Declan
I made a mistake, thankfully I fixed it.
101. Memories
102. Liberating Islington & Hackney
103. Liberating Southwark
104. Assassins
105. Declan's Good Night
106. Unite & Conquer
107. Restoking The Fire
108. Nigel's Close Shave
109. Defanging The Flock
110. #Justice4Claire
111. London's Protectors
112. Face Of The Enemy
113. Hard Reset
114. Finding Bagley & Epilogue
A rewrite is coming...

18. Double Trouble...

159 2 2

(Not a mission chapter, it's a recruitment chapter)

Not too far from the Westminster & Lambeth Bridge...

As Axinite and Clinohumite work on their mission, not far from their location in the City Of London borough, Simon, Apatite, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari are walking down the road together while the other heroes are busy in other parts of London. They're hanging out at some clothes shops buying some new pair of clothes. Simon is looking in the small stall looking at the new Union Jack.

(This is the new Union Jack. In this post-Brexit UK, Scotland has left the UK, leaving the union to consist of Great Britain/England, Wales, and Northern Ireland)

Simon: "Bloody hell... I'm not really fond of the new Union Jack."

Apatite: "Shouldn't the black be blue?"

Simon: "Yeah, well it used to. Scotland left the UK after Brexit, now Scotland is an independent country. At least some Scots visit the UK. Oh and the yellow cross represents Wales.

Apatite: "Wales? Glad to hear it's still in the UK."

Kirishima: "Interesting story. Anyway, let's go to some other shops."

They then turn to see a street artist spray painting the original Union Jack. He has a gas mask on and an unarmed Albion officer spots him.

Albion officer: "Oi! You, twat! Knock it off!"

Then the street artist gets tackled and Simon puts on his mask and tackles the officer before knocking him out.

Street artist: "Oh shit! Holy ballocks!"

Simon: "You good mate?"

Street artist: "Cheers!"

He leaves and Simon smiles and he sees a man walking down the street and he hacks into his profile.

Eddie Green

Off-duty Albion officer

Simon: "Well, well. I suppose we can recruit an Albion officer."

Kirishima: "Huh? Well...I don't quite trust them."

Bagley: "It won't be so easy. Find something or whatever's bothering them and investigate it. Be sure to have a look now."

Simon: "Good idea Bags. Let's have a look."

He hacks deeper into his profile and reveals some secrets. One is that he's planned on being executed by Clan Kelley.

Simon: "Oh shit. Bags, any info about this?"

Bagley: "Yes, it seems that he's been targeted after winning a bare-knuckle boxing round in Camden, the Kelleys weren't so happy, and so they want to get rid of him once and for all."

Simon: "Jeez. All this for a bare-knuckle boxing game? Bloody hell. Apatite, Kirishima, everyone. Come, we have a mission to do!"

Everyone follows him and Simon hacks and stops an autonomous cab and they get inside it. Simon takes the wheel and he punches the gas towards the location which has been marked.

(Eddie Green is an operator of mine in Watch Dogs Legion|I'm including him in!)


Not far from the City Of London Borough, in Southwark, Anon is roaming the streets on his own while Erin and the others are back in the Westminster hideout. There, he heard rumors about Clan Kelley's activity. He grabs out his new pistol, a desert eagle. He puts on his knight helmet and he carefully walks down an alleyway where the location of the members was.

Anon: "This is it."

He walks down and looks around to see dead Clan Kelley members instead of dead civilians. Anon backs up in confusion.

Anon: "Whoa...what the hell? Who the hell did this?"

Then he hears a woman's voice, which sounds seductive and slightly sexual.

???: "I did~"


Anon: "AGH!"

Anon gets hit in the back of the head by a mysterious figure with a baseball bat. Anon groans and looks at their shadow before passing out. The figure then drags him into a garage and shuts and locks the doors. She then takes off Anon's jacket and chains him to the wall.


Anon wakes up and looks around and he tries moving his arms. He looks to see that he's chained to a wall.

Anon: "Huh? Wh-what the hell? What is this?!"

???: "Oh, it's just a little bondage~ Nothing serious."

He looks in front of him and sees 2 gems. They are holding each other by the waist and they let go and strut on over to Anon.

Anon: "2 gems? What are you going to do? Torture me? Kelly bitches!"

??? (Grey): "Feisty. Such a feisty one here we got Paudretteite?"

Paudretteite: "He is Grey Spinel. In fact, let's see what's hiding under that helmet."

Anon: "Huh? What did you say?"

The pink one, Paudretteite, grabs Anon's knight helmet and takes it off, revealing Anon's face. She gasps and blushes and so does Grey Spinel.

(Anon's new design reveal! I forgot to color the hair BTW|Anon's new hair color is brown)

Paudretteite: "My oh my~ Look at you. Such an adorable male. You also look young. Tell me, how old are you, Big boy?~"

Anon: "Why do you ask? Ugh fine, I'm 19."

Grey Spinel: "Looking good for a 19-year-old. You look so handsome~ Oh, and we are not with Clan Kelley. Where are you from? SIRS? Albion? The Government?"

Anon: "DedSec..."

Grey Spinel: "DedSec? Interesting. Well, well, well. Paudretteite, we are going to have quite a treat here. We have a hacker on the menu."

Paudretteite: "My, my~ I am going to love this~"


She places her hand on his pelvis and she giggles, Anon blushes and he looks away, embarrassed. Then, Paudretteite cups Anon's cheeks and holds his head, and looks at him.

Paudretteite: "Oh hush now darling~ There's nothing to be embarrassed about~"

She then closes the gap between them with a kiss and Grey Spinel puts her hand under Anon's shirt and feels his abs. Anon moans and Grey Spinel giggles again before Paudretteite backs up and Grey Spinel rips Anon's white top off.

Grey Spinel: "Let's take this off."


Anon: "AH! You can't be serious!"

Grey Spinel: "Oh, it is. Just please don't panic~"

Paudretteite then continues kissing him and she kisses his neck and sucks on it, possibly leaving some hickeys and pink lipstick marks. She then kisses his chest and giggles, Anon moans lightly and Grey Spinel is removing Anon's belt and she unzips Anon's belt and takes off his jeans, and tosses them aside, revealing his grey boxers with a bulge being noticeable.

Anon: "Don't do this you- Ah~ Y-you're fricking crazy- Mh!"

Paudretteite covers his mouth and she smiles seductively.

Paudretteite: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. I think boys like you need to calm down~"

She grabs some duct tape from the side and puts it on Anon's mouth, silencing him.

Anon: "Mh! Mmhm!"

(Don't! Please!)

Grey Spinel: "What did he say, Paudretteite?"

Paudretteite: "I think he said "Please. Do it"."

Grey Spinel giggles and she takes off Anon's boxers, revealing his 6-inch member. Grey Spinel gasps and covers her mouth and Paudrettite stops kissing Anon and take a look at his member.

Paudretteite: "Look at you~ Such a large member here~"

Anon: "Mh! Mh hmhm!"

(No! Don't you dare!)

Paudretteite licks her lips and Grey Spinel licks her's too. She gets up and she kisses Anon's cheek and his taped lips. She looks down to see Paudrettite stroking Anon's member. His blush darkens and he starts moaning under the tape.

Anon: "Mh~ Mmm~"

Paudretteite then kisses his member from the tip to the side and towards his pelvis. She then sucks on it, causing Anon to shake lightly and moan more.

Anon: "Mh! Mhh!~ Mhh!~"

She goes deeper and deepthroats him, causing Anon to moan a bit louder under the tape. She then stops and licks the side of his member before deepthroating him again.

Grey Spinel: "How about I join the fun?~"

Paudretteite sucks on the tip while Grey spinel licks and kisses the side of Anon's member. She then sucks and kisses his balls and then Anon starts feeling close.

Anon: "Mh! Mh hm! MHHH!"

(Oh! Oh gosh! AHHH!)

He ejaculates in Paudretteite's mouth and she lets Anon's member out her mouth and she giggles as Anon's semen is all over her. To harden Anon again, Grey Spinel licks some of Anon's semen off of Paudretteite's cheek and Paudretteite pulls Grey Spinel into a french kiss. Anon's member hardens again and Paudretteite and Grey Spinel pull away from their french kiss.

(Paudretteite & Grey Spinel are bisexual)

Paudretteite gets up and shoves Anon's head between her cleavage. Grey Spinel unchains him and they set him down on the floor with Paudretteite on top of him. She shoves his head deeper and she takes the tape off his mouth.

Anon: "Ah. Ow."

Paudretteite: "Oh, did that hurt you? How about I kiss you and make it better?~"

She kisses Anon passionately and he realizes that he has no choice and melts into the kiss. They both shove their tongues into each other's mouths and they pull away. Paudretteite then starts glowing and her clothes disappear, leaving her naked. Grey Spine's clothes also disappear and Paudretteite shoves Anon's head into her breasts and Anon sucks on one of them while squeezing the other one. Grey Spinel lays down with them on the ground and she cuddles Paudretteite and they have Anon between them like a sandwich. Grey Spinel and Paudretteite then kiss each other passionately and Anon gets harder and he wraps his arms around Paudretteite's waist and massages her bum. Paudretteite stops kissing and she looks at Anon and smiles. She kisses his forehead and she goes into a sex position by laying on her back while Anon holds her legs, he then inserts his member into her core.

Paudretteite: "Oh!~ Ohh~"

Anon: "Ngh! Oh man~"

Grey Spinel sits behind Anon and she wraps her arms around his waist and she gets a bit close to him where Anon's head is resting between her breasts, in her cleavage. Anon starts at a slow pace when pounding, Grey Spinel starts kissing Anon's nape and Anon speeds up a bit and Paudretteite is in nirvana. Her breasts bounce as Anon pounds her and Grey Spinel starts feeling his chest and his body.

Anon: "Ngh~ Oh man! Oh shit~"

Paurdretteite: "Oh! Oh boy!~ I'm gonna- I'm gonna c- AHHH!~"

Anon: "Ohh!~"

Anon ejaculates into her and she is seen drooling and she slowly passes out. Grey Spinel giggles before putting her hand on Anon's mouth.

Grey Spinel: "Not a word just yet darling~ How about we play it my way?~"

She turns Anon around to face her and she places his member, which has gone hard again, between her breasts. She moves them up and down and Anon moans.

Anon: "Ohh~ Shit~"

Grey Spinel: "You're loving this aren't you?~"

She kisses the tip of Anon's member and Anon places his hand on her head and caresses her cheek.

Anon: "Oh man~ I'm close again!~ Oh!~"

He ejaculates over her face and in her mouth, she laughs and she gets up and pulls Anon into a kiss, and she secretly gives Anon some of his semen from her mouth into his. Anon moans in the kiss and then Grey Spinel sits on his face.

Grey Spinel: "Go on, big boy~ Use that tongue of yours."

Anon licks her core and Grey Spinel moans lightly. Then Anon grips onto her thighs and shoves his tongue deeper into her, she moans loudly and grips onto Anon's hair and head and shoves his head into her core where his tongue can go deeper. Anon sucks on her core, causing her to moan and drool lightly.

Grey Spinel: "Ah!~ AAHH~ OH MY- AAHHH!~"

She releases her juices over Anon's face and falls over and passes out next to Paudretteite. Anon pants heavily and wipes his face, wiping off Grey Spinel's juices. He tries to get up but he then falls back on his back, naked, and passes out too.

To be continued...

(Yeah, I know. This was so insane)

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