Love at First Sight: A Sophit...

By LiliaStory

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Fitz Vacker is a student at a private boarding school, under the stress of classes, homework, and social stat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

1K 25 51
By LiliaStory

Fitz's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that Sophie had just agreed to hang out with me. True, it was technically just a meetup, but I didn't even think she'd agree to that, so I was over the moon happy. But I had to focus on this test for now, no matter how much I wanted to think about Sophie. It was worth a lot of our final grade after all. 

"You may begin!" Mr. Matthwes announced. 

I tried to ignore the fact that Sophie was right in front of me and that we were going to meet up tomorrow. It was hard, but I managed to get through the test and felt confident as I turned it in and walked towards the cafeteria. Since today and tomorrow were exam days, we were allowed to just hang out in the cafeteria if we had extra time after completing your test. I knew that Sophie had already finished her test so I hoped that she would be sitting at our table. 

"Hi, Fitzy! Done with the test already?" Keefe asked. 

"Keefe? What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down at the table. 

"I'm here because I already finished the test! Duh!" 

"Okay... But how are you done so quickly? You didn't even study! Besides, I didn't even see you leave." 

"That's where you're wrong! First off, I DID study, and second off, you didn't see me leave because you were too busy dreaming about Sophie," He teased. I decided to ignore the last part and focused on the first. 

"You studied?" I asked. "Like, ACTUALLY sat down with books and notes and studied???" 

"Uh, yeah! I actually studied with Marella," Keefe replied. 

"When did that happen?" 

"Well, you see, I was ditch- I mean, I was strolling around during lunch when I happened to run into Marella! And so we just decided to study together," Keefe explained. 

"Let me get this straight. You DITCHED SCHOOL so you could STUDY FOR SCHOOL? Do you see the irony in this?" I asked. 

"No, I DON'T see the iron, and I didn't JUST study, I studied WITH MARELLA! It's a lot more fun to study with someone else, plus my photographic memory helped me keep all the info in my head till the exam today." 

"Keefe, do you see why I'm so frustrated? I WANT to believe you, but you just thought I said IRON instead of IRONY! And earlier, you couldn't even say quarrel!" 

"Please do not bring up the squirrels again. That conversation gave me a HUGE headache." 

"It gave YOU a headache?" I exclaimed. I sighed, wondering what was going with Keefe's brain. 

"I know I don't have the best track record with studying-" 

"Yeah, no kidding. The last time I tried to get you to study, you snuck out of CAMPUS," I interrupted. Keefe rolled his eyes. 

"That was ONE time!" 

"Uh, CORRECTION. That was the FIFTH time." 

"Really? Huh. Fine then, I have the WORST track record with studying. Happy now?" I nodded as Keefe continued. "But I really did study with Marella!"

"WHO STUDIED WITH MARELLA?" Biana shouted from the other side of the cafeteria. I rubbed my temples as Biana ran to our table. Luckily, the only people here were the lunch ladies since most students were still taking the test. 

"Biana! Lower your voice!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes at me in return. 

"Why? No one's even in here! Besides, I heard that someone studied with Marella! That is a potential secret revealing conversation and I want to be here for it!" 

"Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. Just Keefe trying to convince me that he actually studied," I told her. Biana raised her eyebrows at Keefe.

"Seriously? You studied?" 

"Yeah! Why is everyone doubting the fact that I studied!" Keefe exclaimed. 

"Well, maybe it's because whenever I study, you always try to bother me instead of studying yourself," I said. 

"And whenever we hold group studies, you never show up," Biana added. 

"And when I ask you to study for an upcoming test, you manage to sneak out of campus," I continued. 

"Okay, okay, fine! Jeez, you've made your point. I hate studying. But I like Marella so I studied with her!" Keefe admitted. 

"See, now that is MUCH more realistic," I replied. 

"Aww, wait till I tell Marella that you like her so much that you studied just for her!" Biana squealed. 

"Wait, what? Don't do that!" Keefe exclaimed. Biana grinned evily. I thought they were going to have a huge argument right there and then, but luckily, Linh came over and helped calm things down. 

"Now that that's dealt with, I have a question. Have you guys seen Sophie?" I asked. 

"I was wondering how long it would take you to ask. Apparently 5 minutes," Keefe teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me where she is." 

"Fine, she's in the secret lunchroom," Keefe told me. 

"Really?" I asked skeptically. 

"Ha! Got you! She's not actually in the secret lunchroom." 

"Seriously Keefe? I don't have time for more games! Just tell me where she is!" 

"You are no fun, did you know that?" I ignored him until he continued. "Whatever, fine. She's outside. Wanted to catch some fresh air or something like that." 

"Thanks!" I called out as I jogged outside. Our campus was pretty big so it took me a while to spot Sophie. She was sitting on a bench in a secluded corner. I waved hello but felt something was off when she didn't wave back. I walked closer and sat down next to her. 

"Sophie?" I asked. She didn't respond so I assumed she was taking a nap. I smiled, wondering how a person could look so cute while sleeping. I closed my eyes for a few seconds but opened them when I felt Sophie move. 

"Sophie? Are you awake?" Again, she said nothing back, so she was probably still sleeping. Well, at least I thought she was until her eyebrows creased and her lips frowned. Maybe she wasn't having the best dream, I thought. But it seemed worse than that. Especially when tears started rolling down her face. 

"Sophie? Are you okay? Please wake up," I asked, worriedly. I didn't know how to help her and my heart started beating really fast. No one was around so I couldn't ask for help either, so I went with my only idea and tried slightly shaking her shoulders. Sophie's eyes opened in shock and I felt myself let out a breath I had been holding in. 

"Are you okay? You started crying and I got really worried." 

"I-I think so..." Sophie answered. She seemed not at ease, as if she was feeling nervous and scared. I wanted to help her calm down, so I got up and offered her my hand. She took it and slowly stood up. 

"W-where are we going?" She asked shakily.

"I'm going to take you somewhere I think you'll like," I answered and gently started walking in the direction of the furthest point from school. A few minutes later, we supposedly reached a wall covered with vines. But the vines weren't just for decoration, they were actually hiding a human-sized hole in the wall. I had found it on the first day of this school when I felt nervous about starting a new school so far away from home. I wasn't nervous now, but I still came here occasionally because it was peaceful, quiet, and home to the most stunning tree in the world. 

"What is this place?" Sophie asked. I pushed aside a few vines to reveal a door shaped hole. 

"A secret hiding place," I answered. Sophie giggled as she stepped inside. 

"Woah," She breathed. "It's beautiful." I stepped inside as well, making sure the hole was hidden before admiring the tree. I led her closer to the tree and we sat down against the large tree trunk, watching the pink, blue, and purple flowers fall all around us. 

"How did you find this place?" 

"I was wandering around campus on my first day of school when I leaned against this wall and fell in," I told her. "I was a bit frustrated a first since I had been having a bad day, but seeing this tree helped me calm down. So I wanted to bring you here." 

"Well, I really appreciate it. I... I get these nightmares sometimes. They're normally flashbacks of when I was in Middle School and lots of kids liked to torment me because I had skipped a grade. It's hard to control them, and I normally can't sleep for days after. But I think you really helped me this time. I've never felt this calm so quickly after a nightmare. Or even in my life." I smiled, happy I was able to help Sophie in some way. We sat there in the calm silence for a while as I thought about Sophie. It seemed as if the more and more I got to know her, the more I knew she was the right one for me. I knew that was probably ridiculous since I had barely known her for a few days, but I got this feeling when I was around her that I had never felt with any other girl. A strong connection that just couldn't be explained through words. I knew Sophie was my perfect match. I had never been more sure of anything in my life. 

"Sophie, I need to tell you something," I blurted out. 

"Yes?" She asked. I stayed silent for a few seconds, wondering if this was a good idea. What if I scared her away? I mean, we had only known each other for a few days. But underneath all of my doubt, I knew that I HAD to do this. Before my chance slipped away. Before I lost Sophie forever. 

"I... I really like you." 

A/N Yay! This chapter is complete! I know what you're thinking, why is there a cliffhanger! And I get it, I don't like cliffhangers either. But don't worry, it'll all be worth it in the next chapter. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I get so excited when the number of reads I have goes up! Please vote or comment if you like this chapter, I would really appreciate that. Until the next chapter!

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