The Concession

By Taiwolillyz

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~He gave himself up to save her~ He made the wrong choice now he had to pay the price. √√√√√√√√ Careful littl... More

Brief Preview
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
The Fate of a Survivor: Of Foes and Woes

Chapter Twenty One

71 12 11
By Taiwolillyz

Six months ago.

"Oh, Bennett,"

He turned to him,

"Keep an eye on the cherished for me, will you? Can't have them raining on my parade." He said absentmindedly observing the bottle of scotch on the center table.

"Yes, Fil Reuc." Bennett bowed down the last time, then he left.

Bennett closed the door behind him.

"Sorry, Betty." He said, not the least bit sorry. She should consider it an honor the Lord chose her to warm his bed.

It was time to prepare for the meeting.

Everything had been set. The brotherhood had people that were in charge of the meeting's location at a given time. They never used the same place twice.

Bennett entered the elevator, already thinking about the gravity of what had just happened.

My master is free.


He brushed his hair back. The world is about to shake with the force of his release.

The dragon is to be feared. Woe to all those who don't.

The elevator door dinged open.

He walked through the lobby, nodding at the receptionist who bowed in return.

The hotel was also part of his conglomerate.

The family had passed down the wealth and sacred traditions for several generations.

Bennett knew his king would reward him for giving him a worthy vessel.

William's body had been brought to the hotel from the hospital. Bennett's employees had been informed of what was happening and had prepared the room and every necessity.

They'd laid the cold body on the bed and had left. Although dead for two days, William had shown no sign of deterioration.

It was later in the evening that Bennett received the call that his master had awoken.

Gloria, his ex P.A would be the first sacrifice he'd gift him at the meeting tomorrow and many others would follow afterward.

He needed his strength after all.

Bennett got into his car, which was now empty of Gloria.

She was unconscious and was currently being guarded at a warehouse.

"The mansion," Bennett instructed the driver.

"Yes, master."

He reclined into the seat and relaxed.

By the time they were at the mansion, stars were already up in the sky.

He got down from the car and walked to the house. It was a state of art modern-day estate.

He walked up the stairs and even finer decor met him.

His father was home, he could tell. He could already smell the incense in the air.

It was always this way before a regional meeting for as long as he could remember.

Bennett passed by pictures of his mother not sparing it any glance. The frames had been turned upside down, -such was befitting of a disgrace- a woman who had thought she could run from the brotherhood.

She believed in Jes-

A fiery pain burst through his mind as the thought of that name crossed his mind.

He gritted his teeth. His mother had left their father and the brotherhood because of Him.

And she'd wanted to take him too but he'd slit her throat himself before she could go any further. She was corrupted.

The brotherhood had no tolerance for the polluted.

His father was in his basement, chanting.

Bennett knew not to disturb him, so he went upstairs instead.

They always used the mansion for preparatory rites. As usual, the mansion had tight security.

A lot of things went on in the rooms of the mansion, dark unspeakable things that were too great to mention.

On getting to his room, he took off his jacket and removed his cufflinks.

He took his shirt off and went to stand in front of the mirror.

He was handsome. He'd taken after his mother much to his immense dismay; her hair, her eyes.

He hated it, he hated that he looked anything like her.

Why was she so weak?

His face contorted in anger and he could again feel the demons in him stear.

'Don't worry, the time is at hand when you will be compensated with the blood of the believers.'
He heard one of his demons say.

Yes, the time is at hand.

Before his eyes, he saw his image in the mirror distort into three separate personalities, which all grinned at him.

Bennett grinned back.


The next day came and Bennett went about his usual business at the office.

He'd been receiving messages confirming the presence of many important guests who wanted to celebrate the awakening of the master.

Bennett typed away at his computer and confirmed their invitations.

The meeting would be different. He could feel it.

Usually, they had these meetings at least once a month where they come to pay respect to their king, often offering many sacrifices.

It didn't matter what their Lord requests, they would get it.

A cow, a rabbit, a baby?

They would have it ready for him.

Before his awakening, Fil Reuc had always appeared to his faithful subjects at the brotherhood During some special meetings, but never in a human vessel.

Now that he was free from the pit, everyone wanted to welcome him.

There was a knock on his door. Bennett glanced up from the pile of paperwork.

It must be his new P.A.

"Come in." He answered. The door opened.

Bennett's eyes widened immediately feeling the immense invading power.

He remained immobile unable to move as the personality entered his office.

He couldn't even speak, his demons were screaming from inside of him.

'Get him out!'

"It's been a while, Bennett." A calm voice sipped through the air.

He managed to unlock his jaw and reply him,

"What do you want, Seth?" Bennett gritted his teeth at him.

Physically, Seth was in jeans and a simple shirt, but Bennett's eyes could see his apparel and the letter on it that many in his kingdom have come to fear.

"I want you to cancel the meeting," Seth said plainly.

Bennett did something that wasn't surprising at all-he threw his head back and laughed.

"You've got some nerve showing up here and making demands," Bennett said.

"Oh?" Seth replied. He walked towards Bennett who was still seated behind his desk.

Bennett felt as fear trickle out of his pores like sweat.

Seth had such a domineering presence that was to be feared.

Seth stood right in front of him and looked him in the eye.

"It is up to you. You either listen or you don't, but be ready to bear the consequences, " He told him.

"The battle line has been drawn." Seth's eyes became so fierce at that moment that he thought he's seen a hell of his own.

This was war, Bennett knew, a war between the forces of light and darkness.

Haven said what he needed to, Seth turned to leave,

"Just who do you think you are?" Bennett seethed.

"You're only a mere human. Do you have any idea about the kinds of people who attend these meetings?"

Bennett chuckled.

"You really got a lot on your hands. How many years do you have left, three, five, ten years?"

"At least we know where we'll be. Do you?" Seth asked him.

"I'll be with my master, " Bennett answered confidently.

"He's a waste of your time. Do you think he cares about you, about any of you?

"He's using you because he just doesn't want to suffer alone." Seth said.

"Shut up! Those loyal to the king shall have an eternal spot by his right hand forever, " Seth cut him off.

"Yes, you will, in the lake of fire alongside everyone that does not have their names in the book of life."

"Spare me the crap Seth, we all know humans are damned already, why fight?"

Bennett grinned stepping out of his chair.

"We've kept them so busy that they don't have any time for the big guy upstairs. Why do you think evil has become more dominant in the last century, why do you think we keep inventing things and developing new gadgets and technology to keep them busy. We make them dependent on these things, make them busy doing absolutely nothing. A lot of them now can't do without them."

"How many people do you know go to church now? It's become a joke, Christianity has become a joke," Bennett chuckled.

"People that were supposed to shun sin and uphold righteousness are the ones falling and making mistakes."

"How many times have you seen a fallen pastor or church member who ended up staining your precious reputation?"

"Tell me, we're doing a terrific job in raising the numbers aren't we?" Bennett grinned.

"A lot of people believe God is dead and can't help them, which is true. God can't save anyone."

"Silence," Seth said and Bennett's tongue rolled up into his mouth.

"Don't badmouth something you don't understand, something exceedingly greater than yourself,"

"We're in the last days, this is only the beginning. It only tells me that it won't be long for people like you to be wiped off completely,"

"All these only point to the arrival of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ." Seth saw him cringe at that name.

"Without your wickedness and sin, he would not come. You're only being used to fulfill prophecy, something even the devil knows very well,"

"Your master's time is almost up," Seth smiled, "and he knows it."

Bennett burned with a fit of fierce anger that rattled his being.

"Shut up!"

"I am complete in him, the head of all principalities and power, " Seth said, "your true ruler." Setu said damning him.

Bennett froze.

"Darkness has no power over me, for in me I bare the light of Christ. We cast down every high thought and imagination that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ, that includes you."

Bennett saw flames as he stared into his eyes. He was no longer seeing Seth but the person who was in him, his cloak danced in the holy fire, and the letter C ignited and burned bright.

Bennett's knees buckled and he fell face flat to the floor.

His demons were squealing in pain at the presence.

Bennett cursed. He was frozen. He was afraid. The presence of God was one to be feared.

By the time he'd recover, Seth was already gone.


In an eery land of desolation and dust, a tormented soul was imprisoned.

He was cold. It was dark.

Where am I?

Where is this place?

He couldn't feel any of his limbs.

He could see and hear nothing, except for the occasional noise in the background.

Is this hell? William thought.

It was like he was in limbo.
He had no perception of time.

He didn't know how long he's been here.

It was like he was floating.

"How do you like your new prison?"

William tensed, he knew right away that it was Fil Reuc.

"What have you done to me?" William gritted out.

He heard footsteps in the distance.




William didn't realize it then, but he was in a cell, it was very dark in here.

Fil Reuc appeared in front of the bars but it was his own face that was staring back at him.

Realizing he'd been sitting down all along, Will quickly scampered to his feet.

He clung to the prison bars and tried to reach him through the lattice but then he realized that he was bound; his hands, his legs.

"So this was your plan all along, to steal my body." William gritted out.

Fil Reuc grinned as he stepped even closer.

It was still so unnerving seeing him with his body.

"No, I planned to kill you after possessing your body but you don't seem to want to die." He tsked.

"It really doesn't matter, no one can find you. You're going to be here for a long time." Fil promised.

"Let me out!" Will yelled.

He couldn't be stuck here forever, what about his sister and mother, what about his best friend, Matt?

"I'm going to eat them, one by one," Fil promised, seeming to be able to read his mind.

"You leave my family out of this!" William yelled.

"It's already done. It's your fault, it was you who conceded, not me, and all for your precious Hope,

"Even now, you still long for her, even after what she did to you. You're hopeless." Fil sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll get her and do all the things you couldn't do with her." He smirked.

"Bastard! Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"

"Oh, but I will Will, and I'll make you watch."
A/N: Where is Will?!
Do you think Will has any hope of getting out of the prison the devil has trapped him in?😭

Is there still hope for our boy?😟

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