Melt My Iced Heart // Drarry

Oleh kayleighvdeinden

15.6K 562 302

Harry has been abused for years and when he finally attends Hogwarts he got himself a personal bully....Draco... Lebih Banyak

1. Where it all began
2. It won't stop
3. Depression is a dementor
4. Triwizard Tournament
5. Main target
6. Deepest secret
7. Counting ribs
8. Tell me the truth
9. Riddle unraveled
11. Dance elegance
12. Amortentia
13. Tux shopping
14. Yule Ball
15. A very Drarry Christmas
16. The golden egg
17. Team Draco or team Cedric?
18. Broken trust
19. Black Lake secrets
20. The unwanted kiss
21. Friends with my enemies
22. Getting cozy with Malfoy
23. Leave him alone
24. Not so blissful ignorance
25. Real witch move

10. Dragon slayer

654 21 11
Oleh kayleighvdeinden

Happy holidays everyone!

Harry's POV:

It's already November and today is the first task for the Triwizard Tournament and I'm probably even more nervous than Cedric is. I'm not only nervous but also terrified if something happens to him. He's the only one who truly understands me, I mean Ron and Hermione understand me but they are kinda together and so I feel more like a third wheel when I'm with them. I don't know what the task will be and I guess even the champions don't know what the task will be but I can assure you that it won't be an easy task.

The task will start at 3PM in the afternoon and I will be standing in the first row with Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville because Cedric arranged that for us. I'm now in History of Magic class with Ron and this was the last class of the day because everyone is free for the afternoon because of the tournament. ''I can see you're very nervous for Cedric'' Ron says out of the blue.

''Y-yeah I am, I mean I care a lot about him and I just hope nothing will happen to him'' I've been thinking about it all day and actually ever since the goblet spit out his name but Cedric really wanted to compete and he's so happy he got chosen so I try to be happy for him. ''I don't want to make you upset but I know what the first task is gonna be and you actually don't wanna know'' Ron you don't make me feel any better right now.

''You make me even more worried now'' I say making him immediately shut his mouth.

''But how do you know what the first task is nobody knows what the first task is'' I ask making him look up from his text book. ''Hagrid needed me for something and when I arrived in the forest I saw something that was related to the first task'' Hagrid must've told him about the first task but I don't really wanna know. It's also for the better that I don't know because otherwise I will do something stupid maybe. Something that I will regret later.

After class it was time to get ready for the first task. I went to the Hufflepuff house to grab my scarf en gloves because it was November so it's already pretty cold outside and I don't want to catch a cold. I went to the Great Hall where I would meet up with my friends and as soon as everyone was present we could head out for the Triwizard Arena that they've build on the big mountain behind Hogwarts just for the Triwizard Tournament.

As soon as we arrived Bartemius Crouch Senior, head of the department of International Magical Cooperation came to me ''I've got a request from mister Cedric Diggory if you wanted to follow me backstage, he wants to see you before the first task starts'' I nod and follow the man backstage to where the champions were preparing themselves for the first task. As soon as Cedric sees me he smiles and walks up to me to give me a big hug. ''I'm glad to see you before the first task starts'' he says.

''Are you nervous?'' I ask. He shook his head slightly ''Yes and no because I've trained well for this'' he really believes in himself and so I believe him too. He's strong and smart and he will win this Harry don't worry. ''I believe in you and you know that right?'' I say to reassure him that I was there for him. ''I know'' he smiles and gives me another hug digging his face into my hair. Suddenly we heard a noise from a camera ''How cute, young teenage love. That will definitely be a good article'' Rita Skeeter the most annoying journalist who works for the Daily Prophet and mostly writes lies for her article just to have a good reputation but too bad some people don't fall for her lies.

Ron's father Arthur told me all about her and why she's such a pain in the ass. ''Can you now kiss each other for another picture then I have a banger of an article for the Triwizard Tournament'' Cedric and I look at each other and as much as I want to kiss him right now to just wish him luck, I don't want to do a favor for Rita Skeeter. ''We aren't together if that's what you hoped for?'' Cedric chimed in but Rita scratches her chin ''Wonderful! Hogwarts champion Cedric Diggory has secret affair with The Boy Who Lived? Tomorrow on the front page of the Daily Prophet!'' she screams making our eyes widen ''Wait a minute what did you just say?' I say but before she could answer she already made her way over to the other champions to spread false rumors about them.

''Will all the champions gather around me please I'm going to explain the first task'' Dumbledore says as he arrives in the tent of the champions. Everyone gathered around and even I was standing besides Cedric because now I wanna know what it is. ''The first task is not going to be easy, what you're going to do is every one of you will pick a dragon and you have to retrieve a golden egg that is guarded by that dragon. You can use your wand and your broomstick but you have to do it according to the rules so behave and don't get disqualified or murdered. Succes!''

Dragons?! The first task is with dragons are you freaking kidding me? Calm down Harry calm down everything is going to be okay Cedric knows what to do.

''You can pick your dragon'' Dumbledore held a small bag in his hand and Fleur put her hand in the bag and when she put her hand out of the bag she held a small green dragon in her palm. ''A Welsh Green dragon'' Dumbledore says. Then he gave the bag to Victor and he put his hand in it ''A Chinese Fireball''. And last but not least Cedric put his hand in the bag ''A Swedish Short-Snout''.

I really have no idea which dragon was the easiest to fight with and which was the most dangerous but I just hope Cedric knows what he has to do. ''Harry what are you doing here?'' Dumbledore says as to say that I have to leave the champion tent. ''Euhm yeah I'll leave'' I say and left the champion tent after giving Cedric one last hug before finding my friends on the first row.

''Is Cedric a little nervous or not?'' Hermione asks as soon as I was standing next to her. ''Yes and no but I think he has it under control'' I say as to not make Hermione too worried about me because in reality I'm shaking in my boots. ''Welcome everyone at the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. The task for today is that the champions will have to retrieve a golden egg that's guarded by a dragon. The one who's the fastest will win the first task. The first champion is Fleur Delacour champion for Beauxbatons'' we heard the announcer through the speakers. Everyone has to do it apart so the first to get it is Fleur and then Victor came and at last was Cedric.

''The last champion who will try to get the egg is Cedric Diggory champion for Hogwarts'' everyone started cheering and I stood on the railing with my hands in the air one of them holding a small flag with the yellow colour of Hufflepuff and Cedric's name on it. He saw me and waved to me with a big smile on his face making me blush and all of a sudden I felt someone staring at me and as soon as I looked at my right I was met with the beautiful silver blue colored eyes that belonged to Draco Malfoy.

He immediately focused back on the game and so did I but when I was focusing on Cedric I felt his eyes on me again. He has been doing this ever since our little chat in the Room Of Requirement and I feel really uncomfortable when he does that, I wonder what he's up to but I can assure you that it won't be good. I was awoken from my daydream when Cedric used a transfiguration spell on a rock and the rock changed into a dog, it was to distract the dragon. He's so smart but I felt bad for the dog even though he's technically just a rock. I'm just too soft I guess.

The dragon made it's way to the dog and then I closed my eyes because he was probably gonna eat the dog or something. When I opened my eyes again the dog was gone and Cedric was running to the egg but before he could make it the dragon turned his attention back on Cedric and spew his flames towards him. It was like someone squeezed my heart really hard because the flames hit his face but still he made it to the egg and he didn't fail the task. Everyone started cheering and now it's just waiting for the results.

''And Cedric Diggory made it to the egg everyone!'' the announcer screams and everyone was still cheering especially the people from Hogwarts. Cedric walked to the front while some wizard used a spell on the dragon making him small again. I couldn't handle it anymore and ran to the front ignoring everyone and transported myself with a spell to Cedric. I ran up to him and jumped in his arms hugging him tight. I knew Malfoy was watching me but I couldn't care less because Cedric made it to the second task and I'm more than happy he did.

''You did amazing I knew you could do it'' I say still hugging him. As soon as I broke the hug I looked up at him and he was smiling at me with the most genuine smile I've ever seen. I touched his face gently because there were burn wounds on his face ''You need to go to the hospital wing first''. He nods and I followed him out of the Triwizard Arena and escorted him to the hospital wing.

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