Love at First Sight: A Sophit...

By LiliaStory

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Fitz Vacker is a student at a private boarding school, under the stress of classes, homework, and social stat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 14

1K 21 58
By LiliaStory

Sophie's P.O.V.

"I totally passed that history test," Keefe told us. 

"You mean the history test you didn't study for?" Fitz asked sarcastically. 

"Yep! That one." 

"And why exactly are you so confident?" Tam questioned. 

"Because all the questions were SUPER easy!" Keefe replied. "I basically took 2 minutes to finish the entire thing!" Everyone looked at him quite skeptically as Keefe continued persisting that he "totally aced" the test. 

"Hey, guys!" Biana exclaimed as she sat down at the table. 

"Thank goodness you're here. Keefe is being so annoying!" Tam complained. 

"Tam! We both agreed that you would start replacing negative words with positives!" Linh argued. 

"Uh, and when exactly did that happen?" 

"Don't you remember? We were talking for like an hour straight!" 

"No? That doesn't sound like something I'd agree to..." 

"Huh. Well then, remind me to have a chat with you later."

"I don't think bangs boy's darkness is going to go away with just ONE chat," Keefe said. Tam rolled his eyes. 

"It has as much chance of going away as your arrogance," Tam responded. 

"Seriously guys. We can't have a Tam and Keefe quarrel EVERY day. That is way too much drama and fighting," Biana says. 

"You guys have squirrels named Tam and Keefe? Awesome! Can I see them?" Keefe asked. Fitz slapped his forehead, and I didn't blame him. 

"Uh, I'm pretty sure she meant QUARREL. It means like a disagreement or argument between people who are normally on good terms," I explained. 

"Oh... Okay! So can I PLEASE see the squirrel now?" Keefe asked again. 

"There is no squirrel!" Fitz exclaimed. 

"Then why did Biana say she had a Keefe squirrel?" 

"She didn't! She said a QUARREL!" 

"I thought you said she didn't say squirrel!" 

"Oh my gosh, Keefe. You are getting on everyone's nerves. There is a difference between SQUIRREL and QUARREL. One is an animal, the other isn't!" Marella tried to explain. 

"You see, to me, it just sounds like you're saying squirrel and squirrel." 

"Well, there's a huge difference, so I think you better learn how to differentiate them," I told Keefe. 

"How am I supposed to tell them apart if they sound the exact same!" Keefe complained. 

"THEY DON'T!" Fitz exclaimed. "They don't even sound that close to each other!" 

"This is what happens when you ditch all the time..." Tam murmured, which was followed by an ouch, probably caused by Linh. 

"Okay Keefe, repeat after me. SQUIRREL," Biana pronounced.

"Squirrel," Keefe replied. 

"Good! Now, QUARREL." 







"Then why do you keep saying squirrel?" 

"I'm not!" Biana protested. Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the break. 

"I can't believe we wasted an entire break trying to teach Keefe the difference between squirrel and quarrel," Fitz said. 

"And somehow failing at it..." Dex added. 

"I can't even imagine what his teachers have to go through..." Marella said while shaking her head. 

"I've been in enough classes with him to know that it isn't good," Fitz answered. 

"They probably think he's a hopeless case," Tam mumbles. 

"Hey! You do realize that I can hear all of this?" Keefe protested. 

"Yeah. Exactly," Tam replied as we all headed off to our next class, English. I was about to exit the cafeteria when someone tapped on my shoulder. I spun around, slipping on the wet floor. Luckily someone caught me, probably the same person who had tapped on my shoulders. I stood up and dusted myself off to thank the person when I met their sparkling teal eyes. I silently wished I could disappear, but of course, it didn't work. I had just embarrassed myself in front of my crush and felt my cheeks heat up. 

"S-sorry," I apologized. 

"No need to be sorry! After all, I was the one that caused you to fall," Fitz responded. 

"But you did also catch me." 

"It was the least I could do," Fitz replied. I smiled and felt myself relaxing. 

"So, did you need something?" I asked. 

"Well, um, I was wondering if... You wanted to walk with me to our English class?" Fitz nervously asked. I slightly pinched myself to see if I was dreaming... Nope! This was definitely not a dream. 

"Sure," I answered and started walking next to Fitz. 

"Are you nervous about the test?" Fitz asked. 

"Yeah, I don't think I studied enough..." 

"Well, if Keefe thinks he passed the test without any studying, I'm sure you'll do great." 

"I guess so. I'm just really nervous." 

"If you were able to skip an entire grade, I definitely know you'll be able to pass this test," Fitz assured. I shrugged in response. "Aren't you proud that you skipped an entire grade? I mean, that's a pretty big accomplishment." 

"I'm not sure. Skipping a grade sounds cool until you actually do. Especially since I skipped 6th grade too..." I wasn't sure why I told Fitz this, I never told anyone about how I skipped 6th grade. But I felt like I could trust him with anything. 

"So you skipped two whole grades?" Fitz asked. 

"Yeah, although sometimes I kinda regret it." 

"Well, I wouldn't know how it feels like to skip grades, but I do know that if you hadn't, we would've never met." I smiled at this, wondering if Fitz really meant that meeting me was a positive thing. We continued to talk until we reached our classroom. And by then, I knew more about Fitz than I knew about anyone else. I felt safe with him and that I could tell him anything and not have him judge me. It was a really nice feeling for a change, considering that I've never told anyone at this school more than my first name and basic information about myself. I felt disappointed when we had to stop talking and go into the classroom to take our test and was about to walk in when Fitz added one more thing. 

"I had a really great time talking to you. Do you maybe think that we could... Meet up sometime?" Fitz asked. My stomach might as well exploded as it kept filling with more and more butterflies. I almost forgot how to speak but luckily, it came back to me. 

"Yeah, that would be great!" I answered. 

"How about tomorrow after classes?" 

"Sure! Is the library okay?" I asked. 

"Perfect, I'll be there." I grinned widely as I walked into the classroom and sat down at my seat. Mr. Matthews started going over the test rules, but my mind didn't listen, only one question in my mind. I tried to ignore it and push it down, but it just kept resurfacing. Soon enough, my mind was purely focused on one thing. 

Would this be a date?

A/N I tried to finish this chapter as fast as I could for you guys! Thank you so much for reading and please vote and comment if you like the story so far! Also, we reached 500 reads! Thank you to EVERYONE reading and if you commented on previous chapters. I really appreciate it and love reading them. I hope you liked this chapter and until the next one! 

P.S. When do you guys think Keefe will ever learn the difference between a squirrel and a quarrel?

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