
By Your_hood_lesbo

43.9K 1.7K 812

You are a serial killer known from across the globe. And a part time assassin for only the most biggest payer... More

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Heads Up (Not a Update, Suggest You Don't Skip)


1.6K 58 25
By Your_hood_lesbo

Y/N's POV:

I just froze while Lauren left the car.

I'm so mad.

Not because she's leaving or she tried to put my in line.

I'm mad because she's fucking right.

I've always been so focused on real facts about people and their lives and how many weapons I have but I've never considered how they think.

Damn, what makes things even worse is that Kehlani and Trevor was trying to tell me the same thing but I just never listened.

God, why am I such and idiot? And why did it take Lauren, a girl I kidnapped and not even friends with, to get me to realize that?

Now I have to do research on Brad and maybe even go undercover to get to know him so that I find a way to take him down. And on top of that I have to apologize to Kehlani and earn her trust and respect back.

One is more hard than the other, Kehlani is extremely stubborn. It's hard for her to Forgive AND forget, I honestly don't know why, it's probably to prove a point or something.

Jeez, I should've listened to Kehlani in the beginning.

I'll worry about all that as soon as i get home, but lemme leave before Lauren's henchmen find out I kidnapped her.

Based on what Lauren told me they are like a family and very protective which means I just might die if they find out it's me.

Imma start making calls on the way home.

I was about to turn on the engine of my car before I noticed a short, curly haired, woman walking towards my car. I didn't think anything of it until she pulled out a gun from her robe.

"Oh shit!" I whispered yelled before turning on the engine and putting my car in reverse, not caring to wait for the engine to heat up. 

I immediately went into reverse but it was two late. 

The woman rose up her gun, shot my front two tires and shot into the front window. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled swiping the glass off my clothes and face. 

Dammit I was bleeding all over, fucking glass stabbed the side of my face, scratched my arms, and stabbed into my right thigh.

"FUCKING BITCH!!" I yelled walking out the car, limping due to the glass. 

I went under the drivers seat and pulled out my Uzi pro that was already loaded. 

I held up my Uzi and aimed it at the Spanish girl that was still walking up to me. 

When she noticed my gun she looked scared and hesitated a little but it was quickly covered by anger and determination. 

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITCHU?! MY FUCKING CAR IS RUINED CAUSE YO STUPID ASS!" I yelled, trying my best to ignore the pain. 


"Ain't nothin wrong wit ha! She not hurt or nothin! You lucky there's people after me cause I swear on my grandmother's mac and cheese I would blow up this whole joint and make you pay for my car!" I yelled and little less angry since she did have a point. 

Next thing I know another woman, but this time she black, pulls up next to her with a gun too.


 Damn, I'm out numbered! I knew this was a bad Idea. Plus Lauren ain't doin shit! Just might have to kill this two girls. 


They shared looks with each other before the Spanish girl looked behind her over to Lauren. 

"Yeah she did. She's fine guys leave her alone." Lauren said through laughs. 

Of course this bitch would be laughing. 

"YOU STILL GONNA PAY FOR MESSING WITH HER IN THE FIRST PLACE!" The Black girl said, visibly tightening her grip on the gun.

Oh snap, they bout to shoot. 

Next thing I know a very large bang erupted in the atmosphere. 

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the burning sensation of pain in any part of my body really, but it never came.

I reluctantly opened my eyes to see the two girls looking past me with wide eyes and fearful faces. 

I looked down at their bodies and neither of them got shot. 

Lauren quickly ran over to us with her own gun, she examined her friends before looking at me for a split second before her face matched the other two girls'. 

"Behind you." She warned barely over a whisper. 

I quickly looked behind me and there was about 3 vans with multiple men in suits standing next to each van, each of them holding different types of guns. 

"Brad sent us." A man with a very powerful Russian accent said before each of the men raised their guns. 

"GET BEHIND THE CAR, NOW!!!" I yelled running behind my own car as fast as possible. 

It didn't take long for the other three girls to join me as the men starting open firing.

"Don't y'all live with other people?!" I yelled over the many gunshots. 

"They always go back home after work hours, we have hundreds of security guards but they must've knocked them out. Which means we live here alone." Lauren said covering her ears. 

"Of course." I mumbled to myself.

"We don't have much time, if they keep shooting at my car it's gonna blow up soon!" I yelled. 

I put my arms under the car, wincing once in a while before pulling out two shot guns and a smg. 

"Why the fuck do you have guns hidden underneath your car?!" The black yelled with a raised eyebrow. 

"For situations like this! You better thank Jesus that I have these guns or else we would all be dead!" I yelled, getting extremely fed up by them and their foolishness. 

Thankfully that immediately shut them up. 

I handed Lauren the Smg and the other two the two shotguns.

I reached into my pocket to pull out my small electric bomb, it was flat piece of steal shaped a little like a snowflake that was filled with a bunch of wires, but of course it was a little broken cause of the impact of me jumping on the ground.

"Dammit!! Just stall them for a little and hit as many men as you can!" I ordered before tossing Lauren my Uzi. 

"What are you doing, you have to help-" The Latina started off but my angry facial expression silenced her.


They all gulped, clearly scared but ready to fight.

As they were holding off the guys, silently cheering a little when they hit one, I was repairing the bomb. 

"Yes! I got it!" I yelled holding the bomb up. 

"Good, cause these things are almost out of ammo!" Lauren said reloading her gun.

I rose up and saw about 15 guys up and bloody while there was like 10 on the ground dead. Them girls really did a number on them. 

"Oh god! Do y'all here that?!" The black girl said putting her ear up to the car while we did the same. 

There was a very loud sizzling sound and gurgles which I was guessing was the gas. 

"It's about to blow up, we only have a few seconds. When I say run, run as fast as you can to the house, I'll handle them." I said to the girls. 

"What do you mean "You'll handle them"?" Lauren asked. 

"OH MY GOD! SHUT! UP! AND LISTEN! I'M TRYING TO SAVE Y'ALL!" I yelled, feeling a small a vein show up on my neck, they were getting on my last nerve when I'm tryna help them. I could turn on my invisibility cloak with my watch and dip. 

I stood up and waited for one of them to go and reload before throwing the bomb, there was a couple of beeps before a humming sound took over. 

"RUN!" I yelled, running/ limping to the house along with the other girls but they were ahead of me. 

All I could hear was manly screams and electricity crackling. 

By the time I got to the door multiple explosions went off, I didn't think anything of it since it was probably just the cars blowing up. 

I looked behind me and saw the three vans on fire and they didn't explode, they must be electrical vans. 

Multiple dead bodies were on the ground bloody and with severe burns. 

To my surprise my car was no where to be found until I looked up and saw my car up in the sky before dropping on the concrete with a huge bang causing the fire to spread a little more. 

"God my sister is gonna kick my ass, she bought that car for me." I groaned before face palming myself. 

"Oh my gosh, are you ok Y/N?!" Lauren asked. 

Suddenly I felt really dizzy and drowsy, causing my legs to give out and for me to fall to the ground. 

Lauren dropped to her knees and put my head on her thighs. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Stay with me! How many fingers am I holding up?!" She asked while slapping me a little before holding up some fingers. 

Man I couldn't even thing straight and my vision began to blur. 

"25 Thousand!" I yelled with a goofy smile while squinting my eyes. 

"Oh gosh! Normani get the med kit! You'll be ok Y/N." Lauren said while patting my face lightly and pressing her index and middle finger on my wrist. 

"Don't worry Laurenzo, Imma just take a little nap nap." I said felling my eye lids grow heavy. 

"Wait No-" I heard Lauren say before everything went black. 


"Do you like her or something?" I heard a voice say next to me.

"NO! I don't like like her, she just seems like a cool person." A familiar voice said on the other side of me. 

"She's a fucking Serial Killer Lauren! She's literally sick in the head! And let's not forgot she kidnapped you!" Another familiar voice said. 

"Camila, stop bringing up the kidnapping thing. One, she was trying to do her job which she clearly loves and doesn't want to stop doing. And two, she didn't kill me, for some reason she couldn't and she didn't even hurt me." The same voice from earlier mentioned sternly. 

"Lauren is right and let's not forgot she did help us out earlier. If she wasn't there we would've been dead, and on top of that I'm pretty sure she could've easily got out of that situation and leave us in the dust." 

I couldn't help but start to move around due to the multiple voices talking. 

"Sssshhhh! She's waking up." That same voice said before taking one of my hands. 

I slowly opened my eyes, only to be met by beautiful emerald ones. 

Uhhh what was her name again? Oh right Lauren!

"Hi." Lauren said with a small smile that warmed my heart.

"Hey. Where am I?" I asked going to sit up a little but immediately stopped that because of the tremendous amount of pain I was in. 

"AAHHHH FUCK!" I yelled making all eyes turn to me. 

I looked down at my body and there was a huge bandage around my torso, bandages around my hands and fingers, band aids all over my arms and legs. Not to mention I was in my bra and boxers. 

"Calm down. You got shot, and I guess due to the adrenaline you didn't even feel it. You have on broken rib due to the shot and luckily for you, you didn't die. Besides that you have multiple cuts and pretty bad stabs from your chest to your thighs. Your fingers are bruised because of how fast you were repairing the bomb and clearly you were so in the moment you didn't notice it." Lauren explained while I examined my body. 

"We have to take care of your gunshot wound first so we are gonna need-" Lauren started off but I cut her off.

"Did you take the bullet out already?" I asked plainly. 

"Yeah we did, surprised you didn't feel it." She said. 

"Ok since you did that I'm good. There is no we, I can take care of myself. Can someone hand me my clothes and my phone so I can call a ride." I asked in a monotone voice. 

Some dude was about to go somewhere but Lauren gave him a look and he stopped.

"You aren't going anywhere, you can't even sit up. We are gonna treat you until you get better and if anything you are staying here until Brad backs the fuck off." Lauren said sternly. 

I scoffed in response. 

"You can't hold me here. One, I have been shot before and been in way worse condition than this so I'm pretty sure I can handle that part. And I don't need to worry about Brad. Based off of how many people I killed just now, my kill count for Florida is done. I can move onto my next state, a state where I have more friends and more protection." I stated while lying through my teeth at the end. 

I don't have a lot of friends, I might more have more enemies than friends across America. 

Lauren's green eyes pierced through my soul making me crumble a little on the inside. Her stare is extremely intimidating but I wasn't gonna break. 

"You're lying. You're blinking a whole lot, and now I know that is your tell. Don't fucking lie to me or it won't turn out well for you. You don't have to say it out loud but you need our help." Lauren said with a hint of venom in her voice. 

This girl doesn't scare me but I wouldn't suggest getting on her bad side. 

"Why do you want to help me so fucking bad?!" I asked getting annoyed.

"Because I owe you my life." She said simply making my eyebrows shoot up. 

"I don't know you that well or how you roll but I could tell there were hundreds of ways for you to get out of that situation easily and you could've left us to die but you didn't. You saved us and yourself so this is the least I could do. What I said to you in the car had an impact on you and I could tell. We have all the information on Brad and with your skills we can take him down. It's a win win, you get cared for and won't have to deal with Brad anymore and move on with your life while my company becomes more powerful and my biggest competition is out of the picture." She said before taking my hand. 

"Please, stop being stubborn and let us care for you. In return you and your team can help us with Brad." She said with hopeful eyes. 

"Me and my team aren't working for you." I deadpanned. 

"You won't be working for me, you'll just be returning a favor." She argued with a smile. 

I was still hesitant and wasn't gonna do it and Lauren was getting impatient.  

She reached over to my cast and pressed her finger down on the gunshot wound from the outside of the cast. 

"AHHHH YOU BITCH, WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled trying to get her hand off but it sent more pain through out the rest of my body. 

"You are way too stubborn. Their is no catch and you need accept my hospitality or else you're gonna die. If you leave, this is the amount of the pain you'll feel simply walking out the door." She said applying a little more pressure. 


Still gripping her wrist with one hand, I used my other hand to press the top of my rubber ring on my thumb sending a small shock through Lauren's arm. 

"AH SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Lauren yelled gripping her arm tightly. 

Some random people I didn't know walked over to her making sure she was okay while the two girls from earlier pulled out their guns and pointed it at both sides of my head. 

"Oh calm ya titties she's fine. Plus you'll be doing me a favor by shooting me. It's like one of those hand buzzers that people use as pranks. I could've but it higher to make her whole body spaz out but I didn't. Don't ever do that shit again or else I will severely hurt you." I said before rolling my eyes. 

"God that hurt like a bitch. You made that?" Lauren asked while rubbing her arm. 

"I designed it but I didn't make it. The person who made it is one of my close friends and you don't need to know who." I said with an attitude. 

"Whatever, you're gonna be here for a while and us three can't take care of you by ourselves so meet my main team members and my best friend." Lauren said pointing to the 6 people in front of me. 

"The two girls from earlier are Normani and Camila." Lauren introduced. 

Normani put her gun away and shook my hand. 

"Look, I'm hoping their isn't any harsh feelings but I wanna thank you for saving us and I'm hoping we can at least be friends." Normani said with a small smile. 

"We'll see bout that." I said but still carefully shook her hand. 

Camila shook my hand next be she squeezed it purposely making me groan. 

"I don't like you. You still kidnapped Lauren and you have to earn my trust." She whispered in my ear. 

I took my hand out her grasp and gripped her wrist before doing the same thing I did to Lauren to her. 

"Don't fucking mess wit me. I'm not in da mood or condition. Plus Ion need earn anything from you, Ion need ya trust so sit you ass down and be humble." I whispered in her ear still gripping her wrist as the shock got a little bit worse by the second. 

I finally let her go because her screams were getting annoying. As soon as I let her go she glared at me before running to some other part of the house. 

"You know you can't do that right?" Lauren asked while looking at me but I didn't meet her stare. 

"I can do whatever the hell I want. If she messes with me again it won't be pretty. I promise you If I wanted to kill everyone in this room right now I would. I am not one to be fucked with. On top of that you need me, I don't need you or your services." I spat at her. 

I'm really not liking this situation. 

"Yeah Yeah I know you said all that already. Anyway, the one with the small mustache is Montero but he likes to be called Nas or Nas X, the girl with the short hair is Halsey, the short one with the ponytail is Ariana, and Ms. Almond eyes is Madison." Lauren said introducing each of them. (If you haven't figured it out it's Lil Nas X, Halsey the singer, Ariana Grande, and Madison Beer 👍🏾)

"There is one more person but she's late and-" Lauren said but was cut off by the door bursting open. 

"Sorry I'm late but, Wow! Out there is a whole ass massacre dawg, I already called the cleaners but damn." A voice said and it didn't take me long to figure out who that was. 

"Hey Dinah!" I said smiling at the polynesian who was looking at me with wide eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, Y/N! What the hell happened! Wait scratch that, of course you'd be involved with something like that but still! Are you ok?" Dinah said rushing over to me and touching the bandage I didn't even know was on my face. 

"Wait, you two know each other?" Lauren asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Yeah, she was my client in Arizona and she's super funny and cool so we became friends." Dinah quickly answered before examining me more. 

"Y/N you idiot! You can't not get in any trouble now can you?!" Dinah said smacking the back of my head making me wince. 

"Shit! Sorry I already forgot you were injured but you're still very dumb." She said rubbing the back of my head. 

"Well where's the fun in not getting in a little trouble once in a while. But I saved your best friends so you should be thanking me." I said with a smirk. 

Dinah looked over at Lauren for confirmation and she just nodded. 

"For a Serial Killer you are quite heroic and thank you." She said before kissing my forehead making me roll my eyes. 

"Sorry to interrupt but, you were saying things about kill count and moving onto the next state are you-" Ariana asked but I cut her off by chuckling a little.

"Wow, am I that famous? But, my names Y/N Williams but you may know me as the vicious, unmerciful, and well psychotic Laughing Reaper, nice to meet ya." I said with a charming smile and a wink making Dinah and Lauren chuckle at my introduction. 

"Wow, that explains how skilled you are. I just wanna say I really admire your work and how smart you are and I hope we can be friends." Nas said chiming in. 

"Aww thanks. And as I said to Normani, we'll see about that." I said. 

"She has trust issues." Dinah mouthed to the guy and two girls making them laugh and me nudge her. 

"Now that we all know each other we need to get you to your room." Lauren said clasping her hands together. 

Gosh now they have to touch me and shit, I don't like being touched and I completely forgot that I'm in my underwear which means they probably know about my not so little buy but it's whatever. 

This is gonna be a little harder than I thought.  

They next day....

I was awoken by gorgeous smell of bacon, pancakes, and fruit. 

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up on the head frame bearing through the pain. 

I looked over to the nightstand and saw the remote. 

I carefully reached over and while taking the pain like a champ I was able to turn on the TV. 

It was on Cartoon Network, and Amazing World Of Gumball was already playing so I silently thanked god. 

About 5 minutes later the door burst open revealing the 6 people from yesterday. 

Due to the loud sound I jumped up which cause me to wince. 

"What the hell is wrong wit y'all?" I asked trying to stay as still as possible so the pain would reduce. 

"Sorry but we brought you breakfast." Lauren said while laying the tray of food across my legs. 

"Dinah said you love bacon and aren't a big fan of eggs but you need protein." Madison said. 

"You cooked this?" I asked. 

I looked over to the beautiful bacon and spinach omelette, two shining pancakes with a small slice of butter on top and strawberry syrup on them, with three pieces of bacon on the side. 

"Yeah, why do you not like pancakes or something?" Madison asked with furrowed eyebrows and getting ready to take the plate away from me. 

"Wait wait wait. No it looks amazing. And thank you." I said stopping her. 

"Aww, thank you. And no problem enjoy." She said with a thankful smile. 

Nas came up to me with a cup of water and pills in his hands. 

"Can you move your hands?" He asked. 

"Nope, looks like you have to feed it to me." I said smugly while he laughed sarcastically. 

I raised my head up with my mouth open and he dropped the pills in and held the straw up to my mouth and helped me swallow the meds. 

I looked over to everyone and It took me a while to notice that the girls were in bras and booty shorts while Nas was in some loose shorts with no shirt on.

"Is this like a Normal thing for you people? I'm not complaining but do y'all just regularly walk around the house half naked?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah, we are all comfortable with each other and known each other for years so none of us really care." Dinah said with a shrug. 

"Mmkay, so which one of you are gonna stay and help me eat?" I asked. 

"Well I'll help you eat but we are gonna eat together since we don't want you to get lonely." Ariana said sitting across from me and beginning to cut the pancakes. 

"You all don't have to. There's no such thing as lonely for me. I'll be Ight I just need help eating." I said.

"Cool, I'm out." Camila said before leaving the room. 

"Don't mind her. If you haven't noticed she's really protective of Lauren and we all want to stay with you so it's fine." Halsey said to me. 

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" I asked Lauren making Lauren snort. 

"Nope, I'm as single as they come. Everyone here are my best friends and nothing more." She said bringing in her own plate of food. 

"Uhh, I'm sorry, this has been bothering me the whole time but what is that?" Normani said pointing at the small bulge in my boxers. 

Everyone started looking at it and they had really surprised expressions on their faces. 

"Damn, she's packing." Halsey mumbled to herself and I could tell they all nodded. 

"Wait, you don't have to talk about it if It makes you uncomfy." Ariana said. 

"Nah it's fine. I'm intersex. So in short I was born with a dick and titties but I still identify as a girl." I said while they all relaxed a little. 

"Lucky." Nas mumbled making me chuckle. 

"Now can we eat? I'm hungry and those pancakes are teasing me." I said licking my lips and everyone started laughing. 

Eventually everyone found their spots while Ariana started feeding me. 

"Well Y/N where are you from?" Ariana asked wiping my mouth. 

"New York, Brooklyn to be specific." I said with a small nod. 

"Wow, New York is a big place. Do you miss it?" She asked. 

"Well I miss the places and the sounds of the city. I miss some of my family members, mainly my sister. I also miss my dog Hashbrown. But at the same time It holds a lot of bad memories that I do not want to visit." I said. 

"Hmm, understandable Lauren and I grew up in different parts of Florida. Nas is from Georgia, Halsey is from New Jersey and I think Madison is from NY too." Ariana explained. 

"Yeah Jericho. Ever been?" Madison asked picking up her and Nas's now empty plates. 

"Yeah I've been there. It's the complete opposite from where I grew up but it's nice and pretty." I said with a smile. 

"Tell us your story Y/N." Halsey said before biting into a pancake. 

"My story is quite depressing. Probably not the best Idea." I said. 

"Please, we like that kind of stuff. Plus, we wanna know what inspired the Laughing Reaper." Lauren said while wiping her hands with a napkin. 

"Well, to make a long story short. My great grandfather is Wayne Williams. If you don't know he was responsible for child murders in Atlanta and he was known as the Atlanta boogeyman. Eventually when I turned 6 my family saw my murderous mind and thought it was great granddad's spirit so they put me up for adoption. Fast forward my foster parents were terrible and I killed them. Hung them and cut off their body parts to be specific. I still have the tape and I watch it whenever I'm sad. And from that day on my best friends taught me everything they know since they are pro assassins and I found out killing was super fun and it was my calling. So the Laughing Reaper was born." I deadpanned, cracking a creepy smile once in a while.

"Wow. That's honestly pretty cool." Normani said making everyone else nod. 

One by one each of them started telling their own stories and I couldn't help but listen closely. These are all super cool and interesting people. 

Eventually I became more comfortable and the conversation started getting better and we all cracked a few jokes. 

Luckily Nas is gay because I really don't like being around men. If if they seem like good guys they make me uncomfortable in general. 

Maybe this won't be so terrible after all. 

(Not proofread)

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