My heart wants only you (Comp...

By ramyapa

43.7K 2.8K 401

A storm made kong shut himself. will Arthit presence change him? Main characters are belong to sotus Novel, p... More

Prologue - 1
Prologue 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22

chapter 19

1.3K 97 24
By ramyapa

Kong was accompanied by 2 guards inside a two storey house which is not big yet have so many guards surrounding it.

The guards leads him to first floor, kong sat on the edge of the bed after the guy locked him inside a room. He tapped his feet nervously, he is still in his pajamas, the minute the stranger shows the video of his office cabin with his dad working he felt terrible and scared. For the past months he always feels that creepy feelings of someone watching and following him, now he know why! but who?

He stood from his place and checked the room for the clues. He opened the drawer of bed side table to saw his photos, he got shocked its all his happy moments, some with Beam, some with Arthit, even photos of his college stay. A lone figure entered the room and closed the room. Kong turned to the figure to drop the photos to the ground in utter shock "Y-you are ..... real... why?" kong asked while backening away.

"I know you are not happy to see me kong" Ren told with a bitter smile. "Dont you dare call me kong!!" kong snapped with sweats, after registering Ren is alive, Kong moves towards him to give a hard punch.

Ren body was slammed to the wall by kong who start to punch Ren hardly. Ren didn't stop kong he knows he deserved it so he allow the latter to hit him. kong backs away after some hits.

"Enough!" Ren stopped kong when the latter tried to launch himself on Ren. "You fucking bastard!!" kong screamed at him while trying to get his hand back from Ren. "Lets talk kongpop" Ren announced for kong to get more anger.

"What is there to talk you stupid?? And i told you to not call my name right??" kong snapped at him. "i am sorry for hurting yo--.." Ren was cut by kong. "Do you think sorry is enough or will change anything which happened before? you bastard because of your revenge, do know what i want went through? i fought with a gangster, i tortured a person, i was drugged, i was touched by someone! i was almost killed by robbers!!"

"i know.. i know kongpop ... I am also hurting by that, the guilty feelings are eating me alive every day" Ren informed kong who glared at him "Then why did you kidnapped me now?" kong asked with gritted teeth. "Kongpop, That day after placing you on the road side alone i felt bad so i returned to check on you and saw you leaving in a car, so i went back to my gang"

"everyone searched for you, my boss ordered us to kill you, i got terrified and sad because of my mistake you already suffered a lot so I decided to end it all, i fired the place and killed many, i too got hurt but i ignored it and runs to your home to check on you next day, you were not there and I saw your parents leaving somewhere so i followed them to end up in your hospital"

"There after i was always with you kongpop, but far away, i always watched you from far away, i saw your cries which hurts me like a hell, when you moved to US i also came there  for you, i always stood there for you, i know i dont deserve you thats why i didn't approach you, i want you to live happily, i want to see you like old times, i always guard you, i even killed a person who talk bad about you."

"I never wanted anything other than seeing you happy from far away but everything changed, everything changed after HE came into your life" Ren stopped while kong sat on the edge of bed in horror.

He can't believe the guy words who is standing infront of him, its hard to digest, its feels creepy to know that someone who you hate is always with you!. But Kong snapped out of his thoughts after registering Ren last words.

Gulping a big lump kong asked "Who?". Ren smiled sadly and replied "Him kongpop, your boyfriend, Arthit rojnapat... After he came into your life you start to change which hurts me lot because the fear you hold is my memories kong, i saw you leaving that fear and living happily, i dont want you to forget about me, especially for him, he doesn't deserve you kong, so i thought to approach you again to ask for a chance"

"To make you remeber, i dressed like my old times and came to you for a talk, but instead of acknowledging my presence you runs away from me thinking i am your illusion, truly i never wanted to hurt or cheat you but i used this card to make you remember me, i put camera on your room, office and your favourite places to check on you and make my apperance constantly infront of you"

"sometimes i appear with my usual appearance, but you never notice the difference, you never find out that i am real, past one week i didn't saw you, i start to go crazy, i know you were with him, i want to go and drag you out but i dont want to scrape you kong thats why i waited patiently for you to walk out yourself from arthit and today i got that chance, a chance to express my love and ask you time" Ren finished and stare kong who is stunned at his place.

Kong feel horrified by Ren, his head is spinning, his heart rate is also slowing down, he needs to go out, he needs fresh air or a strawbery smell mixed with arthit, so he walks to the door stumbled on his way, when he try to open the door its locked, he tried continously but its not opened.

"Kongpop, you can't leave without answering me" Ren spoked for kong to glare at him. "What answer?" kong asked with a murudeous glare. "will you give me a chance to prove my love?" Ren asked him.

"No! i won't " kong answered him, he turned to the door and tried to open it again. "Why? is it because of arthit? i told you, he doesn't deserve you!" Ren said with a sigh. "And you deserved me?? Dont you dare talk about him!! he is the one who deserves me better in this whole world" Kong snapped at him. "Really? will you say this after knowing who is he? He is also your bad memory!" Ren said with a bitter smile.

kong creased his forehead and waited for Ren to spoke, Ren walks to his drawer and took a paper with a photo, he hand it over kong who furrows on seeing arthit high school picture.

"Check the paper kong, the name we replaced it by you is him, Arthit, your boyfriend, that day you replaced him, its him we about to kidnap" Ren explained and saw a shocked kong. silence filled the room, kong broke it "so what?? i am glad that I replaced him, leave me alone!!" kong raised his voice at him.

Ren pulled his hair with a sigh "I can't kong, i can't". Kong eyes widen "why the hell you can't??" kong asked in anger. "Because i love you kong, just give me one chance, a day.. just spend 24 hours with me, allow me to show my love, Allow me to pamper you like arthit--..."

Ren was cut by kong. "Stop it Ren!! i hate you, do you hear me, i dont want to give you a chance, open the damn door before i kill you!" kong snapped at him.

"Kong dear, i really don't want to do this but you gave me no choice" Ren walks closer to kong who is ready to punch the latter but stopped when he see thing on Ren hand. "d-dad!! ... leave my dad alone you fucker!!" kong shouted and tried to grab the phone. "just one day kong, one day if you don't feel anything for me, you can walk from me i will also call my people away from your dad,  otherwise....." Ren told kong firmly. kong shivered by Ren words

"Where is he?? where the hell is he?" Arthit rubbed his face controlling his tears. "Arthit, control your emotions and think properly, did he mention any place which he likes most" Beam asked the frustrated arthit while Mia asked David to come home soon.

"Beam, i am scared... " Mia poured her emotions, its been more than half day since kong disappeared. After kong walked out from arthit house, arthit felt bad and called kong number which went non reachable. He called Beam then.

He told Beam what happened earlier and how kong reacted, the latter comforted arthit and told him that he will inform him once he get hold of kong but to his avail kong never reached him.

Arthit called kong mother and learned that kong didn't show up to home, he also learned from kong assistant that the latter is not in office. So here everyone gathered to find kong whereabout.

Forth called Beam and asked him to come to the latter office basement with arthit. Beam and Arthit entered the basement and got surprised by the office set up. Forth gestured them to sit and moved a laptop towards them "Ok, first dont freak out and get mad, importantly don't break my laptop my Beamy" Forth warned Beam.

"kongpop cellphone is bugged, his office also... i already send my people to kong home to check for cameras, the person who did is him" Forth said and shows Ren photo. "i don't know who is he Arthit? I found him by this videos" Forth informed and played some videos.

"crussss...... bang"

"what the fuck??" Beam shouted after pushing the laptop to the floor. Forth sighed and motioned Ming to get another one, after Beam told to track kong Forth used his resource to do it and got shocked by the result. Arthit eyes went red, he called Tay and asked the latter to put Aim on conference and confirmed the person name. "Its Ren... the one who kidnapped Kong, where is he now??" Arthit asked with a blank face with cold eyes.


thanks for the vote and comments..

stay safe everyone....

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