Golden Time

By Emmy_Rose_alternate

150K 6.9K 1.1K

Yoona has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent's hybri... More

2. You Can Rest Easy
3. Calm Before the Storm
4. Have Courage, Be Kind
5. Making a home
6. A Doctor's Visit
7. The Question
8. Protect and Protected
9. The Power of the Queen
10. Deciding Fate
11. Warmth of the Sun
12. Different Worlds Collide
13. Enemy Territory
14. What You Need
15. And Play She Does
16. Eleventh Hour
17. Time in Dying
18. Safe and Sound
19. A Chance to Recover
20. Happy Holidays
Author Note
21. What's In A Name
22. Patience Waning
23. The Undoing
24. Going Home
25. Coming Home
26. Never Make Her Wait
27. Family Dinner
28. Family Matters
29. The Future Looks...
30. Already in Paradise (m)
31. Finally Home (m)
32. Pre-Rut (m)
33. What Could Have Been
34. Always Find Her
35. The Final Act
36. Finally Found
37. Happily Ever After

1. Dangerous Line of Work

11.2K 341 47
By Emmy_Rose_alternate

The reality of the world was this was normal. Normal for a woman to be here, under these circumstances, happily. Especially one of high status.

Yoona blended well in the room. The obviously pricey designer dress fitted her like a second skin, the red material snug against her pale skin. The just as obvious pricey designer shoes and handbag and coat were a dead giveaway that she belonged here, running a well manicured hand over the soft coat. Her family name, her ancestors making sure of it, was another dead giveaway that she belonged here.

Even if she didn't agree with it, nor liked it, she blended well.

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" Yoona turned, only to be greeted by one of the special servants here. "May I take your coat?"

Yoona noticed, without fail, the soft brown ears atop his head, the tail that moved behind him. They had made it their mission to make sure that the hybrids looked as good as they did tonight. This particular dog breed wore black slacks and a black button up shirt, it hung a little too loose on his shallow frame. The biggest reason to identify him as one of the special servants was of course the rather large sign that sat across his chest, it was a note of charge, the rates he was worth to these people. The offending numbers, as if his life was worth less then her because some cocky scientist nearly 75 years ago decided to splice some genes in a lab, clear and large that no one could miss.

It was easy to spot the hybrids at an event hosted to sell and trade in hybrids.

"Yes please." Yoona turned to offer her coat, feeling the hybrid help her out of it, before brushing her own hair out of her face as she turned back to face the hybrid. "Would you do me a favor?" Yoona quickly asked before the hybrid was dismissed.

"Of course, Ma'am." The dog hybrid bowed his head.

"Would you let Mr. Lee know that Yoona Park is here please." Yoona smiled widely, nonthreatening, having to play the part.

"Yes, Ma'am."

The dog hybrid bowed again before taking his leave allowing Yoona to approach the bar with a sudden need for a strong drink. The only good thing about these events, in Yoona's opinion, was the open bar, that access to continuous liquor allowed her to do her job a little more easily. Seating herself away from anyone who might think himself important enough to distract her from her job, overlooking the area, Yoona watched the other women. Each women was comfortable here, it was of course a woman's domain to be here, in search for her new plaything, spending her husbands money on something to keep her happy for the next month or so.

Many of them had designer clothes, just like her, some even going a step further to showcase their own wealth by already having a hybrid at their side. Majority of the hybrids there were for show, wealthy leashes, wealthy collars, a wealthy owner looking to replace them with someone younger, with someone new.

Even if they looked human, the animal features attached to each hybrid made them lower than the humans who owned them. Humans constantly argue that the hybrids are at the mercy of their animal instincts, not able to control themselves, even if she had only ever had trouble with instincts from humans, it was the law.

The law was tough, and Yoona was bound by the law, even if she moved against it.

"Ah, Miss Park..." Yoona turned in her chair, placing the drink she was handed once she sat down, back on the bar. " It's a pleasure you could join us today."

"Thank you for the invitation Mr. Lee." Yoona took the old man's wrinkled hand as a welcoming gesture, even if it made her skin crawl.

"When a woman of your status shows interest in one of my pets," The world hung in the air for a moment 'Pet' , almost making Yoona snap, but she was trained to hold her expressions, keeping the easy, relaxed smile on her face as she nodded a confirmation. "I am sure to take care of her."

"He is here tonight I hope." Yoona placed a well-timed giggle, her perfectly manicured hand squeezing the man's arm, buttering him up. "I've been watching him for a long time." Yoona sighed, trying for dreamy.

"I have made arrangements for him to be here tonight. He is well taken care of, as are all my pets." Mr. Lee, not so subtlety, moved closer to Yoona, who stood a few centimeters taller than he did in her heels. "I talked to his current owner; they are willing to deal with you privately."

"Really?" Yoona giggled like a schoolgirl, making the shock she felt inside.

"Of course, Miss Park. I take care of my clients." Mr. Lee's hand had not let her's go since she shook his hand, holding tightly to keep her close. "If you would follow me, they are waiting for you in my office."

Finally getting her hand back, Yoona turned quickly to collect her drink and bag, before taking Mr. Lee's offered elbow. With a smile, they walked towards the back where undoubtedly his office would be, Mr. Lee's guards flanking them, two predator hybrids.

Yoona turned back only once as the lights went down, drowning Mr. Lee's voice out, seeing that the show was about to begin. But it wasn't for her, her show was more dangerous, more personal, less room for mistakes.

And the show had now begun.

Walking into the too large, to be an office at least, room, Yoona's eyes quickly scanned the area in search for the hybrid. Instead what caught her full attention were the 2 humans that stood whispering harshly to one another. When they noticed it wasn't just them in the room anymore, they looked up, putting on the part of happy and loving couple.

In front of Yoona stood a tall female, she was thin, too thin it almost scared Yoona. Her arms were folded as she stood, the thin, boney pale skin of her long fingers seemed to stretch almost uncomfortably over her bones. Her face seemed sunken, her eyes dark, her cheekbones shadowy, it was a wonder her body could carry the weight of the large fur coat she wore. She looked thin and frail, but from the dark stare of her eyes, Yoona knew she wasn't to be messed with. The was only one serious word to describe how horrifying she truly looked; Decaying.

The other was a shorter man, round, stocky and way to happy for this situation. His small, beady eyes trained onto Yoona, her every move, even if one of his short arms tried to wrap around the woman. His flat, round face was covered in a layer of sweat, it seemed he had shaved just for today, an obvious shaving cut on his uncomfortably clean face. The suit, as Yoona could tell, had been tailored one too many times to his pudgy frame, a subtle tear in the cuff let her know it needed to be repaired once again.

It seemed that this was a last resort for this couple, who seemed to be spending money they obviously don't have on a lifestyle they couldn't afford anymore. Selling their hybrid, who sat, hunched in a corner turned away from Yoona, seemed a means to an end for them. By the permanent scowl on the woman's face and the pervy smile on the mans, both of their unwelcomed stared following Yoona and Mr. Lee, Yoona couldn't wait to get their hybrid out of that situation.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bonavich, I would like you to meet, Miss Yoona Park." Mr. Lee happily presented her.

"Miss Park, it is a pleasure."

Mrs. Bonavich stepped forward, the click of her heels a lot louder than Yoona expected, offering her ghastly pale hand. Yoona tried not to notice, but the hybrid in the corner flinched at the echo of her heels, his back straightened, the large ears atop his head flattened against his skull. It wasn't hard to see that he had been through a lot, and the sounds of heels would meet with punishment... or worse, he would have to please her.

Yoona started her list then; #1 No heels.

"It surely is a pleasure Mrs. Bonavich." Yoona gave a well-placed smile. "I am honored you have allowed me this private sale."

"Miss Park, you are doing us a favor with this one." Mr. Bonavich stepped forward, offering his rather small, sweaty hand. "He isn't what we wanted."

Yoona shook his small, wet hand for a few seconds before moving her hands back to Mr. Lee's arm. Even if Mr. Lee was as creepy as this guy, Mr. Lee at least had the decency to keep his distance.

"Oh, is there something wrong with him?" Yoona asked, going for a concerned look.

"No of course not, Miss Park." Mrs. Bonavich smacked her husband's shoulder, moving him out of the way to stand in front of Yoona, an almost scary smile on her unmoving face. Standing a few inches shorter then Yoona, Mrs. Bonavich was still frightening. "He is talented, strong, and knows how to... take care of a woman."

Yoona smiled, trying to match the woman's frightening smile with a slow nod of appreciation before speaking; "That sounds promising."

"I would not offer you less than perfect for the price we are asking." Mrs. Bonavich gave another frightening smile; she must think it was warm... it was not.

"I would like to see the hybrid before I sign anything, if that is okay?" Yoona let go of Mr. Lee, reaching into her handbag with one hand, handing her drink to Mr. Lee with the other. Easily producing the documents, one party had already signed, the other was yet to. "I would like to inspect what it is I'm buying."

"Of course, Miss Park." Mr. Bonavich moved, rather awkwardly past his wife and to the corner of the room where the almost shaking hybrid sat.

Yoona watched as the large man waddled towards the corner, producing a silk embroidered white handkerchief from his right pocket of his suit jacket. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, before stuffing it back into his pocket, his right foot striking, kicking the boy on the ground.

"Up. Get up." Mr. Bonavich growled. "Come and meet Miss Park. Try to be charming."

The short man must have thought he was quiet with his words, but Yoona could hear him, even if Mrs. Bonavich gave an almost pained smile to Yoona, as if asking her to completely regard her husbands actions. Her mind was made up in the moment the young boy turned around and made eye contact with Yoona.

She would adopt him no matter what. No matter the price.

"Miss Park, this is Jungkook. A Flemish Giant Rabbit."

Yoona moved towards the boys, passing Mr. Bonavich without looking at him, inspecting the taller boy. She moved around him slowly, acting as if she was looking at him, but rather looking for signs of abuse. There were plenty, almost too many to truly look at.

His large, floppy black ears blended into his hair, which seemed unkept and quite shagging, no doubt only half brushed for this meeting today. Faded bruises peaked out and through the completely see through shirt, the black jeans he wore were completely ripped on the bottom, and very tight, a large hole in the back of them to make room for his completely matted tail.

He was a rabbit hybrid, had they not thought to get him proper clothes?

Moving to stand in front of him now, Yoona looked up with the hope of trying to catch his eyes. His eyes, however, stayed rooted to the ground, his nose twitched, sensing everything around him, his lips in a thin line, no doubt hiding the large teeth that she would hope needed no maintenance. If his teeth were a concern added along with the other number of things these people have put him through, she would find any type of way to make the Bonavich's pay. His shoulders were tense, his entire body ramrod straight, his prey instincts probably screaming for him to run, his nose uncontrollably twitching in level with Yoona's eyes as he was completely obedient.

"How old is he?" Yoona asked to no one in particular, though the tension in the room finally took a breather.

"22 years old." Mrs. Bonavich answered.

"How long have you had him for?"

"7 years."

"That's a long time, Mrs. Bonavich." Yoona stayed close to the boy, well man, but opted instead to turn her head to look her in the eye. "Why are you trying to get rid of him now?"

"Well, we plan to start a family and we do not have the room for him anymore."

Yoona could see the lie as plain as day. They had no plan to start a family, they could barely keep up appearance on themselves, so what could it possibly be?

"Jungkook is of course trained and incredibly talented. Would you like him to show you anything?" Mr. Bonavich offered, steering the conversation away from any topic of what they could possibly be hiding.

"Oh of course Miss Park. I have a private room waiting if you would like?" Mr. Lee finally spoke up for the first time since introducing Yoona, having comfortably watched the entire encounter from his desk.

"Oh, that would not be necessary. Thank you for the offer Mr. Lee." Yoona gave him a sweet smile, continuing to butter the man up. "I am not looking for that today."

"May I ask, Miss Park. What is it you would be looking for?" Mrs. Bonavich asked.

"I really like pretty things, Mrs. Bonavich." Yoona turned back to the boy with a softer smile she made sure was not seen by anyone except the rabbit who had still not looked at her. "I have been looking for something pretty to stand by my side, to be with me as I go shopping, to carry my groceries and such things like that." Yoona looked at the humans in the room. "He is rather pretty."

For a moment everything was quiet in the room, the low bass from the outside world finally filtering into the room they all stood in. From the looks of Mr. and Mrs. Bonavich, they seemed almost unsure of what Yoona's decision would be, and with good reason Yoona was trained to never give anything away to people like them. It would seem they didn't believe this young hybrid to be what Yoona was looking for.

"I'll take him."

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