hollow with a heart (re-write)

By ZBX6779

384K 4.8K 6.7K

Rias loses her composure and tells Issei that she regrets reincarnating him all because he didn't confess lik... More

part 1: LIES
part 2: wild fire
part 3: no more.
part 4: angry Valkyrie.
part 5: what do I do?
part 6: back to square one
part 7: stray
part 8: I've become so numb.
part 9: it gets worse.
part 10: answers.
part 11. my other half.
part 13: who will end it?
part 14: first laugh.
part 15: the rating game.
part 16: hollowfication.
part 17: more answers
part 18: next step.
part 19: Kyoto.
part 20: repent
part 21: vacation & lights.
part 22: new home and rivalry.
part 23: information and graduation
part 24: not the one.
part 25: sides & AMF.
part 26: bound & free
part 27: fear or love.
part 28: cafe sweet Phoenix.
part 29: at last.
part 30: a note for a "hero"
part 31: not going to happen.
part 32: Romania
part 33: blood.
part 34: preparations
part 35: almost time.
part 36: it has begun.
part 37: is it finally over?
part 38: new home and rating game.
part 39: a true queen.
part 40: party party party.
part 41: hollow beast.
part 42: the life of a fox.
part 43: the life of a fox part 2
part 44: happiness
part 45: family and a friendly game.

part 12: wake up

11.1K 127 95
By ZBX6779

(in Issei's dream)

Issei: what's happening?

Issei: who is that? Is he dead?

Issei: no you're not a monster, who is that? Did he make you kill that man?

Issei then saw the woman's appearance change slowly, her soft skin was pale as ash, her eyes turned red.

Issei: no no no

He saw a mask manifest on her face, horns grew on her head, her tails disappeared and her arms turned into blades.

Issei: why? Why is this happening to you?

Issei then saw nothing but pitch black.

Issei: how? How could someone so beautiful become that thing? And why?

He then saw the image of Rias flash infront of him. He started to get angry, heart beat rising. He saw this right in front of him.

Issei: what the..

It latched on to him and started to grow once more. Issei screamed as his chest pain increased, his anger rose considerably.

Issei tried to get it off but it's too fluid like to get any actual grip on it. Issei then saw his hair grow longer, his body turned white and has black markings on his chest, horns grew on his head, his fingers turned into black claws. He was trying so hard to control himself as a voice told him to destroy.

Issei:stop, GET OFF OF ME.

Issei started clawing his body, everytime he ripped off some of white
substance it would just grow back, he felt himself losing to the mask.



A voice called out to him.

Wake up.

It was a feminine voice.

He saw the woman appear once more.
He couldn't help but feel happy to see her.

Issei:.... please...tell me who you are....why do I feel so compelled to find you?

She just smiled and said.

Woman: time to wake up.

Issei: no wai...

She didn't let him finish as the two fox spirits around her surrounded him and started to glow brighter and brighter. It became a bright flash and everything went black. His eyes started to hurt and slowly opened them. He saw a semi bright light above him. A voice spoke.

???: You scared me there.

Issei: god?

???: Pfftt.. HAHA no. It's me kiddo.

Issei: huh.. Azazel?

Azazel: bingo. You were out like a light.

Issei: speaking of which, please turn off that light. It's hurting my eyes.

Azazel turns of the light and opens a window, the full moon was beautiful.

Issei: thanks, it's already helping.

Azazel: you were out for a while.

Issei: how long?

Azazel: half a month...you were comatose...


Azazel: you were in a coma for 2 weeks...

Issei sat up on his bed.

Issei:...how did it happen?

Azazel: it was my fault, you showed me what happened to you after you put on the mask...I let my curiosity get the better of me and asked you to put it on again so soon. I put you in harm's way...

Issei: don't blame yourself, I would have done it again anyway.

Azazel: what?

Issei: I....wanted to see her again.

Azazel: the woman?

Issei: yeah....I still don't know why.

Azazel: we'll find answers in due time but how are you feeling right now?

Issei: I feel.... Weak but otherwise okay all things considering.

Azazel: I'll tell them that you're awake once you're up to speed.

Issei: thanks, where is the mask? Did anyone see it?

Azazel: it's too late for that.

Issei: what do you mean?

Azazel: sigh...while you were out, I kept the mask in the container in a safe behind that painting.

He pointed towards the painting.

Azazel: I fell asleep and heard a loud bang, I opened my eyes and saw the painting on the floor and a hole through the safe, I looked towards you still comatose with the mask on your face. It wasn't growing but instead it began to evaporate within seconds.


Azazel: before that you were having a 102° fever, shivering, pale as ash, coughing, having trouble breathing. Your blood pressure was jumping between high and low, by how much you ask? Imagine taking xanax, weed, crack and cocaine at the same time. It took our best medical team to stabilize you but none of us could figure out how to cure you.

Issei: did Sirzechs and Grayfia see me that way?

Azazel: unfortunately yes....


Azazel: it gets worse....

Issei: !!

Azazel: your chest had a black spot the size of a baseball. The affected area started to cave in. Your body temperature started to fluctuate from 102° to 30° F. We had to bring in a lot of phoenix tears too.....

Issei:...who brought the Phoenix tears?

Azazel: Ravel brought them personally.

Issei: I really wish no one saw me like that.

Azazel: it was inevitable. When large amount of phoenix tears are ordered in an emergency, one or two members of the Phoenix clan personally see to the delivery....... Sirzechs, Grayfia and Ravel....they were so horrified at the sight of you...they begged me for answers..

Issei: what did you tell them?

Azazel: I told them that the creature bit you and like a vampire it was turning you into what it was which might not be far from the truth. The Phoenix tears healed you slowly, after that the black spot disappeared and you started to recover, you fever broke, your skin colour returned to normal but there were some other changes.

Issei: what kind?

Azazel: we did all kinds of tests, MRI, DNA you name it. When we sedated you for the MRI we saw your emotions in a state of flux and it was like that for the whole time you were out. If you weren't in a coma then it would have affected the boosted gear. As for the DNA test.....

Issei: come on you're killing me with the suspense.

Azazel:....the DNA test showed us that you're now 10% devil, 40% dragon and the other 50%.....well....there is none. The machines couldn't scan anything after half way through, we used every DNA test machine and all show the same result.

Issei:...how the hell do I not have half my DNA?

Azazel: cause that thing merged with you!

Issei: what?!

Azazel: yes it merged with you. That's why the mask disappeared.

Issei: so what am I?

Azazel: we should ask that woman once we find her.

Issei: but don't tell anyone about her until we get some answers, I need to know who or what she is.

Azazel: after what she did to you?

Issei: yeah, I'm not completely cold hearted.

Azazel: I'm worried about you turning into that thing.

Issei: then I know you guys can stop me.


Issei: how did Sirzechs and Grayfia know about me in my current condition?

Azazel: well a day after you slipped into your coma, they went to your place to visit you and to see if they didn't cause more damage, they couldn't find you so Rossweisse told them that you're with me. They rushed right over and their timing was horrible. They saw you in that state.

Issei: hmm...

Azazel: but on the bright side your parents nearly pissed themselves when they finally saw Sirzechs not as Rias's brother but the freaking devil king. Rossweisse had to leave the room cause she had trouble holding in her laughter.

Issei: heh, never expected that from her. Wait does she or the others know about being out cold for 2 weeks?

Azazel: yes I told her but only her. I didn't tell her about you being sick and turning half way into that thing.

Issei: I should so visit her.

Azazel: she's currently making the others train super hard for the rating game.

Issei: hey that's right. We have a rating game in 2 weeks.

Azazel: bad idea, you need to rest and we need to get answers.

Issei: I can't. I promised him a fight and I won't go back in my word.

Azazel: we can delay the match.

Issei: no, don't cause so much trouble just because of me.

Azazel: still selfless even after everything you went through.

Issei: I made a promise to myself years ago and that is I refuse to be just like everyone else.

Azazel: admirable kid but we don't know what will happen if you fight, we still need to do more tests now that you're awake. We don't know if we actually stopped that thing from taking over. It's almost like a parasite.

Issei: if I go back on my word then I'll just insult Sairorg, I can't live knowing I did such a cruel thing.

Azazel: well then if anything bad happens then we intervene. Got it?

Issei: deal, I'll meet you half way.

Azazel: let's get you something to eat first, you got skinnier.

They both had dinner together, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Ravel and Rossweisse came to visit him. Ddraig woke up as well.

Rossweisse: you really had us worried.

Ddraig: good to see you're awake partner.

Issei: sorry everyone and thanks for the support. I already feel better because of it.

Grayfia: are we going to ignore the main issues?

Sirzechs: not at all. Issei I know you just recently woke up and all but we need answers about that stray and as to your circumstances behind you being in a coma.

Issei: I understand, well that stray was not a stray at all but a creature from a different universe we believe.

Grayfia: meaning?

Issei: according to the DNA test, there's no being in our universe with DNA that can't be scanned even with the advanced technology of the underworld.

Ravel: what did it look like?

Issei begins to describe it and how he beat it, how he was bitten but didn't mention that it turned into a woman that he saw at times. The doctors started doing different tests and came to a few conclusions...... Issei won't live past the age of 26, he lost more of his life force caused by his emotional state which made it easier for that thing to take over but it would have taken over completely if the dragons power released from the gear didn't keep it at bay., he'll need more phoenix tears and medicine to keep that thing from taking over. He was somehow stronger and faster along with increased magical reserves but that's the least of their concerns. Issei and the others are devastated, Ravel went back home and so did Rossweisse, each cried in their rooms alone. The members of each household heard them crying and asked why they were crying but they couldn't tell them. Sirzechs and Grayfia had to go back and tell the devil kings, they swore to secrecy but they too were devastated by the news.

Issei was discharged and stayed with Azazel. He didn't want to go back to the others.

Azazel: how are you holding up?

Issei: okay so far.

Issei grabs a few beers and hands 2 to Azazel.

Azazel: thanks.

Issei: no prob.... hey do you have a training field here?

Azazel: nope, the best place is under your house but you want to train right now?

Issei: I don't have much time left so might as well make the best of it.

Azazel: Issei I know you're just saying that to distract yourself.

Issei: I..... want to live Azazel sensei. Before I didn't but now I do... I want to find her.

Azazel: what do you mean you didn't want to live before?

Issei: after what happened in the clubroom...I was trying to get drunk enough to wipe out my memory of that day..


Issei: I know I look like a coward right now but if it wasn't for you...I would be dead right now but at least I know how much time I have.

Azazel: fucking hell..... Wait we can recover your life force using Koneko's help like before.

Ddraig: Azazel....it was barely working in the first place.

Azazel: then let's use the bedroom arts.

Issei: I'm not doing that with Koneko and that's final. I'm not a scumbag who will use her for my benefit.

Azazel: look I get that but she'll be more than willing to do it.

Issei: I know but I can't bring myself to do it.

Azazel: we need to find that woman. She lived after turning into that thing then she can help. Give me her description.

Issei: she's my height, golden eyes, snow white tails, cream coloured soft skin, hair as black as obsidian, it reaches down to her lower back and three whisker marks on the cheeks.

Azazel: her face cheeks or butt cheeks? Hehehehe

Issei:....face and if you look at her butt then I'll enjoy telling everyone that you stopped me from loving boobs. The whole underworld will hate you for doing that to their beloved grabbin dragon.

Azazel: you're bluffing, right Ddraig?

Ddraig: Azazel...he's mostly serious.

Azazel: don't cockblock me Issei.

Issei: you can have any woman except for her. There's billions out there in the human world alone.

Azazel: good point.

Issei: perv. So I'm going to go regain my strength for the fight.

Azazel: I just remembered, I'll be in charge of commentary.

Issei: then I have a request.

Azazel: name it.

Issei: there's a song that would suit the fight.

Azazel: send the name oh and Issei.

Issei: yes?

Azazel: how will you explain your new appearance?

Issei looks in a mirror.

Issei: I'll just use some make up or something. Wow my hair got really long in 0.5 months. I need a new look.

Azazel: alright kid. You're welcome here anytime so just drop by.

Issei: sure Azazel sensei, I owe you big time.

Issei tried to create a teleportation circle and success, he made one and goes through, he arrives back in Kuoh and the first thing he does is go home. It's mid day and Thursday.

Issei: everyone is in class, mom and dad probably aren't home..... perfect.

He enters his home, goes to his room. Takes a bath, changes his clothes, grabs some of the cash he made and saw that his collection wasn't there.

Issei: they aren't even here and they piss me off. I can't have shit in this house. Grrrr.

He left a note saying.

Return my collection ASAP.


With that he left but not before using his magic to change his appearance.
It worked on his first try.

Issei: huh...neat. it's easier than I thought.

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