With souls, Paired

By farslimah

140K 12.1K 1.4K

COMPLETED✔️ ✔️ Prince Abdul Karim Tawfiq Abdul Malik. Future King of the UAE. His father made history loving... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70(Epilogue)

Chapter 32

1.3K 153 13
By farslimah

Remember me in your dua as always ❤️🤧
I've got a killer headache but I'm still going to do my best to give y'all a cool chapter.
Anyways enjoy.
Dedicated to Marinette6566 ❤️❤️

Unknown POV

La Yumkin Aikhtiraquh Prison(The Impenetrable)
Location: Unknown.

He hated being dragged. He had stayed out of everyone's way since he arrived because he didn't fancy dying here before his time. Where was here? It was a prison...no...hell. And there was no way out.

Where they surrounded by water or land? Where they in the middle of the air? Was the sun even around anymore? From the other inmates, it was. But he hadn't seen it since he arrived. He was seen as a big threat.

No one came here awake. This prison held the country's biggest threats so all measures were taken to ensure no one broke in and breaking out was out of the question.

But he was 80% sure they had used a ship during some part of the journey. Because during his induced sleep, he had felt sea sick.

So in conclusion, the prison was located offshore on probably a deserted island no one knew of.
Since he also refused to give out any information on anything he had been left to live without seeing the sun or the sky until he broke. But that wasn't going to happen. Too many things at stake to break.

But now, a couple of henchmen were dragging him to God knows where because God knows who wanted to see him.
He didn't come here to make friends. Especially someone in the same predicament as him. Or worse.

He thought not seeing the sun and sky was bad. But where they were going to...whoever was in there must have done something really bad.

They stopped when they got to a locked door. This place was like three stories below his floor. Such high security for one person. A guard came into his view.

"He has 5 minutes." He quipped.

"He's stupid for using his 5-year-make-a-wish to see another prisoner." He added.

One man by him grunted his annoyance and the other ignored the guard.

So the prison system wasn't that bad too. Every prisoner had a cell equipped with necessary stuff like a washroom and an eating area. Food was provided three times daily and it was actually good food. The prisoners who had been there for more than 20 years had said changes had come to the prison about a decade ago. And even though they were the biggest threats, they were treated humanely.

He didn't care. All he cared about was why someone would be stupid enough to use such a privilege to see him. That privilege was given to prisoners every five years. Each prisoner got to ask for one thing they wanted...as long as it was reasonable and could be provided in the walls of the prison.

Most people asked to call their family. Some sent letters. Others asked for special food. Others asked to see the sun. But whoever this mad man was, asked for him.
Well isn't that dumb.

The iron door finally opened up to them, then the iron bars rose up.

They came face to face with another door which opened after the guard scanned his eyes, voice and fingerprints. Before swiping his batch.

You would think you could kill one guard and escape? No. These systems could tell if the person was alive or dead. And if they were being held hostage, it would show in their voices as it shook. Technology.

The big iron gate finally opened and he was allowed to walk this time around. They walked for a while before using a small elevator down one floor. Okay so four stories down.

Did this person kill the whole country or something? They stepped out of the elevator and walked into a big open area. In the middle of it was a see through glass room. He could see someone lying on the bed but hadn't seen the person. The glass room had a metal door as it opening and before they could get 5 feet to it, it blared an alarm and out of nowhere automatically controlled guns were pointed at them from all corners.

"Don't move."
The guard warned.

Motion detector guns. They had to be.

Who on Earth was this guy? The guard swiped his card again and used his fingerprints as well.
The guns rolled back to where they came from.

They walked to the metal door and he punched in a code. It came wrong the first time and he hit his forehead. The second one he punched came right.

The access code was probably changed every 24 hours. Wow.

The metal door slid open and that caught the man's attention. He sat up.

They both looked at each other. He looked vaguely familiar. Not in the sense that they had met before because he hadn't met this pale man before. He was Arab but he could pass of as a sick white man now. The lack of sunlight had made his skin color pale, and even he felt sorry for him now.

"I asked for just him. Everyone out."

"You don't boss anyone here, again. You have no power remember that."

"You will regret!..." The man sighed and shook his head.

He put on a small smile.

"I'm sorry officer. I'd like to speak with this man alone though. My wish was to speak with him alone. So if you can grant that simple thing." The man cocked his head.

"Fine. If you try anything funny, you already know."

"I won't. I still remember last time. Got the scars to prove it. And besides, I can't swim." The man smiled wildly.

So they were surrounded by water.

The guard finally left the room with the other men without another word.

"Please, sit." The man offered.

"This is not the time to be a perfect host. You've got less than 5 minutes now. Why did you want to see me?" He wanted to get out of here.

"I had to see you. I had a feeling you'd be brought here. For such crimes as yours."

"And you know my crimes, how?"

"Well you weren't the mastermind I can tell. For all I know you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. Your parents weren't the most honest people around. Such a bright mind and all they used you for was for their own selfish needs."

"I don't know what you are going on about and I don't care. Just get to the point."

"I just wanted to see the man who would indirectly make my dreams a reality."

"Me? You look like someone who is staying here forever. How do you think I'm going to make any of your stupid dreams a reality."He scoffed.

"Oh not you. But because of you. So thank you in advance."

"For what?"

"It will be best if you don't know." He continued to smile.

"Can I ask a question?"

"For my savior? Yes go ahead." He shrugged.

"No one on the top decks knows you're down here. I think I'm the first person to know of your existence among all the inmates. Why are you in here? Why so much security? What did you do?" His gaze was sharp.

"That's not a question. You've asked multiple questions. But I will tell you this. I am still alive because of the people I tried to kill. Unfortunately they're going to regret that decision soon enough."


Third Person POV

Karim sat in the seat in the corner of the dark room. It was past midnight and from the text he just received, Zaira was almost home.

He saw her enter quietly through his phone. Maybe so as to not wake him up. But he hadn't slept yet.

She opened the door to her room and removed her shoes before switching on the lights.

"Oh my God! Karim!" Her eyes widened in shock as she held her chest from the scare he gave her.

He gave a small smile as he relaxed and placed his elbows on both knees.

"You scared me! What are you doing here?" Zaira asked wearily.

"I thought you wanted me in your room." Karim eyed her.

"Yes, but you were sitting there in the dark waiting for me. I got scared for a minute." She took cautious steps towards him.

Something wasn't right here. From the time she got into their neighborhood she could feel it. And the number of cars parked around just made her anxious at first but she let it go as anxiety.

"You love me?" Karim rested his head on one arm.

"What are you talking about?" Zaira chuckled nervously.

"It's a simple question. Do you love me?" Karim arched a brow.

"Karim it's late. Let's talk about this tomorrow okay?"

"Just answer my question. Do you or do you not love me?"

Zaira exhaled sharply and glared.
"Fine. I do. Now I want to sleep so please leave."

Karim chuckled.

"Do you actually love me? Or it's all just a playwright you made to get something from me?"

"What!? No!"

"No? You basically married me for a citizenship you claimed you needed with your whole heart and now you don't need it anymore because you've got me. Because suddenly I'm more important than your dream nationality?"


"Let me finish." He sat up straight.

Karim wasn't obviously going to tell her everything. He just needed to confuse her a little. Corner her with her own feelings. Make her think she had no where to run since he knew everything now. So she'd come clean. That was the plan.

"I began to wonder. What did she get from letting go of one thing for the other? It meant whatever you were gaining from the other thing was better. What are you planning to gain from me, Z?"

Karim rarely called her Z. It was a name he associated to the time before they got married. The time of Amira.

Zaira looked around the room. Trying to talk but Karim beat her to it.

"Or what are you planning to gain from my family?"

Her expression changed. There it was.

He got up and walked to her as he stepped behind her.

"So you plan on gaining something from my family too. This isn't a novel where you kill me and get the throne. If I die, someone else in line will take over. Probably Maruf. The Emirates isn't run like a fairy tale book. And I know you're smart enough to know that. So my question is what exactly do you want from us? Money?"

"No." Karim answered himself "You could have gotten the money already and disappeared. But you're here. It can't be it. Tell me what I'm missing." Karim whispered into her ears.

"I-I don't know what is going on here. I don't know what has gotten into you but what you're saying doesn't make any sense to me." She kept glancing around the room.

"But Karim, I need you to stop talking about crazy stuff like this in my room..."

Karim looked at her from behind and turned her to face him.

"Are you looking for that little thing at the corner over there?" Karim pointed exactly where the camera was.

Zaira held her breath.

"I see."

"Karim listen to me." She was whispering in a harsh tone. "Don't say another word."

"Why are you whispering in your own room?" Karim said into her ears.

"You don't know what they can do. If they know you know they'll come after you. Please. Stop."

There it was. Admittance.

"Thank you for that piece of information." Karim stepped aside and waved into the camera. "Hey guys, how are you today? Good I presume and I'm sure you probably know how I am today. So nice of you to always be checking up..."

"Karim! What the fuck are you doing?!" She stepped in front of him to block him from them.

Karim smiled.

"Now this is what confuses me. You actually did fall in love with me. But that's not part of this play, is it? Your call with Jafar just made me realize you've stepped out of line when you realized your feelings for me. I can't tell whose side you're on. You seem to want to see whatever it is through but you also don't want to because it seems to involve me. Isn't it? You put my family on the line only to save them in the end and put yourself at risk."

Zaira released a sharp breath. How did he know about all that...wait...
She glanced around the room and glared at him a second later.

"You're spying on me!?" She gritted out.
She inhaled and exhaled a second later.

"Now you've done it, Karim. How do you expect me to do anything to help you now? You've made yourself known to them. You've messed up my whole plan." She sighed.

"They'll come for you, Karim. And they'll come for Samia too. After all I'm doing to try and get you out of this situation, you're just getting yourself stuck in it. Listen, I'm on your side Karim but I'm also on my side. And just because of you, I've put everything at stake. Everything. And fuck it, I know I'd do it again if I have to. That's how I define my feelings. And I know I can't watch you suffer because of your fucking father's decisions..."

Karim stopped her when she mentioned his father.

"My father!? What has my father got to do with everything?" Karim grabbed her arm.

"Nothing." She breathed out.

Karim sighed.
"I know you're on my side, Zaira. But you're giving me more reason to think all you're doing is put up a facade. Get me to drop my guard. Get me to trust you. Get me to love you just like you do me. But with all these secrets you're keeping I'm not sure that will ever happen." Karim let go of her arm.

Zaira stared into his eyes. And Karim could see her trying hard to hold up her walls. But it didn't work.

She looked at the camera again. Hesitant to speak.

"It's in a loop. The video being transmitted is in a loop. You're currently asleep on your bed to whoever is watching." Karim explained.

"How did you..."

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me." Karim gave her an encouraging smile.

"Not everyone likes your father, Karim. But I guess that's old news. Not everyone can like everyone in the end. But I don't also fancy him. I have my grudges."

"But. Jafar and the people I work for have huge grudges against him."


"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

"I don't know why. All I know is we all do. But theirs seem big." Karim looked at her carefully.

She was telling the truth. She was in the dark as much as him.

"What do they plan on doing?" Karim asked.

Zaira chuckled.

"I may love you, Karim. But I don't worship you."

"You want to see this plan through." Karim stepped back from her.

"It will see it self through even if I'm not around."

"I thought you were 'indispensable'"Karim frowned.

"Everyone is dispensable in this line of work. That's why I need you to trust me." She stepped closer to him.

Karim crossed his hands over his chest.

"Trust you? Really?"

"No matter what you think, I'm going to make sure you're not harmed. I can't say that for the rest of your family."

His father had the best security in the world. Karim wasn't afraid of her words. As long as they were in the palace nothing could happen. He had faith in that.

"You're threatening my family?" Karim glared.

"I'm not. I'm trying to save you. Forget this life, Karim. Come with me. As long as you're with me and not in their way, they won't harm you. I promise you that." Zaira stretched out her hands for him to take.

Karim looked at her hands.
She wanted him to disappear with her. Runaway from everything. To keep him safe. Wasn't that a funny story to tell his mother. Everyone wanted to keep him safe by running away. But he continued to indulge her.

"What about Samia?"

"We'll take her with us. I have a few connections and money. We'll go somewhere far. Live off the money we have. Everything will be perfect."

Her eyes held a dreamy look. Did she think they lived in a story book?

Karim shook his head at her. This talk was over till he could get more information.

"I don't think so."
Karim continued.
"What we or maybe you, are going to do is stay in this room till you have something to tell me again." Karim smirked at her.

"What do you mean?" Zaira dropped her hands.

"Exactly what I said. I'm sure you noticed all those cars packed outside."

"What did you do?" Zaira muttered.

"Just made a few calls to Interpol, CIA, FBI, you know, they'd be happy to send you to a sandbox somewhere until you decide to speak about anything they don't already know."

Karim was bluffing. There were literally nobody there. The all black cars were hired to be driven and parked in his neighborhood to make the bluff look real. She had to believe it enough to be scared to stay in the house.

"What!? Karim! I'm going to kill you!" She tried to jump him but he was quick enough to dodge her attack and hold her in a locked.

She struggled to get free but Karim had been training too long for her to be able to escape him that easily.

"It's a simple thing. Just stay in your room or go to a sandbox somewhere no one knows of. I'd pick the former if I were you." Karim smiled.

"I don't want to hurt you, Zaira. I know you have your reasons for doing something like this and maybe when you're ready you can tell me why." Karim let her go and she glared daggers at him.

"Don't make any unnecessary calls to your Uncle Jafar oh I'm sorry just Jafar I guess. We are watching. And don't do anything to alarm your people. If you do, you'd be in the sandbox faster than they'll carry out your threats." Karim turned from her.

"You can't do this to me!?" Zaira growled.

"Your parents thought me how to play chess you know. As I grew I stopped fancying it. Because I could rarely beat them. Especially my mother." Karim stopped.

"And oh thank you for saving her and my siblings. I'll be forever grateful. I'll make sure you get a lighter sentence because of that.Maybe probation if you're good enough."

"But you made me understand the deeper meaning of chess from my mother. You don't give up because you don't know your opponent's plan."

"You draw your opponent out and beat them at their own game." Karim walked towards the door and could feel Zaira's sharp gaze on him.

He opened the door. But before he stepped out he turned to look into her eyes. It held pure anger but betrayal and sadness lurked behind all that anger.

She had really fallen in love with him.

No matter what the case was, no one's genuine feelings had to be used against them. It hurt people in ways they couldn't imagine.

I'm sorry.

Karim thought. But he wasn't going to tell her that. She was the enemy here.

And before he stepped out, he said his final words to her.

"I beat you at your own game."


Remember me in your dua🤧❤️
Anyways how did y'all find it?😴👀
Any thoughts?


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