Aurora [H.S AU]

By writhali

1.5M 39.5K 56.1K

[COMPLETED] "And as for owning you, princess" He pauses, hissing between his teeth. "When I decide you're min... More

Characters and Mood Boards
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 66

14.4K 434 278
By writhali

Somebody kill the lights
We doin' freaky shit tonight

Song: Teamwork, by Ludacris


2020, January 28th, Tuesday | 7pm

Aster's P.O.V.:

The last few weeks have been hard on us.

Harry is working like crazy, leaving right after lunch and sometimes arriving after the sun was up in the sky. Ever since we find out who EJ - I mean, at least his name and what my father has on him from 10 years ago - Harry has been trying to chase the guy nonstop, but so far we're still unsuccessful.

My days have been very empty and sometimes I feel so numb I don't even want to leave the bed. Calvin is worried I'm in some kind of depressive state, but I don't think it's the case - I'm just tired, exhausted of how messy my life has turned over the past months, and I still have no idea what to do with myself now. I think being in bed all day is more like a way of resting my body and mind, so I get ready to deal with everything, than an actual escape.

I've been watching a lot of Netflix and re-reading my favorite Stephen King books, cooking for both Harry and I and playing with Tate and Brie. They're already super at home in Harry's place, which is another reason why I can't even think of what am I going to do with my apartment. I should be looking for a new place to myself and trying to sell the penthouse, but even though that might sound like the logical thing to do, I still don't feel ready to sell it. I love that apartment with my whole heart, which only makes it harder to be fully aware I'll never be able to live there again.

It's too painful to not feel comfortable and safe in your own home.

My father has been trying to call me for weeks now - probably ever since he found out about my resignation. But I've been actively avoiding his calls or letting Harry answer them when he is with me, telling my father to fuck off. He even came to Harry's apartment twice, but I refused to let him in. He has no idea why am I avoiding him like this - he doesn't know I had access to those documents - so every time he contacts me, he sounds condescending, saying stuff like I'm just throwing a tantrum because he married Penny, and that's time for me to grow up.

All in all, it's better this way. It's not only that I don't want to see him, in fact. I can't see him because I don't trust myself to keep my mouth shut about everything I know.

Harry and I are still trying to figure out what we're going to do about everything, but so far we haven't reached a solution yet.

All things considered, it's safe to say the last few weeks haven't been kind to us. We're tired and frustrated, in desperate need of a distraction, a way to blow off some steam... Which brings us to tonight, funnily enough.

I'm about to go to the last place on Earth I thought I would be visiting again. At least not now that Harry and I are officially together, which only makes sense, considering ever since we started having sex, I completely lost interest on being part of a sex club.

So going to Pandemonium again wasn't in my plans. Like, at all. I was actually thinking about cancelling my membership.

What I wasn't expecting was for Harry to suggest we made a final visit before taking down the annual billing from my credit card.

It all started a couple of weeks ago, when Harry used a cock ring again and kept hard after fucking the soul out of my body and coming twice inside of me. He was exhausted and too sensitive, so I helped him with a prostate massage, which took him to the edge in record time. We took a shower and had dinner together afterwards, and he kept quiet almost the whole time. At first, I thought it was expected, having so much pleasure is good but can be exhaustive, but after a couple of hours he was still too lost in thoughts for me to ignore it.

"Is everything OK?" I asked, frowning, as we shared the big sink of his bathroom to brush our teeth. "You're awfully quiet tonight."

"Yeah, don't worry." He answered me swiftly, but kept his eyes purposefully away from mine, concentrating on filling his toothbrush with paste.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm Santa Claus." I rolled my eyes, putting down my own toothbrush to face him through the mirror. "I know you, Harry. What's up?"

Harry shrugged, shoving the toothbrush in his mouth to avoid answering me. I huffed, mimicking his actions but never leaving my eyes from his face - if he didn't want to tell me for good, I would definitely find a way to find out. I hate to pry into things and usually I'm good at respecting his privacy, but at that moment something was telling me whatever that was bugging him had to do with me.

Once we're done with our nightly hygiene routine, we went to bed, Harry still quiet. I asked again what happened, and he simply told me he was tired, and turned off the lights. For a moment, I decided to simply let it go, even though curiosity was eating me alive - especially because we usually talk a lot before actually turning off the lights and going to sleep, and in that night he simply turned them off and kept quiet.

I was almost drifting off to sleep when his raspy voice echoed in the room. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"To do what, exactly?" I turned to lay on my back, looking up to the dark ceiling.

"Prostate massage." He answered shortly, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, hm... Pandemonium, there was an... Experimentation night, and I was part of it, sometimes" I said with a whisper, not exactly feeling embarrassed, but knowing the subject would probably make him uncomfortable, Harry being the jealous guy he is. "Why?"

"How does that even work? Experimentation nights and... The other stuff you used to do there?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice, but it was laced with equal levels of jealousy and uneasiness.

"Harry, I... Why does it matter?"

"Are you still a member there?"

"Well, I am because I never cancelled my membership, but simply because it has been months I don't even think about Pandemonium. I'll cancel it tomorrow."

"Okay..." His voice trailed off and he stayed quiet again. For a moment, I really thought the subject was over, but then, his voice filled the silence again. "How was it? Going there? What do you use to do?"

I bit my bottom lip, desperately trying to think of a way to dodge his questions. Not because I was ashamed or thought what I did was wrong or something like that, after all I was single when I used to go there, but didn't want to hurt Harry - I know I would be super jealous and sad if it was the other way around, even if it doesn't make sense. Hell, I still have nightmares about Harry with Stephanie fucking on the conference room. But after a couple of silent minutes, I realized it would be better to simply tell him and just hope for the best, his questions were too straightforward for me to give him a half-assed answer and, in the end of the day, I want to be honest with him.

So I told him about the Experimentation Nights and also the nights I simply went there to find a partner for the moment. He was especially curious about ENs and how they work. I did my best to explain how they organized it, a tiny group of people who were previously selected to explore different kinds of giving and receiving stimulation. Usually it had a special thematic - like, squirt, for instance - and we, the members, would watch Pandemonium employees making a demonstration. Members could also volunteer to be touched by others, or to be the one touching.

Harry listened to it very attentively, laying on his side and holding me in his arms. I could tell it was turning him on - the pressure of his dick on the side of my thigh was more than enough proof - so I kept speaking. I told him about the time I volunteered to be the one laying on the bed and experimenting the new sensations, but for some reason I only wanted to be touched by women when it happened. Even though people at Pandemonium are super respectful and nothing there is done without consent, I always felt more comfortable having those kinds of experiences with women instead of men. Harry's chin fell slack open and that was the first time he actually cut me mid-sentence.

"Women?! Are you... Are you bi?" He babbled.

"Guess you can say that." I shrugged, really trying not to make a big deal out of it, simply because I don't feel like it is a big deal, at all. "I mean, I've never had actual relationships with women, but I like the way they feel... Don't know, never stopped to think about it or put a label. I just... Did what I feel like doing."

"Have you ever been with a woman? Like, sex-wise?" Harry sounded so haunted I had to use all my concentration not to laugh. He was beyond surprised and I was loving it.

"Yeah. Only at Pandemonium, though. Been with women and couples." I told him, turning on my side to face him and softly cupping his dick with my hand. "Bub, you're well aware you simply can't go to another round right now, right? 4 times in a row is not healthy." I giggled.

"Yeah, no, I know. I'm out of Harry Juice." He answered me almost absent-mindedly, completely lost in his own thoughts. "You said you're going to cancel your membership?"

"Mmm" I hummed in agreement, giving a bit of a squeeze to his cock before I pulled my hand away and used it to stroke the bare skin of his arm.

The few minutes of silence that followed could never have prepared me for the next question that fell from Harry's lips.

"Do you think we could... I mean... Go there once before you do it?"

I jolted on the bed, turning the nightstand lamp on and sitting to face him. "What?!"

He had a mischievous look on his face, a really, really dirty grin playing on his lips. "Come on, Honeybunny. I don't want, you know, other guys to touch you but seeing you with a woman? Hot as fuck!"

I frowned. "Kinda sexist, don't you think?"

"Hm... I never thought about that angle, but, I don't know, maybe? If you're not comfortable with the idea, s'okay, forget I'd ever mention..." His smile faded and a pink tinge flushed up his neck and to his cheeks.

"We can do it." I told him immediately, the idea of going to Pandemonium with him suddenly making me feel hot.

"Really?" He jumped on the bed too, sitting up straight with his eyes glowing so much he looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Really" I laughed, then bit my bottom lip. "But I think we should set some ground rules, you know? I mean... It's not something we are used to, and we're definitely not the most lay off couple in the world."

"Agreed." Harry nodded effusively, the excitement dripping from his pores. "No kissing other people on the lips. No fucking either, just... You know, touching. And only girls."

"Is that a night for us both to enjoy or only you fulfill one of your sexist fantasies of having a threesome with two girls?" I raised my eyebrows sternly.

"Hm, no, I mean... It thought you liked girls too?"

"Yeah, but I don't think it's fair you have all the fun. I mean, I don't know, Harry, maybe it's not a good idea. I can't conceive the idea of you touching another woman." I started to feel too insecure to go on with the idea.

"What if I just watch?" He tried to make amends.

"What's the fun in that?"

"Oh, believe me dear, I will have fun. Especially because you can touch me. While she touches you." He sucked his bottom lip inside of his mouth, pupils getting larger. "Or I can touch you while you touch her."

My interest peaked again.

"Aren't you afraid I could want to trade you for a girl?" I teased him, cocking my eyebrows.

"Oh, dear..." He used the back of his finger to trail down the skin of my arm, raising goosebumps on his wake and hardening my nipples instantly. "Trust me, I can fuck you straight right after. Your cunt was made for me."

I couldn't even pretend I wasn't extremely turned on by the idea of pleasuring Harry while he watched another woman touching me. It wasn't something I ever imagined I needed until he planted the idea in my mind. And then it was all I could think about for two whole weeks.

Until this night.

So yeah, I guess you could say it, tonight is going to be a wild one.


It doesn't matter how much time I spend without coming here, seeing the blue, pink and purple lights will always raise goosebumps on my skin.

But I don't think I'd ever felt so thrilled for being here as I am tonight. Not even the first time I came across this place.

I look up to Harry, who is standing by my side and holding my waist for dear life. He was super nervous when we left home and kept quiet the whole drive here. I tried to give him space, trusting he would call it off if he realizes he actually can't do it.

However, his whole demeanor changed the moment we stepped into the club, a smirk tugging the corner of his lips up, his eyes hungry and definitely ready. I won't even try to lie, just the idea of coming here with him made me wet even before we left his apartment.

Even though Harry is not a member, he knows the owner, as well as the security guys, because he's their hallucinogens supplier, so it wasn't hard to get him inside. In fact, the security guy was even a bit afraid of Harry, and when I asked him why, he just shrugged and said he must know how I do business, quizzically.

If today was any other day, I would definitely press him further to explain to me what the hell is that supposed to mean, but honestly, I couldn't care less tonight.

Tonight, I'm focused on a whole different matter.

I'm still not entirely sure of how Harry will react when he actually sees me with another woman. He is such a jealous guy, it's hard to believe he won't get a bit awkward about it, even if it's some kind of fantasy - I've come to learn that sometimes, our fantasies are way better in theory than actually being put into action. To be completely honest, even though I'm way more sexually open than him, I'm still not sure of how I will feel about another woman seeing him naked, or if I'll want to rip his head off when he lays his eyes on her body instead of mine.

Simultaneously, the idea of putting on a show for him also thrills me to a point I can't even explain. Knowing it doesn't matter how much he looks or even touches another woman, I'll be the one in control, and when it all ends, he will be going home with me. He will take a long, relaxing shower with me and kiss my lips before we drift off to sleep, together in his bed, bodies enlaced, hearts almost hurting from how much love we have for each other.

"So... How does this work?" Harry whispers on my ear, brushing his lips on the earlobe seductively.

"Let's go get a drink." I look up at him, smiling and grabbing his hand as I take the lead and walk us to the bar at the corner of a dance floor.

Harry follows me close, watching as I lean over the balcony with a smile, waiting for the bartender to look at me. When he does, he comes with a smile.

"It's been a while!" He greets me and Harry immediately gets tense by my side. "The usual?" His eyes go down to my cleavage for a split moment before he looks back to my face.

"Yeah, and a--"

"Whiskey, neat." Harry cuts me mid-sentence, possessively wrapping his arms around me and glaring at the bartender "Top shelf."

The bartender nods, throwing me a confused look before walking away to prepare Harry's drink and grab my cold beer. I turn to Harry, frowning.

"How do you expect to... You know, share me if you can't even deal with a bartender looking at my boobs?" I ask him bluntly.

"It's different." He shrugs, pulling me closer to him.

"How's that diff--"

Harry shuts me up by smashing his lips against mine, one hand firmly grabbing my waist, the other going straight to my breast and squeezing it tightly, his thumb massaging my nipple over the dark fabric of my dress. I gasp with surprise, and he dips his tongue in my mouth, sucking my tongue and giving me a full mind-blowing kiss, simultaneously rolling his hips against my belly, so I can feel how hard he already is.

I moan, my hands going up, so I can hold his face and kiss him back just as fiercely, and by the time he breaks from it, my mind is foggy, and whatever complaint I was about to make is completely gone.

"You were sayin'?" He asks, smugly, knowing damn well the effect he has on me.

"Oh, shut up." I roll my eyes, turning the attention to the bartender who is back with our drinks, completely unfazed by Harry's dominance display. I mean, he is a bartender of a sex club, I'm pretty sure this was the most vanilla, trivial day he has ever seen here.

We cheer with our drinks, taking big sips and turning to the dance floor at the same time, our eyes scanning the place in search of our... Third party. It's funny to see how excited about this Harry is, and it makes me even hornier, to think I'll be the one giving him what he wants. He has his drink in one hand, while his other arm is over my shoulders, keeping me as close as possible - and I know that even though this was his idea and tonight is probably some kind of fantasy fulfillment for him, he still has somewhat of a reservation about it.

It's funny that, although Harry is the one who was always mocking me about being uptight and saying he would fuck me just to help me relax, he ended up being the vanilla one in our relationship. I mean, not vanilla vanilla, considering he loves rough sex as much as I do and it's definitely the best sex I've ever had, but when we compare our experiences, sex-wise at least, I'm way dirtier and kinkier than him.

My eyes fall over a blonde girl in the middle of the dance floor. She's dancing alone, moving her hips seductively and looking around, the same way I used to do when I was searching for a couple to have fun with. She looks older than me, probably around her 30s, and is pretty as fuck, short tomboy hair and a killer body, less curvy than mine but definitely skinnier, her toned arms showing she works out. She has big tattoos all over her skin, and for some reason it immediately makes me want her.

Maybe dating Harry gave me a new tattoo kink.

Getting to the tip of my toes, I go to Harry's ear, softly indicating the woman with my head and whispering. "Her. What do you think?"

His eyes don't even leave my face as he squeezes my shoulders, and he smirks, looking down at me. "Totally up to you, babe. Whatever and whoever you want, I'm in."

My chest bursts with excitement and love for this gorgeous, incredible man I'm lucky enough to call mine, and I smile, placing a soft kiss on his cheek before untangling myself from his arms and tossing back the remainder of my beer. "Wait here." I tell him, walking away from him and going to the dance floor.

As I get closer, her eyes dart for mine, and she smiles, giving me a quick once over. I smile back, and when I'm close enough, I lick my lips slowly, going to whisper a simple hi on her ear. Her hand immediately goes to the curve of my hip, and she gives me a bit of a squeeze.

"Hello, you." She answers me, her eyes now scanning my face and apparently liking what they see, because her smile grows bigger.

"Are you alone?" I cut to the chase - I've never had much patience to the whole getting to know each other or whatever generic conversation you're supposed to have before fucking someone. That's why I always loved this sex club so much.

"Yeah. You?" She looks over my shoulder, as if searching for my hypothetical company.

"I'm with my boyfriend. We're looking for some company tonight." Again, straight to the point. "Is it your kind of thing?"

She bites her bottom lip, throwing me a lustful gaze before getting closer, her lips almost brushing on mine before she darts her face to my neck and whispers on my ear. "I'm more into gorgeous girls like yourself, but... I'm open to try something different tonight."

Oh, she definitely will want to try something new when she sees how fucking gorgeous Harry is.

Delicately brushing the blonde bangs away from her pretty face, I smirk. "What's your name?"

"You can call me Baby." She winks, her eyes still scanning all over my face and body. I'm wearing a really tight and short black dress with the highest heels I own, so I don't blame her.

"I'm Aster. His name is Harry." I tell her, not feeling like I need to give her a fake name, even though she did it. I understand, sometimes I used to give fake names too, but I don't think I'll be able to be fucked by Harry and don't scream his name, so it would be useless. "Come with me." I grab her hand, pulling her softly, so she starts walking by my side.

We walk back to where Harry is standing, pure excitement adorning his face. His eyes jump from me to the girl, giving her a discreet once over before he looks back at me and smirks, raising one hand to push his hair back - something he does a lot when he is excited, nervous or angry. Baby squeezes my hand softly as her eyes fall on Harry, a slow, satisfied smile, curling her lips up.

"That's an exception I can make."

Smiling, I grab Harry's hand as well, pulling him a little closer to Baby and I. He comes easily, his lips searching for mine on a quick, open-mouthed kiss before turning his attention to the both of us.

"Harry, this is Baby." I tell him, and he smiles, going to her palm with his free hand and pulling it to his lips with a charming little smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, Baby." He smirks with his ravishing manners that never fail to impress me. Even under the dim nightclub lights, I see Baby's cheeks changing the tone, but she simply nods to him for a second before turning her attention back to me.

"We have a room upstairs." I inform Baby, just to make sure she's actually into what we're proposing her. I don't want to waste any time with someone who's gonna bail in the middle of the fun. However, she doesn't disappoint me by nodding eagerly with a naughty smile playing on her lips.

Harry leads the way, crossing the dance floor and going straight to the stairs leading to the restricted area on the second floor. We've booked one beforehand, so once the big security guy cleans our entrances, we go up quickly, not taking long to find our way to the room 16. However, as I unlock the door, Harry lets go of my hand, going to Baby's shoulder instead and throwing me a puzzled look.

"Bunny, do you mind if Baby and I have a quick convo?"

I frown. This wasn't on our plans, and I was definitely not expecting for Harry to be alone with our third party. His expression is super relaxed and Baby looks curious as fuck, so I find myself nodding and entering the room alone.

I mean, I trust Harry, with all my heart. We wouldn't come here if I didn't, as strange as it might sound. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see what is going to happen.

The room is exactly as I remembered it to be - spacious, meticulously clean and super posh. It has a king-sized bed sitting in the middle, a large couch at the right corner and a little balcony at the left, with a mini-fridge that's filled with drinks and water. Going straight to it, I dig a bottle of tequila from the inside, filling three shot glasses and drinking two of them before refilling them.

My hands are slightly shaky, and even though I've done this before, I don't think I'd ever been so nervous like I'm right now. It doesn't matter how many times I did it, I was always the third party, so it never involved anyone who I was in love with. It's a little frightening, not knowing exactly what's going to happen and Harry will act. What if Baby gets all over him and I get jealous? I don't think it's going to happen, but... What if it does?

Harry and I agreed on a safe word before coming here, tacos. His idea, of course. We agreed we would use it if things get too much. I'm really hoping it doesn't use it, though, but it soothes me to know we're on the same page.

I mean, I think we're on the same page, considering I'm not being part of whatever conversation is happening out there.

I'm so lost in my own head that I don't hear the door being opened, then closed. As I'm taking a big sip out of the tequila bottle, two pairs of hands lands on my body - Harry's strong, ring-clad going to my hair and left hip, Baby's delicate, tattooed ones going to my ass and belly, two different set of lips going to each side of my neck and sucking my skin.

Oh, my.

It's happening. 


A/N: I did a pool thing asking which book I should update first - Aurora or Salvia, and opinions were so divided I decided updating both of them with shorter chapters. I'm already working on next ones so buckle up! 

And if you never read Salvia, it's another book I'm currently writing, and I'm really excited about it! 

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