Life Will Happen

By Dara_Uchiha

89.8K 1.7K 147

Just another Jersey Shore Fanfic πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ More

Arriving to the Shore
Chapter 2: First Night Out
Chapter 3: Tommy Visits
Chapter Four: A Mistake?
Chapter Five: Flirting
Chapter Six: It Wouldn't Hurt
Chapter Seven: Home
Chapter Eight: It's Miami B*tch
Chapter Nine: Pouty Pauly
Chapter Ten: Beginning Again
Chapter Eleven: Work Work Work
Chapter Twelve: Dirty Pad
Chapter Thirteen: Deena
Chapter Fourteen: Mine
Chapter Fifteen: Acceptance
Chapter Sixteen: Free Snickers
Chapter Seventeen: Moving In
Chapter Eighteen: Italia
Chapter Nineteen: Not Your Friend
Chapter Twenty: Pizza
Chapter Twenty-One: Encourgament
Chapter Twenty-two: Crime
Chapter Twenty-Three: Divided House
Chapter Twenty-Four: F.P.C
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Italian Shore
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Wine Tour
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Icy Situation
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ciao Italia
Chapter Thirty: Hurricane Season
Finale Chapter!

Chapter Twenty-Six: Familia

1.8K 47 12
By Dara_Uchiha

     "Raven." Pauly rushed in. "Snooki and Deena were in an accident."

     "Fuck." Raven said. "Let me put on my shoes."

      "Miss. De Angelo." The officer said. "Lei deve pagare molte multe." (She's having to pay a lot of fines.) Raven sighed. "Inoltre, non le e più permesso guidare in Italia." (Also, she is not allowed to drive anymore in Italy.)

       "Immaginavo." (I figure.) Raven muttered.

       The next day, Raven was up early, when the doorbell started going off. Vinny ran into the room and opened the door. They both rushed downstairs and saw Michele and Cole. "Papa!" Raven flung herself into her father's arms, while Vinny and Cole shared a sweet kiss. 

        "Mi bell." Michele said, kissing Raven's forehead. "Everyone will be here soon."

       "Let's take them up." Vinny said, wiping his eyes from tearing up. "I missed you so much, babe."

       Cole smiled brightly at him. "I missed you more." Cole kissed him again.


        Snooki was running in and out of her room with different outfits on. "Jionni needs to hurry up." Snooki yelled. Two hours later, Jionni shows up. 

        "Lo indosserà davvero?" (Is she really going to wear that?) Cole asked.     

        Raven shrugged. "Probabilmente." (Probably.) Raven said. "Non il mio problema." (Not my problem.)

        Pauly was buttoning up his white button down, short sleeve shirt. "What are you getting all dressed up for?" Deena asked.

        "Raven's family is coming here." Pauly said. "So, they are pretty much an old school family."

       "I forgot about that." Deena screamed. 

       "Ciao." Raven smiled at her family walking through the doors. "Nana, nano."

      "Raven." Nana Rosa De Angelo smiled at her only granddaughter. "Come stai, mia cara?" (How are you, my dear?)

      "Sto molto bene, nonna." (I'm very well, grandmother.) Raven hugged her. "Solo una ragazza che non mi rispette." (Just some girl disrespecting me.)

       Rosa looked at her granddaughter. "Come fa a mancarti di rispetto?" (How is she disrespecting you?) Rosa asked, putting a hand on Raven's shoulder. "Devi solo batterle il culo comefacevo prima." (All you need to do is beat her ass like I used to do back in the day.)

       "Madre, non dirle ech." (Mother please don't tell her that.) Michele said. 

      Pauly walked into the room and family hugged him and he welcomed them here. "How is everyone doing?" Pauly asked.

     "Good." Papa Mario De Angelo smiled at him. "How are things in America?"

      "Same old, same old." Pauly said.

      Sammi looked at Raven impressed with Pauly. "If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that Pauly was engaged to you at birth." Raven smiled at Sammi. 

      "Nana, papa." Raven said. "This is Samantha. She's one of my closest friends."

      "Hello, mia cara." Mario smiled. "Thank you for taking our handful of a granddaughter as a friend. It probably wasn't easy."

       Sammi giggled. "Raven is wonderful."

        Deena sneered at one of Raven's nieces, who is five. "Zia." (Aunt.) Gretta, the five year old said. "Quella donna continua a guardarmi." (That woman keeps looking at me.)

       "Vuoi che me ne occupi io?" (Do you wish for me to take care of it?) Raven asked. Gretta nodded. "Deena, Gretta is telling me that you are scaring her with the glare."

       "Don't fucking tell me what to do." Deena snapped. 

       "All I'm doing is asking you to stop being creepy with the five year old." Raven said standing up. "That's all."

      Next thing anyone knows, Raven was being smacked. "You always think that you are better than me!" Deena exclaimed. Pauly was seething, along with Sammi, who both couldn't believe that Deena would do that.

     Raven was in shock and then, she started laughing. Her cousins and her one aunt knew what that meant and she got the children out of the room. "Deena, Deena, Deena." Raven tsked. "I don't think I'm better than you." Raven admitted. "I know I am." Deena glared harder. When she went to slap Raven again, Raven punched Deena in the stomach. "You never hit a girl in the face. Mama told me that one." 

       Before the fight could escalate any further, Michele grabbed his daughter and Ronnie grabbed Deena. "At least my mother isn't dead!" Deena yelled.

       Raven froze and her face finally betrayed her. "How fucking dare you!?" Pauly yelled, shocking Deena. "You better fucking be glad that you are a female because if you weren't I would have killed you. You never speak on someone's lost loved ones and certainly never a girl's mom. Raven will always be more of a woman than you and she will always be my woman. You could never amount up to anything that she is."

       Michele held his daughter as she started sobbing in his arms. "Va bene, mia cara." (It is okay, my dear.) Michele said soothingly to her. "Cosa vuoi fare?" (What do you want to do?)

       Vinny walked over to her and hugged Raven. "I'm so sorry she said." He whispered. "Just know that Cole and I love you. Along with Pauly and Sammi."

       "Voglio andare a casa." (I want to go home.) Raven said. 

      "Well, fuck." Pauly said. "I was going to wait to do this later tonight, but I guess now, this will possibly keep my girl here." Raven looked at him slightly confused and gasped when he pulled out a ring box. "Raven De Angelo." He started getting down on one knee. "When we first meet in the Shore House all those years ago, I told you that I would be your future husband and here I am hoping with everything going on, that you would make that true. I love you with everything that I have and I never want to lose that. So, will you do the honor of becoming a DelVecchio?" 

        Raven tackled him to the ground kissing his face as everyone around them cheered. "Of course." Raven said. "But, crappy timing." She smiled at him.

        "It's never bad timing to put a smile on your gorgeous face." Pauly said, opening the ring box to reveal her mother's ring inside. "Your father gave it to Angelo when he went to America. I was going to buy you one, but, when Michele told me how much this ring meant to you, I knew it was perfect."

         "I love you, Paul."

         "I love you, Raven."

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