A Not So Perfect Love Story (...

By extreme_simmy

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The story is about a typical average girl, Y/n, living in the United States with her best friend, Ryujin. She... More

"Perfect Life"
No Means No
What is happening?
In Shock
Who are you?
Save me
Photo Shoot
I love you
Concert Practice
Amusement Park
Truth or Dare
Traveling to Japan
Tokyo Disneyland
Eiffel Tower
Times Square
Photo Gallery
Two sides
Disneyland California
A mess
I am here for you
It's over
Make me smile
Happy birthday love!
Take care of me
Trip pt. 1
Cherry blossom pt. 2
Restart of a friendship
I'm sorry
Goodbye forever (End)
Special Chapter


294 23 11
By extreme_simmy

The next day~


I am upset that I won't be working with Twice anymore. I want the tour to last forever so that I don't have to leave my job. But I really want to go home to fix things with Ryujin. I hope to be able to talk to her when I arrive back home.

I still dread going back to University... I'll admit it may be more helpful for me to graduate but I was making a good amount of money from being Twice's photographer. I was also super happy working with Twice.

I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling until I saw Dahyun's head in front of me.

"Hey Y/N! Wake up! We have to go back home soon." I smiled at her faintly as she tried to pull me out of bed.

"Dahyun I don't want to go back home yet... Everything in my life doesn't seem to be going the way I wanted it to." I sighed as I looked down.

"Y/N... I know you are still upset over Ryujin and that you have to go back to University but just know that even if we are not going to be working together anymore, just know that I will be here to support you no matter what." She smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"Thanks I really appreciate it!" She has always been so kind with her words, she really makes me feel reassured that everything will be okay even if life has its rocky moments.

After getting my luggage packed up I waited for everyone in the lobby. After we were all ready we drove to LAX. After boarding the plane I looked one last look around and thought to myself, "It truly is beautiful here. I hope to move back in the future."

When we arrived I called Ryujin hoping that she would pick me up and that we would be able to sort things out but as I tried calling her she didn't pick up her phone.

I sighed and Jihyo walked over to me, "Hey Y/N do you need a ride home?"

"Yes I do! Thanks for asking" I smiled faintly. I felt hurt inside but I don't want to show them.

"No problem!" We walked to the car as I was silent the whole car ride. Luckily no one noticed because during the whole car ride everyone was chaotic and loud.

When we arrived at my house I got out of the car to get my luggage. At the moment I walked away forgetting to say goodbye then suddenly Dahyun called out my name.

"Hey Y/N! Stop!" She says as I turned around to see her.

"I am going to miss you so much" She ran to me and hugged me as she started tearing up. I hugged her back.

"Hey don't start crying its okay I can still visit you sometime." I patted her back.

"I know but everyday just won't be the same without you." Her words made me feel sad but happy.

"Trust me it'll be okay... You have my phone number so you can call me anytime you want even if you are bored, I will be there for you." I pulled her away and smiled at her.

"Thank you so much Y/N, I really appreciate that you are in my life. I don't know what I would have done without you."

"No problem but I think your members are exhausted, I think you guys should go home and rest." I told her.

"You're right. Bye Y/N I will really miss you." She let go of me and walked away as she slowly walked back to the van.

I waved at her as the van left and then I carried my luggage inside. I was hoping Ryujin was home so I can talk to her but when I walked around I found out she wasn't here. I laid my luggage down and decided to call Ryujin.

"Please answer me" I sighed. After a few minutes she finally picked up.

Ryujin: Y/N what do you want?

Y/N: I just arrived back to Korea today.

Y/N: We need to talk...

Ryujin: Fine... Let's meet up at xxx park at 8:30 pm...

Y/N: Okay...

After that she suddenly hung up on me and then I sat back down on my couch as I sighed. I looked at the ceiling thinking for sometime before standing up again.

Once I stood up I walked around and noticed that her stuff wasn't in her room anymore. I saw that she left a letter so I walked up to it. The note said "Hi Y/N. By the time you are seeing this you are probably back from your trip. I want to let you know that I am moving in the dorms with my members. I hope you understand. -Ryujin"

For some odd reason I had a bad feeling about where my relationship with Ryujin is going. Yet I still somehow tried to keep hope that our relationship wasn't going to fail through and that we will be able to work out our problems.

Once it was time I drove to the place Ryujin told me to meet her at. I parked and saw Ryujin standing outside waiting for me. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder as she turned around.

Ryujin seemed oddly distant from me. When she saw me she backed away a bit.

"Hey" I said to her as I felt this awkward tension between us.

"Hey Y/N..." She looked down as I noticed she was trying to avoid looking at me.

"What has been going on?" I tried to get an answer from her.

"A lot." She said. But really only one word? No explanation?

There was silence for a few moments as I was not sure of what to say and it seemed that Ryujin wasn't sure either. Then suddenly Ryujin spoke once again.

"Y/N..." She looked at me as I was starting to get scared.

"I don't think this is going to work out..." She said to me which left me shocked.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I was really hoping she wasn't going to say what I thought she was going to say.

"I-I don't think WE were meant for each other..." Once she said these words my heart instantly sank as I felt my eyes were starting to tear up.

"B-But... Ryujin... What about all of those years we spent together?" I clenched my fist. She was the one person who I wanted to be with and to hug and hold but right now it doesn't seem like this will happen.

"Most of them were just as bestfriends... I will be honest Y/N... I think we should've just stayed as friends in the first place." Every word she says is shattering my heart more and more.

"I don't get it... Ryujin... Please you don't have to do this... I- I love you Ryujin. What went wrong in our relationship..." I couldn't hold back my tears anymore as I felt tears running down my cheek.

"I believe we are both in fault" But happened? Why can't she explain to me...

"Please explain to me Ryujin of how we are both at fault? What happened while I was on tour with Twice" She is looking at me with a serious face and I must look like a fool to her because I am crying.

"Y/N... I know you have feelings for Dahyun..." She looked away as I saw her frowning. I looked at her shocked.

"I see it in the way you look at her. Your smile and the way you speak to her. You look so happy whenever you are with her. I think the one you love is her and not me." So this is why? This has been the reason why she has been acting this way?

"Ryujin! You are wrong! I love you Ryujin!" I just wanted to scream and cry in frustration.

"But I have a reason as to why it is my fault. It's also the reason why I wanted to break up with you... I- I have feelings for someone in my group... her name is Lia." What did she say???!

"D-Did this happen when I was traveling for the tour?" She nodded.

"She comforted me as she was there for me whenever I was stressed and upset over you." I messed up didn't I?

"I'm sorry Y/N. It's over now. I hope you have a good life." I couldn't bare to lose my gf and my bestfriend. I can't live without her.

She turned around and walked away as I grabbed her by the waist from behind and hugged her while crying. "Ryujin... Please give me another chance to prove it to you that we were meant to be. I will try harder and better this time just please give me a chance." My voice started shaking.

"I can't do that anymore Y/N." She removed my arms and continued to walk away.

"Did our memories together not matter to you then?!" I screamed out loud to her. She stopped and turned around to look at me.

"They do matter, these memories we made together will never leave my mind. But I don't think we can continue this relationship if we have interest in other people. In the end we are only going to hurt each other. I am sorry Y/N."

"You know what. Fine! I hope you live well with your new girlfriend. I hope to never see you again." As tears started flowing again I grabbed my necklace and ripped it off. Then out of frustration I threw it in front of her and walked away crying without saying another word to her.

I went back to my car and drove to the nearby convenience store. I bought some alcohol and then rove to a park as I sat on the bench. I looked at the view as I started drinking.

I could feel that I am about to get drunk since my head was hurting and I was getting dizzy but I could care less. I felt so hurt and upset that all I wanted to do was numb my pain. As I was drunk I saw a figure come closer. Was it Irene?


Third person POV~

Irene was taking a stroll around the park as she spotted someone drinking. She walked closer and noticed it was Y/N. Then suddenly Y/N looked at Irene.

"Hi Irene!" Y/N screamed out loud to Irene.

"Y/N? Are you drunk?" She sat next to Y/N.

"Yeeep" Y/N couldn't form her words correctly.

"You shouldn't drink alone Y/N." Irene said to Y/N.

"It really was needed" Y/N sighed.

"Should I call Ryujin to pick you up?" Irene asked Y/N.

"NO! DONT! I am never talking to her again!" Y/N shouted at Irene as Irene became startled.

"Why what happened?" Irene said with a confused face.

"She broke up with me" Y/N said as she started crying.

"She likes someone else and she keeps saying that I have interest in someone else" Y/N said which made Irene shocked.

"Sorry Y/N... I hope it's for the best though. Maybe she was right." Irene said as she tried to comfort Y/N.

"I still love her... I love her as my bestfriend and now my ex girlfriend" Y/N felt stressed out as she felt so out of control of her life.

"I believe for now it's best for you to recover from everything. If you guys are just truly meant to be bestfriends then everything may slowly go back to normal." Irene said to Y/N.

"I don't know Irene I feel so lost.. I have to quit working at JYP... I lost Ryujin and I have to go back to University. I don't feel happy..." Y/N said as she was about to drink again.

"Y/N. I think you should go home and rest. I can take you home." Irene grabbed the drink from Y/N's hand as Y/N tried to reach for it but gave up.

Irene took Y/N to the car and drove her to Y/N's house. As soon as they got to Y/N's home, Irene helped Y/N get to the couch as she fell asleep. Irene walked away and went home.

A/N: Im so sorry! I haven't been updating for the past 4 weeks. I have been very busy with school work. I am trying to update more but as of for right now it might be slow. I hope you will all understand!

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It had quite a lot of drama! Also stay safe everyone! I love and appreciate you all!

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