ADDICTED(ft Aidan Gallagher)

By NadeneTheunissen3

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One week later after y/n got suspended she finds out that 17 year old celebrity,Aidan Gallagher transferred t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
new story

chapter 21

1.6K 49 5
By NadeneTheunissen3

Everyone then looked at Aidan and i was struggling to hold in my laugh.
"Aidan,is everything okay?" Lauren asked. "Yes..o-of course mom." Aidan quickly replied. Eventually it was 8:30pm and my mom and Aidan's parents were surprisingly getting alone extremely well. They had an ice cream dessert in the back yard by the pool and me Aidan were sitting on the couch busy cuddling and watching cartoons. It wasn't our choice to watch cartoons,Stacy wanted to watch it but she fell asleep on the other couch 10 minutes after watching her cartoons.
Aidan and i had a blanket over us and i snuggling against his chest and he rested his chin on my head,it was so nice and comfortable,i never wanted this moment to end. Aidan then lifted up his chin and looked at me,i looked back at him and it looked liked he was about to say something. "Hey y/n..." Aidan stuttered. "Yeah Aidan?" I replied. "C-can we make it official?" He asked. I gave a confused looked and sat up straight."Were we not official?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes of course,i mean make it official on social media,like let everyone know that we're dating?"
I actually forgot about Aidan being a famous celebrity,sometimes that just really slips my mind.
"Ohh,yes of course." I said. "Are you sure?" Aidan asked looking concerned. "Of course im sure,i mean i know that im going to get some mean comments and some girls are going to hate me and threaten me and all those kind of shit but i dont's nothing i can't handle. I stated very confidently. "And you're going to become more famous,you're going to have to go to parties with me and interview's....." Aidan said which caused me to give out a big sigh." Ughhh!!! That is a lot of work!!" I dragged out my words. "But it's okay,because i want to let all the girls know that if they dont back away from my  boyfriend then.i." I said with a smirk on my face while coming more and more closer to Aidan's face,he was sitting up and i was practically on his lap. Aidan's eyes were widened and his face was extremely red. He placed his hand at the back of my neck and brought me even more closer to him,he then whispered in my ear,"Ya know,it's a real turn on when you get all sassy." I felt Aidan's breathing down my neck which gave me chills down the spine,i felt how my face was burning up,so i knew that my face had turned red.
I was still sitting on Aidan's lap and stared deep into his green eyes,i would honestly stare into his eyes forever. My eyes made it's way down his lips and i smiled,before i could lean in to kiss him,he already placed his lips onto mine and started kissing me. Without a thought i quickly kissed back and came more closer to him and wrapped my legs around his torso,he gripped his hands on my waist and i held my hands  around his neck as we continued kissing.
We both then heard the talking of our parents becoming louder,they were coming back inside. I quickly jumped off Aidan and sat on the other side of the couch. My mom and Aidan's parents where then also in the living room with us. "Come on Aidan,you're parents are about to lea-" My mom cutt herself off and looked at the TV. "Are you two...watching cartoons?" My mom asked. "YEP!" Me and Aidan both quickly replied. "Okayy." My mom said and gave us both a suspicious  look. Before they were about to leave Aidan quickly took out his phone and took a cute selfie of me and him. "And what's this for?" I asked and chuckled. "Im going to post it on Instagram and let everyone know about about my new,amazing girlfriend." Aidan replied and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Aidan and his parents then left,i locked the door and my mom was busy carring Stacy upstairs to her room. I went to my room,put on my pajamas and layed in my bed,i checked my phone one last before going to sleep. I went in Instagram and saw that Aidan had posted the selfie of me and him. (Im not going to add a picture or comments because it seems like a lot of work and im lazy.)
It already got 27 495 likes and he just posted it about 10 minutes ago. I obviously liked the photo and i decided to look at the comments. There where some comments like," Omg she's so pretty!" "I really hope they work out,their so cute." There were also comments like," Aidan's my man,what's she doing with him?" "Eww she's so ugly lol." "Aidan could of done better than her." There were even comments like,"I know her,she's an addict and an alcoholic!" "Isn't she the girl that punched a teacher?" "She also got into a fight at a night club." I immediately switched my phone off and tryed my best to sleep,eventually i finally dosed off.

*Time skip*

It's been a few weeks now and it's finally summer vacation!! Nothing much really happened this past few weeks,I've been sober for the quarter of the year...congratulations to me!! Im still dating Aidan and our relationship is still going strong and I've gotten a lot more famous since I've been with him. Josie has been going on most of my date's with Aidan since she don't have many friends...which is kind of ironic  because she's quite popular,but she's also very distant with everyone else except when she needs something to gossip about. So she's just fake with a lot of people. Me and my mom are actually getting along very well,so i guess life has been pretty good with me since i stopped being a junkie. Not to mention I've become so much more beautiful these days,guess all this happiness in my life made me have a major glow up.
But i actually's all because of Jordan that im so happy,i mean i have a wonderful boyfriend and bestfriend. Im even getting close with my mother,i don't think any of this would have been possible if I was still drinking alcohol and using drugs,i should actually go and thank him,since the last time we talked didn't go so well.

It was exactly 11:00 am so i showered,brushed my teeth and dressed. This is what i put on

I went downstairs,greeted my mom and Stacy and made myself some toast. I told my mom that im going to meet an old friend. While eating,i was texting Jordan.

Hey Jordan.

Hey y/n? This is a suprise.

I wanted to know if we could meet up?

Sure. But where?


Sure. But why so out of the blue?

I just...I'll explain when i see you.

Okay then. See you at Starbucks in like...half an hour?

Sure. See you there!

I shoved my phone in my pocket,took my small bag and got into my car. As soon as i started the car i heard a knock on my window. I looked out and saw Stacy looking through my window. "What?" I said annoyed. "I wanna come with." She said in a fake sad tone. "Nooo you can't come wi-" I looked out the window and saw my mom standing by the door,she kept her hands pressed together practically begging for me to take her out for the day. I sighed and opened the door for Stacy to get in. She happily got in the car and i looked over at my mom,she gave me a wide smile. I chuckled a little and started driving. I get why my mom wanted me to take Stacy with me,she can be a hand full,my mom definitely owe me for this.
"Where are we going?" Stacy asked me. "Where going to Starbucks, im meeting an old friend of mine." I replied. "But Starbucks is borrringgg,i wanna play." Stacy complained. "Well then you should've thought about that before you jumped into my car." I said annoyed. She just gave a sad sigh and looked down at her hands. She's such a bitch for making me feel so guilty. "I guess we can go to the park or something after getting our drinks at Starbucks." I sighed. Stacy's eyes,s lightened up and she had a wide smile on her face. "Yayyyy!" She said and clapped her hands together. I just sighed and drove on until we got to our destination.

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