Fix You (Percy Jackson Fanfic...

By MaybeKindaFresh

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There are some things that even Leo can't fix. Leo/Nico boyxboy More

Unscathed? Not a Chance.
The Best Distraction
It Wasn't Pretty
Not a Machine
Good as New
Percy's Plan
Braver than Me
With You
You Want Fun?
The Last Bus
As Per Usual
Your Presence Is Requested
I Bring News
Technically Not a Quest
I Need You
I Remember
Gutting the Bus
Love Saved Them
Aslan-Godzilla-Billy Goat
I Spy
Ghost King
It Hurts
Where's My Angel
A Terrible Idea
He's Mine
A Monologue from Leo
The Saddest Kiss
Sleep. Seduce. Sulk.
Tea with Nana
Son of Hephaestus
Train Ride
Let's Be Honest - Filler Chapter XD
Brilliant Minds
You Need to Chill
I Love Him
Catching Up
Greatest Blanket Fort Known To Man
Sentry Duty
Not Fair
I Am Loved

But Is He Safe?

723 31 2
By MaybeKindaFresh

Nico peeled his eyes open only to be met with darkness. Tossing for a moment to get comfortable, his ears perked to the sound of whimpers. That must be what woke him. Reaching out into the darkness Nico fumbled to find his love. His hand brushed a trembling side and he quickly wrapped Leo in his arms and pulled the Latino flush against his chest.
"You're okay sweetheart," he murmured as the whimpering increased. The nightmare escalated and soon the pale demigod had a firm grasp of Leo's shoulders, shaking them in a desperate attempt to save him from his nightmares.
Suddenly Leo shot up with a shout, eyes wild, chest heaving, hands scrambling to purchase the blankets that entangled him. When his scrambling slowed he took notice of the concerned pair of eyes logging his every move. "Shit Nico," he gasped out hoarsely. "I was secretly hoping having you here would keep the nightmares away." It was intended as a joke, but the older boy froze. Eyes wide with worry and anger, Nico sat up and clutched his head. Murmurs rattled off his tongue as he tried to sort out his mind while Leo sat up behind him. The curly haired lad rested against his lovers back and tucked his chin over his shoulder. "What's going on babe," Leo muttered near Nico's ear. He smirked when he felt the resulting shiver, but it was short lived.
Before Leo could question him further, Nico had thrown back the covers and dragged himself from Leo's tight embrace.
"Where are you going?" Leo inquired with a stitch of panic.
"I have to take care of something," Nico gently responded.
"Right now?!" Leo all but sputtered.
"It's urgent," came the tired reply.
"Please don't leave me," Leo's shattered voice choked out, but he wasn't heard. The only response was the sound of footsteps fading away.
A shiver ripped through Leo as he settled back into the cocoon of blankets around him. Reaching out he snapped his fingers once before a small warm flame flickered to life. Leo loathed the darkness. He hated it as a child, later making light of the fear throughout adolescence, but it returned full force during his time in the warehouse. Hands were in the darkness, clawing and groping. Feet were in the darkness, kicking and stomping. Mouths were in the darkness, biting and licking. Leo shuttered and the flame grew brighter, but the horror rose despite his efforts to calm himself.
Leo's skin dampened and his hands trembled. His breath caught and his lungs felt squeezed. As his breathing continued to labor, the panic attack increased all the more. Just before he blacked out from hyperventilation he swore he heard a laugh.

Meanwhile, Nico was running from floor to floor throughout the building reaching out with his mind to find the evil he knew was there. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed in a rage, pulling at his hair.
The moment Leo mentioned his nightmares a chilling thought had struck him. This whole charade had begun with an encounter with Phobetor, the god of Nightmares. If he was here that was bad news. Nico wasn't convinced the god had much literal power, but he could drive one mad. He could thrust you into the darkest pit, imprisoned in your own mind. He was bad news.
Nico jumped violently when he heard his name called. Turning around he found himself face to face with a very tired Thalia. Her short hair was standing straight up on the left side and her eyes were drooped. "What are you doing up right now?" she slurred, voice thick with sleep.
"Sorry if I woke you," Nico apologized as he collected his breath. "I think Phobetor is here. I think he's screwing with us," he confessed. Her electric eyes flew wide. "Are you shitting me?!" she practically choked out. Nico just glared, giving her his best 'don't be an idiot' face. It wasn't long before the entire group was awake and gathered in the kitchen. Nico was really hoping his hunch wasn't a dead end. Three am had struck about twenty minutes earlier and the bunch had discussed the hunch and searched the area for signs that the minor god had been around.
Nico was beginning to despair and embarrassment had begun to claw at him when Will glanced around confusedly and pointed something out. "Nico," he asked. "Where's Leo?" Nico looked up about to say he'd left the boy safe in bed when an eerie feeling gripped him and a voice rang in his mind.
But is he safe?
Nico shot from the table and bolted towards their room. Skidding to a halt, his momentum had him slamming into the door before he tore it open. The scene made his skin crawl and his blood boil.
The nasty creep from the hotel was sitting cross-legged on the bed with Leo's head in his lap. The son of Hephaestus did not stir as the greasy man stroked his face.
"Get away from him you filth!" growled Nico as he advanced, sword in hand. The god smirked and raised his pointer finger before jamming it into the center of Leo's forehead. The response came immediately. The mechanics body convulsed as a cry tore from his lips. When Phobetor pulled his hand away the boy stilled once more. "Come closer and you lose him forever," threatened the creep.
Nico froze as rage stormed within him. He soon felt the presence of his friends at his back, peering in to take stock of the situation. A hushed, "oh gods," came from Hazel.
Nico had no idea what to do. His mind whirled and every possibility led to more pain for his precious love. Leo had been through so much. He'd spent so much of his life hurting and it tore at Nico deeply. He stayed frozen, unwilling to trigger a resulting torment for the unconscious boy.
As his brain flew all about he gasped feeling a body squeeze passed him in the door way. But he didn't see anyone. For a moment Nico couldn't sort what was going on, when it hit him. Annabeth has an invisibility cap. He felt Percy tense behind him and he himself watched with bated breath.
Phobetor disappeared into the abyss with a smirk still painted on his face. In a heartbeat several things happened. Leo's head fell to the mattress where Phobetor's lap had been and his eyes flew open. Annabeth removed her cap and took a shaky breath as she lowered her knife and stepped away from the bed. Percy rushed forward with a nervous reprimand on his tongue. Hazel, Thalia and Will quietly crept back out of the room intent on bed.
Nico. In this midst of the movement Nico remained still. Guilt clawed at him for letting this situation take place. He had left Leo vulnerable, susceptible to that creep once more. Only this time he'd walked away. He wasn't trapped behind bars, helpless. No, he was simply ignorant. And that, for Nico, could not be excused. He'd lost too much to make such foolish mistakes. Especially where those he loved were involved.
It was Leo who finally brought Nico out of his self-depreciating. Leo slowly sat up in the bed and with sleepy questioning yes looked at the arguing Percabeth and then focused on Nico.
"I just had the worst nightmare," he whispered. Immediately Nico had launched himself across the room. Climbing onto the bed he settled and pulled Leo so that he was practically on top of him. The boy easily molded into his touch and the warmth reverberating from his heated skin served as a comfort to the son of Hades. The question Phobetor had pierced into Nico's mind still rung about, but as he held the boy in his arms and saw Annabeth nod as she left, he knew the answer. Is he safe? Absolutely.

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