Queen B

By Perfect_Poppy

1M 40.2K 30.3K

Transferring to Belvoire University, Thailand native student Lisa Manoban looks forward to being able to have... More



67.2K 1K 159
By Perfect_Poppy

Hello everyone! Welcome to my second book on wattpad. I am on the Jenlisa train and I hope that I can make this a book which you will really enjoy. Please feel free to PM, I am always up for a chat and please do comment and vote. They are like fuel to me and motivate me to keep writing. I will try my best to give you the best content I can.

Anyway, here is the first chapter of Queen B!


The airports are always bustling with activity. People arriving from long journeys while others are rushing off to catch their flights. Among the people in the airport was Lisa Manoban, her hair tied back in a pony tail, dyed blonde after she decided to was time for a new look to fit with her new move to Korea with her transfer to her new University. Of course, her mom nearly just about killed her the moment she walked through the door with her newly dyed hair, but it was totally worth it. The transfer to Korea was exciting enough, so it encouraged Lisa to get a bi wild and dye her hair, wishing for a new look for her new start.

Lisa grabbed her luggage from the moving conveyer belt and walked out of the arrival section to see the many people waiting for their loved ones to walk through the doors. Lisa squinted her eyes as she looked among the face, wishing to spot the one which she has missed the most. Finally, she heard her name getting called and her face broke out into a full-blown smile when she saw the very familiar face with a sign in his hands as he waved at her excitedly. Without a second thought, Lisa hurried over and all but leapt into the man's arms.



BamBam immediately spun the two of them around, hugging the blonde tightly to him while Lisa did the same. BamBam was her childhood friend and they have been best friends ever since they were little. The two of them were like two peas in a pod growing up and he was so close to Lisa that he was basically considered her brother with how often he spent time at her home and with her family. BamBam pulled back and smiled widely at the blonde.

"It is so great to see you!"

"It's great to see you! Oh my gosh, you have changed so much!"

"Oh, really?"

BamBam glanced down at himself and chuckled light-heartedly. It was true, he has changed a lot. While the two of them did grow up together, Lisa was used to BamBam's baby face and casual street wear which he always wore growing up. But now, his baby face was gone and has now been replaced with a more defined face, with sharper features and a much more masculine look. His hair was perfectly combed, dangling over his eyes slightly and smooth skin, no acne like he had when puberty tooks its coursel. And he definitely was much more fashionably dressed, wearing a black sweater which went up to his neck with a black trench coat with black pants and shoes. He totally gave off a 'rich-boy' vibe and it has only been three years since she last saw him.

"Ummm, yeah, by like a lot. Wow, Korea really has changed you."

"Not really, I just keep up with the times. After all, I look amazing in everything remember." BamBam playfully winked at her and Lisa punched him playfully in the shoulder with a smile on her face. BamBam reached out and gently tugged at the end of her blonde locks, looking at it curiously.

"Like the new look. Although I am guessing it was not Mama Manoban's idea to dye it." Lisa shook her head.

"Nope, she just about exploded when she saw it the first time, but dad managed to convince her that it was okay. But just to be safe, I did spend the next two nights at Nichkhuns."

BamBam burst out laughing and shook his head. He ruffled Lisa's hair and then reached down and grabbed the blonde's luggage before she could do anything. "You are still the same as ever. But come on, the journey awaits."

BamBam and Lisa walked out of the airport and headed towards the car parking lot where they navigated through until they finally came across a black car which BamBam beeped open with his remote. Lisa's eyes widened as he popped open the boot and place her bags in it. BamBam noticed this and chuckled before taking Lisa's backpack from her.

"I saved up for it after I transferred. Got a few modelling deals and I managed to save up for it, along with the money that mom kept sending over. I told her not to worry but she was so stubborn."

"Well, your mom always worries about you even though you are all grown up. A mom will always be a mom."

BamBam smiled fondly before nodding. "Yeah, I guess they are."

Lisa got in on the passenger side and was taken away from the interior design. It has black leather seats with an astounding music system upfront. With BamBam and Lisa always loving and bonding over music in Thailand, BamBam always had music attached to him on some way. So of course with buying a car, he made sure that he would have an awesome sound system with it so that he can pound it with music that it makes the walls of the car shake from the intensity. Confidently driving out of the parking lot with his arm behind Lisa's seat as he reversed, her shifted gears before leaving the airport, music immediately playing off his sound system and playing the top 100 songs.

"Wow Bam, you really have changed a lot. No longer a Bangkok boy."

"I will always be a Bangkok boy. It's my roots after all." He answered back, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. Lisa grinned before patting him on the arm as he drove.

"Yep and we love you for it. You are the Thailand prince after all. I'm sure you showed everyone here just how amazing we Thais can be." BamBam groaned and Lisa's words.

"Do you seriously have to call me that? We are way past High School now."

"Ah ah ah, not that far. We only graduated a few years ago and besides, quite a few of your old fangirls still visit my and your home to see if you are back yet."

"I don't have any fan girls."

"That is a lie and you know it. If those girls who followed you around in high school weren't fan girls, then what were they?"

"Deluded women who needed a hobby."


BamBam chose not to say anything and Lisa just grinned as she knew that she won the debate. After that, the two of them simply caught up with one another. They chatted about what had happened since after BamBam left to transfer to the same University which Lisa was going to now and how BamBam has adjusted and enjoyed Korea and how life is at University.

Lisa also took a chance to take in the sights as they drove through the city of Seoul, BamBam pointing out a few of the sights and also explaining the history behind some of them as well as pointing out the popular places to go to with students as well as other citizens in the city. She wishes that she had her camera with her but it was in her backpack which BamBam had put in the boot, so she guesses that she will have to take pictures another time when she does the full tourist experience later on.

BamBam had left Thailand just after he turned twenty as he was recommended by his teacher to Belvoire University, one of the most exclusive universities in Korea. BamBam was majoring in dance and wanted to do something in the entertainment industry as he knows that it will be the best way to make money so that he can send it back home to his mom who stayed in Thailand with his three younger siblings. He had the talent and looks for it and seeing that he did part time modelling to pay the bills for his housing and to save up for a nice car, Lisa would say he is on the right path of being successful.

Lisa herself was majoring in Photography, with it being something that she loves doing. Although she is also majoring in dance and that is what actually got her the chance to be transferred to Belvoire as well. She has always loved dancing, but she did love photography more. So after graduating from high school, she decided to focus solely on photography when she began college.

BamBam majored in dance and hence why he had the opportunity before her to get into Belvoire. It was only after he left did Lisa decide to do a dancing major, her parents actually being the ones to convince her into taking up another major just in case photography did not fall through. Seeing that she already was great at dancing, Lisa figured why not and decided to do it. And that was the reason why she got the chance to transfer as well. Her performance videos were noticed by Belvoire and they offered her a scholarship which Lisa eagerly accepted.

Belvoire will open her up to new possibilities and she might get the chance to travel the world a bit with how well contacted the university seems to be. A lot of people seem to fare well with attending the university so Lisa has hopes that she will achieve well like them. She can only hope that she does.

It was almost quite noticeable when they started getting closer to the university. It was not completely out of the city, but it definitely was more secluded than an in-city university. There was a wooded area which they drove through which was sort of like a pathway until it finally drove into the campus. It seemed like a really high-class place. It had a sport fields and such and had state of the art buildings where Lisa could see students milling around.

Lisa did notice that a lot of the students were very well dressed, almost as well as BamBam. Some were in fact dressed head to toe in high brands like Chanel, Gucci, Celine and a lot of others. Glancing down at her jeans and hoody, she suddenly felt really under dressed and poor all of the sudden, but hopefully she won't be judged too hard. She may be the new girl but she hopes that she will fit in soon. She has BamBam at least so she can say she has one friend here already.

BamBam kept driving until they arrived to what seemed like student dorms and he took a left and kept driving until he was at the end where he parked the car. He turned to her and pointed at the entrance of the building.

"This is the girls' dormitory. All you have to do is walk in there and tell them your name and then they should have everything sorted out for you. The university should have your documents delivered down already. But they should have everything, so you don't have to worry."

"You not going to come in?"

BamBam laughed. "No ways. Miss Ahn would kill me if I went in with you there. Even though it is the 21st century, quite strict rules when it comes to guys coming to the girls' dorms. Same with girls coming to the guys. Although outside the dorms is free game."

"Oh my gosh, you are disgusting."

"I never said I do anything!"

"You didn't have to. I now you well enough."

Lisa got out without sparing a glance at BamBam's offended look and went around to the boot and opened it to get her bags. BamBam got out and helped her carry it to the entrance before stopping at the door. He turned to her and smiled.

"I'll leave the rest of it to you. But I'm one call away if you need me." Lisa smiled.

"Thanks, Bam."


The two friends hugged each one last time before BamBam headed back to his car while Lisa carried her stuff through the doors. It was a nice reception, decked out almost like a hotel would look like although it was just for a girl's dormitory. Lisa walked up to the desk where a woman was busy typing something into a computer.

"Excuse me?"

The lady immediately snapped up and turned to look at Lisa sheepishly waiting for her.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!" The lady fumbled a bit with a few papers she knocked over and then smiled at her as she straightened herself up a bit. "I am Miss Ahn, but you can call me Hani. How can I help you?"

"Um, I'm Lisa Manoban and I'm a transfer student from Thailand."

"Oh, you're the new transfer! Of course, of course."

Hani shuffled around a bit, picking up a few folding and then paging through them until pulling out a few forms which she was looking for. She slid them over to Lisa and handed her a pent before standing up and pointing at the various papers.

"There are just a few things for you to sign. Each dorm room has two bedrooms, so you will be expected to share with another. You will be set up in room 251 and your dorm mate will be another foreign transferee as well. Don't worry, she has only been here for a year so I'm sure she will be more than willing to help you. She is a lovely girl, by the way."

"That's nice to hear." Lisa smiled and Hani smiled back before looking back at the documents.

"These are just the set of rules which the dormitory has and judging by the way that young man was looking at me when he was walking here tells me that he has at least told you the rule where no boys are allowed in here."

"Yep, he said that quite clearly." Lisa joked and Hani giggled slightly.

"Good, then that means my reputation precedes me. Anyway, meals are provided in the food hall, but you can prepare your own food in the kitchenette which is in your dorm room."

"Woah, we have your own kitchen?" Lisa asked, taken aback by the information. Hani smiled and nodded.

"Yes, some of the ladies here want to have some 'independence' so they decide that they will rather prepare everything themselves that get takeout or pre-prepared food. Although if you want my honest opinion, buying your own food is better. The food hall can be kind of stingy with portions."

"I'll remember that." She defiantly well, especially since Lisa loves her food. Hani nodded.

"There is a manual which you do need to read but otherwise, you just need to sign here, here and here and then you should all be set. Oh, and you will need to get your class schedule at the registration office in the University, but I think your roommate will be able to show you that. Just do get there before the end of the day, otherwise the paperwork will be a nightmare."

"Alright. Thank you very much." Lisa said, signing on the dotted lines on each document and handing them back to Hani who took them with a smile.

"Of course, and welcome to Belvoire university."

"Thank you."

Lisa shared one last smile with her before taking her bags and then walking down the corridor of the dorm which directed her towards the 200s. Lisa kept glancing at the number of the doors, some of them being open and giving Lisa a quick glimpse inside to see a few of the rooms and the few girls who were also staying in there. Some of the rooms were messy and some had music coming from them but otherwise they were pretty much like a normal dorm house, although a little bit more high class than the ones in Thailand which Lisa used to live in whenever she went to dance competitions with her dance team.

She finally managed to get to her dorm room, and she typed the key code in before the door clicked open and Lisa walked into the room and was completely taken aback. While Hani said it was a dorm room, she failed to tell Lisa that it in fact looked like a mini mansion installed in a small room. It was more like a suite and was quite open space with a living room and a dining room connected with one another with a leather couch and a plasma screen TV. The kitchen was also connected, quite small but pretty much perfect for two people to use and then of course the room lead to two corridors where the bedrooms were obviously located. Lisa stared at the interior design and walked in with wonder in her eyes as she took in all the features and furniture. It truly was a beautiful room, and she was curious on what her room will look like if this was what the living room looked like.

Just as she was busy imagining her soon to be room, a door opened and in walked a girl with light blonde hair and chubby cheeks and with just a towel wrapped around her. She looked up and saw Lisa and just about screamed blue murder, making Lisa scream in retaliation at the sudden appearance. Both of them jumped back and the blonde girl gripped the towel tightly to her body while Lisa clung onto the kitchen counter which was behind her to keep her balance.

"W-Who are you!" The girl asked, an Australian accent slipping through her words as she looked at Lisa with wide eyes. Lisa stared back at her with wide eyes before slowly straightening up.

"I'm Lisa Manoban. I'm supposed to be moving in here today."

The girl didn't say anything for a few moments, simply staring at the blonde before her eyes suddenly blinking in recognition and her mouth forming an 'o'.

"Oh, that's right! Hani did say that I was going to be getting a roommate. I just...didn't expect you to arrive right now." Rose glanced down at her towel covered body and then blushed brightly before looking back at Lisa. "Sorry."

"It's okay. I would have screamed too if I saw a random woman standing in my house."

The girl smiled. "You did scream though."

"Yeah, because you screamed at me."

"You startled me."

"And you startled me, so we're even."

The girl giggled and shook her head before smiling at Lisa, her eyes looking at her brightly as she smiled.

"I'm Chaeyoung. But you can call me Rose. It's nice to meet you Lisa." Lisa smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Rose. I would usually hug you, but you're naked and I don't think I can handle such intimacy on our first meeting."

Rose burst into laughter before shaking her head again. "That's a good point. Well, I think I will go and change while you can go unpack. Your room will be that one down that corridor. Why don't you get settled in and then we can talk?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan."

"Great, see you in a few."

Rose smiled at her one last time before hurrying towards the opposite corridor where obviously her bedroom would be. Shaking her head and giggling to herself, Lisa grabbed her bags and headed towards the direction which rose pointed to and eventually found a bedroom which was obviously for her. Lisa stared in wonder as she took in the room, she was going to spend the rest of her university life in.

It was quite large, closet doors filling up the one wall which would be more than enough for Lisa's clothing while there was a balcony door on the further end of the room and a queen sized bed and a desk set up near it for studies. The interior design was modern but cozy at the same time and Lisa couldn't help but fall for it immediately. It really was different compared to her room in Thailand, but it was a welcomed change. After all, Belvoire wasn't an exclusive University for nothing. They at least knew how to treat their students.

Lisa began to unpack, having fun with finding new homes for her clothes and other things which she brought with her and by the time Rose came into her room to visit her, she was just about done with making the room her very own with her own personal touch.

"Wow, you're done already?" Rose asked, looking around at the room and the near empty suitcase which Lisa had on the bed.

"Yeah, just about. Just need to pack away a few of my books and then I will be done."

"Oh, there is a bookcase in the desk."

"In what now?"

Rose smiled and walked towards the desk and clicked something on the side of it and then pulled out a small bookcase from it, it expanding out like it was a drawer in the desk which appeared out of nowhere.

"No way, is that a magic trick?" Lisa asked, completely taken aback. Rose laughed and shook her head.

"Nope. Just a specially designed desk for students whose parents having nothing better to do than spend money on fancy desks."

"Damn parents with so much money." Lisa mumbled, and Rose laughed in response. Inspecting the bookcase for a few moments, Lisa then added her last few books and then cautiously pushed it back into her desk and the heard the audible click in the desk to tell her the case was closed. Lisa took a step back.

"Some people have too much money."

"I know, but there are a lot of people like that here, so I suggest you get used to that."

"Guess I have no choice then."

"Nope, so better get used to it."

Lisa and Rose looked at each other seriously for a moment before bursting into laughter. Rose smiled and stuck out her hand to Lisa for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Rose Park and I am your roommate for this Year. Nice to officially meet you."

Lisa smiled and took her hand in hers and giving it a solid shake. "Hello, I'm Lisa Manoban and you are the first person I have has seen you naked at this University so far without even exchanging words yet. Nice to meet you."

Rose giggled before letting go of her hand and smiling brightly at the blonde.

"Well seeing that I am the first person you have seen naked, let me be the first one to say this too. Welcome to Belvoire University."

Lisa smiled.

"Thank you."

So what do you all think so far? A bit slow but I will get better. Wanting to get the details right and get the imagery correct.

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