Santa's Really Sexy

By JayOmetric

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When New York's most beloved bachelor and model, Nikolass Leonardo Sorrentino finally clutches the girl of hi... More

Making Stella Mine
Christmas Mis-Fortune
Pre-Christmas Pleasure
Hangover Aftermath
Santa Baby
When the Snow Stopped Falling
Nik's Return
Tough Times
Hit Me
Other Than Business
One Last Kiss
Birthday Wishes
Some Santa Business

Family Matters

276 6 0
By JayOmetric

Sorry for the Wait!  Here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

The next morning I awoke on one end Stella's couch, Stella snoring like a bear on the other.

Last night was pretty much the most perfect night of my life.  Stella and I really sorted things out and prioritized certain aspects that we want in our relationship. And I am  still quite shocked how she took in everything so... calmly. After dinner we strolled around the city and just enjoyed each others presence. Then we came back to her place to watch some chessy romantic comedies.

I yawn and stretch as I shuffle into Stella's kitchen  to raid her fridge,  which sat filled with organic and gluten-free goodies. I take out a bottle of water and feel two warm arms wrap around my lower back. "Hey Santy."  I hear a sweet,  soft voice laugh.

I turned giving her the brow. "Santy? " I ask.  "Yeah baby, that's my new nickname for you. " She smiles and bits her lip. Secretly,  I love it. "Says who? " I playfully frown.  She laughs and says,  "Your girlfriend. " I smirk and wrap my arms around her waist,  "Okay baby, do you want me to make breakfast magically appear?" She nods and with the snap of my fingers, a grand spread is displayed on her kitchen table. She sits on my lap and feeds me my scrambled cheddar eggs. "Thanks baby." I grin as she dabs my mouth.  "Any-" "Aww,  how cute! " We look up and see Farrah and Skylar stepping through the front door. "Hey Nik,  your butler driver guy is downstairs  with a message for you. " Stella and I hurry and complete our meal and meet Walsh downstairs.

He dressed in  his full uniform and a long pull over coat. Stella greeted Walsh and he simply tipped his hat in her direction. "Young Master,  you and Miss Stella are invited to a family dinner at your father's estate at 6 o'clock  this evening . I believe the reason being is your brother's wedding dinner rehearsal and to celebrate your homecoming. " "Okay,  thank you Walsh. " "Oh also Young Master, you have a few business arrangements to tend to before the matter. "  "Very well then, " I grin, but I silently curse myself for forgetting about that little part.


"Here baby, use my black card to buy something nice for tonight's dinner, okay? " I place the card in her hands before exiting the limo. She hesitantly places the card in her wallet. I already knew what she was thinking.  "Take it,  I'd be insulted if you didn't."   I grin.  "Oh,  and please be ready by 5:30, I'll pick you up then."  I pull her face closer to me and kiss her lips. After a  few seconds of this,  I pull away and say, "I love you. Don't miss me too much." I wink.  Stella smiles and says,  "Bye,  love you Santy."  I  wave and walk into my building headquarters , my business.

"Good morning and welcome back Mr. Sorrentino, " a receptionist greets me.  I smile and instantly a latte is  placed in my right hand,  and a manilla folder in the other. One of my personal assistants,  Swanson appeared next to me just before I stepped into the elevator.  "Swanson,  report please. " "Sir, first welcome back  and during your break business has been quite busy and remarkably successful. This is this months total tax revenue and budget setup. " Swanson explains pointing to the folder in my hand.  "The restaurant has hired two new valet drivers due to their recent reckless driving and DUI charge. And we've recently  replaced  the booths in the under sea lounge." Impressive report skills.   I enter my office which sat clean and everything neat and in place. "We need your approval on various changes and we need you to sign off on a few legal documents on tax and billing from Human Resources,  if that's fine with you. " Swanson sets the thick folder on my desk and leaves without another word. Flipping through the pages of documents and plans and constructing  them took  only a few hours.  I eventually initial wherever necessary and send them off to be filed. Swanson reenters with a gigantic binder.

Swanson chuckles,  "Next sir,  kitchen renovation, seasonal menu selection,  and 'grocery shopping'. This will be a quick approval process and then I will leave you to enjoy your lunch. " I pick out new stainless steel, cutter board safe, countertops and kitchen ware to match,  approve several requests for low calorie and fat-free meal options, pick out stain-resistant, durable,  black carpet for the under sea lounge,  and approve a slight change in decor by the main entrance.  Of course I sent someone to order more food for my restaurant. High noon arrives and so does my appetite. One of my receptionist poked her head through my door.  "Sir,  you have a call on line four. " I nod and pick up the phone. No caller I.D.

" CEO Nikolass Sorrentino speaking, " I say.

"Baby would you like to meet up for lunch?  I miss you."  I smile when I hear Stella's voice.  "Sure thing,  I was just thinking about you. Come by in twenty minutes. "   "Okay, love you bye. "  "Love you too. " I hang up with a huge grin on my face.  I love it when she says she loves me.  I email a few associates and tidy up my office,  when Stella walks in dressed a long sleeve , navy blue dress,  pumps and a thin gold plate belt. Her hair falling in elegant waves down her back.  Truly beautiful.

Walking up to her I smile and hug her.  "Hey beautiful. " "Aw, just wait until you see what I picked up for the dinner. "  "We should match,  I'll wear whatever color you're   wearing."  She agrees and pulls me into a kiss that I didn't want to end. "Come on baby,  lunch is on me,  we'll go wherever you want. " We leave the building hand in hand. Could this relationship be more perfect?

Walsh recommends a nice French restaurant downtown. There we are seated immediately and served the freshest prepared dishes.  "This all looks amazing,"  Stella smiles and takes a bite of her food. I notice every little perfection about her and every little thing she does.  "What's the matter?  Why are you looking at me like that?" She laughs.  I shrug.  "N-nothing, I-I I was just admiring you from up close."  I studdered. "Nikolass,  I think it's cute how you still studder when you talk to me,  like you used to do when we were in high school."  She smiles.  "In my defense,  it's not easy talking to beautiful girls who already had better looking guys swarming around them."  I smile.  "Let me remind you that you were one of those guys."  I shrug.  "Maybe I was,  maybe I wasn't."  ''You were indeed,  girls worshipped you. You were at the top of the social food chain." Stella smiled spearing more meat onto her fork. "Baby," I grin putting my hand over hers.  "Despite that stupid social food chain, you are mine.  My love,  my beautiful Stella. Hopefully for freaking ever,  you still give me butterflies like when we first met.  I love you."  Stella smiles and blushes heavily. I kiss her making a scene. A few people aw and smile.  "I love you too,  Nik."  My heart fluttered as she said those words.  We share dessert and leave happily . Nothing could have been more perfect.

      Later that Evening,  Sorrentino Estate ...

Right on time,  I knock onto the large front door of my father's estate.  Sports cars, 4 x 4's and Bugatti's  sat parked in the left side cobblestone circular driveway with a green trimmed hedge center piece. We had Walsh drive us and he parked on the side. From the other side of the 8 foot wooden door,  I hear my large family laughing and toasting.  A voice becomes distinct and clearer than the rest,  slowly getting louder.  Ugh,  Vargus. From what I hear,  Vargus yells something in muffled Italian.  Everyone goes quiet when Vargus mentions my name. I knock again and ring the doorbell just in case. "Speak of the devil. Hey everyone,  Nikolass must be here! " Vargus yells. "I'm telling you though,  he looks like an old bag. So everyone be prepared to look at his wrinkled face."   Vargus swings open the door and his face froze in shock. I clear my throat and with my hand placed at the small of Stella's back,  we stepped in and faced dozens of faces, some of which I've never seen before. I smile and walk further into the guest living room,  with Stella's arm wrapped in mine. "Where is he.... where is my baby boy? " My mother cries and bursts through the crowd.  Her wavy,  dark hair pinned into a compressed bun,  tears streams down her face ruining her makeup.

I confront her with open arms and let her tears stain my expensive suit.  Sobbing quietly in my arms,  she hugs me tightly before breaking away and touching my face. "My baby are you hurt?  Are you okay?" Her eyes scanned my face. "I'm fine Mama, " I smile and put her small hands in mine time reassure her.  She wipes her face.  "Okay." A small smile creeping up on her face. She then turns to Stella and gives her a warm hug and begins to chat with her. The large crowd just watching silently.  My father emerges from the sea of people and approaches me. His eyes watered and he gave me a man hug. "My baby boy,  where- where have you gone all if this time without communicating with your family? " He stares into my eyes and then he ruffles my hair. A little smile appears on his face.  "But that can wait,  I am just glad you are healthy, safe, and alive.  I love you,  boy." He whispers that last part. He turns around and yells to the crowd,  "My family is finally all here! Nikolass is back!" People cheers and raise glasses as the crowd dispersed back into it's individual social groups. Stella soon returned back to my side and wrapped her arm in mine.  "Nik,  you mother and I were just talking, and you'd never believe what topic she brought up."  Stella blushes and hold her head down a little.  I lift her chin and stare and stare until her beautiful eyes.  "Baby,  what is it?"  I say as serious as possible,  a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth.  She hesitates and then says, "Grandchildren. "  My eyes  practically pop out of my skull.  We agreed to save ourselves for each other once we wed,  plus we both got purity rings our first year of high school. Stella giggles at my facial expression. We head over of the kitchen for wine,  when Vargus and his fiance, Rosalie,  appears in front of us. He has this stupid,  smug grin on his face that I want to personally rearrange.  "So about  that comment before you opened the door... " I say opening the conversation.  He raises his eyebrows, sizing  me up.  "Well,  I was obviously wrong and for that I apologize.  You look.-" I cut him up and hold my hand in front of his face. "Damn good,  I know. " I smirk dusting of my shoulder.  But before Stella  and I can make a drop-the-mic cool exit,  she doubles over in laughter earning her glances from other guests.  My face reddens immediately and Vargus and Rosalie join Stella.  "Dude,  your  little brother is so lame. " Rosalie sneers mocking my dust the shoulders off move I just did.  Vargus agrees and holds  the "L" with his fingers on his forehead and points at me.  Real mature. By now those two were the only ones laughing like madmen. Stella recomposed herself and adjusted her dress. I've never seen her laugh so hard in public. " I'm sorry baby,  that was funny though. " She smiles wrapping our arms together. "At least you think I'm funny. " I smirk and we enter the kitchen for a glass of wine. The kitchen sat filled with aunts,  many sisters of my mother's and my dad's two older sisters. I quickly make a sharp u-turn attempting avoid what I knew was about to come next;  female smothering. Just as we turned around,  I heard Aunt Marisol  call out,  "Is that my Nikolass and his oh so beautiful fiance sneaking out of here?"  My Aunts all laugh and clap their hands. I'm still caught on the word fiance.  I haven't proposed, yet. Stella blushed again.  She's used to my nosy Aunts playing twenty questions with her,  but I guess Stella loves the positive attention,  too.

"That was a delicious meal, Mrs. Sorrentino. " Stella compliments my mother from across the table.  " No dear, please call me Mom." Stella smiles hearing this. Many of my cousins are guys working in the "family business " ,  they eyeballed Stella thoughout dinner.  I kept her close to my side so they'd get the message. After dinner, Stella and I follow the crowd into the large family room.   My mother stood up gathering everyone's attention. " Well,  as you all know this little get together is Vargus and Rosalie's wedding dinner rehearsal,  although her family couldn't make it due to their delay of flight in Italy,  they sent a message saying that they will send us their  prayers and good wishes that all goes well."

Rosalie is definitely not my brother's type,  he likes tall,  thin younger woman with preferably  dark hair and they have to be of a high class family .  Rosalie is from Italy,  not necessarily rich and she's  really  just one of the guys. Loud,  obnoxious,  rude,  a complete mess. My parents weren't really happy when they met Rosalie and when he announced that they're getting married,  my parents were a little disappointed. In fact,  my mother told me to learn a lesson from my brother when it comes down to wife material;  don't follow in his footsteps. But they love him and support him,  so if he's happy,  then I guess they're happy. Everyone cheered and clapped and shared bottles of wine. I saw Stella conversating with my only female cousin,  Camila. Most of the time,  I stood alone just taking everything in.  People would chat briefly with me then move on to the next one.  Though I'm glad to see my family again.  "Yo Niky get your engaged tail ova here," my older cousin,  Tino yelled across the room.  Engaged?  I approach my group of cousins and they immediately hand me a beer, but I grab a bottle of water instead. "So uh,  Stella she got any sisters? " Ricky chuckles and the rest of the guys hoot and laugh like he just told the funniest joke in the world.  I grin and say,  "I know she has a brother,  dress him up and see watcha get." I earn a few laughs.  But Ricky frowns, "You've got a mouth on ya baby cousin. " I shrug and stuff my hands in my pockets.  "Anyway,  we just wanted to spend time with you. And even get you in on a little deal going down over in Jersey,  you in? " "Just a little uccidono ... fanno alcune persone scompaiono." They laugh at Adonis's little gesture. They're out for blood,  out to kill.  I look away in disgust.  They continue to laugh and then get serious once Ricky holds up a hand to silence their group. "No. " I reply in a flat tone. All twelve of them give me this annoyed glare. "So ever since Daddy paid your allowance, you're too good to help out your other family members. This is huge,  a real big deal and you turned us down? Me down? You've got some nerve,  rich boy. You know Zaiver would be disappointed that you wouldn't want to help avenge his death. " the eldest, Desmond geared gritting his teeth. Great,  they pulled that guilt shit on me.  I mask my anger by gripping my Figi bottle. Ignoring their little comment about my father's money, I simply reply, "I'm  not into the family business,  nor will I ever join. Killing someone else won't bring him back and it won't change the past,   and I won't let you guilt me into pressing illegal action. Zaiver would be disappointed in you, not me. " I gritt my teeth, trying my best to remain calm.  I cannot believe this bullshit!  Looking around the room,  no one seemed to have heard our ongoing conversation. My cousins kinda hung back,  a little shocked by my reply. My father breaks up the growing tension between us by loudly clearing his throat and entering our little circle. My father raised a brow at Desmond and he shook his head.  My father sighed heavily and sat his glass of wine down.   "Men, now listen we all know what decisions have to be made in this particular situation,  after all family matters. Nikolass will decide what further actions he will take. " My father whispers something to Desmond and Ricky,  they nod briefly eyeing me. Then my father leaves without another word. Before I could lash out,  Stella enters the circle, quickly becoming the center of attention and eye candy for the guys.  "Stella..  Stella.. Mmm Stella you  really look sexy tonight. " Pedro grinned biting his lip.  I stepped in front of her and protected her. "Your brother told me to tell you to meet him in the parlor upstairs. " She grins hugely, she's had one too many drinks. She seemed a little dizzy,  but no too noticeable. "He can call me. " I glare at my cousins.  "Let's just go before more hurtful words are exchanged. " I grab her hand in mine and we leave giving my mother a hug. Walsh pulls up quietly and opens the door for us. "Evening,  young master. " I nod my head in his direction and allow Stella to enter first. The car ride back to my place was silent,  until we stepped up to my front door. "Baby,  what's wrong? " She smiles lightly rubbing my shoulder. "Nothing. " I lie.  On my phone,  I see multiple voice mails and texts from my father and brother. Ignoring them,  I jump into  a cold, relaxing shower. After dressing in my night pajamas,  I find Stella already in bed wearing one of her silk gowns. I give her a look.  "I showered in the guest bathroom ," She says taking a sip from a glass of water. I guess she's feeling a bit sober. "I want to apologize for my distant behavior, something sudden came up. "  She pats a seat next to her on my bed,  "What about? " Sighing,  I run my fingers through my wet hair. "All I know is that I won't like it when it all happens. "  She doesn't press it any further. I sit next to her eager to change the subject. I play with her wet, long, curly hair.  She smiles and wiggles away.  "You're so weird,  Santy." Stella jokes. "You're just so perfect for me. " I grin embracing her in a hug. Then I  randomly remembered about the joke Vargus and Rosalie made about me.  "Baby,  am I really lame? " She pulls away and cups me cheek.  "Of course you are. " She softley in a sympathetic tone. "Oh really? " I tickle her sides and she laughs. "So you like laughing,  hug? " I smile referring to her  laughing outburst at the dinner.  Stella  shrugged  pretending to not know what I'm talking about. Catching her off guard,  I  sit on top of her and raise my hand and begin to tickle her even more and she instantly bursts into giggles and laughs.  "Stop!  Stop, Nik! " She laughed. I continued despite her wishes,  "No until, you admit that I'm not lame! "  I yell. Her face now red  as she gasped for air.  "Okay you're... you're not lame!  Just please stop tickling me! " I climb off her and collapse onto the bed grinning real big. "You're such a-" I cut her off.  "Ah ah ah,  watch what you say. You wouldn't want round two now would you? " I raise my eyebrows.  Stella throws a large pillow at me and leaves the room with a smile. "Love you! " I call after her. She return so shortly holding a lavender colored sleeping mask. "Aw, you remembered. " I coo reaching for my sleeping mask with my favorite color on it. She hands it to me after climbing in next to me. I lean over and click off the light.  "Goodnight,  I love you. " I whisper. "Love you,  too" She whispers snuggling closer to me.  When I hear her soft snoring,  I kiss her forehead and whisper,  " Ti proteggerò il mio amore con tutto il mio cuore e tutto il mio amore."  (Translation: I will protect you my love with all of my heart, all of my love)  Because whether I'm right or wrong,  something is about to go down. Something that my father will find a way to get me into. Slowly,  but surely,  he's rebuilding his mafia empire and he wants me to be apart of it.

                                                     Author 's Note
Sorry guys for not updating soon enough,  see the thing is I was kinda grounded meaning all my electronics were taken away.  But alas I am free! I promise to stay outta trouble so that I can update just for you guys.  Thanks so much for the support  and for reading my story it really does mean a lot to me. I hope you guys stay tuned because drama is slowly molding itself into the story. 

⚠ WARNING  I didn't go through everything and edit as carefully as I wished.  I just wanna post and keep those of you from waiting. But I promise to go back and fix those errors.

BTW the Sorrentino Estate is the cover photo for this chapter!

         And you guys.... and ladies  already know my closing motto; keep reading!  #Superbowl #patriotsfanallday

                               XOXOXOXO, Jynnie_Nevaeh

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