The Healing Journey

By Rabbit804

11.3K 202 46

Mostro Lounge was in need of a new drink maker, and Crowley just had the right person for the job. But Azul a... More

The OC
Beverage Chef needed
First Prep and Staff Meal
Lunch Shift
Dinner Shift
Sig's past
Harvesting and Flower Crafts in Heartslabyul
Magift Training in Savanaclaw
Cooking Lesson at Scarabia
Salon Day at Pomefiore
VR in Ignihyde
Spanish Lesson with Diasomnia
Restaurant Visit with Ramshackle
Shocking Revelation
Unexpected Guests
Heartwarming Chat
The Epilogue

Sig's hobby

769 18 2
By Rabbit804

Between the end of the lunch shift and the start of the dinner shift, All members of Octavinelle had a three-hour break. They are free to do whatever they like, as long as they don't break the rules or destroy the dorm.

Azul and the Leech twins tried to find Sig, but he wasn't in his room, Mostro Lounge or the VIP room.

"I feel bad about what I did. I ought to apologize to him properly," said a worried Azul.

"What did you do?" asked Floyd.

"I just asked why he was emotionless all the time...maybe I brought up some bad memories..." explained Azul.

"Perhaps he suffered something traumatizing," said Jade. Floyd and Azul nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Sig had calmed down and was walking around the cafeteria inside the main building.

"Shoot...I lost my cool right in front of Azul...I must apologize to him properly later..." he mumbled. "By the way, this cafeteria is huge. I assume there are like a thousand students enrolled here. It's a prestigious school, after all."

As he walked, he stumbled across the kitchen, where several ghosts were cleaning up.

"Hello, friend! You must be the new member at Mostro Lounge!" one of the ghosts greeted him cheerfully.

"I am, indeed. My name's Sig. Sig Brachyura," said Sig.

"Well nice yo meet you, Sig. What are you doing in this kitchen?" asked a chubby ghost.

"I was just taking a stroll around the school and then I arrived here. Would you like me to help with the cleaning?"

"Oh! That would be wonderful, dear!" said a female ghost.

With the help of Sig, the ghosts finished cleaning the kitchen quicker than usual.

"You are a star! Thank you!" said another ghost.

"You're welcome. Now, what do you guys usually do after cleaning?"

"Well...Crowley allowed us to use leftover ingredients to make something for ourselves. Would you like to join us?"

"Sure.," said Sig. He then took a look at the ingredients.

"There's a lot of fruit and vegetables here, as well as beverages like juices and yoghurt," said Sig

"I know. The kids nowadays need a more balanced diet! They always stuff themselves with meat and sweets!" pouted a skinny ghost.

"I guess this is my chance to experiment!" said Sig as he took out a notebook from his pocket.

"Experiment?" said a child ghost.

"You see, I used to work as a bartender at a restaurant, and I like to think up new drink recipes during my spare time. Whenever I think of one, I will jot the recipe down in this notebook," explained Sig.

"Wow!" said all the ghosts.

"I think I'll use my break time to create some new drinks," said Sig. He then started to collect some fruit and vegetables and laid them on the kitchen table. He also took out a blender, a chopping board, a knife and several drinking glasses.

"Which recipe should I about this one?" He turned pages of his notebook and stopped at a page where it had "Mock Tequila Sunrise" as the title.

"Mock Tequila Sunrise? What do you mean by mock?" said the child ghost.

"It means it does not contain alcohol. Tequila is an alcoholic drink made from the blue agave plant, and Tequila Sunrise is a cocktail made from tequila, orange juice and grenadine, a syrup made from pomegranate is commonly used as a cocktail ingredient," Sig explained patiently.

"So you're making a non-alcoholic version of it?" asked the chubby ghost.

"Yes. All I need is orange juice, grenadine, soda water and some ice cubes," said Sig as he took out some orange juice from the fridge and ice cubes from the freezer.

"You guys are free to watch me experimenting," said Sig. The ghosts cheered.

Meanwhile, the Octavinelle trio were still searching for Sig, and somehow met Anna in the hallway.

"Hello, Anna. Have you, by any chance, seen Sig around?" asked Jade.

"Oh! I just saw him walking towards the cafeteria," Anna said as she pointed towards the direction Sig had went.

"Thank you very much, Anna." said Floyd. The trio then hurried to the cafeteria.

In the kitchen, Sig created three more drinks.

The first one had a white and blue double layer, garnished with piped light blue whipped cream and a pair of glasses made with tempered chocolate.

"This one reminds me of the dorm leader from Octavinelle," said one of the ghosts.

"Indeed. This drink was inspired by him, therefore I call it 'Azul'. Additionally, 'Azul' means 'Blue' in Spanish," replied Sig.

He then pointed to another glass, which is green garnished with a slice of lime.

"This one's called 'Jade', inspired by one of the Leech twins. I added some blue raspberry juice to make it resemble the color of the gemstone more."

He then pointed at the last drink, which is a brownish-grey color topped with a dollop of whipped cream, some crushed oreo cookies and coffee powder.

"This one's 'Floyd', inspired by the other twin. 'Floyd' is a reference to the color grey, so I made the drink this color."

All the ghosts clapped after hearing his explanations for his creations.

Finally, the trio arrived at the cafeteria.

"Hmm...I don't see Sig around here..." mumbled Azul. He then heard noises from the kitchen.

"I wonder what's happening in there," said Jade. The trio then entered the kitchen and saw Sig chatting with the ghosts.

But what surprised them is...Sig was finally smiling!

"Sig, dear! I was so worried about you!" Azul walked towards Sig, hugging him.

"Azul!" Sig was startled. "I...I'm sorry about what happened earlier! I didn't mean to worry you!"

"It's alright," said Azul gently. "What have you been doing?"

"Wow~Crabby made drinks~" said Floyd excitedly, pointing at Sig's creations on the table.

"They look brilliant! Are these your latest creations?" asked Jade.

"Ye...yes. They were..." Sig looked at the ghosts.

"Tell them, Sig. Tell them about those drinks!" the ghosts encouraged him.

"They were inspired by your three," said Sig shyly.

"Oh! What an honor! I assume this one's inspired by me," said Azul as he picked up the glass that has light blue whipped cream and tempered chocolate glasses on it.

"And this one's me~" said Floyd, picking up the one with crushed oreo and coffee powder on top.

"May we try them?" asked Jade, picking up the green drink.

"Go ahead," said Sig.

The three took a sip.

"Amazing! Is the blue part made of blue raspberries?" asked Azul.

"Yes. The blue part is pureed blue raspberries, and the white part is a Greek yoghurt smoothie. Your name is Spanish for 'Blue', so I made the drink like this," replied Sig.

"I see. Now I really like my name."

"I taste melon and lime in my drink, and...a hint of blue raspberry," said Jade.

"Your drink is a mixed fruit juice made of limes, melons and a little blue raspberry. Doesn't the color look like the gemstone?" said Sig.

"It does. You replicated the color perfectly," smiled Jade.

"How about mine? What's it made of?" asked Floyd.

"Yours is a frappe made from espresso, milk and crushed oreo," said Sig.

"I see. It's delicious~" said Floyd.

"Finally we get to see that lovely smile on your face!" smiled Azul.

"Really? Oh....!" Sig's smile suddenly turned to fear.

"Sig dear? What's wrong?" asked the skinny ghost.


Azul patted on his shoulder.

"I do apologize if I bring up some bad memories, but it will be great if you smile more!" he told Sig.

"Really? You allow me to smile?" asked Sig.

The trio, along with the ghosts, looked at each other with confusion.

"Of course! What's wrong with smiling?" said Floyd, sweatdropping.

"'re right," said Sig. His face returned to a smile.

"If you don't mind, can we made these three special drinks for tonight's dinner menu?" asked Jade.

"Of course. I would like everyone to try them!" said Sig. His smile became more radiant.

"Now that's the spirit!" said Azul. He then looked at the clock.

"Oh my, look at the time! Let's go back and get ready for the dinner shift!" said Azul.

"Roger!" said Floyd, Jade and Sig together. The four walked back to Mostro Lounge, laughing and chatting amongst themselves cheerfully.

Sig had never been so happy...since THAT day.

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