Daddy's Little Boy sequel

By aestheticpixieprince

136K 2.1K 206

A sequel for Daddy's Little Boy More

New beginnings
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Danna's pov
No ones pov
A few weeks later
Untitled Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Part 27
Untitled Part 28

Part 24

2.3K 54 2
By aestheticpixieprince

The next day was sunny and nice. Shaun was up making some scrambled eggs when Trevor came downstairs, scruffy hair and tired eyes.

"Hey bud. Want some breakfast?" Shaun asked, looking at him.

"Yeah." Trevor said as he yawned. He sat at the counter and held his head on his hand, tapping his foot on the bar of the chair. Shaun poured the scramble eggs on two plates and made some quick toast, putting cream cheese on it. He gave one plate to Trevor.

Of course, Trevor got the plastic kiddie plate.

"What gives, man?" Trevor asked. He looked annoyed.

"Sorry bud, it was the only plate clean." Shaun lies. Trevor shrugged, but dig in, in need of food. Shaun sat in the chair next to him and started eating too.

"Can we do something today?" Trevor asked. 

"Yeah, what did you have in mind?" Shaun asked, biting his piece of toast.

"I wanna go on a hike. It's been so long since i worked out." Trevor said. Shaun nodded.

"Sounds fun. How about 10?" He said.

"Yeah, works for me." Trevor decided. He finished his breakfast and went to get dressed.


Trevor say quiet as Shaun drove to the hiking trail, looking out the window. Bringing up exercise was a good way to let Shaun know he remembered how little activity he had. Sure, it might be petty, but Trevor thought being passive agressive would be better than yelling, right?

"This is a hard trail, Trevor. You up for it?" Shaun said after ten minutes of silence.

"Yeah, I need to try at least." Trevor said. There was a strange look in shauns eyes, but Trevor couldn't place it. Shaun smiled.

"That's my boy." He said happily. He continued driving, and five minutes later, they were at the trail. Shaun parked the truck and got out, Trevor following closely.

"Alright, this will probably be an hour and a half hike, maybe two. Ready?" Shaun asked, walking to the start of the trail with Trevor. The boy nodded.

The two started on th e trail, Trevor keeping up with Shaun easily.

After 20 minutes though, Trevor was having a hard time. Shaun was tempted to pick him up, but that wouldn't do, not here.

"Do you want to go home?" Shaun asked. Trevor nodded no.

"No, I'm fine." Trevor said, picking up his pace. They hiked on, and when the trail ended, they turned and walked back to the car.

As they buckled up and Shaun started driving home, he noticed Trevor leaning his head on the window, eyes shutting sleepily. Shaun smiled.


When he pulled in th e driveway, Trevor was still asleep deeply. Shaun got out of the car and moved around to trevors side. He opened the door and unbuckled him, scooping him in his arms. He carried him inside and up to his nursery. He put him on the floor to put the mattress back in the crib, then changed Trevor into a onesie, putting him in the crib. Would he be regressed when he woke up? Or would he be annoyed that he was in his baby clothes? Shaun would have to wait and see.


Trevor was really groggy when he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looked around and sighed. When he noticed what his outfit was, he sighed again. This was expected of Shaun, trying to keep him the way he wanted... dependent. 

Trevor decided that if Shaun was gonna treat him like this. He wouldn't talk to him.

"Hey Trevor, how was your nap." Shaun asked, walking into the room. Trevor said nothing. "Are you cranky today?" Shaun asked. He picked Trevor up and carried him downstairs. He sat him on the playmat in the living room and went to get a bottle for him. "It's just water, bubba." Shaun said, handing him the bottle. Trevor took it and unscrewed the lid, sneaking a sip before Shaun saw what he did.

"No, keep the lid on, okay?" Shaun said, taking the bottle back and fixing the lid. Trevor pouted but when he got the bottle back, he kept the lid on.

"Why are you not talking to me? Are you upset?" Shaun asked. Trevor nodded. 

"That's okay. I just hope you talk by Saturday, because uncle Eric and Dana are coming over." Shaun said. Trevor's face changed from sad to interested. Shaun smiled. "Drink up, okay? I don't want you getting dehydrated." Shaun said. Trevor drank the water, and when it was gone, put the bottle on the floor. He had enough of the playmat and crawled off of it. Shaun saw this and picked him up, putting him back on the mat. Trevor shook his head. 

"Done with the mat? I'll put you somewhere else then." Shaun cooed, sitting Trevor in his playpen. Trevor crossed his arms. He waited for Shaun to turn around and he climbed out of the playpen to sit on the couch. When Shaun saw that he moved, he rolled his eyes. "Okay kiddo, real funny. You can sit there, just stop moving around, okay?" Shaun asked. Trevor nodded. He picked up the remote and turned on the tv. 

After putting on South Park, he kicked his feet up and watched the show. Shaun came into the room and changed the channel.

"Hey, I was watching that." Trevor said, annoyed. Shaun looked at him smugly. Uh oh.

"I thought you weren't speaking to me." Shaun said, a small smile on his face. Trevor rolled his eyes. "That's a bad show. Why don't we go read?" Shaun said, picking up Trevor. He carried him to the nursery and picked up a copy of The giving tree. He sat down in the rocking chair and with Trevor securely in one arm, began to read.

Trevor wanted to fight, but this was his favorite book as a kid. He listened, escaping the last thing on his mind. Before he knew it, he was really emotional. Trevor wanted to cry. He thought Shaun was so bad when he first brought him here, but he actually did seem to car about Trevor. Before Trevor knew it, he was crying. Shaun put the book down and held him up to his shoulder, rubbing his back.

"Hey bubba, what's the matter?" He cooed. Trevor cried into his shoulder and allowed Shaun to hold him, wanting the comfort. "It's okay, daddy's here." Shaun said. He rubbed the boys back until he calmed down, then sat him on his lap.

"Daddy, I'm sorry." Trevor wept, looking up at Shaun. "Sometimes you're so stubborn, Trevor, honestly." Shaun said. He hugged Trevor and stood up, grabbing a pacifier. "Here bubba." He said, popping the soother in trevors mouth. He accepted it and cling to Shaun.

"You've been quite a handful these past few days. Are you ready to behave?" Again asked. "Yeah." Trevor listen behind his pacifier. Shaun smiled and ruffled his hair. "Okay. Let's go get you some food." He said, carrying Trevor to the kitchen. He put Trevor in his high chair and made a turkey sandwich with lettuce, cheese and tomatoes, cut it it quarters and gave it to Trevor on a baby plate. Trevor picked up the first piece of sandwich and bit it. 

After he was done eating, Shaun put the plate in the sink and got another bottle of water for Trevor. Shaun made a cup of coffee for himself and sat at the counter, watching Trevor. "Let me know when you want to get out of there, okay?" Shaun said, sipping his drink. Trevor nodded. He sat there for a few more minutes before he wanted to go elsewhere. Shaun picked him up and carried him into th e living room. He sat on the couch with him and cradled him in his arms. "I know you wanna be a big boy sometimes, but you need to let daddy know how you feel, okay Trevor?" Shaun said. 

"Okay." Trevor mumbled. He curled into Shauns hold and closed his eyes. "Can I have my paci?" He asked sleepily. Shaun went to get the paci. He gave it to Trevor and went back to the couch, letting Trevor sleep in his arms.

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