The rise of a Pokémon master

By KingSnooze09

3.3K 10 23

Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy ready for his Pokémon journey.Along his side is a electric rodent with that wa... More

I choose you
I choose you part 2
A Fresh Start
Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1
Move sets.
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter city
Show down in Pewter City part two
Move sets part 2
The Journey of a coordinator
Clefairy and the moon stone
The Water flowers of cerulean City
You win some, you lose some
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the hidden village
Charmander the first flame of aura
Here comes the Squirtle squad
Mystery at the light house
Electric shock show down
A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)
A battling shipwreck
Move sets part 3
A vacation and relaxation
A Cruel Vacation
A frightful evolution
Not exactly love at first sight
A sweet smelling Showdown
A sweet smelling showdown part 2
A sweet smelling showdown part 3
A sweet smelling showdown part 4
The trials of a coordinator
The trials of a coordinator part 2
A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)
Breediful battles
Breediful battles part 2
Team Rocket take over.
The takeover
The bad, the good, and both
Move Sets part 4
The Calvary has arrived!
It's finally over
Setting off
Mankey goes bananas
A mind breaking showdown
A troubling tournament
A rockin evolution!(I know it's cheesy)
The end of a rockin rematch!
The end of a way to long tournament
Leaving the big city
The familiar smell of lavender
breakin out!
Don't get between a momma Ursarang and her cub
A battle of parenting
Learning about the past
Training all day and training all night.
Move sets part 5
Child hunting
Hypno's nap time
Another day, another city
The not so gringey city
The not so Gringey city part 2
Dose dang Digletts!
Digging up a new team member
Move sets part 6
A contagiously good battle
A blazing battle

Viridian Forest Part 2

80 0 1
By KingSnooze09

                                                                         Pokémon speech

Staryu soon let's herself out the Pokeball to see the group of Pokémon talking."Bug!"She says and uses watergun on Metapod and he quickly uses harden.The other Pokémon step in and try to resolve the fight."Alright I need some answers 1.Where are we?2.Who are you?And 3.Why is a bug here?"Staryu says."1.We're in Viridian Forest, 2.We're your trainers friends Pokémon, and 3.Metapod is my teammate."Pikachu replies."Well Misty would never be around a bug so you're probably lying."Staryu replies."How about this, Meowth tomorrow can you explain the situation to the trainers please?"Pikachu Asks."Sure" Meowth replies."Wait did he just speak Human?"Staryu asks."We'll explain it tomorrow, now let's get some rest."Pikachu says.

When it's morning Misty sees Metapod sleeping soundly and screams, which of course startles everyone awake."What's wrong Misty?!"Ash asks."Yeah what's wrong?"James says."What's this thing doing sleeping near me!?"Misty asks."Stop being mean to Caterpie and you  probably just woke up everyone in Hoenn."Ash replies."I'm not the one being mean because that thing nearly scared me to death!"Misty says."I'll go grab some popcorn"Jessie says searching her bag for bagged popcorn."Don't forget to grab dah butter!"Meowth says."Growlie can you use ember on the firewood please?"James says."If you can't beat them join them."If you're even a Pokémon then get out of my face and into the Pokeball!"Misty says.Metapod being done with this uses a small electro web at Misty's feet zapping her."Ow, Ash learn to control your Pokémon!"Says Misty.Staryu being mad that her trainer was attacked uses rapid spin on Metapod that quickly uses harden."How about this, we have a Pokémon battle, if you somehow win I'll apologize if I win you keep your bug away from me deal?"Misty says."Deal."Ash replies.James sighs, steps up on the side lines."This will be a one on one battle they're only allowed to use 1 Pokémon and yotta yotta prepare to battle."James says not caring to much."Alright let's battle, go Metapod!"Ash says.Metapod hopping to makeshift battle field."Go Staryu!"Misty says as hops on the field."Five dollars says Ash wins"Meowth and Jessie say but realize they're betting on the same person."I thought you were on my side!"Misty says."If you can't beat em join em."Jessie says shrugging.

"Alright Metapod use bug bite on Staryu!"Ash says as green fangs appear in front of Metapod."Staryu use rapid spin to launch that nasty bug!Misty says as the attack hits."Metapod use electro web in between those trees and try to use iron defense!"Ash says.Metapod sends an electronic web in between two trees and uses Iron defense decent enough for Metapod to be coated by iron.By the momentum Metapod is launched at the web and instead of being hurt the electricity coats his body because of Iron defense, and launches him back at Staryu."What!"Misty says surprised.The dust clears and Staryu is barely standing."Alright metapod finish her off with tackle!"Metapod charges at Staryu."Staryu use  recover!"Misty says."What!"Ash says surprised."Staryu looks like she's a bit better but still has half of the damage.Ash thinks how he can beat Misty if she has recover and he has an Idea."Metapod use electro web to trap Staryu and use Iron defense and tackle at the same time!"Ash says."Metapod fires an Electronic web trapping Staryu and he charges at her coated in iron and soon to be coated in electricity.The dust clears up and see a fainted Staryu and a proud Metapod.James says Staryu's unable to battle and sits by his friends."Great job Metapod I think you got Iron defense down, now apologize to Metapod Misty."Ash says hugging Metapod."Fine, I'm sorry Metapod for being mean."Misty says returning Staryu."Now that that's over with can I just say that was awesome!"Meowth says."Yeah that was an amazing battle Ash!"Jessie says."I know I think I'll call those first one Thunder Iron Rocket and the second one thunder Iron slam!"Ash says excitedly.After the battle they hear laughter of an familiar group."Prepare for trouble and make it double, here's our mission so you better listen!To infect the world with devastation!To blight all people in every nation!To denounce the goodness of truth and love!To extend our wrath to the stars above!Cassidy!And Butch of course we're team Rocket circling earth all day and night.Surrender to us now or you'll surely lose the fight.Raticate!"The trio rime."Now hand over those Pokémon, this time we're not playing around."Butch says."Never!"Ash replies."Fine, let's do it the hard way, go!"The duo release their Pokémon ready to battle."Alright let's go!Uh Misty aren't y- oh yeah I forgot"Ash says as the group release their Pokémon and Misty sighs."Raticate use super fang on Meowth, Houndour use smog on Growlithe, Sableye use Shadow ball on Ekans, Tentacool use acid on Pidgey, Snubbull use fire fang on Metapod, Mankey use seismic toss on Koffing, Hitmontop use rolling kick on Carnivine, Poocheyena use iron tail on Pikachu!"The duo say."Meowth use Metal claw on Raticates teeth, Growlie use ember to explode the smog, (Ekans takes the hit)Ekans use dig on Sableye, Pidgey dodge it and use steel wing on tentacool."The group says."Metapod are you ok?"Ash ask and Meatapod he nods his head."Ok then Metapod use Thunder Iron slam on Snubbull!"Ash says making Snubbull faint."(Koffing takes the hit) Koffing use Smog on Mankey, Carnivine use vine whip on Hitmontops leg and swing it back at them."James says.This makes Hitmontop faint including Raticate, Houndour, and tentacool."Bellsprout use Acid on Sableye, Spearow use steel wing on Sableye, and Pikachu use Iron tail to send Poocheyena back!"The group says defeating the remaining Pokémon."You may of won this time but we'll be back!"Butch says running off with Cassidy."Alright we won again!"Ash says congratulating the Pokémon Ash Jessie and James do the same.When Ash gets to Metapod he starts to glow."Wait you're evolving!"Ash says.Metapod starts to break out of his shell and emerges as a Butterfree.Ash takes out his Pokédex to scan him.Butterfree the Butterfly Pokémon.This Butterfree is male, has the ability compound eyes.In battle it flaps its wings at great speed to release highly toxic dust in the air.It's moves are Tackle, Electro Web, bug bite, Iron defense and has learned gust.Note:This Pokémon has grown in an extremely fast rate even for its Species.

The group congratulates Butterfree and they head on through more of Viridian Forest.

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