Breathe : skephalo

By Toiletowater

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(simply isn't gonna fix any spelling/grammar mistakes in this book, so heads up for that. Also, keep in mind... More

Another day. Chapter one
Captured. Chapter two
Unsteady breathing, and bad memories. Chapter three
Breathe, it's okay. Chapter four
Tough times. Chapter five
Repeat : chapter six
Popcorn : chapter seven
Ambien : chapter eight
Huges : cheaper nine
Red and black : chapter ten
Chapter eleven : the moments
Chapter twelve : in awe
Chapter thirteen : eyes
Chapter fourteen : princess
Chapter fifteen : Michael
Chapter seventeen : frozen
Chapter eighteen : beeping
Chapter nineteen : the fallen angle
Chapter twenty : the faint line
Chapter twenty-one : finally like normal
Chapter twenty-two : snow
Chapter twenty-three : shirtless
Chapter twenty-four : speeding
Chapter twenty-five: sirens
Chapter twenty-six : drugged up
Chapter twenty-seven : decorations
Chapter twenty-eight : golden
Chapter twenty-nine: one
Chapter thirty: the end

Chapter sixteen : pizza and dark green

433 23 34
By Toiletowater

Double update cause why not

First-person pov (zak)

"zak it's time to get ready," a voice said while rubbing their hand up and down my back. I opened my eyes to see Michael smiling down at me, I smiled back and sat up. "thank you, Mike" I said before standing up and started making my way toward my bedroom door, "what did you call me?" Michael asked making me stop and look back at him.

His face was a mix of emotions, happiness the main one. "eh, mike? I won't if you're not okay with it" I said not wanting to offend him." no no I love it, it remained me of something, it would make me happy if you called me that actually" Michael smiled, I returned the smile and we both walked out of my room.

"you have an hour," Michael said before walking downstairs.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped in locking it behind me. I stripped off my clothes and walked over to the shower, I turned the water on and waited some seconds before stepping in. Letting a sigh out as the warm water cover my body, I've forgotten how much I loved showers since last time I did, which was a few days ago but still.

I grabbed my shampoo and squeezed some out in my hand, I brought my hand up to my hair and started rubbing the shampoo in. Washing out the shampoo I grabbed my conditioner but instead of washing it out immediately I grabbed my washcloth and body soap and washed my body before rinsing the conditioner out.

Turning the water off I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and started drying myself off. I probably used about twenty minutes in the shower so I still have some time.

Wrapping the towel around my waist I unlocked the bathroom door and walked out into the hallway and to the right towards my bedroom. Stepping in I closed and locked the door behind me and walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of white socks and a white boxer.

Untying the towel I let it fall to the ground before putting on my boxers and socks and walked over to my closet and picked out a white t-shirt, a dark green sweater some blue denim straight-legged jeans and a black belt with a cold buckle to match my necklace.

Putting on the white t-shirt I tugged it into my jeans and put the sweater over that again, tugging the front of the sweater into my jeans. Putting on my belt I unlocked my door and walked over to the bathroom again.

Getting my perfume and deodorant I put it them on and started brushing my teeth. After I was done with that I turned off the lights and started making my way downstairs.

Turning the corner Isaac, Tyler and Michael were sitting on the couch, Tyler and Michael cuddled while Isaac was cuddled up with tomato. I walked over to them which made tomato jump off Issac, giving tomato headpats I walked over to Isaac and sat on top of him, you gotta make place when you need it right?

Issac groaned before ruffling up my hair and making space for me on the couch. " look at you! Handsome as always" Michael winked, " oh thank you, kind sir. But same goes for you mike" I chuckled, I felt Issac tense beside me as well as I could see Tyler tense behind Michael.

" of your flattering me" Michael responded which seemed to snap Isaac and Tyler back form whatever came over them, I decided to not ask any questions even though I really wanted to, it's like they're hiding something from me.

" shit it's already seven-fifteen we need to get going," Michael said jumping off Tyler and dragged the other up. Me and Isaac laughed at the couple as we stood up and made our way over to our front door.

I grabbed the same jacket I used when I went on a walk with tomato and some dark green converse to match my sweater.

Isaac locked the door behind us and we started making out way to Tylers car, we decided to take one car instead of two driving when we were going to the same place.

Me and Isaac sat in the backseat while Tyler in the driver seat and Michael in the from passenger seat. Tyler put on the radio and the ride over to the new place was filled with awful singing from all of us, at least were self-aware right?

Tyler parked his car beside Darryl's black Camaro, Darryl had already gotten us a table since he came a little early. Taking off my seatbelt I opened the door, making sure not to hit Darryl's car with the car door in the process.

I closed the door and started walking over to the entrance were Darryl was standing waiting for us, I smiled at him as I walked over and he returned the smile and oh my God im sure my stomach did a full on backflip.

The rest soon caught up to me and we made it inside, " good to see you dar" Michael said hugging Darryl as soon as we made it to our table, " likewise" Darryl chuckled as he returned the hug.

Adam still haven't showed up but Adam was always late so we didn't worry. After about five minutes Adam came running in apologising for being late saying that he had to literally peel his little sister off him, " yeah dude im pretty sure that devil is made of glue" Adam huffed as he sat down beside me.

Darryl was sitting beside me like how we sat at the cafeteria earlier today. The waitress came over and gave us out menu and asked we wanted for drinks, Tyler orders coke so did Michael and Isaac, Darryl ordered a bear while me and Adam ordered water.

" dude u ain't twenty-one," Tyler said as soon as the waiter left, " didn't realise I knew the owner until like right before you guys arrived, he's chill about it, I can order one for you if you want?" Darryl said as he looked through the menu.

" I have to drive so I can't. Wait, Darryl why the hell you drinking when you have to drive home later!" Tyler whispers shouted at Darryl, " dude you know me, wouldn't be the first time" Darryl replied as he closed his menu looking over at Tyler.

" your right, but when you get a ticket don't expect me to not say told you so" Tyler sighed but smiled at Darryl who started chuckling, we all were too caught up in watching the two we didn't realise the waiter was back.

" Oh shit, sorry. Could you give us two minutes we still haven't figured out what we want" Michael said looking at the waiter apologetic.

The waiter nodded his head and returned to the kitchen. " okay I was thinking we could order two big pizzas if that's fine with yall" Isaac suggested shifting his eyes between us all. We agreed and settled on one with half pepperoni and halm, and one with half chicken and beef.

The waiter came back and we ordered and as we waited on the food I suddenly had the urge to go use the toilet, " yo dipshit I need to use the toilet move" I said making Adam chuckle before standing up, I thanked him and started making my way over to the sign that said WC but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a table with four familiar people sitting around it.

' Why are they here' ' they definitely are following us' 'oh my God they are following us' fear started running up my spine and u could feel my heartbeat fastening, but before I could get in panic mode I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I snapped my head at the person to see Darryl with a smile in his face, but it wasn't the normal smile Darryl had, it was like a 'move' smile. He started pushing me towards the bathroom and into the boys toilets.

" Darryl the people at the table is the same people at the school, I walked past them when I was on a walk with tomato and that talked about going somewhere around seven since some other people were coming seven-thirty, Darryl they're following us what are we going to do what if they want to hurt us-"' I whispered, I was really freaking out now, I was gonna continue when Darryl pulled me into a hug.

" I know I saw them when I got the table, but remember whatever they want, I won't let them hurt us okay? It's likely they might just be here at the same time as us okay? So try to enjoy the food here and not think about them, don't let them ruin your mood okay?" Darryl whispers back rubbing his hand soothingly up and down my back.

I nodded and took a deep breath, they might just be here at the same time don't freak out zak. " well I don't have to use the toilet anymore, wanna go back?" I asked making Darryl chuckle before he took me hand and we started making our way back to our table.

Oh my god, Darryl is holding my hand, im sure my face was as red as Tyler's jacket, which is bright red, by the way, since Adam was laughing at my face when we sat down.

While we were in the bathroom our food had arrived as well as our drinks. The place was pretty full, but that's to be expected since they just opened up this week, but I was sure surprised how fast the food came.

I took a slice of pepperoni and immediately took a bite. I moaned at the delicious bite of pizza which made the group look at me weird before taking a bite themselves and having the same reaction.

We ate almost all of the pizzas only two slices left, we all had emptied up our drinks and now we were just talking, having a good time in general. Suddenly I remembered the guys that me and Darryl had a bad feeling about and looked over at their table, relief washed over me when I saw that their table was now empty.

I looked back at Darryl and was about to tell him that they'd left, but before I could say something the sound of shots and screaming made its way into the restaurant.


Og boy, I promise to not stop the story this time, because I definitely didn't do that last time I left on a cliffhanger:p

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