The rise of a Pokémon master

By KingSnooze09

3.3K 10 23

Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy ready for his Pokémon journey.Along his side is a electric rodent with that wa... More

I choose you
I choose you part 2
Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1
Move sets.
Viridian Forest Part 2
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter city
Show down in Pewter City part two
Move sets part 2
The Journey of a coordinator
Clefairy and the moon stone
The Water flowers of cerulean City
You win some, you lose some
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the hidden village
Charmander the first flame of aura
Here comes the Squirtle squad
Mystery at the light house
Electric shock show down
A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)
A battling shipwreck
Move sets part 3
A vacation and relaxation
A Cruel Vacation
A frightful evolution
Not exactly love at first sight
A sweet smelling Showdown
A sweet smelling showdown part 2
A sweet smelling showdown part 3
A sweet smelling showdown part 4
The trials of a coordinator
The trials of a coordinator part 2
A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)
Breediful battles
Breediful battles part 2
Team Rocket take over.
The takeover
The bad, the good, and both
Move Sets part 4
The Calvary has arrived!
It's finally over
Setting off
Mankey goes bananas
A mind breaking showdown
A troubling tournament
A rockin evolution!(I know it's cheesy)
The end of a rockin rematch!
The end of a way to long tournament
Leaving the big city
The familiar smell of lavender
breakin out!
Don't get between a momma Ursarang and her cub
A battle of parenting
Learning about the past
Training all day and training all night.
Move sets part 5
Child hunting
Hypno's nap time
Another day, another city
The not so gringey city
The not so Gringey city part 2
Dose dang Digletts!
Digging up a new team member
Move sets part 6
A contagiously good battle
A blazing battle

A Fresh Start

139 2 1
By KingSnooze09

On the path to Viridian city somewhere else are two humans and a Pokémon."Jessie I don't know if we should do this, our dreams of being anything more than Pokémon thieves will be ruined."Said a 18 year old man."Yeah, Jimmy boy might be right.He always wanted to be a trainer while you've always wanted to be a coordinator and I .... don't know but I'll always be with you's idiots.Maybe I can be the world's most powerful Meowth!"Meowth says."But I might need a trainer to help."Meowth says turning his head to James."Meowth you can't be serious you  said you never wanted a trainer!" James says."I said I didn't want a bad trainer, I've known you for a while and I know you're a good one."But we need the money!, we've tried other jobs before and they've never worked." Jessie says. "But we've never tried training and coordinating.Besides whenever someone doesn't respond for more than 2 months they think they've quit and as long as they're not high in the organization they're fine." said James."Well it's decided, all that's left are to tell the Pokémon.They release their Pokémon, Koffing, Carnivine, Growlie and Ekans.They tell them the news and Meowth translates that if their trainers are happy they're happy.James walks up to meowth."Are you ready Meowth?"James ask as he takes out a Pokéball."Yep, but don't think I'll always side with you, ok."said Meowth.James smiles."Sure you crazy Cat."James says as he taps the Pokéball on Meowths head.After being caught Meowth let's himself out."Hey! I ain't ever gonna be put in there again!"Meowth says as he climbs on James shoulder."Much better"Meowth says.The ex villains find a out house to change and take out their favorite clothes Jessie wearing a purple jacket over her black shirt on the sides it says prepare for trouble on the sleeves with a Ekans in the middle of the jacket.James has the same but with make it double on his sleeves with Koffing in the middle of the jacket.Now they're walking back on track to Viridian city.

 Ash and his Pokémon are still walking to Viridian.Ash remembers that he has to see Pidgey's move set.He takes out his Pokédex and scans Pidgey.Pidgey the tiny bird Pokémon, a common sight in forest and woods.It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.This Pidgey is female and has the ability tangled feet, and knows tackle, sand attack and has almost learned gust.

"That's a good move set but we can still learn."Ash says He looks up to see a sign that says Viridian city.He soon hears a officer talking on the sirens saying they've seen Pokémon thieves around.He Tries to walk in but feels a tug on his collar."Hold it, where do you think you're going with those Pokémon young man?" the officer asked."They're my Pokémon and I'm trying to get them healed ASAP!" Ash said annoyed."I'm sorry, I thought you were stealing them can you show me your ID?"the officer said."I'm sorry I don't think I have one, I just got here from Pallet town."Ash said shyly."Well it's suspicious of you carrying not one but two Pokémon with you outside a Pokéball." the officer said."How do I know you didn't steal them with no identification?"the officer asked."Please let me through I need to get them checked up." Ash asked.The officer sees Ash's Pokédex and ask if she can see that.Ash says it's ok and she turns it on and it tells her the information she needs to know to let him through."I didn't know my Pokédex was my ID, so now can I take them to the Pokémon center?" Ash asked."Sure let me just grab my motorcycle, it has a seat on the side you can ride in.They soon get to the Pokémon center and Ash thanks the officer.Following them is the same red headed girl a carrying her burned bike."Hey, get back here!" she yells.Walking towards the entrance were two people in Team Rocket uniforms."Well this is to easy Bob, I think the officers have given up."Says a woman the same age as Jessie."It's Butch!" said Bo-"It's BUTCH!"

Ash runs inside placing his Pokémon on the counter "Please help my Pokémon please!" Ash ask.The nurse calls for two small stretchers to which chanseys bring in."You look pretty beat up yourself, do you need some help?" the nurse ask."Sure" Ash responds.For the most part all Ash needs is some rest and two bandaids.Ash soon decides to call his mom while he's at it."Hi honey are you ok, where are you?" his mom ask."The Pokémon center in Viridian city"Ash replies."You're already in Viridian city!"Delia says surprised."It took me four days.You've always been the apple of my eye."Delia said."Yeah the rotten apple.Ash says."Oh don't talk like that you're growing up right in front of my eyes."Yeah but today I didn't do so well."Ash says."Remember what I've always told you, stand strong and think like a winner, when you get knocked down- Delia says."You get back up again."Ash says."Atta boy so get out there and show the world what us Ketchum's are made of!"Delia says"Thanks mom bye.""Ash says."Don't forget to always change your you kn-"Ash hangs up.He looks to see a poster of the legendary trio of Johto and the Pokémon he saw.On the phone he hears the video phone ringing."Hello this is Ash who is it?"Ash ask."It's me Ash don't you recognize me?" the Professor ask."I didn't recognize the back of your head." Ash replies."Oh wrong camera."Professor Oak quickly fixes it."Your mother just called and said you just made it to Viridian city."The Professor says."I couldn't be talking to you if I wasn't here."Ash replies."The other trainers made it no problem.I'm surprised you're there so soon I must say I had my doubts, but when Gary said you wouldn't catch a new Pokémon by the time you got there I bet him a million dollars you would."The Professor says."Well I did catch a Pidgey."Ash says."Heck Yeah!"the Professor says happily."Sorry about my language."the Professor apologizes."It's ok."Ash says."I also saw a flying Pokémon like the one on that poster." Ash says."Oh that must of been a Fearow or something people search their whole lives for that Pokémon and they never saw it."the Professor says."Well it sure looked like it."Ash says."Well you must of been mistaken, (hears doorbell)Oh that's my Pizza gotta go."The Professor says.While waiting for his Pokémon to heal even longer he hears someone talking to his Pokemon which isn't unheard of but the Pokémon talks back.

"So next we have to head to Viridian fo-"the young man starts to say."Is that a talking Pokémon?"Ash ask."No I'm a Pokémon that has the worlds weirdest sounding name, of course I'm a talking Pokémon!" Meowth replies."Well I'm Ash nice to to meet y-."Now I've got you!" the young girl says carrying her burned bike."Gotta go"the trio say running to the other side of the Pokémon center."Sorry about your bike."Ash says."Sorry about your bike my foot!How could you let this happen you brat!"the young girl says."Now you bet-(she falls)ow!"She says."I'm sorry let me help you."Ash says sincerely.The girl slaps his hand away."I don't need your help, I need you to pay for what you did to my bike!she says."I'll make up for it I promise, but I can't pay it back until I win enough battles."Ash says."I don't want excuses kid, I want a new bike now!"she says."I'm sorry, my Pokémon got hurt pretty bad by a flock of spearow and they are in the med bay getting treated."Ash says."Oh I'm sorry."she says sincerely.After she said that they see two stretchers carrying the Pokémon.They run up to them hoping they're ok."Are you two alright?" Ash Ask."They're resting, they'll be ok with a bit of rest."the nurse says."Thank you mam." Ash says gratefully."You can come to Ash to make sure they're fine." the nurse says."I'm sorry about your bike, but it might take time for me to make things right."Ash says."No way I fell for that last time!But you better make sure they're ok, we'll settle this later."she says.On the sirens they hear a officer talk about them seeing a truck belonging to a group of Pokémon thieves.Those exact thieves are using jet packs to fly up to the top of the roof, throwing through the glass two Pokeballs.Out come a Houndour and a Hitmontop.The Houndour using smog while the Hitmontop uses triple kick on the computers."Who was that?"Ash ask."Alright kid fork over the Poke- oh it looks like dumb, dumber and dumbest have already gotten here, hey why haven't you idiots stolen any Pokémon yet?"they ask the trio."We aren't a part of Team Rocket anymore!"Jessie replies."Wait you guys are theives!"Ash says surprised."We aren't any more!" James responds.The nurse doesn't notice the conversation trying to call the police but the Houndour uses ember on the phone before she can call them."Well if they're gonna be goodie two shoes than we'll do it." Butch says."Prepare for trouble, and make it double, here's our mission so you better listen ,to infect the world with devastation, to blight all people in every nation, to denounce the goodness of truth and love, to extend our wrath to the stars above, Cassidy and Butch of course, we're Team Rocket circling earth all day and night, surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!Raticate!"The evil group sing."Now fork over the Pokémon!" Butch says."You're not getting my Pokémon!"Ash retorts."We don't want your electric rat or bird brain over there either." Cassidy says."Yeah we only need rare and strong Pokémon."Butch says."You're wasting your time this place is only for injured Pokémon."Nurse Joy says."Yeah bit we might find some gems among the junk."Cassidy says."You're starting to get on my nerves you know."Ash says."Aw the brats mad, how cute."Cassidy says sarcastically."Now enough chit chat take them down!"Butch says as both of them release a Sabelye, poochyena, tentacool and Mankey come out to join the other Pokémon.The group of heroes run in the back room locking the door.Outside all the Pokémon are patrolling the area.Sudenly the lights go out and the group are left in the dark literally.But thankfully they have a group of electric type Pokémon to power the lights back on.Nurse Joy soon get's on a computer to transport the Pokeballs to the nearest Pokémon center and contact the police.Soon Houndour brakes down the door ready to attack."Quick put the Pokeballs on the conveyor belt!"Nurse Joy says.They Quickly get them on before the duo can get in.They see what happening and Cassidy says they'll pay for that."Alright time to battle go! Misty says releasing Goldeen."Shoot Goldeen can't battle without water return."That's you best Pokémon, wow I feel disrespected." Butch says."Get those two out of here and go I'll be fine."Misty says.Ash runs holding his Pokémon the villains Pokémon hot on his trail.The Pokémon soon wake up to see they're trainer being chased and prepare to battle.The trio and their Pokémon are ready to battle to.Soon the villains catch up."Raticate use tackle on meowth, Houndour use bite on the growlithe, Sableye use fury swipes on Ekans, tentacool use watergun on Pidgey."Cassidy says."Mankey use karate chop on Koffing, Hitmontop use rapid spin on Carnavine, Poocheyena use tackle on Pikachu!" Butch says most of the Pokémon get hit but now they're ready to attack back."Meowth us scratch on raticate, Growlie use bite on Houndour, Koffing use tackle on Mankey, carnavine use bind to spin Hitmontop back!"James says.Hitmontop faints and hits his team mates, to which Butch returns."Ekans use poison sting on Sableye."Jessie says.To this Sableye faints due to the damage done by Hitmontop."Pidgey use tackle on tentacool, and Pikachu use thundershock on the other side's Pokémon!Ash says making the remaining Pokémon faint and blast off the villains through the roof."Alright!"Ash says happily as the ex criminals praise their Pokémon.Soon Misty comes in the room to see another hole in the roof and the group hugging their Pokémon.Misty calls to Nurse Joy saying everything's ok.The police get there and find a roofless Pokémon center.(Somewhere in the forest.)Oww the duo say falling in the woods."That's no ordinary Pikachu and I know by how much that hurt."Cassidy says."Yeah we'd get loads of money with that rat!"Butch says.Well it's decided, tomorrow we're getting that rat!"Cassidy yells.Little do they know the reason they flew so far was because of Houndour's smog.

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