HyperDimension Neptunia Rebir...

KazumaAkimoto tarafından

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Akimoto Kazuma, the Adoptive brother of Fuyu and Hansuke Dragneel, who has lost his memories in the aftermath... Daha Fazla

Characters Introductions + Note for the readers
Prologue: Arrival in Gamindustri
Blanc's worries, Kazuma's depression
Planeptune's Mascot located, meeting with Linda aka Underling
Arrival in Lastation, meeting with Uni
Linda's strike again, Uni's revelation
The Oracle of Lastation, Kei Jinguji
Gathering the Materials, search for the Hematite & Treasure Gem
A dangerous encounter, GRIM REAPER's Ōkui The Sin of Gluttony
Kazuma's frustration, Uni's concern for him
Lowee, the land of White Serenity
Underling again ! the kidnapping of Rom
Reunion, The Lowee sisters
The Oracle of Lowee, Mina Nishizawa
The Mascot of Lowee, apparition of the Killachine
Reviving Lowee's Mascot, finding Rare Metal & Datanium
Saving Lowee from destruction, Vs Ikari The Sin of Wrath
Leanbox, the Land of Green Pastures
Meeting with the Idol and the Bodyguard, 5pb. and Cave
Pursuing Underling, Saving Chika from ASIC
GRIM REAPER's leader finally appear, Senbō The Sin of Envy
Helping a friend in need, Falcom's struggle against ASIC
Problem in Lowee, Rom & Ram got sick
Saving Lowee, Vs. CFW Trick & Hikari The Sin of Wrath
Uni's disappearance, Kazuma's worries.
The noble & respectable warrior, Vs. CFW Brave
Calm before the Storm, the girls decision
The Will of our family, Goddesses Awakening
ASIC's leader and Arfoire's loyal follower, CFW Magic
Stopping the rampaging rat, Vs Omega Warechu
A warrior's promise, CFW Brave goes all-out
GRIM REAPER's counter attack ! Vs. CFW Trick
Retake Planeptune, Vs. CFW Magic
A monstrous apparition, the Deity of Sin appear
A dire situation ! The re-emergence of the Four Felons
the Final Battle for Gamindustri, Vs. True Arfoire
The long waited moment, The Keyblade Graveyard appear
What needs to be done, the fated battle against GRIM REAPER
A calamity reappear, The Reaper has revived
The will of living, The Chosen Ones's ultimate battle
For our family and for the world, Chosen Ones Vs True Reaper
Epilogue: The End of an Era and beginning of a new one, thank you Kazuma & Blanc

Kazuma's awake, the story of the legendary Dragneel Family

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KazumaAkimoto tarafından

Kazuma's POV

Several hours later after what happened to the Gamindustri Graveyard, i wake up in a place i didn't recognize, when i open my eyes, i see Blanc by my side, she was so happy that i was alright that she give me a big hug.

Kazuma: urghhh..... what happened ? Blanc ! is that you ?

Blanc: Kazuma ! Kazuma ! you awake ! thank god, you okay.

Kazuma: it's not a dream, please tell me it's not a dream.

Blanc: *tears* no Kazuma, it's not a dream, it's reality.

Kazuma: *tears* i'm so glad that you are saved Blanc, when i saw what happened to you, i fell so much anger toward the one who did this to you.

Blanc: i's okay, you saved me and that's all that matter, however the rest of the Goddesses are still trapped there.

Kazuma: what happened back there after i rescue you and Nepgear ?

Blanc: after your fight against CFW Judge, the robot who guarded us, you used your life-force to complete what the Sharicite lack and managed to save me and Nepgear however you lost conscious as a result, we used the Sharicite to restore your heath, which succeed but the Sharicite broke after using up all of his light.

Kazuma: i see..... without that, there's no way we can help the rest of the Goddesses.

Blanc: don't worry, there's still hope and you here for us, remember our promise ?

Kazuma: yes, i remember, we made the promise to be reunited together and to take down GRIM REAPER who are responsable for the death of my loved ones.

Blanc: yes and i still kept my promise ever since that day.

Kazuma: you right..... by the way, where are IF & Compa ?

Blanc: they are in the main room of the Basilicom with Histoire to discuss important things until you and Nepgear wakes up.

Kazuma: i understand, but who is this Histoire ?

Blanc: come with me, i will introduce you to her.

We both leave the bedroom and head to the main room of the Basilicom where IF, Compa and Histoire were waiting for us, upon arrival, Compa and IF rush at me with joy and relief that i'm alright.

Kazuma: good morning everyone.

IF & Compa: Kazuma ! you okay !

Kazuma: whoa !

Compa: *tears* i'm so glad that you're okay, we were worried sick about you.

IF: we wonder want you will wake up after what happened to the Gamindustri Graveyard.

Kazuma: *smile* IF, Compa, sorry for making you both worried about me, i'm fine now.

Blanc: you both seems to like him very much, even if you don't know about his past.

Histoire: Akimoto Kazuma, my name is Histoire, i'am the Oracle of Planeptune and a tome who record all of Gamindustri's history, i'm so happy to meet the grandson of Haru.

Kazuma: the pleasure is all mine Histoire, but you know my grandfather ?

Histoire: yes, all of us know him, in fact he is the living legend of Gamindustri due to the feats he has accomplished to protect our world.

Kazuma: i never knew grandpa was well known here.

I'm happy to meet the oracle of Planeptune who is also the one who recorded all of Gamindustri's histoire, but i was surprised by the next question she's about to ask me.

Histoire: say Kazuma, since you are the grandson of Haru, i would like you to tell us about your family's history.

IF: that's right, ever since you said you are from the Dragneel Family, it tick my curiosity as the name feel so familiar.

Kazuma: it is okay if i tell them Blanc ?

Blanc: yes, you can dear, but if it is too much, i will do it instead.

Kazuma: it's okay, i need to do this, alright, so Histoire, IF, Compa listen to me, the story you all are about to heard is how my adoptive family the Dragneel Family came to existence.

Histoire: i'd like to know more about them.

Kazuma: alright, it all started out during a great war that happened ages ago, a war that everyone know as the Keyblade War, my grandfather was among those who battle in the war, he was very well known for his combat abilities and his intelligence, he alone took down hundreds of rivals from other Unions and the monsters that caused us troubles in the end the war ended and my grandpa became a legend for being the sole survivor of the war.

IF: *sparking eyes* that's amazing, what happened next after the war ?

Kazuma: after the war, my grandpa get married to a woman he loved since he was young, his wife was Ayaka Dragneel, their union give birth to my adoptive father Akimoto Dragneel also known as Aki.

Compa: such romantic, what happened next ?

Kazuma: after the Dragneel Family was founded, Haru open a dojo named after himself and begin to the master who teach his pupils the Dragneel sword fighting style, he was the one who teach Aki how to fight.

Histoire: i see... during that time what Haru was doing after Aki was born.

Kazuma: he was happy and spend a lot of time raising him with Ayaka, of course time passed and Aki grow to become like his father, a wonderful man and eventually meet a girl named Katsumi who he married, both of their union give birth to my adoptive brothers, Fuyu and Hansuke.

Compa: i guess they were having peaceful time together.

Kazuma: yes, by this time Haru was on a trip around the world visiting new place and eventually find it's way to Gamindustri.

IF: i knew it, no wonder your family was so familiar to me, Haru came to Gamindustri many years ago.

Blanc: yes, he visit all nations and make friends with all of them, until this one fateful day. i think you remember it Histoire.

Histoire: yes, i remember, the Heartless launched an invasion on Gamindustri and attack indiscriminately everyone on their path and it was Haru who put a stop to this invasion.

Kazuma: that's true, from what i heard from my father, Haru managed to saved Gamindustri from the Heartless and from The Reaper himself made a personnal appearance, however The Reaper realized that he was no match for my grandpa and retreat, it was at this point that Gamindustri start recognize Haru as the savior of Gamindustri and the Living Legend.

Compa: *eyes sparkling* that's amazing, your grandfather did all of this to save Gamindustri in the past !

Histoire: i was personally there to record what transpired during your grandfather's time.

Kazuma: yeah, he became so famous that Lowee, the nation ruled by Blanc have build a shrine in his honor for people who started worship him as a Deity.

Blanc: eheheheh, your grandpa did so much for Gamindustri dear, it's natural for me to give him such a reward, people love him so much.

Compa: what happened next ?

Kazuma: sometimes later, Haru and Katsumi came back to Gamindustri and ask the shrine to created two specific weapons, they explained to them that he had a premonition about The Reaper's return and chaos he would cause to all of us, he wanted the main blacksmith of the shrine to created two swords named Crystal Sword and Ascalon as part of their creation, Katsumi put a fragment of the White Magic of Mars within each of them along with their nullifying ability.

Compa: what !

IF: that mean those weapons are still in Gamindustri ?

Kazuma: yes, they are under the protection of the people who own the shrine in Lowee.

Histoire: that's amazing, so there's weapons that can be useful against The Reaper.

Blanc: from what Kazuma told me about The Reaper, he is highly resistant to most attacks and possess high-regeneration ability, however his only weakness is the nullify ability that is the White Magic of Mars.

Histoire: i see, that ability weaken him this much that he consider anyone who wield it as his natural enemy ?

Blanc: yes.

Kazuma: sometimes after that, Haru & Ayaka passed away from old age, however their legacy still live through Aki, Fuyu & Hansuke. it was during that time they adopted me.

Histoire: i see and you learn everything from them.

Kazuma: yes, Aki, Fuyu & Hansuke teach me how to fight with a sword, Fuyu's wife, Asuka Shimada who he married teach me how to absorb energy and transform to fight strong enemy and Genji my uncle teach me how to use my brain thus making strategy and plans.

IF: in other words, you are as strong as them ?

Kazuma: yes.

Compa: i wish they could teach us too.

IF: i wish too.

Blanc: we will stop for now, i think Nepgear might awake by now.

Histoire: you right Blanc, let's wait for her to come here, so that i can learn about what transpired three years ago.

Blanc: alright. what do you think dear ?

Kazuma: understood, we'll wait then.

Nepgear's POV

I wake up and head directly to the main hall of the Basilicom, i was greeted by Iffy, Compa, Blanc, Kazuma and Histoire, when i see Kazuma i rush at him and give him a big hug.

Nepgear: g-good morning....

IF: you finally awake !

Compa: what a relief ! you were asleep for so long that we were all getting really worried. especially Blanc and Kazuma.

Nepgear: Kazuma !

Blanc: Nepgear: what are you.....

Kazuma: whoa !

Nepgear: *tears* i'm so glad..... so glad that you are okay.

Kazuma: *smile* Nepgear, it's okay don't cry, i'm here.

Blanc: she really worried about you after your fight against CFW Judge.

Kazuma: i see, sorry if i had you worried.

Nepgear: it's okay, you alright and that's all that matter *smile*

Kazuma: you right.....

Histoire: how do you feel Nepgear ?

Nepgear: Um, i think i'm fine now. But, um, so.... i'm really sorry...

Histoire: if anyone should apologize it should be me, it was my command that sent you five to that battlefield.

Nepgear: huh ? N-No, i would never blame you. it all went south because... Because i wasn't strong enough...

Histoire: it may be sudden, but i must ask you to recount what occurred three years ago at the Gamindustri Graveyard.

Nepgear: of course...

I begin explaining what happened at the Gamindustri Graveyard three yars ago and the defeat we suffered from a single opponent, resulting of us being held captive there. that shocked everyone present but the most shocked of all of us was Kazuma.

IF: that's insane, all of you lost against a single opponent !

Compa: that's so hard to believe, how could the Goddesses lose ?

Blanc: .......

Kazuma: grrrr.......

Blanc: Kazuma, please try to stay calm.

Compa: "seeing him like this, i can understand the anger he kept deep within his heart"

Nepgear: can i ask a question now... ? What happened to Gamindustri after we lost that battle ?

Blanc: you said it's been three years, so what happened Histoire ?

Histoire: the situation is bleak, i'm afraid, ASIC, under the assumed control of Arfoire control much of the world.

IF: burning disc, burning copying... Even kids now see piracy as normal, and have put their faith in it.

Compa: In other words, everyone believe in ASIC, so the faith that powers the Goddesses has grown very weak....

Kazuma: grrrr.......

Blanc: Kazuma ?

Kazuma: those bastard are the one who did this to you Blanc ?

Blanc: unfortunately yes.

Kazuma: grrrr......

At this moment a aura start surrounding Kazuma's body as he now know of the ones who beat me, Blanc and the Goddesses three years ago.

Histoire: Kazuma !


IF: *scare* Kazuma is scarring me !

Blanc: Kazuma dear, please calm down, it's okay we will make them pay as well as GRIM REAPER, remember our promise.

Nepgear: "their promise ?"

Kazuma: you right, i'm sorry Blanc, but i had trouble to restrain my emotions, we didn't see each other for so long and when i saw you badly beaten, all of those emotions exploded with anger and hatred against those who did this to you.

Blanc: Kazuma....

Kazuma: IF, Compa and Histoire, did make a small crystal during the three years that passed here, without my light energy completing what lacked the Sharicite, you wouldn't be here with me.

Compa: "he's hurt, he's emotionally hurt, i can see it in his eyes"

IF: well, except for Lady Blanc, with the other Goddesses absent from their nations, it's no surprise. We failed to save them....

Kazuma: don't blame yourself IF, saving Nepgear and Blanc is a huge accomplishment, but even know, i can't fall back on the promise she and i made to each other.

Histoire: what was that promise Kazuma ? I'd like to know.

Blanc: Kazuma and i made the promise to bring down GRIM REAPER and everyone linked to them after what happened to Fuyu, Asuka and Genji.

Nepgear: his family ? what happened to them ?

Kazuma's face darken as i ask him what happened, next thing i saw was tears flowing from his eyes, blanc seeing him like this comfort him with a hug.

IF: Kazuma.....

Histoire: i think i know what happened, but.....

Blanc: i'll take over from now on, The Reaper who Haru battled long ago reappear to get revenge on Kazuma's family, he drove Aki away from his home to deal with Katsumi, she fighted him with everything she had, but in the end, she died by his hands with Fuyu, Hansuke & him as witnesses.

Histoire: what ! how horrible, but they were just kids back then

Blanc: yes, Aki also blamed himself for her death, that event was the beginning of a endless war between both side, it continued for several years until now.

Compa: what happened to his family ?

Blanc: Fuyu, Asuka and Genji sacrificed their life to seal away The Reaper during the war he declared on Kazuma's family, after the war Kazuma lost his memories, Aki went missing leaving only Hansuke as the only remaining member of the family.

IF: *sad* that's so sad..... why did he have to suffer from such tragedy ?

Blanc: it's sad, yes, that's why i try to prevent him from doing anything reckless, but when i came back to Gamindustri, i always fear that something might happen to him.

Nepgear: you really care about him.

Blanc: yes, and during our time after we part away, we came to learn that GRIM REAPER's objective is to revive The Reaper who was sealed away.

Histoire: the same goal as ASIC with the Deity of Sin. At the rate our world is declining. they may achieve that goal.

Kazuma: we won't let them do this, however....

Histoire: however ?

Kazuma: their goal is nothing compared to GRIM REAPER's goal.

Compa: what's their goal ?

Kazuma: what they want, is the destruction of our world all together reducing it to nothingness, the world i used to live almost got destroyed by him once.

Nepgear: no way ! that why Fuyu, Asuka and Genji sacrificed their life to seal him away ?

Kazuma: yes..... *sniff* *tears* this shouldn't even happen back then.....

IF: *rush at him and hug him* please don't be sad, they did something heroic to save everyone you love, you should be proud of them.

Compa: Iffy's right, if the burden is too heavy for you to carry, share a part of it to us.

Nepgear: you aren't alone Kazuma.

Blanc: everyone is with you, my dear.

Kazuma: *tears* everyone...... *sniff*

Histoire: "i didn't know that he suffered a lot from losing his loved ones, i wonder what should we do to make him feel better ?"

Nepgear: Histoire, do you know what can we do to stop ASIC & GRIM REAPER from achieving their goal ?

Histoire: there's one, it's you and Kazuma, along with the Goddess Candidates of the other nations.

Nepgear: wait, me ? And... i'm not the only Goddess Candidate ?

Histoire: correct. As you know, only the Goddesses themselves and the Goddess Candidates are able to gather Shares. if enough Shares are recovered, ASIC and those affiliated with it should weaken.

Nepgear: ("They want me to collect Shares in my sister's stead... ? I want to help Neptune... I want to help the world... But... There's no way i can beat such a strong opponent. I don't have a chance...")

Blanc: i understand, but what about Kazuma ?

Histoire: Kazuma, you say that GRIM REAPER's goal was the destruction of our world, right ?

Kazuma: yes. it is.

Histoire: there's rumors about the apparition of dark creatures all around Gamindustri, everyone who saw them made a description of them having yellow eyes and a emblem on them.

Blanc: *surprised* you think what i'm thinking ?

Kazuma: yes, the Heartless are here.

Compa: the Heartless ? what are they ? are they like the monsters from ASIC ?

Kazuma: similar, but different, the heartless are the manifestation of the darkness within people's hearts, they are born when people lost their hearts to darkness, those monsters are a danger for everything and for the world as a whole.

IF: why ?

Kazuma: they put people in danger, steal their hearts and destroy anything on their path, they are GRIM REAPER's monsters, but they are more powerful and stronger Heartless than the ones we Keyblade Wielders usually face and when a world is consumed by Darkness it disappear completely.

IF: i see.... so ASIC isn't the only one we have to worry about.

Histoire: it seems so, but i'm more worried about those who led GRIM REAPER.

Kazuma: those who led GRIM REAPER are even more powerful than ASIC, possessing huge amount of power from both their respective elements they rule over and the Darkness.

Nepgear: this is serious, and you thought against them ?

Kazuma: not directly.

IF: i see, for Nepgear, isn't that approach too slow ? ASIC might be able to gather Shares faster than we can reclaim them.

Compa: good point... And even the people who believed in the Goddesses probably know they've lost by now...

Kazuma: we will prove them wrong, Blanc is here with us, but i've been thinking, why don't we ask the help of the Mascot that reside in each nation of Gamindustri.

Histoire: that's a great idea, Kazuma.

Blanc: you really are intelligent aren't you ?

Kazuma: i am.

IF: Mascot ? like, game Mascot ?

Histoire: born from the ancient goddesses, they oversee the balance and order of our world in a passive manner. That is to say, they preside over the nations to ensure prosperity, and remain neutral to all else. But when needed, they will stand by the Goddesses and rid the world of evil's influence.

Compa: i had no idea they even existed...

Histoire: indeed. Not even i am aware of their precise locations. i have been researching where the Mascot for Planeptune resides, but to no avail... I will inform you all once i find something of note. In the meantime, please regain Planeptune's Shares. This will also serve to rehabilitate Nepgear and Blanc's combat ability.

IF: makes sense. I mean, both of them didn't even move much in the past three years, let alone fight.

Nepgear: ....

Blanc: it's okay as long as Kazuma is here with us.

Kazuma: i will help you Blanc, our promise we will fulfilled.

Histoire: very well, then allow me to give you this Nepgear.

*Nepgear received the N-Gear*

Nepgear: what is it ?

Histoire: this is the N-Gear. it is a portable device with a multitude of functions. It should prove invaluable to you.

Blanc's POV

After we left the Basilicom, we decide to head to the Guild to find some quests to help Planeptune regain his Shares taken by ASIC, Kazuma looked furious at what ASIC did to the world.

IF: okay, what now ?

Compa: Should we get some work at the Guild ?

Nepgear: The Guild, huh... ?

IF: Oh, right. You've never been there yourself, have you, Gear ? We get all sorts pf work prders from all over Gamindustri there. We take on an assignment, complete it, report the results, and get paid. Pretty simple, right ? Although, actually doing it once may give you a better idea of the flow. Let's go.

Nepgear: okay.... "Kazuma look furious at what happened to us and Gamindustri, i can see it in his eyes"

Blanc: you okay Kazuma ?

Kazuma: *furious* yes, but i can't stop being angry about what they've done to you, your friends and the world you live, they will pay, they will suffer like GRIM REAPER will suffer.

Blanc: they will Kazuma, they will.

Several minutes later, we arrival to the Guild where everyone take jobs to help Gamindustri like solve problems concerning monsters or need materials.

Compa: Hello ! We'd like to sign up for some fun work, please !

IF: Huh. Only one work order today. Let's see... "Quest Overview-- Defeat the dogoos that are overpopulating Virtua Forest. Report of travelers being attacked by packs of dogoos. Terminate them." Well... that works for us.

Compa: Virtua Forest is very close to us. and the Mister Dogoos aren't very tough enemies.

Nepgear: O-Okay... But... am i ready for this ?

IF: you'll be fine. C'mon, let's head to Virtua Forest

Blanc: i need that too, let's go Kazuma.

Kazuma: yes...

Nepgear: "Kazuma doesn't feel good, does fragments of his memories are starting to come back ?"

Kazuma: what's wrong Nepgear ?

Nepgear: huh ! nothing..... it's nothing.

Blanc: "Nepgear notice that Kazuma doesn't feel good, i better keep an eye on my boyfriend to make sure everything's okay"

After we left the Guild we head to the Virtua Forest to do the quest, on the road, Nepgear asked IF and Compa a few thing before talking about Kazuma.

Nepgear: If, you worked for Planeptune's Guild, right ? Or, i mean, are you still employed there ?

IF: of course. Although with the way things are, it's more of a part-time job right now.

Nepgear: sorry, it's because of me, right ?

IF: Nope. Don't sweat it. Even if i'm out of the office; it won't affect the organization much. There are plenty of other agents.

Nepgear: that reminds me, i wanted to ask what the Guild actually... um... does.

IF: espionage, generally. Guild stuff. Acquire confidential intelligence from other nations, spread misinformation to stir up politicians, or sometimes...

Nepgear: that... doesn't sound very nice.

IF: don't get the wrong idea. We've only handled criminal syndicates like ASIC lately, but with GRIM REAPER around, we have more reasons to be worried. for ASIC during the last three years. We've been sneaking into other nations and gathering information about them. Thanks to those efforts, i found out just how serious the trouble os facing Gamindustri.

Blanc: don't forget about GRIM REAPER, Kazuma explain everything to me about them and the threat they pose to Gamindustri as they almost destroy his world years ago.

Nepgear: Oh... i'm sorry. That's my fault, too.

IF: i said not to worry about it. I've only been able to gather intel, not act on the information received.

Blanc: don't blame yourself Nepgear, still i'm also to blame.

Compa: why's that Lady Blanc ?

Blanc: i should've never leave Kazuma's side and thanks to this, he got even more depressed than he was back then. He's in pain after everything he's been through, i should stay with him after all of this is over.

Compa: don't worry, Lady Blanc, i'm sure we will do everything to help him.

Nepgear: Compa's right, don't worry, we will help him.

Blanc: *tears* thank you.

Kazuma: Blanc....

IF: for Kazuma, For Gamindustri, we're together now, right ? So let's save Gamindustri together.

Nepgear: yes, let's do it !

Compa: by the way, Ge-Ge how are you feeling ?

Nepgear: i feel good, all thanks to your care, Compa.

Compa: it was my pleasure. I'm glad my treatment was effective, also you can thank Kazuma, he was the one who completely healed you and Blanc with his light energy.

Nepgear: yes, IF told me that he use his light energy to heal me and Blanc.

Compa: still, i'm worried about him.

Nepgear: why's that ?

Compa: he seems in pain, depression over the lose of his family, they were everything to him. it pains me to see him like this.

Nepgear: i feel the same.

Blanc: same for me, i can't stand seeing him like this, i have to cheer him up, but it will be difficult since his family was almost destroy and he witness his siblings and uncle sacrifice.

IF: he's been through a lot, if you weren't there for him Lady Blanc, he would be this way for a long time.

Blanc: yes, he is everything to me, i won't let GRIM REAPER revive their master, i swear.

Compa: Blanc's really serious about Kazuma, Nepgear we saved you and Blanc, but we couldn't save Nep-Nep, we stay in the party until they all save and that GRIM REAPER & ASIC are destroy.

When we arrival at the Virtua Forest we immediately find the Dogoos, and begin to battle against them.

IF: oh, i see some Dogoos. Ready ?

Compa: yep, yep.

Blanc: me and Kazuma are ready.

Kazuma: time to hunt those Dogoos down.

Nepgear: y-yes...

IF: all right, let's do this !

Dogoo: D-Dogoooooo !?

We fight against the dogoos, since they weren't that strong, they were easy to defeat, however one of them managed to escape and join his friends.

IF: Great. Let's finish this quest up and go collect our reward.

Dogoo: D-Dogoooooo !

Nepgear: Goodness, it's hopping away ! Hold it right there !

Blanc: come on Kazuma let's follow them.

Kazuma: okay Blanc.

We chase after the Dogoo and find his friends, as we were about to corner them, they gather all together and form one big dogoo to fight us.

If: it's really turning this into a chore. All right Dogoo, we've got you cornered now.

Dogoo: Dogooooooooooooo !

Dogoo 1: Dog, dogoo !

Dogoo 2: Dogoooooey !

Compa: yikes ! So many dogoos !

Nepgear: Wh-What are they doing... ?

Dogoo Horde: Doooooooooogoooooooooo !

*The Dogoos fuse together turning into King Dogoo*

King Dogoo: DOG. GOO. DOGOO.

Kazuma: they fused together to form one big dogoo ! interesting

Blanc: and you haven't seen nothing yet dear.

IF: whoa ! that's massive..... things just got more challenging for us... oh, i know. Gear, go ahead and transform. That'll make this a snap.

Nepgear: t-transform ?

IF: Y'know, Hard Drive Divinity. HDD. You and Blanc haven't used it since coming back, right ? Here's your chance.

Compa: Iffy, you just wanna see Ge-e in her super pretty HDD form...

Nepgear: fight... Activate HDD, and fight... Nnnngh...

Blanc: i should try to transform too....

Both of us try to transform, but we realize that the scare of our defeat three years ago was still present and the lack of Shares prevent us from activating HDD Kazuma become frustrated at that.

IF: huh !? what's the matter with you both ?

Nepgear: i... i can't do it ! I'm too scared to use it !

Blanc: i can't transform... the scare is still present within my heart.

Kazuma: *frustrated* Iffy....

Compa: Iffy ! You're being a big bully to Ge-Ge and Blanc right now !

IF: ugh, that wasn't my intention... Jeez, fine ! Let's just beat it up the old fashioned way !

All of us charge at the Big Dogoo to strike, he tried to fight back, but even as a big dogoo, his strength wasn't strong at all and was eliminated in a few minutes.

Kazuma: take this.

King Dogoo: Dogooooooooooo !

Kazuma: well, despite the appearance, he wasn't strong at all.

IF: Phew. That went better than i had hoped. Are you okay, Gear, Blanc ?

Blanc: i'm fine, but as for Nepgear....

Nepgear: i'm so sorry... i....

Kazuma: come one Nepgear, don't be depressed.

IF: just forget it. We completed the quest, so let's go turn in our report and collect our reward.

At this moment Kazuma stop IF as he sense a malicious presence, a presence he and i know too well.

Kazuma: huh ! wait Iffy.

IF: what's wrong Kazuma ?

Kazuma: there's a malicious presence in here.

IF: what !

At this moment, a group of black creatures with yellow eyes appear out of nowhere, it was the Heartless, the presence of those monsters cause Kazuma to be in a fury we never seen before.

Blanc: Dear ! are you okay ?

Kazuma: those bastard..... if they are here, then GRIM REAPER are here as well......

Nepgear: Kazuma ! "what is this energy i sense"

Compa: Kazuma, please stay calm.

Kazuma: they will DIE, ALL OF THEM


The moment he yell at the monsters, a huge amount of energy is absorbed into his body and transform into a form similar to the Goddesses HDD, when light die down, it show him in his transformed state, his torso is now exposed, his eyes become bright blue, a pair of white wings on his back and a blue aura surrounding his body.

IF: is that Kazuma ?

Compa: it's him, but what's this aura surrounding him ?

Blanc: this energy is similar to the Shares we Goddesses has, i think this is his Angelic Form

Nepgear: Angelic Form ?

Blanc: yes, it is a form who is more powerful than his regular form know as Ice Demon King Form, under this form he rely on Angelic energy and use it to create celestial attacks against his enemies.

IF: did you see him like that before ?

Blanc: yes, during my time with him in his world, bunch of Heartless appear out of nowhere and attack his family's dojo, he transformed into his Angelic Form and strike all of them down, before i could intervene.

Nepgear: was he this strong ?

Blanc: yep, but he lost his powers due to his memory loss, but if those creatures are here, that trigger something within him and he got all of his powers back.

Kazuma (Angel Form): Blanc.

Blanc: Yes Kazuma ?

Kazuma (Angel Form): take my hand.

Blanc: o-okay....

Blanc grab Kazuma's hand and she feel a huge amount of energy transferring into her body, Blanc feel it, she feel that his Angelic energy is very similar to the Shares the Goddesses use to use their HDD

Blanc: this feeling.... this power..... it is so Angelic.....

Kazuma: Blanc, i know it will difficult for me to say this, but are you ready to face against the Heartless ?

Blanc: yes, i'm ready, Access !!!

Blanc transform into her Goddess form summoning her Axe and ready to fight alongside Kazuma who summoned his Ice Demon Sword and his OathKeeper Keyblade.

Blanc (White Heart): Transformation complete, let's go Kazuma.

Kazuma (Angel Form): yes Blanc, let's do this.

The Heartless that appear are mainly Shadows and Soldiers immediately charge at both Blanc and Kazuma, the shadows jump to attack as the Soldiers start spinning around themselves to hit them.

Kazuma (Angel Form): don't think....

Blanc (White Heart): you can beat us....

Kazuma (Angel Form) & Blanc (White Heart): THIS EASILY !!!

Both of us slay the Heartless with ease as i notice that those Heartless weren't strong like the Dogoos, but they were different from the monsters from here, i can't stop sensing a malicious aura surrounding those monsters.

Kazuma (Angel Form): take this.

Blanc (White Heart): ahhhhhhhhhh.

Compa: all of the Heartless vanished ! they are both amazing.... huh ?

Nepgear: what's wrong Compa ?

Compa: oh no ! Blanc ! watch out behind you !.

Blanc (White Heart): huh ?

one of the Heartless who escaped attack Blanc from behind, but Kazuma took the hit, he use one of his Keyblade skills to strike him down.

Kazuma (Angel Form): arghhh......

Blanc (White Heart): Kazuma !

Kazuma (Angel Form): just a scratch, don't think an attack like that will work, Sonikku Burēdo ("Sonic Blade").

Kazuma use this technique to quickly hit the Heartless and destroy him, after he finished him, both him and Blanc revert back to their normal form, but i could see it, the tears that flow from his eyes, the fact that the Heartless are here prove that his past is haunting him for most of his life and he suffer from it.

Blanc: dear, you okay ?

Kazuma: *tears* yes, i'am...... come on everyone let's go back......

Nepgear: he really is suffering, what should we do ?

Blanc: something only we can do, heal his heart from it's sadness and purified with love.

Compa: you right, Lady Blanc.

IF: come on let's go back, i'm more worried about him now, i hope he won't do anything stupid.

Nepgear: i hope so, he's suffer more than me, i understand what he's been through, losing most of his family, facing his past all together, heavy depression, i can understand his situation.

Blanc: yes, i know everything about him, when he's like this, it is because he still have in mind the moment, Fuyu, Asuka and Genji sacrificed themselves to seal away The Reaper.

If: it's must be this, but we can think about it later, come on everyone let's head back.

Everyone: alright.

We start to head back to Planeptune and head to the Guild to report our quest, while i was still thinking about all that happen, if GRIM REAPER is really here, than Gamindustri is facing a even greater danger than the Deity of Sin & ASIC, but i swear, i will do anything to prevent that from happening, for Kazuma, Blanc and his family, i will.... prevent Gamindustri's destruction by both GRIM REAPER & ASIC.

Chapter End

That's all for chapter 1, i hope you enjoyed the reading

Next Time in HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The Rise of a Hero

Chapter 2: Blanc's worries, Kazuma's depression

See you next time everyone and take care

KazumaAkimoto out

Okumaya devam et

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